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Revealing Your Secrets 2024

fishing user avatarFishChaser1 reply : 

During a period of tough fishing when nobody but you can seem to catch anything, do you tell people what they're doing wrong or do you prefer to keep to yourself and let them figure it out?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I try to always be helpful and I post all of my "secrets" right here at

If you are interested in ledge fishing, especially on the Tennessee River, I have a new

post in "Fishing Reports" detailing this weekend's adventure. We tore 'em up!



fishing user avatarBiteFiend reply : 

Only when asked by say, a dad and his kids or young people. The lakes are pretty small in my area and get a lot of pressure. Therefore I try to keep information pretty close to the vest. Is it selfish of me? Maybe but there are parts of the lakes that I fish that get absolutely pounded so I'm hesitant to reveal what I might be doing differently.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I tell people what I am doing, though in a smaller lake with numerous anglers, I probably wouldn't provide absolute specific detail like I would with my friends and family.  Keep in mind, though, that a pattern can last for a few days or it can change from day to day and hour to hour.  The pattern that worked this morning could be history. 


Also, if one or two details is left out a person may still be looking in the wrong place for the fish.  Someone might say they were catching bass by pitching jigs to trees.  Only some trees will hold bass so in a lake with thousands of acres of trees where do you look?  The trees could be on a channel bend, on a shallow flat, next to a roadbed, etc. but there usually has to be some kind of structure the bass would use to be on a particular tree.  You still have to think and experiment to figure out the details of any pattern provided. 

fishing user avatarBladesmith, reply : 

If a person zooms up to me on the lake and swamps me with their wake, they are not going to get much info out of me. However, I will readily share info with almost any courteous person. I especially like to encourage young people, or people without much fishing experience.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

If my fishing partner is having a problem catching bass then I usually offer a few tips depending on the partner.  I try to avoid other anglers on the water, prefer to stay under the radar, don't ask and don't tell.

Sharing advice on a fishing forum or being helpful off the water doesn't disturb my fishing or someone elses.

If someone ask me how I caught bass, I usually tell them.


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Fishing is one of those things that are similar to painting or writing music, it´s as individual as you are, anybody can paint but one thing is painting and another thing is creating a masterpiece. Telling sombody your "secrets" is telling them nothing.

fishing user avatarblongfishing reply : 

I share information only with close friend anglers. I will usually call and talk with each of them see what is working for them and then tell my secrets and we compare. Something I think is important is having other anglers that you can trust and share "secrets". I usually give tips to young and considerate anglers.

fishing user avatarCDobber reply : 

I am a teacher by trade, so obviously I post to this forum and our local lakes forum to give out helpful information and seek out advice.  I talked to a guy at the quarry today that was also clearly fishing bass and we shared some notes....unfortunately, he had the same conclusions I had for this particular body of water crawlers are all they are interested in.  He was working a frog in the muck and shaded areas (much like I normally do), I was running a Pop-R over submerged trees.  

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 1:57 AM, Raul said:

Fishing is one of those things that are similar to painting or writing music, it´s as individual as you are, anybody can paint but one thing is painting and another thing is creating a masterpiece. Telling sombody your "secrets" is telling them nothing.


Very interesting perspective.... i like it!

fishing user avatarSwampstud reply : 

Just depends on who and how courteous. Most kids ill gladly share info, maybe even give em a few baits to try. Ive shown baits n colors to people at dnr docks, that struggled to catch anything all. But there are some of my friends that ill try to help, but after all the whining i tend to get quiet with them.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 1:57 AM, Raul said:

Fishing is one of those things that are similar to painting or writing music, it´s as individual as you are, anybody can paint but one thing is painting and another thing is creating a masterpiece. Telling sombody your "secrets" is telling them nothing.


Pretty much what I was thinking Raul.  I've been on both ends of this.  I was once given specific baits to throw and gps coordinates.  I caught 0 fish on all of the coordinates.  Then I've done the same for people and the same has happened. 


For sharing info I feel I'm pretty helpful and try to help.  I think a lot of it comes down to how they ask me.  If they are in need of help I'm willing.  I just like to see people catch fish.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 1:57 AM, Raul said:

Fishing is one of those things that are similar to painting or writing music, it´s as individual as you are, anybody can paint but one thing is painting and another thing is creating a masterpiece. Telling sombody your "secrets" is telling them nothing.

