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Fishing Ettiquette 2024

fishing user avatarAJMichigan reply : 

Was fishing along the grand river today when a family approaches the same spot i'm fishing in. This is a small spot, maybe 20 feet of bank that you can actually fish in. I say "Hey man, this spot is kinda taken."


The dad got rude with me! told me off! Told me I didnt own the bleeping property.


So about 10 minutes later i ask to have a convo with him privately and attempt to give him a lesson in fishing ettiquette. Dude wanted to hear nothing of it and threatened to beat I disagree! LOL.


Whatever, some people are just ********.


What do you guys do when others attempt to intrude on your spot?

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I tell them to watch out for the copperheads where they are fishing.

fishing user avatarS_Miketa6 reply : 

Haven't had any heated conversations yet, but recently at a tournament I pulled up to a spot and was working a weed line by this buoy and was just drifting along, when another boat pulls about 10-15 yards in front of me, where I am headed doesn't say anything and I didn't say anything, caught three nice fish in about 5 minutes and stays right in front of me...

fishing user avatarcamovan reply : 

I tie on the weighted trebles and start casting out of control. If that doesnt work I start preaching to my crankbaits. Have not had to think up a 3rd tactic yet.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

Truly i'm just so non-confrontational i wouldn't say much if anything.  if i were to do anything in this situation it would likely be to just continue fishing and not even worry about which direction i was casting.  i didn't really catch it from your post, but did the family have poles in hand ready to fish?

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Unless it's your lake, you were in the wrong.

fishing user avatarAJMichigan reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 9:07 AM, buzzed bait said:

Truly i'm just so non-confrontational i wouldn't say much if anything.  if i were to do anything in this situation it would likely be to just continue fishing and not even worry about which direction i was casting.  i didn't really catch it from your post, but did the family have poles in hand ready to fish?


Yes They did.

fishing user avatarAJMichigan reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 9:09 AM, tomustang said:

Unless it's your lake, you were in the wrong.


It's an Ettiquette thing here, like you just don't do that. Fisherman's code, whatever you wanna call it. You don't intrude that close to someone else's fishing spot unless you ask first and they say it's okay. Have some d**n respect.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

When it comes to bank fishing unfortunately there is no "rule" like that.  You get all kinds of people who don't even care about the sport like we do.  I generally keep fishing maybe even turn it into an opportunity to share what I am doing if they are friendly.  It's not a tournament and the water/land is not yours. 


Now don't get me wrong ... there is common courtesy and smothering others fishing.  That is just downright rude and obnoxious.  If they were truly being a-holes then I wouldn't want to be fishing around them anyway and move elsewhere.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Anytime a family is coming out with kids it trumps my desire to fish....i would find another spot myself or turn it into an opportunity to help with the kids and maybe educate them a little on C&R or just make sure the kids have a good time.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 9:09 AM, AJMichigan said:

Yes They did.


I'd have probably just called it quits or found somewhere else to go....  i'd rather the family get a chance for an outing than me, i could go anytime i'd like 

fishing user avatarJolly Green reply : 

Different folks have different ideas of personal space, same for personal fishing space.  There's a small dam/lock near me where there's probably 30' total fishable bank to either side, plus rail around the lock. There are usually a half-dozen entire families plus any number of single anglers fishing for anything that'll bite, and none of them seem to mind the crowd at all.


If I had happened upon you, fishing along 20' of bank, I would have kept on walking, but that's just me. 

fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 

I've only had it happen where some little kids were fishing near me, but they didn't know any better. (Nobody was catching anything anyway lol) If I see someone in my spot before I get there, I always ask "hey, do you mind if I fish here too?" They always let me stay and fish, but if they were to say no, I would leave them be and not make a big deal. First come first serve.

fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 9:13 AM, Felix77 said:

When it comes to bank fishing unfortunately there is no "rule" like that. You get all kinds of people who don't even care about the sport like we do. I generally keep fishing maybe even turn it into an opportunity to share what I am doing if they are friendly. It's not a tournament and the water/land is not yours.

Now don't get me wrong ... there is common courtesy and smothering others fishing. That is just downright rude and obnoxious. If they were truly being a-holes then I wouldn't want to be fishing around them anyway and move elsewhere.

