I'm lookin for a new rod and reel that is geared more toward spinnerbaits and buzzbaits, for the reason they are my favorite baits. Ive picked out a st. croix mojo bass rod in 7' MH. My friend suggested i get a revo sx but for like 10 bucks more i could upgrade to a curado, and from what ive seen on the forums they seem to be pretty nice. So should i just pitch in 10 more bucks or is there a cheaper alternative to the curado and revo sx? Somewhere in the 110-120 range? I have a daiwa procaster but its a like graphite frame(?). and i was lookin for somthing that could take more abuse.
The E has graphite sideplates as does your Daiwa. Ive had the E and was nothing but dissappointed by it compared to the D. I now have a Revo SX and love it. I dont think the $10 upgrades you anything. I feel it casts lighter baits better and all baits farther with less effort. But most of all I never realized how poor the shimano anti reverse is compared to Abu and Daiwas. It makes for a much more solid feeling reel. The E was downgraded from the D if you ask me, especially if your a multi-species angler.
Curado is more than worth it. Can sometimes find for $150 or less online.
Citica is the best choice at $120 or less.
Both are the best at their price point.
Horrible anti-reverse? Geez, not that tired crap again. Surprised you didn't mention the lame drag junk too.
call Tackle Warehouse get a price match and you have one awesome reel on the way.
I'll take a Curado over a revo any time of the day.
To me that Curado is worth the $10 extra.
I would wait for the Curado 100E to come out later this year if you like smaller, lighter reels. The Japanese version came out already (the scorpion 1000), and Shimano doesn't make a low-profile baitcaster in Japan that doesn't have an American counterpart. I have an old scorpion 1000 which is my favorite reel, and I'm kind of counting on the 100E to be as good or better. I know a lot of guys use the 100 size due to weight, but it's a necessity for me because of my small hands. I also like the line capacity of the smaller reels; I use 12lb line for most of my needs and don't need a deep spool.
Food for thought,the SX also has magnetic braking as well as spool tension knob(easier to cast if learning).Shapes of reels(comfort),Shimano has thickest area in palm,SX up towards and under your knuckles,palm both of them to see which you are more comfortable.
I can't comment about the revo because I've never used one. However, if you go with the curado I'm pretty sure you'll never look back. It's a great reel!
QuoteFood for thought,the SX also has magnetic braking as well as spool tension knob(easier to cast if learning).Shapes of reels(comfort),Shimano has thickest area in palm,SX up towards and under your knuckles,palm both of them to see which you are more comfortable.
Curado has six-pin centrifugal braking as well as a spool tension knob. I don't believe one type of brake is any easier than the other. Imho, the type of braking you need on a baitcast reel is dictated by your casting style. Centrifugal braking controls the spool at the beginning of the cast, magnetic works at the end of the cast.
I cast with a bullwhip-type motion and generally only backlash at the beginning of the cast, so I stick with centrifugal braking. My thumb handles the spool rotation at the end of the cast.
for the $140 and change you can find them going for, the curado e is a steal.
I have used both, and can honestly say I liked the Revo a little better. However recently I purchased an Ardent XS1000 and LOVE IT! It is by far the best baitcaster I have used, and the good news is I purchased it brand new for $155.00 off of ebay. Keep an eye out and you can find some great deals, I would not buy one brand new, because you can find members selling them on the forums at a great price. Good luck in your decision.
I say curado but can only compare it to the old SX and what's the use of a strong smooth reel you can't cast correctly half the time. I do have a new SX coming this week so we'll see but until then, curado.
i was in your positon also, i couldnt decide between the shimano citica or the revo s, but then i went to my local bass pro shops and handled a curado, then my cousin let me fish with his, and i went home and found one online for 145 free shipping! i am so glad i did to, because this is one sweet reel! i do think its worth the extra money!
Most people find the Curado E to be an
outstanding reel. I would recommend it,
Good workhorse reel for the price.
I have the Curado and a 2010 SX. I love both reels. Both cast very smoothly and retrieve very smoothly. You will not be disappointed with either one.
If you want to stay on the cheaper end then the Citica is the way to go. The new Revo S does have the new centrifugal breaking system but it does not feel near as nice as the Citica.
scorcher sent you a pm
I have both reels and I feel that they both have their strengths and weaknesses. on the revo I hate the short handle. I upgraded to a skeet handle and it's much better. I also dont like that there is not much access to the spool if you do backlash. I think it may hold less line as well. on a positive note I do think it feels a little more refined on the retrieve. the curado is one of those reels that's so consistent from lure to lure wt. to wt. it's cast control is far less temperamental to me also. I think that the curado will pitch lighter weights better than than the revo. If you do hapen to back lash the curado, which is seldom for me, it's much easier to pick out due to thi wider spool and ease of access to it. I would most definitely choose another curado over the revo. That is not to say the revo is a bad reel. It's a great reel. I use mine for lipless cranks. It can cast a country mile. hope this helps
I own two curado e's and love them can't go wrong with the reel. Best baitcaster I have fished with
QuoteI would wait for the Curado 100E to come out later this year if you like smaller, lighter reels. The Japanese version came out already (the scorpion 1000), and Shimano doesn't make a low-profile baitcaster in Japan that doesn't have an American counterpart. I have an old scorpion 1000 which is my favorite reel, and I'm kind of counting on the 100E to be as good or better. I know a lot of guys use the 100 size due to weight, but it's a necessity for me because of my small hands. I also like the line capacity of the smaller reels; I use 12lb line for most of my needs and don't need a deep spool.
have you seen the shimano 100e reel i have not heard of it. would it be somewhat like a 100d curado reel anywhere to get more info thanks kb
I'm surprised no one suggested a Steez, Premier, Core, etc. ;) Just because the OP asked about 2 specific reels never stopped anyone before from suggesting their favorite reel even tho it was neither of the OP's choices or even in his price range.
Having said that, I am throwing crankbaits with a Fuego on an Airrus Ultra XL. ;D
Curados are the best baitcasters I've ever put in my hands!!!
I was mainly using the revo sx last year. Then I picked up a curado e7 then another then a e5. I wasn't buying into all the hype about the curado ( what a mistake) as soon as you use one you know your getting your moneys worth. Now my revo sits on the rack on it's new vendetta rod collecting dust.
Any idea on the price once it hits the American market?
Don't know if it will ever hit the market.
Its US$250 from dealers in Japan.
Stasher1,I can only comment on the experience I have with folks I have helped or taught.Some,after trying to throw my reels(centrifical)said the magnetic brakes were a"godsend","would not be throwing this without them","thank god for magnets".I prefer people to learn what they like themselves.I was trying to convey to the OP that some people find it easier to throw with magnetic braking.They are both excellent reels.Sorry to confuse.