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"chatterbait" Type Baits 2025

fishing user avatarTriCityBassin' reply : 


I am a good fisherman (just trust me) and catch fish on swim jigs, flipping jigs, fluke, spinnerbaits, frogs, etc.........  I cannot and have never hooked a fish on one of these.  When everyone just had to have one and you couldn't buy one (after classic win I believe) I had two!  I was all excited because I was going to get into it and absolutely dominate.  NOT!


I think i maybe have had 4 bites on these things.  Of those 4, I didn't hook a one!  The hookup ratio was so terrible, i stopped using them totally.  When I watched Ike on Manother site doing his thing with it I just had to ask what I am doing wrong.


1.When do they work best? (my approach was anytime I would throw a spinnerbait)

2. Type of cover? (I was using around grass and standing timber)

3. What approach to take for the hookset?  When i did get bit they seemed to release quickly.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 1/26/2013 at 3:01 AM, TriCityBassin said:

I am a good fisherman (just trust me) and catch fish on swim jigs, flipping jigs, fluke, spinnerbaits, frogs, etc.........  I cannot and have never hooked a fish on one of these.  When everyone just had to have one and you couldn't buy one (after classic win I believe) I had two!  I was all excited because I was going to get into it and absolutely dominate.  NOT!


I think i maybe have had 4 bites on these things.  Of those 4, I didn't hook a one!  The hookup ratio was so terrible, i stopped using them totally.  When I watched Ike on Manother site doing his thing with it I just had to ask what I am doing wrong.


1.When do they work best? (my approach was anytime I would throw a spinnerbait) I throw them in low light conditions. Letting the vibration do it's job. I've had some violent strikes on them.

2. Type of cover? (I was using around grass and standing timber) Work them in anything that will allow you. Grass, lily pads, wood, stumps. Same as a swim jig.

3. What approach to take for the hookset?  When i did get bit they seemed to release quickly. Same as a spinner bait or swim jig. Feel the strike, set the hook. I use a 7' MH/F rod. or sometimes just a M/F.


Try adding different trailers to it. Paddle tails, craw type. Give it a different look. Try a stop and go retrieve. 

fishing user avatarlizardcaster reply : 

I have never used these. I got one for christmas and I will cast a few times. I see mixed reviews both online and in print. Interested to see how they work in small ponds that i frequent. Looking forward to input on this post!

fishing user avatarPhranchise1213 reply : 

They are bait designed for ultimate vibration so they work well in stained to muddy water. Swim it back, hop it back, stroke it, you can fish it many different ways. Like it was mentioned above, think of it like a swimjig for tough conditions.  However, where I would disagree with the aforementioned replys is with regards to cover, it is a tough lure to fish around any wood or thicker weeds because its not weedless. It is pretty effective being ripped violently out of submerged grass tho. 

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

I agree with all of the above. The only colors I ever use are blue/black w/silver blade and sexy shad w/ gold blade. 


I've had good luck using a 4" senko as a trailer. Also, after my horny toads get too beat up to use I cut the legs off and throw them on a chatterbait. It's a killer bait for fishing the edges of spatterdock around these parts. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

2 of the biggest bass I caught last year were on my homemade chatterbaits. I have them in a lot of colors but black and blue with a silver blade and white with a silver blade, both in 3/8oz, get the call 90% of the time. I like the black and blue in low light conditions or when the water is dirty. The white gets the call in clear water to lightly stained water in low light to sunny conditions. I use a chartreuse trailer on the white bait 100% of the time and it makes a huge difference in the number of bites I get with it. I fish mine with a slow, steady retrieve to let the bait work and call the fish in to it. They excel around grass because the heavy vibration calls them out of the grass. They come through brush and timber very well for a bait with an open hook.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 1/26/2013 at 4:02 AM, Bluebasser86 said:
2 of the biggest bass I caught last year were on my homemade chatterbaits. I have them in a lot of colors but black and blue with a silver blade and white with a silver blade, both in 3/8oz, get the call 90% of the time. I like the black and blue in low light conditions or when the water is dirty. The white gets the call in clear water to lightly stained water in low light to sunny conditions. I use a chartreuse trailer on the white bait 100% of the time and it makes a huge difference in the number of bites I get with it. I fish mine with a slow, steady retrieve to let the bait work and call the fish in to it. They excel around grass because the heavy vibration calls them out of the grass. They come through brush and timber very well for a bait with an open hook.

x2 on the chartreuse trailer.

fishing user avatarTriCityBassin' reply : 

Thanks for the input.  I am gonna pick up a couple.


