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Confidence Lost... 2024

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Anyone else on a terrible skunk lately?  I have been out three or fours times a week for four weeks now with nothing but one single dink to show for it.  I have completely lost confidence in everything I throw.  I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.  I am fishing where the fish "should" be for this time of year, I have literally thrown everything in my box.  I have fished slower than I thought possible, all depths, everything I can think of.  My confidence baits for this lake haven't produced anything.  Even have tried some stuff I don't normally throw.  Seems on the local bass forum people are catching fish, good ones too.  I am at the point now where I just want to get bit, dinks are welcome now!  I guess my real question is how do I fix it?  Any suggestions?  Do I just keep grindin away.  Its like starting fresh with confidence in nothing.

Ok, I am done whining now.  Thanks for any help.


fishing user avatarbassinbob54 reply : 

been advice is to tie on your absolutly favorite bait and just go'll come back

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Up until the last week or so the fish have been way behind the normal scheldule for this time of year. Been an extremely cold, long winter that has set them back. I think you will see them start showing up now as they have for the last 20 years. Keep at it.

fishing user avatartdc rangemaster reply : 

Its called fishing..not catching.. just relax and fish your confidence lures.. find some fish with search baits..and just enjoy the out of doors. It happens to the best of us. try another lake. youll find some active fish and maybe that wallhanger on any cast. 

fishing user avatarhiker reply : 

Why not take a little break from it, then come back with the idea of just going out with the goal of having some fun?  Just make the determination to have fun with it, and any fish you catch is just a bonus.  That's what I would do.  I don't think super high stress levels are conducive to catching fish.

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

try something new.  something you haven't done before or wanna get better at.  if you don't catch any fish, you're no worse off than you were.  if you do, your confidence in a seldom-used technique just grew by leaps and bounds as it pulled you out of a slump.  either way, you are learning, improving, and making yourself a more versatile angler.

this too shall pass............................. ;D

fishing user avatarRiverFisher13 reply : 

I agree with paul. couple years ago i hit a awful slump so i just used the time to familiarize my self with new bait and tactics.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I agree with fishfordollars, this has been a very perplexing start to this years spawn so I don't think the slump is with what you are doing but rather what the bass aint doing.

Patience young grasshopper  ;)

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Trying some new baits and presentations is a good way to keep your head in the game. When you get that out of your system, go back to what you know works. I sometimes get so caught up in changing color, weight, style, etc. that I spend more time bouncing between presentations than fishing what I know catches fish.

Relax and enjoy the ride. 8-) Good luck.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Start fishing the Senko and Fat Ika exclusively

for awhile.


fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

Fishing is not all about catching the fish, and landing a 5lber would be a bonus. I enjoy been out door after a long week at the office, making few cast and relax.

My local lake gets tons of fishing pressure, and the bass is not easy to catch.  When bass fishing gets tough, I just pull out my ultra-light rod and catch some crappies. But if I am determined to catch a bass, then Senko usually do it for me. Fishing is about relaxation, so don't let it stress yourself out.

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 

For me (and I am no expert for sure), when the bite gets tough I get creative particularly with presentation.  If slow aint working in the cold of winter, rip it off the bottom with gusto or put on a soft plastic without any weight (like a senko) and just let it fall really slow.  I have only been fishing for 2 years, I do not look forward to sucha  severe slump, but I am sure it will come!! Hopefully not, heres to hoping :)

Fishing in bama has picked up fairly good for us I think, not sure why texas is lagging behind? Then again, the fishing gods may just be testing you my sone :)

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

Don't over think it! Or maybe try another lake and then you might realize to yourself it isn't you.

fishing user avatarzerofivenismo reply : 

If it weren't for bad days, you wouldn't know how to cherish the good days.  Keep grinding and having fun, don't put the added pressure on yourself.  This is coming from a guy who's been shut out thus far. 

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

It can be very frustrating when they just won't bite anything. The lake you're fishing can absolutely make all the difference in the world. Go where the bite is hot if you can...this time of year they are going to be catchable soon, and on the banks where they can be quickly located.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
I am fishing where the fish "should" be for this time of year,

Where is that? What's your thinking?

fishing user avatarwhoopbazz reply : 

Roland Martin was asked what do you do if you caught a fish or two (or more) early and didn't have a bite for hours. He said go back to what got you there. Meaning go back to the bait and patten that worked that morning.

I expand this with your situation. Under these condtions, what has worked for me in the past. And that's what I do.

Keep in mind the calander in the spring and fall is a lousey way to judge condtions. The super cold long term winter in TX is a great example.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
I am fishing where the fish "should" be for this time of year,

Where is that? What's your thinking?

THose are two of the questions I'd want to know about.  And then include this....

This time of year by the calendar, or the existing conditions?

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

I break out my ultra lite rig when the skunk is on. I usually never fail to hook up with something, and quite often hook into very nice bass and pickerel. It gets me back into the groove of catching fish.

Fish in the same areas you usually do and you may find all they wanted was something smaller. It's a fact most of the critters bass eat average around 2".

fishing user avatarRed reply : 
I am fishing where the fish "should" be for this time of year,

Where is that? What's your thinking?

