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Fishing Off The Front Of The Boat 2024

fishing user avatarTexas bassman reply : 

Do yall think the person fishing off the front of the boat has the advantage in catching the most and quality fish opposed to the guy or guys fishing from the back?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
  On 8/26/2014 at 8:07 PM, BASSIN28 said:

Do yall think the person fishing off the front of the boat has the advantage in catching the most and quality fish opposed to the guy or guys fishing from the back?

Nope, no advantage.
fishing user avatarTexas bassman reply : 

Yea I don't like to use excuses but it seems like whenever we go out the guys in the back are in the middle of working a bait and u think u got a bite but you look over and he's working the trolling motor. As soon as he's done with his cast hell move to wherever he wants. Kinda annoying cuz it doesn't let u finish your cast.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 
  On 8/26/2014 at 8:14 PM, BASSIN28 said:

Yea I don't like to use excuses but it seems like whenever we go out the guys in the back are in the middle of working a bait and u think u got a bite but you look over and he's working the trolling motor. As soon as he's done with his cast hell move to wherever he wants. Kinda annoying cuz it doesn't let u finish your cast.


That's just bad manners and I guess puts you at a "disadvantage".


The person in the back just has to fish everywhere second when beating banks.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

People in the back of the boat kind of have to pay attenion to whats going on in the front and too if boater is too quick for them they may have to find another boater or get a boat.  I have seen the back on numerous occasions catch more fish....but like I mentioned the back has to be a bit more alert and cast forwards a bit more to allow for more bait time in the water. You almost have to adjust yourself to their style...unless maybe a club tourney and they may pause if you mentioned you had a bite.

Good Luck

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

Well yes its an obvious advantage, first shot at targets, better angles, control over speed and when the boat moves....


All you have to do is look at tourney results, how often down a person fishing from the back end up with more weight then the person at the front?

fishing user avatarTexas bassman reply : 

Yea I mean it is bad manners I guess and we're good buds so ill tell him next time. Ha. But naw were just going out there on our days off work. Next time I'll just cast where he's casting to get even.

fishing user avatarRhino68W reply : 

I went fishing at a very small lake a few weeks ago with a new friend who had a boat. We mainly threw frogs. I was in the back and caught 7 fish, 3 of which were good sized. He only caught 2 small ones!

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Stop trying to look at it like a contest and try to work together... you'll both catch more fish.

fishing user avatarTexas bassman reply : 

Thanks guys I'll keep some of the things in mind

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

I know when im fishin buddy tourny and make every effort to help my buddy in the back the angles and shots he needs...i will say i enjoy being un the back sometimes. Why? Because then all i gotta think about it catchin fish lol

A lot of times my partner and i are fishin much different baits so we are both getting virgin water so to speak. For example if he is fishin topwater ill fish the bottom or if he i workin a spinner bait ill work a squarebill or deep crank.

One advantage too is if i miss one on say a frog ill tell him to toss his t rig or whatever in there right behind my has produced many times!

fishing user avatarTorqueConverter reply : 

Yes, when beating the bank the guy up front usually gets the best casting angles.  This is especially true when fishing in the wind when the arse end of the boat kind of goes wherever.  When anchored on offshore structure, it's anyone's game.

fishing user avatarShockwave reply : 

I think it depends on the situation.  My boat is currently down right now so when a buddy and I go out, we're in his boat.  We commonly burn banks and he swears by a spinnerbait so thats what he's using.  I'll use a t-rigged rage craw and cast to structures and slay em while he may get one or two on his spinner.  I think while it is manners somewhat, you also have to be able to adapt to the situation.  

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 8/26/2014 at 8:07 PM, BASSIN28 said:

Do yall think the person fishing off the front of the boat has the advantage in catching the most and quality fish opposed to the guy or guys fishing from the back?


The person in the front of the boat only has as much advantage over the backseater as they want to have.  Unless you can talk the boat owner into running backwards all day, the only way to have the advantage comes from owning your own boat.


Sad but true!

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Me thinks on windy days when boat control is difficult, the guy in the back can have an equal or sometimes better chance of catching fish.  Otherwise, it depends on the "courtesy" of the boater.  Usually when I'm in the front I try to place the boat so that everyone has a good opportunity to hit a target. It's supposed to be about fun for all.  But that probably explains why I don't fish tourneys.

fishing user avatarstarweldpro16 reply : 

I took a co-worker out a week ago. I was piloting from the front of course,but we discussed it before heading out. He was fine with whatever I decided,being on my home lake.  I did everything in my power to keep it an equal opportunity trip. The wind can be a pain. Most of the time I set us up for a drift broadside and perpendicular to the bank. That worked well most of the morning. Otherwise I had to work into the wind to maintain a decent level of control. It was a pretty fair outing and we both caught fish. I did offer to give him the bow,and run the motor control back to the stern . Giving him first pass on all the cover and weed edges. He wouldn't hear of it. A good fishing partner is worth his weight in lures. Being my home lake I gave him position on the better laydowns and points. I can fish them anytime. He was a gracious guest and I returned the courtesy. 


  I have fished with not so gracious people though. No regard for your position or time on a cover. Most times it doesn't mater. I've ticked off a couple fellers picking up better fish from the stern.  As a rule. If something like that bothers them,they aren't a good fishing buddy in the first place. I usually try to lighten the mood by thanking them for "softening the old girl up for me" so I could hook it.  I don't want any hard feelings over a fish,but I won't apologize for landing one.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

During windy days the advantage is at the back of the boat, IMO.  The guy in the front has to fight the wind and keep the boat going straight.  All the guy in the back has to worry about is casting into the wind and getting a backlash.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

My trolling motor skills are so bad I usually just find a spot anchor and fish, when Ive fished that area I'll go to the next...

