Okay I’m good at bass fishing Iv been doing it for years but lately all of a sudden I’m busting off my jigs on the hookset I use a improved clinch knot with 17-20lb fluorocarbon invizX line on a heavy action St. Croix legend extreme it happens more than it should I tie my knots right ! I also use a knot Gerald swindle ties busted that ad well ... I didn’t think you could set the hook to hard on a jig honestly it’s not making sense to me I wet my knots I don’t pull them to tight anyone know what could be happening
Fluorocarbon is happening. Not a fan.
Try a different knot
The odd part is you are an experienced angler, no knot issues heretofore, but then all of a sudden this happens.
I wonder if it is possible that you have some sort of burr on your jigs, like you bought several of them and they have a sharp edge that is catching your line?
One thing happened to me the other day; no, it didn't lead to me breaking off . . . but it made me think I might. For some reason, while handling a "fresh out of the bag" Keitech shad-like bait, my hands felt greasier than usual. So, when I tied my terminal knot to the hook, I transferred some of this oily stuff onto my line.
Something like this might be a possible culprit, something you are doing different. If you have tied good knots in the past, haven't changed the way you tie them, I'd think something else is up.
Yea it may possibly be my hook set itself I’m not really sure it’s a mystery to me and is coasting my 5$ a break and great fish and I mean great ... like when I 6lber comes up and throws your jig right after it breaks off along with many other bass that have done this same thing
So now that I got my regularly scheduled hatred of flouro out of the way, taking a systematic approach might be the best plan. Start with a flourocarbon friendly knot like the San Diego jam. Once the knot does or does not resolve the issue then try a different brand of jig. Still screwed change lines.
Are you tying your knot in the same way you always have? I started using a San Diego Jam knot on fluoro, and it's a strong knot, but I realised I needed to be careful not to pull on the tag when snugging it down too much as it will make a really weak knot if I pull the tag too hard. No idea why, but sometimes you discover these things and they make a difference.
Either that or lay off the 'roids and the big weights!
Since you're a well seasoned angler, tying the same knots for years with no issues...I wonder if you simply got a bad batch of line. It happens sometimes. I worked in a tackle shop for years, and we've had to throw out a few bulk spools because of that.
I agree that it could be a bad batch of line. I’ve been using the improved clinch knot with fluorocarbon for 2 years and have never had a knot fail.
Here is my regularly scheduled defense of Flouro line (sorry @Angry John ????)
Other than doing something different than what you always have when tying, or you happened to get a bad spool..reload and try a different knot as John said just for the heck of it but I don't think that's your problem.
The knot that Swindle uses is very popular.
I'd bet you are making a week spot when cinching.
I use flouro for everything except frogging and punching and wouldn't even consider changing.
On 4/28/2018 at 7:16 PM, IgotWood said:Since you're a well seasoned angler, tying the same knots for years with no issues...I wonder if you simply got a bad batch of line. It happens sometimes. I worked in a tackle shop for years, and we've had to throw out a few bulk spools because of that.
Most likely...
Old line? What does the end of the line look like after the break-off?
InvisX is supposed to be a good line (oughta be for the price), but FC is fragile. Some little difference in your process might be the difference.
Let us know when you figure it out.
Just out of curiosity have you checked your guides on your rod for a bur that could be nicking up your line and causing it to break a little farther up from the knot?
But i have also had a bad spool or 2 of line that will just break if you look at it...lol
I also use invisx and ive also had improved clinch knots fail numerous times on 15-20lbs. I use a palomar now and I’ve never had a knot fail. I know everyone says palomar is a no no with fluorocarbon but it works well for me me. Ive had multiple snags where i try to pull to break it off at the knot to save line and i never can get it to break. The line is thick enough that the line doesn’t kink on itself so the knot strength remains intact.
If this is a new issue using the same rod and jig you always have, I also vote for bad line. Does happen. But you said you are using a heavy action rod with a jig on 17-20 lb line. Its not hard to exceed that rating with a hard hookset on a heavy rod, they have a lot of backbone. So could be that or a burr on the jig eyelet I suppose. But probably a bad line most likely.
Doesn't sound like it's happening on just one spool of line though. "17-20lb" implies it's more than one spool of line and is a systemic thing. Be interested to see the OP's response to the thread so far.
The thing about fluorocarbon line is it's not prone to UV, heat or age storage issues like Nylon mono line is. The fact you are using Seaguar InvisX a premium FC should eliminate age issues. InvisX doesn't have good abrasion resistance and the reason Seaguar introduced Abrax FC that has improved abrasion resistance and better impact resistance, oddly has less memory with higher knot strength, so that is solution.
FC line is sometimes like being around a rattle snake it sometimes bites you, it's the nature of the beast.
Braking any 17-20 lb test line on a hook set tells me you are over powering your hook set technique.
