Do y’all happen to use any fishing apps or fishing games on your iOS or Android phones?
Just weather and wind apps
I've used lunar phase apps for hunting and fishing. However, in most cases I only have certain days I can fish so I go whether the phase is right or not.
On 12/17/2018 at 5:20 AM, Big Rick said:I've used lunar phase apps for hunting and fishing. However, in most cases I only have certain days I can fish so I go whether the phase is right or not.
Like you I fish when I can. I've always said I was going to compare both my fishing and hunting success to those charts but never do get around to actually doing it. LOL
A lot of the free versions suck. I’m not paying $10+ a month to find out how mediocre they are.
No fishing apps for me and I will never get them. I will stick to my old fashioned hand written journals and doing research for new locations I plan on fishing.
I found a decent fishing game to tide me over until I can put the boat in.
On 12/19/2018 at 2:55 AM, HeyCoach said:I found a decent fishing game to tide me over until I can put the boat in.
Fishing Planet?
On 12/19/2018 at 3:55 AM, J Francho said:Windy
I used Weatherbug until someone showed me Dark should take a look at it.
Heck yeah! Five minutes with Dark Sky and I’m all over it! Well worth the $4. Thanks!
When fishing, my phone is OFF!!!!
On 12/26/2018 at 9:34 AM, .ghoti. said:When fishing, my phone is OFF!!!!
I don't have that option. With 3 divisions of dealers looking to me to help close deals I have to be on my phone constantly. However, they never know I helped them close that sale while skipping a jig under the dock. I will admit to losing focus when my bait gets slammed.....
Mine is my Sheriff’s Office department phone so as much as I want to, I can’t turn it off once we launch lol. I put whatever apps and such I want on it. Most recently...Dark Sky.
As a kayak tourney angler I use the TourneyX app. It's needed to submit fish in tourneys and it's free but I pay the yearly membership for the added features. The added features keep track of all my results from tourneys and every fish I've submitted. It will show me on a map where I caught them, what time of day it was and the pic of the fish.
Other than that I use Navionics and weather apps.
On 12/28/2018 at 10:41 PM, Hawkeye21 said:As a kayak tourney angler I use the TourneyX app.
TourneyX developers do a good job. I use their app, too. They're pretty much thew only show in town when it comes to kayak tournaments.
Tides Near Me
Weather Channel
Not a fishing app per se, but I use the "thing counter" to keep track of how many I catch and on what. It is a simple counting app that has voice response when you add an item. It is fun to hear them mispronounced lure names...
Weather channel app keeps notified on wind and lightning.
Currently I use " my brain "
But I'll check into this other stuff ????
On 12/29/2018 at 6:48 AM, N Florida Mike said:Currently I use " my brain "
But I'll check into this other stuff ????
From what I have read, that is obsolete and no longer supported by the manufacturer... ????
On 12/29/2018 at 7:11 AM, OCdockskipper said:From what I have read, that is obsolete and no longer supported by the manufacturer... ????
Not quite, but getting closer every day...
Here is my two cents.
If you like them use them and have a good time.
I do not believe they are the total answer to bass fishing success.
Yes, you can obtain some data that may help you. But these apps are no excuse for being on the water and having experience with conditions, baits, and techniques.
I am also sure that sometimes when you look at your apps and believe what they are telling you will lead to a bad day on the water when your gut tells you to do something else and you don't do it.
Just my two cents.
If you don't have electronics on your boat, they can be a great help.
Navionics is a must for me, especially when on unfamiliar water sometimes more accurate than my Garmin units.
Google earth, while not an app can be very useful
Windy, Accuweather and Tides. Non of them are fishing specific, but they are all very useful for fishing.
Does anyone have a free navigation app they use that you can drop waypoints? I don’t really need it for actual navigation, as the reservoirs I’ll be fishing aren’t that big. But dropping waypoints on things like certain pieces of structure would be nice.
I use my Navionics App. literally everyday. I use it for planning my day on the water and while I'm on the water. It has the Satellite overlay, depth shading, weather, tides, wind just to name a few. I also use the HotMaps Navionics Card in my Lowrance unit. Its a valuable tool for sure. I'm not saying not to use as many tools as possible to make you more successful on the water but, this is one that has a ton of features that are valuable. Attached is an example of the weather I checked this morning and depth shading which you can change. #EscapeTheOrdinary
On 12/19/2018 at 8:03 AM, Dens228 said:I used Weatherbug until someone showed me Dark should take a look at it.
Just a couple weeks with Dark Sky and I'm afraid that until it forecasts wind, even a little bit, I am going back to The Weather Channel, Accuweather or Weather Bug. TWC took a big downward hit with their last big update, but it still does wind better than Dark Sky. Any of the apps do temp forecasts and big precip events. I really don't care much at all about rain on my fishing days....the Dark Sky to-the-minute rain prediction is cool, but doesn't help my fishing much. But since I do most of my fishing from a kayak; some on pretty big water.....I mostly want to know about, tomorrow and next weekend. I want to know wind speed to within a couple MPH and I want precision direction. I want to know within 30 min when it is going from 5MPH to 10+.
If anyone has a weather app that does wind right, I'd love to hear about it.
@Choporoz Try Windy. Sick wind speed app.
Navionics, Hbird's AutoChart and FishSmart, and MyRadar
On 1/17/2019 at 4:40 AM, Choporoz said:Just a couple weeks with Dark Sky and I'm afraid that until it forecasts wind, even a little bit, I am going back to The Weather Channel, Accuweather or Weather Bug. TWC took a big downward hit with their last big update, but it still does wind better than Dark Sky. Any of the apps do temp forecasts and big precip events. I really don't care much at all about rain on my fishing days....the Dark Sky to-the-minute rain prediction is cool, but doesn't help my fishing much. But since I do most of my fishing from a kayak; some on pretty big water.....I mostly want to know about, tomorrow and next weekend. I want to know wind speed to within a couple MPH and I want precision direction. I want to know within 30 min when it is going from 5MPH to 10+.
If anyone has a weather app that does wind right, I'd love to hear about it.
On the Dark Sky main page scroll down to where it says Time that and you can get wind forecasts.
On 1/17/2019 at 9:20 PM, Dens228 said:On the Dark Sky main page scroll down to where it says Time that and you can get wind forecasts.
Thanks. Even with your help I struggled a little on my Galaxy.... not all that intuitive....scrolling the orange line and then tapping each data category.....looks like good info, though....ty