I also want to share something that is similiar that I DO crush on.  It is a bait called the Dragon Jig.  Homemade, met the guy at a sporting show.  It is a variation on a Johnson minnow/floating worm/swim jig.  Been around for a while.  I don't share this info much, consider this me paying it forward.  I have kept this a secret since i was 14.  I don't have a picture, wish I did


PM me if you would like the contact info.


Is there a brand of "Chatterbait" that is better than another?  The top of the line kind of thing?

I will be hitting the Potomac for 1 event this year and some other grassy impoundments in VA.  I think it may be usefull.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 1/26/2013 at 5:46 AM, TriCityBassin said:
Thanks for the input.  I am gonna pick up a couple.


I also want to share something that is similiar that I DO crush on.  It is a bait called the Dragon Jig.  Homemade, met the guy at a sporting show.  It is a variation on a Johnson minnow/floating worm/swim jig.  Been around for a while.  I don't share this info much, consider this me paying it forward.  I have kept this a secret since i was 14.  I don't have a picture, wish I did


PM me if you would like the contact info.


Is there a brand of "Chatterbait" that is better than another?  The top of the line kind of thing?

I will be hitting the Potomac for 1 event this year and some other grassy impoundments in VA.  I think it may be usefull.

I like the original Z-Man the best.  I am also with bluebasser86 on colors and blade combos.  I fish a lot of nasty looking water.


I use 20lb braid with no leader and use the same type rod I use with a spinnerbait.  I am mostly a bank fisherman.  I do enter tournaments occasionally as a non-boater.  I tend to throw these baits when everyone is throwing spinner baits or crank baits.  My retrieve varies.  I usually swim it while I pump my rod from 10 to 12.  The fish will dictate how I work them tho. 

fishing user avatarTC235 <*))))>< reply : 

Bladed swim jigs are my all time favorite bait to throw. I will throw it all year long and just about anytime of the day for i have built a tremendous amount of confidence into this bait. Best times to throw one are lowlight and overcast days or just anytime the bass are aggressive, but i have caught quality bass on bluebird skys with zero wind.

The bait is very versatile although i feel some people just chuck it out and retreive it with varying speeds which will work depending on certain conditions. It is my least favorite retrieve though. You can work it just like a jig or work it like a spinnerbait. It just all depends on how the bass want it. Sometimes the bass want it burned right below the surface. Other times they love it just barly creeping it along the bottom. One of my favorite ways of fishing bladed swim jigs is mimic a crawfish. That technique has caught me my 4 out of 5 of my biggest bass. You can throw this bait into lots of different cover and whatever you cant throw into just fish right next of. Just gota experiment and you will know what and whatnot to throw into. Just watch out with large quantities of stumps. They will bounce off them, but not 100%. As for water clairty stained water will be the best. Personally i dont pay much attention to water color for i fish a lot of clear water and still slam big gals. Keep it simple with colors, chartreuse or sexy shad for mimicking baitfish and any dark confidence colors that you like for mimicking crawfish. Hooksets depend on how your fishing the bait, if your fishing like a jig set it like one etc... BTW fishing bladed swim jigs in shallow water(less than 2-3) For some reason just is absolute money! They work great at all depths, but shallow water always produces vicious hard stikes!

fishing user avatarTC235 <*))))>< reply : 
  On 1/26/2013 at 5:46 AM, TriCityBassin said:
Thanks for the input.  I am gonna pick up a couple.


I also want to share something that is similiar that I DO crush on.  It is a bait called the Dragon Jig.  Homemade, met the guy at a sporting show.  It is a variation on a Johnson minnow/floating worm/swim jig.  Been around for a while.  I don't share this info much, consider this me paying it forward.  I have kept this a secret since i was 14.  I don't have a picture, wish I did


PM me if you would like the contact info.


Is there a brand of "Chatterbait" that is better than another?  The top of the line kind of thing?

