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I hate people 2024

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

Ok OK most people I like. But its the thieves I hate. I fish these ponds that are way out of the way and you can only get to them by walking way to far or riding a bike. Iv been riding my bike out there about 3 years. Yesterday i was bringing in some stuff and my bike was gone i asked about it and every one looked at me and said Isent it in your truck :o. Some not so kind person came into my garadge walked past my wifes bike my kids bike all my tools and a troling motor and took my bike. now its not that the bike was one of those that cost 400 dollars. It was a gift and i think that cost 60 bucks. Its the point of it all. Its was mine.........................mine mine mine >:( not theres. to boot now i'm all freeked out that they can come into my house and take something and nobody had a clue and now they know what i have in my garage. Dose and one know how much crack one can get for a snap on tool box or a troling motor??  

fishing user avatarbassattack1990 reply : 

that sucks....i understand fully i had my wallet and cellphone stole at school. there was like a dallor and a phone card in the wallet it just the point that it was mine and the wallet was a gift i just dont understand people.......... >:(

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

O had a jon boat  stolen a few years ago. 14ft and in perfect condition.

I had it tied up to a tree in a creek behind our house, and one day it was gone. :'(

I wish i never left it there. Now i have to spend $600 if i want another one.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

That why I padlock my trailer even at home, the tms all have locks on them, and I have a 15 ft. logging chain, I wrapp around a tree and around the trailer, up thru the handles for the boat, and padlocked again.

The funny thing is, here at home, I have never had a problem with anyone messing with anything.  It is always when I am somewhere else....  like at the lake, and I am out on the boat fishing...

My dad used to say, liars and thieves are one thing I can not stand,, and they all should be shot on sight.

I think he was on to something.....

I feel for ya man, it just is so wrong.

fishing user avatarnorthgabassfisher reply : 

that sucks I work at a tackle store and not to long ago we had some one try to steal a bunch of lucky craft lures and stuff it totaled out to around $100, like you said I hate thieves. I hope you get your stuff back and they lock that guy up for awhile. >:(

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

It just sucks.  The more I think about it the madder I get.

What is wrong with these people? Don't they know better?? Where where there perants??

Don't they ask where did that bike / boat / wallet or cell phon  come from i don't recall buying that for you if my kid came up with something like that id make him take it back and bust his but

i gatta stop Im getting to mad


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
What is wrong with these people? Don't they know better?? Where where there perants??

Don't they ask where did that bike / boat / wallet or cell phon come from i don't recall buying that for you if my kid came up with something like that id make him take it back and bust his but


Can't assume it was a kid.  Not these days, you said, how much crack can you get.....

Actually, sounds like someone needed a ride.  With all the other "good" stuff there, why take a $60 bike?  And why not the wifes bike?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I am so sorry for you.

I live near a sewer (Memphis) and I know EXACTLY how you feel.

I don't want any of these animals breaking into my house, but I fantasize about it...DOA...They deserve nothing less.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Some not so kind person came into my garadge walked past my wifes bike my kids bike all my tools and a troling motor and took my bike. now its not that the bike was one of those that cost 400 dollars.

Your description of that misguided crook reminds me of the thief who entered my house in Sayreville, NJ.

Obviously a youngster, he broke into my den through the sliding glass door and passed by a treasure trove

of unlocked rifles, shotguns and bows. Instead, he grabbed two 6-packs of beer from my garage,

but left one 6-pack on my ping-pong table so he could ****** a handful of arrows from my quiver.

I can picture him running across my backyard in the darkness of night with a handful of razor-sharp broadheads!!! sad3.gif


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I don't know what the law is in your state.  But in many states burglarizing a garage that is attached to a house is considered a violent felony.  Very serious crime.  If somehow this guy gets caught and is not a minor, you can smack him pretty hard.  Just make sure the DA knows your serious

I too had a jon boat stolen.  It still makes me want to go postal.  

fishing user avatarJosh VanderMeer reply : 

man i hate that so much .... i got my bike stolen wen i left it outside a convienience store for like 5mins and it was gone ....stuff at my high school is stolen every freaking day its so gay

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Right after college, I was living in a cabin whose back porch literally overhung a slow-moving river. I'd come home from work, grab a rod and cast off the porch. Or at least I did until I got home one day and all my fishing stuff and my favorite sleeping bag (which was spread out on a cot) were gone. I didn't fish again for more than 20 years . . .

fishing user avatarLady Bass reply : 

            I had pool floats stolen out of my pool this summer.what get's me is that my yard is fenced in so they had to jump the fence late at nite when we we're all I don't leave anything outside at nites now and just leave on the lamposts and censor lights.sorry to hear your loss about your bike.

fishing user avatarDane reply : 

As Dubya would say..

