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Spro BBZ-1 Shad Swimbait 4" 2025

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : 

Looks like a must have? SBZSFS-BLH.jpg

Anyone know how long it takes for an order?  

Thanks in advance

fishing user avatarshawnmc reply : 

Tacklewharehouse site says mid November. I like the looks of the Tru-Tungsten swimbait as well.  Not sure which one I will chose.

fishing user avatarBossierBassHunter reply : 
Tacklewharehouse site says mid November. I like the looks of the Tru-Tungsten swimbait as well. Not sure which one I will chose.

I like the look of that one too. Arent they about the same price?

fishing user avatarswimbait reply : 
I like the look of that one too. Arent they about the same price?

Same price. They both look nice for a SMALL swimbait.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

As soon as I saw the BBZ1 Shad in my Bassin magazine, I said, that's going to be my first swimbait.

Swimbaits are going to be my "project" for next season.


fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

This bait looks amazing, I have been waiting for this bait to be released for awhile.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 

Tru-Tungsten for me

Why does the Spro one seem to only have a spot for one treble hook?  The removable weights on the Tru-Tungsten are a plus too.  Also, I fish waters where the primary forage is not shad, but rather bass and bluegill.  So the color selection is another plus for the Tru-Tungsten, at least for me.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

I haven't got to throw the 4" Tru-Tungsten, but I have a few of the Spro shads.  They are so nasty in the water.  I've caught a few with them, but I haven't really given them much time other than showing others how they swim.  As the fall bite gets into full swing, this bait is really gonna produce.

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

Looks like Late October and Free shipping

fishing user avatarHopelesslyAddicted reply : 

Sweet I'm glad they're coming out soon.  

What do you guys think about using the spro shad in waters that don't have shad?

 Something tells me that the swimming action will be so sweet that it won't matter, but maybe I should get a tru tungsten?

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : 

Place an order today...

Have a few places this swimbait should be outstanding...

Falcon PM sent

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

there is a video here that shows the bait's action.

click on the video link by the bait's mouth


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Can you really call that a swimbait though?  :-/

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
Can you really call that a swimbait though? :-/

what else would you call it?

i think this is actually a good example of a swimbait. multi jointed, very realistic, realistic swimming motion without a lip. thats pretty much what a swimbait is.

there are some other so-called "swimbaits" on the market are questionable as to whether they really are swimbaits...... :-?

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 
Can you really call that a swimbait though? :-/

what else would you call it?

i think this is actually a good example of a swimbait. multi jointed, very realistic, realistic swimming motion without a lip. thats pretty much what a swimbait is.

there are some other so-called "swimbaits" on the market are questionable as to whether they really are swimbaits...... :-?

I know what you mean, but it just seems to small to be a swimbait to me.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

its not the traditional, california big-bait type swimbait, but it is certainly a swimbait. :)

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

It doesn't have to be huge to be a swimbait.


fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 
thats pretty much what a swimbait is.

Swimbait is too broad of a term to try to narrow it down and say what is and isn't.

Everything from a 3.5" fish trap to a 10" AC Plug to a 12" Osprey are swimbaits.  Hell people call a King Shad a swimbait and it is a jointed rip bait.  

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

Mine Shipped yesterday, just in time for this weekend!

fishing user avatarCFFF 1.5 reply : 

Mine is shipping today and will be here on the 22nd.

fishing user avatarutahbasser reply : 

i ordered a perch tru tungsten and a natural shad spro.

the spro got here today and i can't wait to use it on sunday.

i went to a pond to see the action and its crazy.

i got a blue black herring spro instead of my perch tru tungsten so i either have to sell it or send it back. i'm not sure what i'm going to do yet. but i'm in the same boat. only a few lakes have shad and most have perch so the tru tungsten is good for color, but the spro is a better bait i beleive. its a great bait and i loved the tru tungsten until i saw this spro one today. its so realistic its rediculous!

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

I got mine in the mail today!

Very Nice

I am hitting the river in the morning, will report out.

fishing user avatarsambrochill reply : 

does anyone know if Basspro will be carrying these baits?

fishing user avatarHopelesslyAddicted reply : 
does anyone know if Basspro will be carrying these baits?

Probably eventually but you can get them at Tackle Warehouse right now.

Anyone field test these things yet?

fishing user avatarutahbasser reply : 

i will be testing mine out tomorrow. i'll report on how i do

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

I couldn't get out today, I spent the day replacing my break lines on my 1991 f-150. They burst front and back :) (Weird) on my wife glad she made it home OK.  Will get out in the morning on the toon.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Check this out.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
Check this out.

holy crap  

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
Check this out.

Huh. Just goes to show that theres all kinds of different people out there...

Just kind of depressing when you realize how dumb most of them are ;D

fishing user avatarBossierBassHunter reply : 

I liek the looks of it, but I think I'll be going for the Tru-T for two reasons.

1. You can change the depth it runs, and I need a wakebait, lol.

2. It has a bluegill pattern

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : 

Here's some info on the Spro 4"

And Tru-Tungsten 4"

Spro's my choice :)

fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 

Why make a choice?  Buy a couple of both! :)

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

I was able to fish it (slow sinking) today on a moderate retrieval it swam like a wake bait very cool, and tons of action this thing rocks! Slow retrieval it sinks with great action.  I also nabbed a 18 inch LMB today with it. :)

It's work picking one up

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

Here is a pic the BBZ-1 is by my right foot.


fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 

Thanks for the report :)

I'll be picking one up, not sure what color yet.  How does that Natural Shad look in the water?

fishing user avatarLos reply : 

So what colors are you guys using???


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