here is a satalite picture of 3 lakes that I fish.
Looks fishy doesnt it.
Do you fish out of a boat or along the shore?
I almost always fish out of a boat
looks good. how's mine look?
heres my favorite river
You guys are nuts giving away your honey holes.
Tipp-It's a confidence thing
Here's a topo of mine. It's kind of in the boondocks so the google earth image is useless.
A lake chart without depth lines
is like a book without words.
QuoteA lake chart without depth linesis like a book without words.
those are kept on my gps ;D
heres a pic of my big'ol home lake
you got to be crazy if Im goin to show you my honey holes LOL ;D
If I show you a map of mine Randall, Doghouse, TritonMike, Senko77, Buzzbaitfool12, and Roper will form a mob and kill me. It is the only known map of Varner.
gene, dont show the map.
man you guys fish some big water compared to the little 1-acre puddles I'm stuck with. It sucks living so far away from good big lakes >
Secret holes - roflmao
How do you guys get this lake maps? I look all over the net for maps of my lakes, and can't find a thing. I don't have a boat, which means I don't have a depth finder, so making my own map is out. The sites I do find don't have the "ponds" on them that I fish. I live in southeast PA, and fish Northmoreland lakes- upper and lower, Keystone, deer lakes, and lake arthur. Everytime I find a topo map site, it is always for land, and not lake maps.
QuoteSecret holes - roflmao
My thoughts exactly.
Where did you get that topo map?
Our state made a book. It's a compilaton of 100 lakes and ponds in RI from a study done in 1957. Call DNR.
Thanks Low_Budget_Hookers, I'll find the number right now and call.
Here's where I spend most of my fishing hours, and I don't care if you all know where it is. It sets in a State Park and gets plenty of traffic. What's a few more??
QuoteHow do you guys get this lake maps? I look all over the net for maps of my lakes, and can't find a thing. I don't have a boat, which means I don't have a depth finder, so making my own map is out. The sites I do find don't have the "ponds" on them that I fish. I live in southeast PA, and fish Northmoreland lakes- upper and lower, Keystone, deer lakes, and lake arthur. Everytime I find a topo map site, it is always for land, and not lake maps.
there was a site..I can't remember the name of it now..that sold maps for most lakes in different areas of the country. I know this isn't much help, lol....but its out there.
QuoteSecret holes - roflmao
Don't you know..if you've found it..its impossible that anyone else is fishing that same area.
thats my private pond...theres a bigger pond just to the left(you can JUST see the edge in the picture..its about 2-4 acres that I'm trying to get permission to fish)
Darn: I forgot to remove the GPS markers
That's Better,...cheater.
not the greatest lake in the world, by any means. Its way over-fished due to the absolute lack of management. Its not very big..70 acres, I believe. Average depth is around....7 ft, I'd say. I got to play in the lake bottom as a kid when they drained the old lake and were fixing things up to create the new lake. The little jut of red you see that goes out into the middle of the water is the old dam.....all that to the top side was dug out and flooded with the new lake along with the red cove. Being that I played in it, thats how I know where the roadbed goes and also know where all the trees actually are, although 85% of them are useless now.
You could fish the red parts and MAY get lucky and get a bluegill to bite....the uncolored parts are mainly catfishing spots(absolutely no cover or structure of any kind in those areas. The blue you can have SOME success in those area's on a good day..but theres still not many fish that hang around those areas. The green...for anyone who is smart enough to realize they can get a boat back there to the whole area...well its good fishing.
The GPS Coords. marked the N and S ends, and intersections with the E/W submerged irrigation ditches. The X's you put on, (and I will never figure out how you did it, marked guaranteed locations for bass over 14 pounds. You gave away my secrets.
The name is "5 de Mayo" at Mexico, about 200 acres, the lake record is 13 lbs:
George, you're kidding right? I used a program called "Cat Claw" selection surveyor.
My cat walked across the keyboard,lol.
( If you are serious, all I did was mark points)
Aha! the catfish share the same space as the bass, and your cat claw found the catfish, which in turn gave up the bass locations.
Those little white spots on the west side of the lake are hotspots. One of those points is too.
Type in and look at the size of Lake Erie, Lake St.Clair, and the Detroit River. Not only Bass heaven but all sorts of fish.