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When they don't eat (finesse-power) 2024

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 

I am just wondering what you guys do when they just aren't eating. If you are strong with finesse fishing will you continue throwing your little jigs, dropshot, and shaky heads or will you switch to get a reaction bite? Would you switch over to stroking a jig, tube, cranking, spinnerbaits, and etc..? This question is specifically for post front conditions with cold water.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

If it is windy, keep power fishing, if not, go to the little baits but fish them fast. For example allow the tube, shakey, or drop-shot to land and be worked a few feet before reeling it in.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Hard jerks really come into their own this time of the year, for any species. Just make sure you're allowing a good 10 - 20 sec. pause, in between jerks.

A slow rolled spinnerbait is also a great option!

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Think about the 80-20 rule, LMB are inactive about 80% of the time and active about 20%. Fish faster reaction lures when the bass are actively feeding and slower moving ,in their face type lures like jigs and soft plastics (worms & creatures) the balance of the time. If you fish fast reaction lures and present it perfectly to inactive bass, your chances of catching those bass is nil. Slow down and give those inactive something to eat that they can take time to strike.

Bass being cold blooded animals slow down in cold water and may only be active for short periods during the day.


fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

Now thats a debate on philosophy. Alot of guys take either side of this arguement and there are pros to each side.

    I've always been taught to work on the more aggressive side of things. and since we are talking more specifically about Cold fronts I can illustrate myself better.

  Cold fronts actually offer a much better chance to catch fish then most think. Sure they are less aggressive and not willing to chance baits. But they set up on cover better and allows the accurate caster a chance to catch more fish because the average guy doesn't hit targets as well. Using reaction techniques allows an angler to take advantage of the fish's natural feeding behavior. I believe that fish on that stump is willing to feed when the oppurtunity appears even if he isn't active. Well my spinnerbait or jig falling on his face or crashing around above him is a great oppurtunity and since he doesn't have time to think about it he has to make a split second decision.

     The negatives of this is that the fish aren't willing to chase and can be set on guard easily. In order to catch that fish your first cast has to be dead on. if you don't hit the target on the first cast you have set yourself back but thats the trade off.

    Honestly Power fishing is a full effort. I am fully devoted to it no matter the weather.


fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I fish deeper outside structure where weather conditions are less of a factor. Most bass fisherman over react to cold fronts and change their tactics to the point they are ineffective.

Tournament fisherman are run and gun type of bass fisherman because they are under restricted time to fish and covering a maximum amount of water gives them a opportunity to catch 5 keeper bass.

Is it better to slow down and catch larger adult size bass or run and gun, that is a decision each fisherman needs to make for themselves.


fishing user avatarTin reply : 
Is it better to slow down and catch larger adult size bass or run and gun, that is a decision each fisherman needs to make for themselves.


I do not understand the idea of you have to fish slow to catch big bass. That's like saying you have to fish the middle of the lake in my book. Some of my biggest fish (7+) have been caught burning traps and spinnerbaits through the same area numerous times.

If you know bigger fish are in an area you don't need to run and gun. As Rick Clunn once said, "Never leave them to find them." If you have a milk run consisting of certain types of cover or structure that you can pull up to, make a cast, catch a good sized fish, then that is a different story.

There are two views on fishing fast for big fish in my opinion. The first, being what you said, cover enough water and eventually you will hit one on the head. The second is that these are older creatures that have become accustomed to the traditional lure presentations. If you pause a bait for a couple seconds or more, you are allowing to get a good look at it.  If you are burning the bait and it goes right by the fish, chances are it won't think twice, thus getting a true reaction strike or possible spooking it.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Post cold front; go deep ;)

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 
Post cold front; go deep ;)

Now that your deep do you power fish with cranks slow roll spinnerbaits trying to pull it past their face and get a reaction bite or do you throw Gene Larew craws and so on..

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I'm all for power-fishing but after a cold front I think the finesse approach is the way to go most times. Thats what I will try first and I will be fishing a little deeper than normal. I also like to fish bluff banks (or just deeper banks in general) after a cold front. Fish that reside deep all year dont seem to be affected as much by a front and a deep bluff bite can be very dependable during that time.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
Post cold front; go deep ;)

Now that your deep do you power fish with cranks slow roll spinnerbaits trying to pull it past their face and get a reaction bite or do you throw Gene Larew craws and so on..

Finesse fish with power baits ;)

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I often must share water with tournament fisherman and usually just wait for them to leave and move on to another spot or area, then move in a fish the used water. Often when fishing a spot, tournament fisherman will fish quickly past me or wonder what I'm fishing for out in deeper water.

It's not that big bass can't be caught using reaction lures, they can, just not often under the circumstances and conditions this thread questioned.

Catts "fish deeper" reply is correct.


fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I do whatever it takes to catch fish.. ;)

Umm, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 
I do whatever it takes to catch fish.. ;)

Umm, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Can you see your post count rising yet? How did that answer the question or relate to anything?