I second this. Sometimes I have to make quite a drive to get to some spots. If someone is there already; I'll politely ask if they mind if I fish that spot. 99.9% of the time they say yeah no problem. I then try and stay out of there way and maybe shoot the breeze alittle bit. One time I did this and I could tell the guy wasn't to happy. He left about an hour later and left behind a box containing about 100 bucks with of senkos. I took the box and about a week later I was fishing the spot and he came down. I said hey buddy I got your worms and he was so happy. Never had a problem fishing with him again. Many times it's all how you treat people and you have to be the bigger man.

fishing user avatarSwampstud reply : 

Yep id of lost it after trying to be polite and getting told. There are some WHACK jobs here in ol michigan. ive been tryin to get the gf to move north! Its not that difficult to find another spot 30-40 feet away. Ive had one guy harass a buddy and I for fishing his dock, in a boat with no one around but him and he starts givin us crap, screw you buddy heres a few more pitches to your dock, you gotta a problem call the dnr. More was said than that but lol. Ive always had kids approach and I dont mind that heck ive even shown 4 n 5yo kids how to use my fish finder on the ice to give somethin to do. Disrespectful adults dont get that tho, and darn jet skiers...... Argggghh if they cant be courteous why do you have to be back. I mean if you were fishing from a dock n I pulled up in my boat and fished right off your dock. Thats bogue

fishing user avatarthe rod tosser reply : 

I live in the metro area, Kinda of happens alot . If there kids it dont bother me as much . The hard thing to remember is they have as much rite to fish the spot as I do ,But on the other hand If I start tossing rocks into the water becuase you are being a real @$$ remember that I have the right to do that too .  


fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

It depends on the spot. There are certain spots around here that you cant stretch your arms without hitting someone. If its that location i am fine with it. Otherwise, i am right there with you. I hate when people i dont know start crowding my spot when there is plenty of real estate.  When shore fishing i dont stay in the same spot very long so ill just move. IMO when it comes to shore fishing, if the people are already standing next to you, and add in anxious kids, the spot is already ruined because of them stomping around.  If you really want people to leave, just say that you want to warn them you have the flu or something else thats not serious but contagious. Most people arent going to want to stick around. Everyone has the same right to fish i agree, but that doesnt mean its not rude. 

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

I agree with Jolly Green about different people have different ideas about personal space. Further more, depending on how you fish, all you need is 2-3 feet wide space in front of you, like night crawler and bobber. I can understand how some people might get mad, if someone is not sharing 20 feet of space. However, the attitude and language of the guy sounds totally crazy and he is doing this in front of his family.


Personally when I am fishing, I do not like others to be around. I loose my concentration and I end up paying more attention to them than to the fish. Fishing to me is about me feeling good. So I usually just move on (bank or boat ).

fishing user avatartate reply : 

I understand extending courtesy to others and I personally will not jump in front or anywhere near someone fishing (unless Grampa or Rhino, lol) but I also accept the fact that I don't own the lake and that folks are free to come/go and fish where ever they choose.  I hate to give in and move because someone just pulled within 20 feet of me but I usually will just move away.   I just experienced this repeatedly up on Champlain for the week.  It was amazing to me with the size of that lake and so many places to fish that boats will pull right up to where you are.  In one case they pulled right up to where I was casting and they could see that I was casting to that spot.  There are plenty of fish in the pond so I just moved along, not worth getting ticked off during a great day on the water fishing.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I feel your pain man!! During the stripe bass run up the Hudson its Crazy... no respect you will get some guys who are cool this is the first year I went to public access spot and it was just mayhem... next year I'll b going on private land or out.on my kayack.. that's why when I bass fish I go yo private ponds/ lakes and in never bothered which I love!! Sucks he did that though makes a good fishing trip turn sour real quick..

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Out west there have been people pull guns on others for standing on their rock for salmon/steelhead fishing! Didn't matter that they got their first. When I bank fish now I kind of expect company and conversation. If I'm in a boat I try to head to quieter places. Usually too the earlier ya go the quieter it is.

