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Breaking concentration 2024

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

When your out fishing what is the #1 thing that will make you break your concentration.

For me it would be hunger.  I can look past every thing else except being hungry.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

The biggest thing that screws me up is not getting a bite.

fishing user avatarbow3022 reply : 

Bugs. I have no fear of them, but mosquitos and biting flys(i know it sounds rediculous but they find where u have a cut and bite there). I hate them. 2nd would be weather, to cold or hot, but rain doesn't bother me any, cept if its like a huge t-storm lol.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Getting in hurry, or being short on time. I do everything wrong when I am rushed.


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
The biggest thing that screws me up is not getting a bite.

Thats the ultimate concentration breaker.Good call CJ.

The second for me is having to use the bathroom.

fishing user avatarfishinyank reply : 

I agree with CJ, not getting bit throws me out of my game more than anything else. It'll cause my to speed up even when I know I should be slowing down. Getting bit by bugs doesnt bother me much, unless its really intense, like getting eaten alive intense. Its my fault though, I never put on bug spray when I fish, I just can't bring myself to do it.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Oh yeah,one other thing,there's this blonde that lays out every Saturday....oh never mind. ::)

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Bugs like skeeters, and at one of the ponds I fish,loud mouth people screaming "I caught a fish, I caught a fish". And I don't mean little kids, I mean 16 year olds acting like goobers, or big brats.  

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

Cell phone ringing...

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

cell phone stays turned off                 wind is what breaks my concentration   but im talking heavy winds    and skiers  buzzing around close

fishing user avatarkurtis reply : 

people hitting your boat with theirs.

fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 

Breaking concentration - whether it's biting bugs, buzzing gnats, swollen bladder, or sunbathing beauties - is the BEST thing that can happen to you......cause that's ALWAYS when the fish hits your bait!!!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Hunger and/or Fatigue.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Someone who's trying to have a conversation while I'm fishing.  

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Hey Bassnut, how funny :-) I was reading each of these responses thinking.... Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope..... Then I finally read the last one.... Yours.... And bingo ! That's it ! Nothing bothers me more than people talking to me when I'm trying to fish.... even though, off of the water, I consider myself to be a "people person". I absolutely prefer to fish by myself for this very reason ! I can talk about fishing.... or babes... or the UFC later, but when I'm fishing, I don't want ANY distractions.

Heat, cold, rain, bugs, hunger, and thirst, are all things I can (and quite often do) endure.... but don't bother me when I'm fishing ! ;-)



fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

The call of nature and the need for sleep.

Fishing in the mornings after work sucks when it comes to spending a lot of time on the water.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

In all honesty...I can't really think of anything that breaks my concentration...wait...I take that back. Blistering cold...that'll do it. If my hands are freezing I am not gonna be thinking much about what I am doing. But I can generally combat that by dressing appropriately...but some days it's just too dern cold any way you slice it. The other one is unfortunately something I cannot control...too many people trying to fish in one spot at one time. Happens to me all the time at a few places I go.

Bugs and Sun - Bullfrog Mosquito Coast Spray On 30SPF Spay on Sunscreen and Deet Free Bug Repellent.

Hunger - I'll just eat a massive breakfast before I head out...and I'll bring a bag of beef jerky...does the job fine.

Fatigue - No such thing when I am fishing. I have fished for 8 hours straight, on less than 3 hours sleep, while sick and still had a decent day.

Sickness - I'll take whatever I need for what ails me and bring it with me so I can stay drugged.

Call of Nature - I'll just go do a number 1 behind any old tree, and I pack a roll of TP for the very very rare instance I HAVE to make a number 2.

Cell Phones and Conversationalists - Neither bother me...I have to leave on my phone in case the wife may need something or some emergency awould arise with my daughter. As far as talkers go, I just kinda listen to them peripherally. As long as they are not talking loud I don't really care.

Heat - Heck no...I THRIVE in problem fishing those days when there are heat advisories and the heat index is 115. I just bring a cooler with about 8 bottled waters and a ton of ice in it and keep it somewhere shady. Heat stroke and severe dehydration would not be fun after all.

Pleasure Boaters and Personal Water Craft - If I can move, I'll just move. If not they could be called another one of my concentration breakers...yet another one I can't control.

Not getting a bite - That just makes me concentrate that much harder. I turn into the Zen Master when the bite gets tough. I WILL get a bite before I leave in most cases...course I am stubborn as a mule.

Critters (snakes etc.) - I will note there presence, give them a wide berth, and take a few seconds between casts to re-locate them most of the time unless I know they have traveled outside of my bubble. If they are persistantly bothering me, I will try to shoo them off gently with the tip of the rod, but if that don't work then I am the one that does the moving.