I stand up when I fish and its hard to control the trolling motor and stand in the Jon boat, at least for me...

On the bigger boat I fish from occasionally its much easier...

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

The person in the front of the boat can have an advantage if he wants to take it, but he is also at a disadvantage as he is the one that must split his concentration between fishing and operating the boat and watching the depth finder. My biggest pet peve when up front is having the guy in back cast past the bow of the boat and if I'm in back it's having the operator kick the motor on high without warning when I have line out. 

Communication and a cooperative partner have eliminated both of these headaches for me (so has fishing alone) :toothy5:

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Whomever is in front operating the trolling motor controls where both anglers fish and how they fish, speed and position. If you are a team, the front seat works with the back seater. If your are buddy fishing then the front seater should work with his buddy, this doesn't always happen. If you fish a draw tournament, the front seater may share operating the trolling motor. Today larger bass boats have enough space for 2 anglers up front, if the front seater allows that on his or her boat.

When I am buddy or team fishing and operating the trolling we share the water and I work at putting the back seater on fish telling him how deep and where the bass are positioned, otherwise the back seater is fishing blind unless he can see the consul sonar unit display. If you are bank pounding, then the back seater is fishing used water and can only cast to target missed by the front seater.

Advantage goes to the front seat.


fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I think the person in the back of the boat has the advantage when it comes to catching big fish. The guy in the front will often catch the more aggressive, smaller fish first then the back seater ends up getting the bigger fish. Being able to completely concentrate on fishing instead of running the motor, watching the electronics, watching for underwater obstacles, and trying to fish, is also an advantage. Fishing open water structure like rockpiles or ledges is one time when the back seater can really take advantage of the boater being occupied with other things. Now if you're targeting fishing and targets are limited the boater has the advantage big time. 


As far as your buddy moving too fast, I've always looked at it this way. I've done both, back seating it, and owned my own and run the motor. If someone is nice enough to invite you to fish with them, maybe just be glad you're on a boat instead of bank fishing? If he's fishing too fast you might make the request that he slow down a little, it's possible he's not even aware he's doing it, but I wouldn't push it too much if that's how he likes to fish. Having owned a boat longer than I've been without one, it's never hard to find someone else who is just happy to be off the bank. 

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Remember one time many years ago on the upper Willamette in Oregon.  This guy kept wanting me to take him fishing.  So I did...well it was a cold day in the fall and my hands were killing me.  Was using football jigs if I remember right and I had given him one of mine.  I missed the first three or four and this guy would cast right over my head and then laugh!!!  Well boat control can be everything .... especially when fishing the middle of river.  Score....him 7 fish...and believe I had over eighty.  Not more trips if I might add.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 8/28/2014 at 11:30 AM, papajoe222 said:

The person in the front of the boat can have an advantage if he wants to take it, but he is also at a disadvantage as he is the one that must split his concentration between fishing and operating the boat and watching the depth finder. My biggest pet peve when up front is having the guy in back cast past the bow of the boat and if I'm in back it's having the operator kick the motor on high without warning when I have line out. 

Communication and a cooperative partner have eliminated both of these headaches for me (so has fishing alone) :toothy5:


You hit the nail on the head there!  I can't count the number times I've turned the boat where both of us could fish the same water only to have the guy in the back trying to take over the whole side.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Alot of the time the person up front has a big advantage.  He picks the spots.  Lines the boat to hit those spots.  He has the ability to give himself every advantage he wants to take.   


The exception to this is when conditions make boat control an issue.  If you have a strong cross wind or head wind,  control is a constant problem, then the advantage goes to the back seater.  The backseater doesn't have to worry about control, or positioning for the next cast. He just needs to focus on the presentation and  the environment around him, and make good casts.    Weather can give the backseater  the advantage.  :laugh5:

fishing user avatarDjf3864 reply : 

I don't see a difference in the quality or quantity of fish between front and back of the boat, but I do have issues when the guy in the front is moving the boat all over creation with no regards for the guy on the back.


My father pulls that crap with me all the time, so now he is in the back and I fish from the front.

fishing user avatarfrogflogger reply : 

Become a deadly duo - front man power fishes for the real aggressive ones, top water,crank, whatever, the guy in back pitches and flips - team effort - if one works better than the other then both up front. Many, many team tournaments won by guys that have figured this out.

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

I think the guy in the back has the advantage. He doesn't have the boat payment, he doesn't have to worry about the repairs or maintenance, parking pass, cleaning the boat/ tow vehicle...

fishing user avatarmissouribigbass reply : 

Bank beating no doubt the front has a big advantage. They'll catch most of the way fish up and you're carrying to used water

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I like the back. No worries! My buddy is a very courteous boater. And if I don't catch as many as him, I just complain that he back boated me again! Seriously though, I know how he likes to fish and I just adjust accordingly. It makes me expand my techniques.

fishing user avataruncustered reply : 

In the back I change baits more often and can focus on fishing, not boat control.

I started doing surf fishing so when I build a rod I still look for max distance with my set ups. This pays off dock fishing.. Many fish at caught off the back corners while the front is fishing the end of the pier....

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

The guy in the front certainly has an advantage. He is in control of everything. It is also his boat so he should have an advantage. That doesn't mean you back boat your buddy all day though. That also doesn't mean the guy in the back cant catch more fish or win the tourney. Some times it is very smart and rewarding for the guy in the back to fish a different lure then the guy in the front.


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