I know we all have friends and buddies we do fishing with ,but how often does your wife or girl friend fish with you ? and if whichever one that is does she know just about as much about fishing as you ? and finally in all fun fishing with her on the water, does she give you a run for your money, figuratively speaking. what's your op?
if i can ever get my wife to go, there is no competitive talk..... if and when she outfishes me, i let her talk as much trash as she would like.... i find it helps her come back out the next time.
she doesn't often go, but instead uses that time when i fish to do whatever she wants to for herself... it's a pretty good trade off
The wife manages to catch a big old good one every once in a while.
This one came from the 2011 Road Trip on Kentucky Lake.
You don´t think I was going to let her fish do you ? what if she catches better fish than I ? now I can imagine, not only she being right all the time now I would have to take she catches better fish than me.
Just kidding, no she doesn´t fish, my sweetheart is a concrete flower.
My wife likes to hibernate while I fish. Win win in my opinion.
Wife's been on the boat once in five years.
My girlfriend talks trash like "fishing isn't so hard" etc. and then wonders why I almost always catch more than she does. She didn't come out last year because she refused to buy a fishing license and I responded with, "No license, no fishee." She seems to think it's okay to risk having all MY fishing gear taken away.
On 10/15/2014 at 2:33 AM, Ratherbfishing said:My girlfriend talks trash like "fishing isn't so hard" etc. and then wonders why I almost always catch more than she does. She didn't come out last year because she refused to buy a fishing license and I responded with, "No license, no fishee." She seems to think it's okay to risk having all MY fishing gear taken away.
Time to get a new girlfriend!!!!
My wife goes with me about half the time. She usually catches more fish than I do, because she will break off and I'll hand her my rod while I fix hers back up. She enjoys it, but is not as crazy about fishing as I am. She will get bored pretty quickly if we are not catching fish.
The girlfriend is all about taking scenic photos from the kayak when I fish from another yak. Always nice to have her company on the water with me though.
My wife doesn't fish which is probably for the best.
She has her "things" and I have mine, keeps us both sane and gives us some time away from eachother.
Mine fishes. Outing before last she bested me by 5 bass. She is all about it provided the weather is good. We look forward to spending our retirement fishing.
Yes ~
A Jay, do you take her fishing or does she take you fishing? J/K, got a great partner. My ex's learned I fish and that's my time to be alone and think. Wanted to take one to El Soto and she wanted to know if I was going to fish the whole trip?........Ummmm, yeah I think so.
The wife isn't getting up early to catch a fish. She does like it when I bring pictures home. I don't go to the mall either, she brings home stuff. She likes that too!!!
My wife and I just started getting into fishing this year. She was the one that suggested it and pushed to get a boat. It's been fun learning to fish together. We will even read online, watch shows and compare strategies together when we aren't on the water.
My wife has never fished with me. Never gave her a hard time about it, me and my kids fish every chance we get!
Mine will go with whenever it isn't rainy, hot, cold, or on a school day. When she does come with, she usually gets the biggest of the day or the most and sometimes both. On our last trip to her favorite spot, she did it again; 27-22. It was a great day and no, I didn't let her win. She's just a magician with that Zebco 33.
My wife likes to go.... She will fish some, read, and get some sun.
On our honeymoon In April she broke her personal best three times In one day. It was my personal best day on the water.
In 41 years could count the days she's fished on one hand. But she has blessed me with two awesome kids and the freedom of being an awesome wife respecting my passions as well as I hers (golf)
My wife will fish on occasion, but usually shes on the boat more to get a tan and relax. Of course, everything must be aligned correctly, late starting time, good weather, hot but not too hot, no plans of staying too long etc. That said, she impressed the heck out of me this year. I didn't get the boat on the water much and she only went once over the summer. But, she decided she was going to fish. And she fished hard. I caught a nice 3 or 4 pounder off a dock early, then dialed it back thinking she would get some fish on quick and have a good day.