Yep even when being helpful.  It is hard to catch the other man's fish.

fishing user avatargramps50 reply : 

A lot depends on the attitude of the person asking, I have a fishing buddy that I met on a local pond we share information all the time and even trade baits. Some one who sees me catch a fish and comes over and decides to fish next to me isn't going to get squat from me except maybe an attitude. 


I have helped numerous people & also sought advice. Usually I will just ask someone if they're biting, which doesn't always mean anything. A lot of it comes down to throwing what the fish want and how they want to see it. My buddy and I can next to one another and throw the same bait and maybe he'll catch fish and I won't or vice a versa.  


I don't mind sharing when the situation warrants it.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

I post on this forum everything I do but in the heat of a tournament when I am competing with my boater for fish I tend to share only a limited amount.  For example if my techniques are working and he asks I will tell him what I am doing in general.  Shakey Head, wacky senko etc.  He can see the color and if he sees me putting some Megastrike or JJ's on it then so be it.  :)

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

I rarely run into another bass angler. Most of the bank anglers around here are not fishing for bass. On the rare occasion that I cross paths with another bass angler, I always stop to chat and compare notes on the fishing in the area. 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

If this person has a 5-gallon bucket, I tell them NOTHING!

fishing user avatarDILLY07 reply : 

If its a team buddy tournament, Yes we will share tips to catch bass. 


If its a tournament to myself, negative ghost rider. Im saying no word! 


Fishing for fun, it depends on the persons mood or the mood Im in.

fishing user avatarEmersonFish reply : 

Man, if it's tough out there, and I figure something out, I've got to tell someone. Unless it's a tournament, and there is a weigh-in where people will see visual evidence of my genius, the only way for me to demonstrate my genius is to put other people on fish. Unfortunately, my moments of brilliance are few and far between. Most of my contribution is helping people who are closer to beginners figure out how to get a few fish hooked on a good day, which I'm very happy to do.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

"Loose lips..."



fishing user avatarVegasFishing reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 5:24 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

If this person has a 5-gallon bucket, I tell them NOTHING!


fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

If someone asks, I will give up the information. I like helping others on the lake. If I take someone out, I want them to have a good time, and catch fish. I have been out on others boat and your always struggling for a shot at a prime spot. I try to give them shots at unfished spots.

fishing user avataraavery2 reply : 

There are no secrets in fishing.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I'll help people out but always careful to leave out an important detail or two. Still even if you tell someone exactly where, how, and when it might not matter. I've seen more than once where either I or the guy I was fishing with was tearing them up and the other couldn't get a bite even when we were in the same boat watching how it was done. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Read my signature line.

fishing user avatargobig reply : 

During a tournament I might get a little tight lipped but in general I have no trouble sharing. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

One other thing though, if I share a spot with someone and they go share it with everyone and burn my spot so I can't even get a chance to fish it anymore because someone is always parked on it, that's the last time I help them out. 

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

I'll usually help out younger kids who are struggling with catching a fish and look like they will never fish again.  I think it is our duty as anglers to help each other out sometimes when the occasion arises.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I'll qualify my reply by saying that I don't fish guys are a little wacky about this at times.....


But, for me, I always enjoy talking to other fishermen on the water about what's working and what isn't that day.  I don't hesitate.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 10:20 AM, aavery2 said:

There are no secrets in fishing.


...but plenty of lies!  :  )

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 12:27 AM, FishChaser1 said:

During a period of tough fishing when nobody but you can seem to catch anything, do you tell people what they're doing wrong or do you prefer to keep to yourself and let them figure it out?



I always try to help my friends get to the next level if I can.  Showing them rigs, how I assess and fish structure, etc. and the times of day when fish will be certain places- all that goes into making it more fun for others and when it's more fun, you're going to have a better time.  



Everybody needs a fishing buddy and nobody wants to hang out with a skill miser.  

fishing user avatargobig reply : 
  On 7/22/2014 at 6:56 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

One other thing though, if I share a spot with someone and they go share it with everyone and burn my spot so I can't even get a chance to fish it anymore because someone is always parked on it, that's the last time I help them out. 