I will be hitting the Potomac for 1 event this year and some other grassy impoundments in VA.  I think it may be usefull.


I have tried other brands, but i keep going back to z-man! Only problem with z-man is somtimes you get a crap one with either a dull hook or the blade will detach from the jig head. The new chatterbait elites are definitely a nice improvement.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I´ve caught a few fish on chatterbaits, a few more than I´ve caught on buzzbaits. The truth is that I really don´t worry much about them anymore, in theory they work sometimes better than spinnerbaits,  i wish somebody could tell me exactly under which conditions they are better than spinnerbaits because, heck, I´ve fished them religiously for long periods of time just to change it for a spinnerbait and start catching fish.

fishing user avatarskeetercraig reply : 

i like pirahna you can get them at tackle warehouse , , black and blue and blue gill , they just about replaced the spinner bait for me

fishing user avatarTriCityBassin' reply : 
  On 1/26/2013 at 8:02 AM, skeetercraig said:
i like pirahna you can get them at tackle warehouse , , black and blue and blue gill , they just about replaced the spinner bait for me

I have not found a bait that would do such a thing for me.  I am a spinnerbait man till the end!  But......WOW.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

this past fall i wore 'em out on a 1/4 ounce white chatterbait with a white paddle tail swimbait trailer.  like TC235 said, they are awesome in water less than 3 feet deep.  i fish them around docks & rocky banks.  it's funny because i'm the opposite of tricitybassin, i cant catch squat on a sb!  i think it's all about confidence.  my confidence baits are sammies, chatterbaits, & flipping jigs.  oh, and a shakey head.

fishing user avatarbassh8er reply : 

I like mono on a MH rod, like a spinnerbait. I like a stout rod; the chatter baits I've used have noticeably more vibration than spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarBenB54 reply : 

I usually fish them with a paddle tail trailer. Lately the LFT live magic shad has worked really well for me. If the fish are a little hesitant to bite, I'll pull the skirt off.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 1/26/2013 at 7:31 AM, Raul said:
I´ve caught a few fish on chatterbaits, a few more than I´ve caught on buzzbaits. The truth is that I really don´t worry much about them anymore, in theory they work sometimes better than spinnerbaits,  i wish somebody could tell me exactly under which conditions they are better than spinnerbaits because, heck, I´ve fished them religiously for long periods of time just to change it for a spinnerbait and start catching fish.

When fish see lots of spinnerbaits and get conditioned to them chatterbaits seem to work. They really shine in dirty water though, especially when they feed heavily on bluegills. A few of the lakes I fish have both things working for them. The fish see lots of spinnerbaits and the water is dirty. People throw spinnerbaits all day long and catch a few fish but you put a chatterbait in the water and they start tearing it up and the bigger fish that "must be in deeper water" start showing up in the same places everyone else has already worked to a froth with spinnerbaits. 

At times they're magic in clear water though. Another lake I do well with them is very clear and the fish will only hit spinnerbaits on windy, cloudy days. Break out a white with chartreuse trailer chatterbait and the fishes demeanor changes completely. These tentative fish that you can only catch with a shakyhead and finesse worm are suddenly trying to take the rod out of your hand. Exactly why they'll smash a chatterbait but won't touch a spinnerbait I don't know, but I've seen it dozens of times so it isn't just coincidence. 

fishing user avatarTriCityBassin' reply : 

Thank you so very much. This dialogue is great.


Actually, I am a die hard finesse fisherman and realized that I may be in the wrong WATER! lol


I look for clearer water when I fish typically as it is more conducive to ultra realistic quiet presentations which I employ.  99% of my spinnerbaits are shad w/willow blades....again clearer water.  I can totally see this bait causing short strikes in clear (er) water.


I will have to give these another shot.  Keep the tips coming, this dialogue is great.


What color do you mostly use?  I have stayed with white/ white silver (lmbo...just like my spinnerbaits!)

I am thinking Bluegill may be better.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

This was one of my most productive baits last year. I fish them with a 4" Yamamoto Swim Senko for the trailer.


My hookset when using these is almost identical to my hookset when fishing a crankbait.