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

No offense Five Bass Limit but why would you start off finese fishing. Like WRB said, sometimes the front affects us more than it does fish. Why not start off fishing fast and then adjust accordingly? If you can catch them traditionally then wouldn't you do better in a days time. Slowing down to finese status should only be done after you have learned that the fish won't hit a faster bait.



fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Bass in deeper water are less affected by frontal conditions

Deep water is relevant to the body of water being fished

Finesse fish the deeper water with power baits


Finesse: skillful handling of a situation

In simple terms move deeper and pick apart the entire water column

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
No offense Five Bass Limit but why would you start off finese fishing. Like WRB said, sometimes the front affects us more than it does fish. Why not start off fishing fast and then adjust accordingly? If you can catch them traditionally then wouldn't you do better in a days time. Slowing down to finese status should only be done after you have learned that the fish won't hit a faster bait.



After many many years of fishing cold fronts, finesse fishing a little deeper is what works the best for me on the lakes I fish. It's not wrong at all, it's what works for me.

I have found that the fish generally dont respond to the bigger power fishing presentations as well as a finesse type bait/presentation after a front. Thats why I start with finesse stuff. I eliminate things that dont work well (power) and get straight to the action (finesse).

...and Mottfia, no offense man.  ;)

fishing user avatarsteezy reply : 

When everything fails simply throw a weightless black craw or senko near cover and/or the shallow areas, fish it slowly and be patient, they WILL hit it.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

We all have preferred technique and lures that we like to catch bass on; our "go to lures and presentations"

Those are the rods, reels, lures that we pick up first and the majority of the time we catch bass with, regardless of what the conditions are.

My favorite lures are casting jigs, plastic worms/creatures and swimbaits, always have those ready to go year around and only revert to light tackle or other presentations when fishing with someone else or feel compelled to catch a few bass and my go to stuff isn't working.

I also use my sonar to locate bass on deep structured lakes and depending on the seasonal period will adjust my presentations to fish the depth the bass appear to be holding and mimic the prey the bass are feeding on.

Force feeding bass your favorite lure isn't always the best presentation for that particular day on the water, but at the end of the day it's your time on the water to enjoy.


fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 

;D ;D ;D

Since you can catch fish every trip you should start fishing tournaments, you could win a lot of money being so consistant on all the waters with the same baits.

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

I may be going out on a limb here but, does KVD ever slow down?  I don't ever recall him going finesse.  I certainly am not an expert on his techniques though.  From my limited perspective, it appears he is only targeting the active bass.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
I may be going out on a limb here but, does KVD ever slow down? I don't ever recall him going finesse. I certainly am not an expert on his techniques though. From my limited perspective, it appears he is only targeting the active bass.
Smith Mountain Lake this past spring.  Shaky head worm.  I was there, pretty much the only thing that worked all week long.
fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

KVD will slow down but its typically only when he has fish located. He often uses his power fishing to get a fish to react to the lure. If the might isn't strong then he will switch to a lower presentation but thats only when he has figured out where the fish are.

When I say traditionally I mean what you normally do. We all have our favorite styles of fishing. If I can catch fish doing my style then I will be tough to beat, same goes for anyone else. If your process works for ya then go get em man.   :)


fishing user avatarTin reply : 
I may be going out on a limb here but, does KVD ever slow down? I don't ever recall him going finesse. I certainly am not an expert on his techniques though. From my limited perspective, it appears he is only targeting the active bass.
Smith Mountain Lake this past spring. Shaky head worm. I was there, pretty much the only thing that worked all week long.

Don't forget the 12 or 13 pound fish he got out of Lewisville in the Elite 50's a few years back on the shakey head.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

11-13 in competition:


fishing user avatarn8sbassin reply : 

If I'm fishing new water, or if I haven't been out in a while, I'll usually start with finesse simply out of confidence.

I've got a lot more confidence in getting bit quickly with a shakey head, than a jig.  If I find some fish on something repeatable, then I'll switch to something I can fish a little faster.   Granted, I'm not the best with moving baits, I would much rather fish jigs and the like.

Having confidence in what your doing is the important part!

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Most western bass fisherman will acknowledge 2 local bass fisherman who invented finesse fishing; Don Iovino and Dick Trask. Don published a book; Finesse fishing and the sonar connection and is in the fresh water hall of fame. Dick Trask however was more obscure, unless you fished western tournaments, then you knew the name. Trask is acknowledged for inventing the split shot presentation, Google; Dick Trask, WB article, it's a good read.


fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

That was a good article. I had never heard of him until just now but apparently the man had outstanding skills, and must have been a great teacher and person.


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Smith Mountain Lake this past spring. Shaky head worm. I was there, pretty much the only thing that worked all week long.

The shaky head will get you some bites on Smith Mtn, no doubt about it.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
Smith Mountain Lake this past spring. Shaky head worm. I was there, pretty much the only thing that worked all week long.

The shaky head will get you some bites on Smith Mtn, no doubt about it.

A lot of those fish were also bed fish.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Smith Mountain Lake this past spring. Shaky head worm. I was there, pretty much the only thing that worked all week long.

The shaky head will get you some bites on Smith Mtn, no doubt about it.

A lot of those fish were also bed fish.

I think almost everybody was catching spawners except for KVD. He was throwing swimbaits, shaky heads, jerkbaits, crankbaits, topwaters, you name it. He recognized that the shad spawn was on and capitalized on something that nobody else paid much attention to because of the bass spawn going on at the time. KVD was fishing for actively feeding fish while the others were plucking bucks off the beds.

That was one of the tournaments that KVD's pure fishing ability and decision making really shined through. He took the situation at hand one step further than anyone else was willing to go and he carried home the big $$.


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