I could be way off, guess I should have mentioned that.. I am mostly fishing a very large shallow bay are on the north end of the lake.  The main river systems enters here along with a smaller creek.  The shoreline is tons and tons of flooded timber.  I have also been fishing any drops offs I locate as well as pitching into the timber.  In short, coves and backs of creeks.   Most of the areas I have been in range from 5-12 feet deep. Am I even close?  ;D


fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Im about to head to the lake for the first time this season tommorow. I havent been on the lake since July of 09. Its gonna be mind boggling for me as I have studied and researched new techniques and baits.

I want to try what I have researched,but also want to go back to my confidence lures.

Being that its the first time back on the water in awhile,its gonna take a little time to relearn everything. Launching the boat,ect.

When the "skunk" arrives for me,I almost always go to a dropshot rig on my Ultralight rod with a  small dropshot bait. Im almost always guaranteed to catch at least "Something",whether it be a dink bass,A bluegill or a trout,as those are all the species this particular lake has in it.

Might even leave your gear in your vehicle and just do a "recon" of the spots you want to fish and try to brainstorm how to approach and fish them. Then go get your gear and give it a shot,if thats even feasible(just a thought).

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

Just keep @ it and grind it out. Last year I was going thru a bad period. What got me out of my funk was talking to a guy at the lake I was fishing. He told me not to overthink and just have fun. I went to my truck, put everything back except for 1 rod,1 pack of worms, 3 hooks, and a few weights. Just taking my time going back to basic's. It helped get my mind clear, and I started catching fish again.

fishing user avatarHellbenderman reply : 

It's times like these I turn to the Flying Lure. I swallow four or five Flying Lures with several shots of Jack Daniels, and after a few minutes I don't care any more. Seriously, I feel your pain! Your luck is about to change, though. Looks like the temperature is going from highs of 55 to highs in the 70s by Friday. Have you just had a nasty cold front? Have you guys been getting a lot of the rain that has come east? I don' t know what kind of winter you've had or what the water temp is, but I'm betting if the weather stays warm you will do better. For whatever reason they aren't where you think they should be. That said, I'd be looking for the route the fish take to get onto that flat and the routes into those coves. They will take specific routes into those places. Find them, find fish. At the same time, all that timber...a jig with a it shallow, a foot, to deep over all that!

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Thanks for all the great info y'all!!  I will surely put it to use and let you know how I end up.


fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
Start fishing the Senko and Fat Ika exclusively

for awhile.

X2 - These are generally fail safe lures during this cold water period. Once you start getting bit, then you can expand your presentations accordingly.

Try fishing mid-day and later during the afternoon, when the sun is high. Fish the NW banks where the water will warm fastest. Just a matter of time.  :)

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Any indications your fish are onto spawning areas yet? From other anglers or things you've seen? Catt and FFD say it's unseasonably cold there. Yes? Curious here: Do you have any water temps btw?

Do you know where prime spawning areas are? Does any shoreline suffice in your lake?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Was unseasonably cold here  ;)

Cliff hang in there, locations are right, timing is off!

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Yeah, the general location sounds fine (from 1000miles away lol). And Cliff said some people ARE catching!

I'm wondering if the bass are still grouped up tight, and not yet distributed across that location. I see this in my small waters. The first movements shallow are of bass in tight groups. Later they'll be "all over the place" (males first I believe) and the females remain grouped for awhile longer.

What happens is anglers fish the right areas but lose confidence when they don't connect with what's close to a "needle in a haystack". Sometimes you just have to stumble across them. Later, when the fish are better distributed, the "bite is on".

That's my guess as to a possible explanation. Maybe it's more a small water thing, as my bass popns are much lower than big waters can produce. But I would expect that anywhere bass need to have certain winter habitat parameters met --have certain limitations--this is a likely scenario.

Advice: Keep casting. Find those clusters. You aren't doing anything wrong, except by not continuing to search diligently for what might be areas the size of a living room, or a kitchen table.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 
Was unseasonably cold here ;)

Cliff hang in there, locations are right, timing is off!

Well that makes me feel better, to know I am at least in the right spot.  Two weeks ago the water was 61 in one spot I was fishing, and the guy told me that was the warmest water they found.  Last weekend it was 55 in the same area, however that was earlier in the day.  I am fishing from a buster type boat so I can't go really far.  Usually I will drive straight to where a creek comes in, about half way across that bay, fish it, then fish all the way back to the ramp.  I was going to post up a pic of the area but I can't figure out how to get the google earth pic saved and such.  It is lake Waco in Waco Texas.  If you look at the north end of the lake you see where the river comes in on the west side, I am fishing from the northern center of that bay all the way back to the ramp on the east side.  Thanks again!


fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

It happened to me last year... so I stopped bass fishing for awhile... a long while actually.  Just wet a line for the first time in 6 months 2 weeks ago.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Cliff if you look at the last 12-15 pages of the "So y'all want to learn Toledo Bend?" thread we have fought the same problems since mid-January. The bass were where they should have been but they just refused to bite any lure we threw, myself and many others came to the conclusion it was because of the unseasonably cold water. But the problem was not the water temperatures effect on the bass but rather it's effect on the shad. Many Texas lakes saw an unusually large shad kill which resulted in the bass having an easy meal; the bass simply stayed put and gorged themselves on dieing shad. 

I will not go as far as saying ignore surface temperatures but over the last few years I'm less impressed with "surface" temperature as a factor when looking at pre-spawn bass. Some of the best fishing (catching) this year has been in water temperatures that were by human standards less than desirable.


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