Fool me on you...  Fool me twice...ya..ya..Fool me once, I can't be fooled again.

nah really, too bad man..

fishing user avatarGAMEOVER reply : 

Not to promote violence in anyway but, if you stole from me id kick your teeth in.. then id pray for you.

I'm from one of the biggest gutters in the country, Detroit.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Short on theft:

Bike stolen - middle of the night, no witness

Kid caught riding bike - claims found in the woods

Prosecutor - did you witness theft, answer no

Charge dismissed

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 



fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Some not so kind person came into my garadge walked past my wifes bike my kids bike all my tools and a troling motor and took my bike. now its not that the bike was one of those that cost 400 dollars.

Your description of that misguided crook reminds me of the thief who entered my house in Sayreville, NJ.

Obviously a youngster, he broke into my den through the sliding glass door and passed by a treasure trove

of unlocked rifles, shotguns and bows. Instead, he grabbed two 6-packs of beer from my garage,

but left one 6-pack on my ping-pong table so he could ****** a handful of arrows from my quiver.

I can picture him running across my backyard in the darkness of night with a handful of razor-sharp broadheads!!! sad3.gif


Yeah, and then if he fell on the broadheads, he would sue you for being injured on your property.  And I'll bet he'd have a decent chance of winning the suit.  Many laws have been turned upside down.  Many have forgotten that laws should be created in the service of justice, not to serve some lawyer's pocketbook.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


I grew up hard and fought my whole life end result I got shot and that opened my eyes I have lived a non violent life for over 14 years now I dont need to prove to anyone how tough I am

The most important quote I ever read FATHER FORGIVE THEM THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO

fishing user avatarFIN-S-R reply : 

Had my deer cam stolen last week. I just dont get it. I had another cam set up to keep an eye on my feeder cam and stand. Got him on the 2nd cam, posted his pics in all the local gas stations stealing.

I hate thieves

fishing user avataranglerintraining reply : 

I guess we all have a story--had my new digital camera stolen a few months back when I left it under a table @ a restaurant.  Went right back, & "No...we haven't seen it" one seated there since I left.

It IS infuriating--I was SO MAD, but we can't give these crooks any more power than we already have.  We didn't choose to have them steal from us, BUT we can choose to let them alter our view of mankind.  I think the hardest part is that we don't get to "vent" at the right person, and we really want to let them have it.

My parents were pretty much ruined financially by a scam artist a few years back, & I can't tell you the level of anger/hatred I felt toward him.  He's in prison, thank goodness, after stealing almost $1 million--all from senior citizens.  Now my dad works the local elections occasionally for $7/hr at age 82, and we support them financially.

HOWEVER, we all have chosen to move on.  The real treasure is my parents themselves, and thankfully I still have them.  The other things are just...things.  They just are in someone else's custody now!

When you're ready, life is infinitely better focusing on the good, and I'm grateful to say there's been a LOT of wonderful people in my life...even the kind people who I just meet in passing--like a lot of you guys on this site!

Bass Smacker, hang in there--don't let it get you down for long.

fishing user avatarbassholebuster14 reply : 

i pulled a bike out of the middle of a lake took it home fixed it up and tried to

sell it for $30 well ges someone didnt want to pay  the cash

for it. havent seen it sence :'(

(PS i had to mow my lawn 3 times insted to get the money for my reel)

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

I feel for you bass smacker. I recently fished with a member from the board, camofish, and I biked down to the ramp because it is so close to my house and I biked down there with two rigs, a big tackle bag, and a bunch of other stuff in the bag. I put my bike way out of the way underneath a tree and bushes and made sure it was barely visible. camo pulled up and we were off. When we got back We loaded the boat and Camo was gonna put my boat in his car, and I was siked about that. Go back to get my bike and what do you know, its not there anymore. Now I have to walk everywhere when I go fishing it is really annoying and now I have to save up for a new bike, which interferes with my tackle money.   >:(

fishing user avatarYankeesWin reply : 

Re: I hate people


Muddy hits it on the head AGAIN!!! :)

I know how it sucks, but you can't let them bring you down to that level. They will get what they have comming. ;)

I feel for ya!


fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

                                  Thank you all for your support it just sucks that we live in a world where we have to lock up our stuff and keep our kids inside. All the whiele the crooks and pervs are running free.....  When i was a kid i was to be home when the street lights came on. My kids can't go to park next to my house with out a shaperone.....    

fishing user avatarSyfer420 reply : 

ok listen listen listen i'll return the bike, heres the story i was using the bike to get to the crack spot than i was gonna bring it back hahahahaha. Sorry that i see the humor in everything,  sorry about your bike but people are stupid one time someone stole my water shoes at a water park ewwww. Goes to show you people will steal anything given the opportunity

fishing user avatarJall65 reply : 
Short on theft:

Bike stolen - middle of the night, no witness

Kid caught riding bike - claims found in the woods

Prosecutor - did you witness theft, answer no

Charge dismissed

You know an old fashioned belt spanking would have gotten out the truth of that "boy". But now days that is considered abuse .