Well, I guess my early fish was a fluke (on a fluke ironically) as the rest of the day was more like musky fishing. She was determined and we fished for hours before she got a bite. Unfortunately by then we had downsized to bluegills, lol. It was one of those days where you just coudn't seem to buy a bite. But she fished hard all day, and was finally rewarded with a last cast fish. She was resolved to catch something before we left...gotta love that!
Oh, and is it bad that I read the title and thought you were asking what your significant other fish was, lol. As in a second most favorite...
My wife likes to fish with me but probably only goes about 1 trip in 5 because of work schedules, family obligations or because she doesn't feel like it. She's decent with a rod, probably as good as many of the guys I fish with, but she rarely if ever out-fishes me. Like most of the other posters, I'm pretty good natured about it when it happens and let her brag to the kids or whoever when she gets home that she got the big one.
What pleases me more is the fact that my oldest son appears to be finally gaining at least some small interest in fishing. He's never enjoyed fishing and I typically had to strongly encourage him to get him to go along, even though he's a very good stick when you can actually get him to fish. He's in college now in Erie, PA and has fished twice already this semester with a buddy that likes to fish. I was so pleased that I'm letting him take two rod/reel outfits back with him, my hip waders and I purchased a small tackle bag last night, which I'll fill with goodies for him to use on his upcoming trips. After having both of my sons thumb their noses at fishing for years, I'm tickled even though his interest is probably still pretty limited.
After 20 years of club and local open tourneys, I opted for the "easy way". "Just going fishing", meant bringing the little woman along. I showed her what a light line and small bait were capable of and then I had to learn how to locate fish enough for two, every time out. Fifteen years later, it's made me a better fisherman and a much more patient husband.
She sure does and I'm glad she likes to go. I love the times she says "Hey, lets go fishing this weekend." How do you say no to that!!!
My significant other fish is walleye. We don't see each other very often, but we have a history and I love 'em.
My wife went a few times, told her where to throw her senko (10' was her max cast), she caught a few 2 pounders, she now has lost interest.........I'm thrilled that she did.
She isn't about to fish as early as I do, don't think she could handle the fish here any way.
I have bud, his wife always fishes and she is darn good. Have seen her land 30# kings, large snook and she had a 40" redfish a few weeks ago, I saw the pic.
The last time my wife went fishing with me it was 24 years ago and she caught a turtle.
Me and my girlfriend fish go fishing together atleast once a week. During the real hot days in summer she didn't want to go out as much but she ABSOLUTLY loves fishing. Only problem is that she seems to love to lose my lures, the good ones too, that's our only problem lol
Started out as "sometimes" and has evolved into "rarely if ever"....
No big deal, though. She likes that I have a hobby and encourages
me to keep doing it. I let her do her stuff, she's great with the way
things work out.
Except when fishing interferes with the "honey-do" list....
oops...hadn't seen that bassun beat me to it....
so to answer the actual question....
My wife likes to fish. But she doesn't LOVE to fish like I LOVE to fish. She loves to catch, but doesn't quite have the patience that I do. First time I took her out she caught a 3 pounder in the first 20 minutes and was hooked. Her interest ebbs and flows but a 6+ last fall got her pretty stoked. She's a photographer first and a fisherwoman second, and it complements my fishing. Some days if it gets slow she spends more time shooting to pass the time. Lots of other days, she goes her way on a shoot and I go fishing. When she's in the boat with me, it isn't unusual for her to outfish me.
Yep, He says he's my Net Man. LOL. Seriously, I enjoy fishing with him, we've even hauled the boat to Guntersville for a week of fishing. Right now, we are 1st in the standings for our Monthly Tournament Trail, but we don't count on that lasting long, because there's still 6 months left, unknown which lakes we draw and some excellent fishermen in the club.
we are pre-fishing tomorrow for our club tournament which is next weekend and he's signed up to Captain some teen anglers for their tournament on Sunday
No, that's why she gave me twin boys.