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how important is the internet to you as a fishing resource 2024

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

thought this might be a good topic considering we all like this site so much....

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I wish this had been around when I was first starting out fishing.  

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I think about and use things I have read on this and other sites a lot. And it all does not come from the older crowd. Passing thoughts from some of the obvious younger members are hashed about more than you younger guys realize. When you get to old or set in your ways to try or make changes you may as well hang it up.

I think about it just as I would when picking a doctor for a procedure. I feel the younger ones are a little more up to date on the newer ideas, and I prefer a younger, possibly more aggressive one than one that is older, more set in his ways. JMO.

fishing user avatarCracker reply : 

since I do nearly all my fishing alone, I get all my new tips and techniques online. so I would say that it is pretty important. It certainly has helped improve my numbers on the slower days.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

Very informative and very glad i found this site. It has already helped with my fishing technique.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I can obtain real time weather reports, Topo maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, check prices and availability of products.

Most importantly we can pay it forward ;)

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

Priceless. I just started fishing a few years ago, and have found the information on the internet, and more specifically this site, invaluable. The members here have practically taught me how to fish. I usually fish alone or with my 8 year old daughter, so there is no mentor to help. Thanks to everyone here for all the advice, information, and willingness to help others.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 


It's available 24/7/365, right at our fingertips.  More info than we could possibly consume, let alone digest.

Pros and cons, dissenting and diverse opinions, everything is there.


fishing user avatarsmdono reply : 

The internet has been great, in sparking my interest in fishing not just for bass but for everything again.  I fished when I was younger and stopped around high school and didn't start up again till after college.  I have learned a lot from this site and others.  The internet has helped me increase my knowledge in catching a lot more fish.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

The internet has everything which is both an advantage and a curse.  There is great information to be had and there is bogus information on every subject, including fishing.  The key is to sift through the information and determine what is good and what is B.S.  I think that sites such as this one help immensely to find the good information regarding bass fishing.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Extremely important.....

Without it,i doubt I'd be even catching 1/3 the fish i am now.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

I have been fishing here and there for my whole life, (maybe 2-3 times a year at best) but was never anything more than throwing out whatever bait was tied on the line. In the last few months, I have gotten more into it, and have been doing research, and have learned more than i have over my entire life. This site is great, learning about fish behavior, why they bite, when they bite, where they like to go in the water. Trial and error for something like that would take a very long time. Also great for researching baits. Before the internet, you bought something you wanted to try, maybe talked to a few local guys about it, and asked the guy at the shop. Now you can look up reviews from all over the world, get tips about how to use the bait, and see what others have done with it.

That being said, for me the internet and especially this site will be huge in my progress.

fishing user avatarbigfish88 reply : 
since I do nearly all my fishing alone, I get all my new tips and techniques online. so I would say that it is pretty important. It certainly has helped improve my numbers on the slower days.

ya i agree, i usually fish alone too.. and this site is clutch for me and don't know where i'd be without the internet to answer my ?'s haha..

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

As a learning tool it is unbeatable when combined with time on the water. At First I can say that I spent most of the time pretty confused about different concepts such as migration routes and seasonal patterns but once you are able to get out there, catch a few, and start to think about what you've read here it starts to come together on paper.

  I can say without a doubt that this site makes you a much more analytical thinker.  8-)


fishing user avatarBig Phish reply : 

Just think of all the things the internet make so much easier as far as fishing goes...

the articles on this site

the input from other fishermen

you tube technique videos

shopping (ebay esp. and craigslist esp. for boats)

weather alerts

fishing reports

lake contour maps

the list literally can go on and on

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

i think it best serves me with bodies of water that i have never been on and product reviews...its always great to be able to ask people if they like something before buying it...especially if its something expensive..

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

For the past six months the internet has been my only fishing resource!

fishing user avatarShouldBe0utdoors reply : 

Very Very important. It helped me figure out which baits were working and how to fish them. It also helped me discover new types of baits and rigs.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

Even though i know it all i still finding myself knowing more then i knew before ,and since i knew it all anyway im knowingly in the know .no matter who tells me No that wont work i show um it has worked for me knowing full well  i already knew it all

No knowlegde

No fish

No fun

Know fish

know when

know where

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

It's been a big help for me as well, mostly this site and youtube videos.  

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

This site has done alot for me...introduced new baits, rods, reels, ect, and has helped me better understand what it takes to catch more fish, and better quality fish. I'll take this oppertunity to thank all those that have in one way, or another contibuted thei knowledge so that we may catch better fish.

fishing user avatardmac14 reply : 

The internet has helped me in many aspects. Not only through knowledge but also information on equipment. This has been huge for me, sure I can go to the store and feel a fishing reel and it could be smooth but if many people found it to break fast I can go check ratings and ask people. Tackletour, basspro, and cabelas have all provided me with great ratings on equipment that has helped me choose it. Also had I not run into this forum I would never have found Yo Zuri, KVD L&L, and possibly Shimano.

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

I would REALLY miss it if it was gone.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

A bit of entertainment before I go out and fish, I do some research on equipment beforehand which is helpful.

I stay away from being too analytical, I like to keep things simple, works for me.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

This site and Google Earth are big helps.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Very important.

Visiting various sites regarding baits, techniques, tackle, places to fish, etc. is very instrumental in the understanding of all aspects of fishing.

The Internet also has debunked a number of statements made to me while growing up and has also explained why things happened and when, due to weather, the moon, etc.  :)

fishing user avatarbelak00 reply : 

Having two young children and a full time job, the internet is my only fishing resource. I don't get out to the water nearly as much as I want to, and the internet gives me that needed bridge between my living room and the lake. I grew up fishing walleye and northern pike here in northern Minnesota. Now I want to give bass a try and lucky for me I found this excellent forum.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

If it weren 't for the innernet I would not have purchased all that fishing stuff I don 't fish with. Go figure.

fishing user avatarbasswitch reply : 

The wealth of information the net provides is incredible, for fishing and all things. Not to mention, it gives me something to do on rainy, cold days in June(?!) when I can't go fishing!

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

I have learned ALOT so far and hooked into some high numbers and better size fish because of it.

BR has def helped my fishing!

fishing user avatarGomer Pyle reply : 

Wow! No internet? What a scary thought. :o Makes me wonder how we ever evolved as an informed society.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Extremely important to me, crucial i would say! Especially this website! There is always someone who knows more than you and willing to help.


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