Once I had every single piece of hunting clothing I own stolen as well as a most of my hunting gear(knives lights etc.) thank goodness I had my archery equipment and guns with me.

Thieves are the worst kind of people that walk the earth.. Its just wrong when you work your tail off to have something for some low life to take .


I don't think that applies to thieves... I'm pretty sure they know whats theirs or not. If you didn't buy it it's not yours  :-/simple and plain

fishing user avatardabluz reply : 

The area where I live has about the lowest crime rate in the world.  But still there are things being stolen every once in a while.

As it is now, the punishment is not strong enough to deter thieves.  Corporal punishment should be part of the sentence.  Maybe amputation of a member along with a jail term for the amputation to heal would be a good idea.

fishing user avatarRockvilleMDAngler reply : 

My senior year of college (2002) my fraternity house was broken into.  The thieves had their pick of an XBox, PS2, several new computers, speakers galore, but instead they took a few rolls of quarters and my buddy's laptop.  The laptop was a 1994 model 486 and was not worth $20 but it contained a book he had been writing for 4 years that was over 300 pages long.  When he saw it was gone he fell to the floor and sobbed for an hour.  That was one of the worst things I have ever witnessed since the guy was normally Hi-fricken-larious and we were all dying to read the book but he said too much of it was written spur-of-the-moment and he could never re-create it.

fishing user avatardabluz reply : 
My senior year of college (2002) my fraternity house was broken into. The thieves had their pick of an XBox, PS2, several new computers, speakers galore, but instead they took a few rolls of quarters and my buddy's laptop. The laptop was a 1994 model 486 and was not worth $20 but it contained a book he had been writing for 4 years that was over 300 pages long. When he saw it was gone he fell to the floor and sobbed for an hour. That was one of the worst things I have ever witnessed since the guy was normally Hi-fricken-larious and we were all dying to read the book but he said too much of it was written spur-of-the-moment and he could never re-create it.

I'm very surprised that your buddy did not save guard his book. All he had to do was insert a diskette into the computer and every 5 or 10 minutes, all that he had written would have been safe guarded automaticallly. Lots of things could have happened to his computer and he would have lost everything. He had 4 years to figure that out.

Lots of crimes are preventable.  I had my house broken into in 1996.  We were away on vacation.  All my guns and rifles, 2 tv, 2 videos, computer, ghetto blaster.  We got a call from a friend saying we had been robbed.  We didn't interrupt our  In a way, I was kind of glad the stuff had been stolen....I ended up getting brand new stuff that was much better.

Now I guess you are wondering why I said it was preventable.  About 1 week before leaving for vacation, my wife and I were at a big party.  There were about 200 people there.  Almost everyone knew us.  Somebody asked when we were leaving for vacation and for how long.  My wife yelled out the day we were leaving and when we were coming back.  I didn't want to reprimand my wife too much but I did hint at the fact that what she had done was not a good idea.  When you tell 200's sure that in the next few days at least 1000 people know about it.  We live in a community that has a lot of family ties and friends.  News go through this community real fast.

I don't own anything really precious.  Maybe my vintage guitars and amps, a stamp collection that I started over 50 years ago, family photos and my fishing gear would be hard to replace, but that's about it.

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

I despise thieves. I have had many things stolen over the years and I pity the idiot that I catch stealing from me as he will receive the vengeance that I have held in reserve for all the others that have taken from me. The police haven't ever done anything...Anything to ever get back property or even catch the Knuckleheads that stole from me. Catching a thief does not benefit the police or the justice system. It costs them money from their budgets to house and hold these scumbags. I do not abide by religious teachings that say "turn the other cheek" or "forgive them"....Screw 'em. I have lost thousands of dollars worth of tools and equipment to thieves over many years. A thief is as bad as a rapist in my book and any vengeance they receive is well deserved.

Sorry for the rant but that is how I feel.

fishing user avatarCaptain Underpants reply : 

It's all man's fallen nature. We all have it, and we can't change it. :( Thank God for Christ, cause he's the only one who ever did live a perfect life, died the death we deserved, and physically rose from the dead. His elect have His righteousness imputed to them


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