Tight Lines...good luck

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 

This topic comes up enough with my friends and myself. We discussed in detail.


1: what are they fishing for? If they are a family and kids and fishing for sunfish, I can usually cast further than them. It really doesn’t bother me. Let them be, one day that’s you and your kids.


2: If they are bass fishing, usually the people around here do have the etiquette. Here's the key, if they look like they KNOW what they are doing and are intruding on your space, it can get annoying. This is when we whip out a bottle of JJ's Magic, dip and cast as close to them as possible, within your comfort zone. My definition if "intruding" is if I lose more than 50% of real estate i have prior to them showing up. If i can take a few steps and get more fishing area, i'm ok. Life is too short to be angry at the little things.


For those that are against the whole etiquette rule, you have it good. Around me I have groups that come into the space i'm fishing, be loud/obnoxious and annoy you enough so that they can take over your spot. Have that happen to you a few times and then come talk to me.


fishing user avatarMrsBassAssasin reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 9:10 AM, AJMichigan said:

It's an Ettiquette thing here, like you just don't do that. Fisherman's code, whatever you wanna call it. You don't intrude that close to someone else's fishing spot unless you ask first and they say it's okay. Have some d**n respect.

I definitely agree ! Find your own spot people! 

fishing user avatarMrsBassAssasin reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 9:12 PM, wngan9447 said:



2: If they are bass fishing, usually the people around here do have the etiquette. Here's the key, if they look like they KNOW what they are doing and are intruding on your space, it can get annoying. This is when we whip out a bottle of JJ's Magic, dip and cast as close to them as possible, within your comfort zone. My definition if "intruding" is if I lose more than 50% of real estate i have prior to them showing up. If i can take a few steps and get more fishing area, i'm ok. Life is too short to be angry at the little things.



 HAHA Gonna have to try your JJs trick  . I always keep some around anyway!

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

i dont mind if people come where im really doesnt affect my ability to catch fish anyway and really its nice to see people taking their kids fishing cause i would rather them grow up doing that than probably out robbing my house or so lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Fortunately for me I haven't ran into any people like you are talking about. I have had a few cops come and one told me to leave and come back after he leaves in case the person who called is watching, another was a female cop and she told me that people think they own the lake and they don't so I didn't have to leave.

Other than that I get the occasionally person walking their dog asking me what I am catching and their stories of fish they've seen. It's funny when you get the kids and you catch a fish they along with their parents get all excited it's pretty cool.

I don't think I would have reacted the way you did when the father is clearly trying to show his toughness in front of his family I would have to think really hard about not humbling him in that situation lol. Then he turns out to be a UFC fighter and kicks me *** and throws my fishing stuff in the water lol

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

hahahahaa ufc fighter lol that would be some luck lol

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 


Whatever, some people are just ********.


I see so many of these threads complaining about when guys do wrong.  Happens all the time.  But more frequently (at least in my experience) people do the right thing.  Why don't we give them props?  Seems like we spend too much time lying in wait for someone to make us angry.  Go fishing.  Someone acts like a jerk, kill them with kindness. Karma is a....

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 12:43 AM, J Francho said:

I see so many of these threads complaining about when guys do wrong.  Happens all the time.  But more frequently (at least in my experience) people do the right thing.  Why don't we give them props?  Seems like we spend too much time lying in wait for someone to make us angry.  Go fishing.  Someone acts like a jerk, kill them with kindness. Karma is a....

I agree that in a lot of situations killing people with kidness is a good thing. Although if someone acts like a jerk while fishing, and youre nice about it then they would think that behavior is acceptable.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

It has nothing to do with fishermans code or anything like that. It is just a common courtesy to give people their space and let live. It is very self centered and selfish not to be aware of your surondings not to mention you are not setting such a good example for your children by getting into it with someone. There are people like that all over the place. It all sounds like white noise to me.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

guy comes barging in there with his buddies or himself and intrudes acting like that i may be angry, but will move along and move on

guy comes barging in there with his family i say move along and not penalize the kids for their dad being an a**.....  fish and let fish

fishing user avatarAJMichigan reply : 

Thanks for the responses/advice guys. I just needed to vent, and good to hear what you guys had to say about it :)


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