Can you discribe how you are hook setting? If you are snap setting into slack line, that has a very high impact on knots. We all have different techniques, what works for is the reel set with firm rod sweep using jigs and I was using 10-14 lb FC test line without breaking off during hook sets, but....have broke off a few big bass during the fight do to knot failure and the reason I have tainted outlook towards FC line.
You must use cautions tying any knot with FC, if you overheat or deform the line clinching the knot tight, retie. If you snag your lure and pull on the it with force to free it, remove that length of FC line and retie. I use the SD jam knot with FC for my jigs, easy to tie using the weight of the jig, wet the line then snug the knot before sliding it to the hook eye and clinch tight by holding the jig and pulling on the main line.
Yea I am gonna try this double improved clinch knot I snapped the line by pulling hard as I would on a hook set and busted the improved clinch with ease then I tried the double clinch knot and also broke that with my hands but couldn’t bust that improved double clinch knot as strange as that sounds
Last year I got a bad batch of 12 lb Blue Label. Same thing was happening above the knot.
when I talked to the shop owner, he admitted that others were complaining too. He gave me a new spool and have not had an issue since.
on a side note, I have send guys set the hook without reeling in the slack and pop their line
On 4/29/2018 at 10:23 AM, MichiganMikee said:Yea I am gonna try this double improved clinch knot I snapped the line by pulling hard as I would on a hook set and busted the improved clinch with ease then I tried the double clinch knot and also broke that with my hands but couldn’t bust that improved double clinch knot as strange as that sounds
You broke it or it slipped? If you did it with your hands I'd say it was more of a slip. Try a san diego jam knot going twice through the eyelet. If you break that... idk what to say lol. But I am thinking that heavy rod is rated for more than 17-20 lbs. a few of my medium rods are rated that if not a bit higher.
On 4/29/2018 at 11:28 AM, FishDewd said:You broke it or it slipped? If you did it with your hands I'd say it was more of a slip. Try a san diego jam knot going twice through the eyelet. If you break that... idk what to say lol. But I am thinking that heavy rod is rated for more than 17-20 lbs. a few of my medium rods are rated that if not a bit higher.
My "good" rod is a St. Croix Premier, medium weight, fast tip, and it's rated 10#-17#. I use either 12# or 15# on it. Using the same line on a heavy weight rod seems like it would set the scene for possible problems, especially with a heavy hookset. I'm new enough and ignorant enough that I try to stick with manufacturer's line weight recommendations for both rods and reels. I'm fairly certain that my knot tying skills could be better, but I'm living so far on mostly mono lines, and haven't had any breakage issues.
I got hung up 3 weeks ago (Spiderwire 12# ultimate mono, line was spooled a year ago, still healthy), and was able to drag myself and the canoe to the spot, then stop the drift with the rod, and pull hard enough that it ripped the snag loose. It was some sort of net-like material (Maybe some old fabric fencing? Couldn't be fishing net in a 100 acre agricultural impoundment in Colorado) that was just rotten enough to tear a piece loose and bring a 5 pound chunk of it to the surface so I could unhook it. Glad to save the crankbait, as it's a discontinued Rapala DT-Flat that I didn't want to loose this early in the year, especially as it was catching fish. I retied the bait and caught a couple more fish on it.
The easiest way to test line for deterioration is wrap the line around your hand, leave about a foot space between your hands and wrap the line around your other hand,
Put your hand together and snap them apart, if the line breaks easily it's a problem depending on how hard you do and the pound test of the line.
Fluorocarbon line isn't 100% knot strength, meaning it breaks at the knot leaving a curl end in lieu of breaking away from the knot. If you get 80% knot strength you are doing good, meaning 20 lb test breaks at 16 lbs force.
Check all of your guides. I've had a grooved guide that caused line fray and lots of breakoffs. Didn't realize what was the cause until the line was so weak that I literally couldn't even tie a knot and tighten it without it breaking the line.
I have been using 15lb Invizx for three years now and since day one always tie with a uni...never a problem.
i've used the double improved cinch with no issues. but have learned it comes together better if you tighten it down evenly then tighten single tag end, then the main line. inspect the knot to make sure there's no odd loose loops. the single improved cinch will slip.
I use Seaguar Abrazx for all of my fluorocarbon pitching...jigs/creatures ect.....one of the main lakes i fish is full of zebra mussels and I can't recall my knot ever breaking while using 15lb or 17lb Abrazx with a trilene knot. double loop, 6 twists, back through both loops and bingo. I've even launched 3 pounders out of the water from 15 yards into the boat....no breakage...won't use anything else until it fails...
On 4/29/2018 at 8:35 AM, WRB said:If you are snap setting into slack line, that has a very high impact on knots.
I've been snapping 10lb InvisX at the knot (palomars all around) on hooksets doing this. Not sure if this is your jig issue, but it's my dropshot issue, thanks Tom!