Most things are just a matter of preparedness, willpower, and just flat out not allowing the situation to get to a point to where it IS a concentration breaker. As long as it can be controlled the it ain't a problem. ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Running out of beer or smokes, but by then it's just time to go to the house anyhow.

Really, nothing bothers me when I'm fishing. I fish with a lot of guys and everyone has their quirks, it's no big deal to me.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

For myself, its simple, not having my rods and tackle and everything else associated with the events of the day prepared.

Can't stand someone fishing a tourney to not be prepared,   First cast is topwater and partner didn't even have a topwater tied on and its still dark.

I figure if its team and both have invested time and money, you owe it to your partner to show up on time with a fairly clear head and rested and ready to go.



fishing user avatarsirmo reply : 

Constant boat traffic gets to me after a while.  I try to avoid those situations, but sometimes you can't.

That and constant talking.  Just shut up and fish.... :D


fishing user avatarBanor reply : 

Any of you ever been paramedics, cops or firemen?  I was a deputy sheriff for 10 years prior to enlisting in the military.  In our department our call signs were our car numbers.  We had 3 shifts so 3 officers shared the same car number and call sign.  In my off duty time I would as a general rule have the scanner on at home.  I can recall countless times where I would be in a dead sleep at night and wake up out of the blue when my car number was called.   Even when on duty I could be listening to a woman screaming in my ear about a domestic dispute with her man and have my radio turned down but when my car number was called it was like hearing a KMart blue light special announcement over the PA.

This same phenomenon happens to me when bass fishing.  I can be in a heated discussion about aliens landing or doing the pee pee dance cuz I've been holding it for 2 hours or you name it etc. etc. but when that tap hits the line I'm there 100% fully alert and on point.

I said all that to say, nothing really distracts me when it's me and the fish.


fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Jet Skis

fishing user avatarfoul hooked reply : 

A lazy cast that ends up in a boat or tree.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

I have to say the only thing that distracts me is snakes.  If I see a snake in the water or close to my proximity, I dont care if I am catching tons of big fish.   I am gone.  Snakes unfortunately are my big fear, and has been all my life.  The only good snake as far as I am concerned is one already made into a pair of cowboy boots. :o :o ;D

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Nothing breaks the concentration like a "mean dog barking at the back door" (nature calling).  A sonic boom does the trick pretty well also.  At night, I would have to vote for the "bat flying into the bill of my hat".

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Man, glad I don't fish with some of you guys  :D I guess I am one of those talkers that some of ya'll don't like. I enjoy the company of folks and don't mind talking or being spoken to one bit when I am fishing. I guess I am not that serious anymore. I like to have fun when I fish and try to de stress. Now, there are some things that do bother me:

Excessive heat, excessive snags, backlashes, losing a big fish, high winds, mosquitos, gnats, hail, lightning all bother me.

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

Boat Traffic, Water Skiers and Jet skies!  

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Wind and girls. Not necessarily in that order.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I agree with kiethscatch regarding conversation. I don't mind talking or listening, and I don't mind going for hours without talking at all. The comfortable comraderie of a regular fishing partner is part of the joy of fishing for me. Where I have trouble is like a few others; not getting bit. Keeping my focus for hours between bites is a real challenge. This has caused me much grief over the years. Fishing all day (or night) for one or two bites, and then missing the fish due to lack of attention is enough to make a guy consider taking up golf. :-/ I really admire the guys like Fish Chris, who can fish for one bite day after day. It takes more focus and discipline than I have.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I am a pretty big boy, and I like to eat....I always gotta have food with me on the boat. The bathroom can wait, but my gut takes precedence.

fishing user avatarDane reply : 

I also enjoy the company of a regular fishing partner, so the conversation is fine by me.  If the bite goes away, we always bring a dozen worms or so in the blue carton, zip-locked inside the beer cooler.  Panfishing always gets me motivated again.

We limit our conversations to three things.  Sports, Fishing, and hypothetical subjects (such as what you spend your money on after winning that powerball lottery.)  That keeps the girl problems and politics out of the way.  Either way, there has been countless times where the conversation ends mid-sentance.  "I dunno, man, the Packers look terrible, they need...oh...ohh..(sets hook)..Damnit!  I had 'em too.  Did you see that?"

I have to agree with the previous poster, obnoxious kids are by far the biggest pet peeve of mine.

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

Early morning bugs, skiers, swimmers, hunger, and lack of sleep....

All of these happen to me on any given tournament!


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