Even if you didn't show someone a spot with today's technology there is nothing sacred. Secret spots hardly exist any more and are few and far between. I can drive by a spot, see a boat on it, come back later with a graph and pick it apart with picture perfect clarity. Its more about the intricacies of a spot and how it fishes. About the only way " my water " carries any weight anymore is through situational etiquette. For instance if you were fishing a two day tournament and someone ran to the spot you caught them on the day before because they knew that's where you got them. That is BS. But after the fact that place is fair game. There has to be mutual respect, but it is public water. 

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

The words secret, fishing, hunting, and girl-friend should never be used in the same sentence or you're just fooling yourself.

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

Ill always tell my friends what I'm catching them on. If they're using the same lure as me, 9 times out of 10 I'll  be killing the fish and they won't be catching anything anyway.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I love helping out people that are new to bass fishing. I get asked on occasion to help out a young person who wants to learn to bass fish. I don't give out "secrets" but tell them some popular techniques for the situation and time of year. I don't fish tournaments so that isn't a worry. 


However, there are a couple places I fish that I don't like to advertise with too many folks. I will take friends and relatives along but that's about it.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

I am always one to share information as long as someone asks.  I am not going to offer any info but if you ask i will be happy to tell you what i am using.  What is funny is while many people ask what did you catch them on, I have never been asked how were you fishing it and what type of structure or cover when you caught them.  That is more important than the bait itself in my opinion.


Maybe another thread question would be how many times have you changed up how you were fishing because you talked to somebody you didn't know and they said they were killing them on bait XYZ....

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 

I have no problem telling anyone anything when asked.  I have a teaching background so I do love to help people who want to be helped.  I told a guy at my local pond where, how, and how many fish I caught there that day.  No problem.




I will never walk up to a stranger at a lake and tell them how or where to fish.  First, I know I don't like unsolicited advice on anything, especially when I'm already frustrated.  Second, I live in GA where lots of people carry guns and other weapons everywhere they go.  Nothing wrong with it, you just never know what kind of people you're going to encounter.  My safety comes first.

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 
  On 7/23/2014 at 5:04 AM, flyfisher said:



Maybe another thread question would be how many times have you changed up how you were fishing because you talked to somebody you didn't know and they said they were killing them on bait XYZ....


Great question.  I can certainly say I've tried different lures based on what someone has told me that day.  I've also gone out and purchased a bunch of XYZ based on someone else's killer day.

fishing user avatarnepabassfishing reply : 

Depends on the scenario.  I live on a private lake.  If it's one of my neighbors, I'll gladly give input when asked.  If it is someone I don't know fishing here, that chances are don't have permission or will not practice catch and release, I keep my mouth shut.

fishing user avatarTHE_Vue's reply : 

long story short.  I was at Little Sturgeon during a 100 boat plus tournament on my kayak.  About 10-15 boats around the same area I was fishing.  I was catching bunch of smallies on my Vision 110, Couple guys ask what i was using i told them but they had no idea.  I felt pretty cool catching bunch of them in front of these guys.

fishing user avatarNDH Fishing reply : 

I love to help and try to help whenever I can.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

I will give advice if asked. If they are asking advice even after you tell them what you were using, how to use it and give them gps Lat/Lon they probably won't use it right anyway. There's more to catching fish then just fishing. And if they are asking how to fish well there you go. If I see someone struggling on a dock or with some kids I will try to spend a little time to actually show them how to catch fish.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Violinguy... Thanks for the warning next time,(if ever ) I will wear body armor to fish in Georgia!

Lake Lanier is it at summer pool?

fishing user avatarSlade House reply : 

I think when you fish in a tough lake to fish, and you see a father and son or daughter fishing together using what obviously will never work, i have to go over and donate something to increase their odds of having a lasting memory of that trip together. 

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

"A period of tough fishing where nobody but you can seem to catch anything . . . "  I've never been in that situation.  I'll bet it feels cool.  Should that ever happen, I will be sure to let you know how I behave.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

I generally dont give full on advice, Im not their paid guide. Ill tell a guy at the dock that I caught them on jigs or cranks, shallow or deep but thats about where it ends. I dont go into what bait, why, what location. I hate dock talk personally, I feel like it messes you up, I know it does me cause even if I try not to listen it sticks in my mind. Maybe Ill start wearing headphones to the pretournament launch or ear plugs.


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