You fire on them too hard and the hook flies out.

fishing user avatarloodkop reply : 

For me the chatterbait realy shines in low light/ low visibility conditions. As such I like black/ black and blue baits. I use craws or paddletails as trailers for even more vibration and fish them on a mh/f rod and 6:1 reel spooled with 40lb braid.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 12:50 PM, JT Bagwell said:
This was one of my most productive baits last year. I fish them with a 4" Yamamoto Swim Senko for the trailer.


My hookset when using these is almost identical to my hookset when fishing a crankbait.


You fire on them too hard and the hook flies out.

I have the same stalled hook set.  Seems like alot of the time they take the lure and run at you so make you pause and reel up the slack before sweeping into them.


My retrieve is rod tip high and roll as slow as possible to keep it off bottom.  You can actually turn the vibration 'off' if you reel slow enough (reel extra slow and use a limp wrist to absorb energy from rod)....and then give the rod tip a twitch to turn it back on.  I slow roll/vibrate for 10-15ft to get followers....turn vibration off...and turn it back on again=you get crushed.  Its so exciting its hard not to immediately set the hook.

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

I'm using just Z-mans with Live magic shad as trailer. It's my go to baits on small ponds and I love them in rivers. When fishing small ponds I might just toss out the small chatterbaits to target crappie too.




Out on the river you might just hook into some cats lol.



fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

I've never caught anything on chatterbaits. I had some Zmans, but recently bought some Booyah boogees so hopefully I have better luck.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 1/28/2013 at 11:23 AM, endless said:
I'm using just Z-mans with Live magic shad as trailer. It's my go to baits on small ponds and I love them in rivers. When fishing small ponds I might just toss out the small chatterbaits to target crappie too.




Out on the river you might just hook into some cats lol.




Doesn't seem like I can ever fish a chatterbait at night without catching a channel cat. They like that strong vibration. Wipers and white bass love them too.

fishing user avatarCrowcommander reply : 

I had a great day on a modified z man with Green pumpkin skirt 3/8 Oz.Stopped at Wally worldon way home and bought 2 more( White). Its kinda like fishing a football jig shallow.I use a bite off piece of green Pumpkin trick worm as trailer.Sometimes the strike is very light like they're comming up behind it and tehy run sideways.Lots of fun,But haven't found any Z man in Green pumpkin.Imho i also think the small Z man Blade works better than the larger off brands. The blade is also turned up to bounce off brush ans catched less grass.  

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

I have a few but the white zman gets chomped up

fishing user avatarendless reply : 
  On 1/29/2013 at 10:54 PM, Bluebasser86 said:
Doesn't seem like I can ever fish a chatterbait at night without catching a channel cat. They like that strong vibration. Wipers and white bass love them too.

Cats loves spinners too. I had to look up to see what a Wiper was.

fishing user avatar5fishlimit reply : 
  On 1/29/2013 at 12:08 PM, TNBassin said:
I've never caught anything on chatterbaits. I had some Zmans, but recently bought some Booyah boogees so hopefully I have better luck.

The booyah has much more vibration, but the bendable shaft is maddening. I still fall back on the zman chatterbaits. Black & blue, and chartreuse are the 2 colors to get. Sharpen the hooks, and use a different trailer.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 1/30/2013 at 8:36 AM, Buckeye Hawg Hunter said:
The booyah has much more vibration, but the bendable shaft is maddening. I still fall back on the zman chatterbaits. Black & blue, and chartreuse are the 2 colors to get. Sharpen the hooks, and use a different trailer.

The chartreuse trailer with little flecks always looks good when I open the package, but then I put something else on the chatterbait. They work well for making a large beetlespin though.

fishing user avatarTriCityBassin' reply : 

wow, there is a lot of love for the bait i can't make work. lol


I promise to go out and grab ONE to give it another shot. ty

fishing user avatarZeeso reply : 

Black/blue chatterbait is one of my confidence, go to lures.  My main gripe with the Z-man original chatterbaits is the hook is complete garbage.




They have released to new version, chatterbait elite.  That comes equipped with a premium Gamakatsu 5/0 hook.  a HUGE upgrade.  Im actually ordering a few right now.



fishing user avatarendless reply : 

This is what I do on a Z-man though. I throw the shad color allot....


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