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Browning Maxus baitcasting reel, new at Bass Pro Shops 2024

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Anyone seen these yet?? Looks like a lot of reel for $70. 10 bearings, aluminum frame, dual centrifugal and magnetic brakes both externally adjustable. Only difference I could find between it and the Midas model that previously retailed for $150 was that the Midas has 12.8 pound drag pressure while the new Maxus only has 10 pounds, and there is a 5 yard line capacity difference between the spools, Midas holds 12 lb./150 yd. while Maxus holds 12 lb./145 yd.

Minor differences for such a large price difference. Nearly the same reel at less than 1/2 the price. Even the colors are the same.

I'm sort of interested in these since they have more bearings and the same drag as my Extreme does. And it also looks like it could be a Pflueger product in disguise, same as my Extremes are. I've always wondered if the Brownings were anyway, features are very similar to Pflueger reels. Plus if you go to Browning's website and click on their "official fishing site" you just get redirected to Bass Pro Shops under a search for only Browning products. So they aren't making their own reels, that's for sure.

The only one bad thing I saw was that the reel weighs nearly 9 oz. Weight aside though, the features of it read like it would be a solid reel for that price. Just wondered if anyone knew for sure.

Here's a link to check it out.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

It would appear that the reel has graphite end plates. For a graphite end plate reel, 8.9oz is awfully heavy.   Given the price,  I'd really have to wonder about the durability of the reel.  

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Browning ???????????????

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

It does seem almost too good to be true but I sure would like to know more about it.  I've always thought that the Extreme reels I bought were a better reel for the money than others at the same price.  Seemed like I got more than I really paid for when I bought them.  Maybe this will turn out to be one of those deals, but only time will tell.  I'll have to wait on a few reviews to see what kind of reel this really is.  

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I repeat . Browning ???????????????? Why ???????????????????????

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Uh..........why not??   :-?

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Stick to the big three and don't waste your money on crap. How many people do you know that buys browning equipment ?

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Well, I don't really, but I also don't know that many who own Bass Pro Shops Extremes either and I bought 5 of those and found out they were awesome reels. I usually let a product impress me or unimpress me as opposed to it's preceeded reputation doing so.  But since I don't have immediate access to information on this reel I'm gonna have to let others tell me what they think of it and go on their word alone until I make a trip to see one close up.

By the way, what are the big three?? I'm sure Shimano is one of them.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Daiwa and quantum are the other two. You can't go wrong with these . They are battle proven and have a proven back ground. Can't say that about Browning but it's your money , spend it anyway you want.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

First of all, Extremes and even the Johnny Morris line of reels aren't really Pflueger reels in disguise. The BPS stuff may come from a Pure fishing factory and share some parts but I'd guess that's all that they share with Pflueger or Garcia.

As for the quality, it's designed into the product. In the case of BPS, they tell the design team they want a 10 bearing reel to sell at this particular price point, it's up to the engineers and design team to make it happen no matter how. You're basically taking a 7 bearing extreme and adding 3 more bearings PLUS adding dual braking. I'm sorry but something has to give. Either the components will be junk ie: bearings, or the fit and finish will be substandard and won't stand the test of time, let alone a couple fishing seasons.

I have a feeling you'll have a reel that occasionally makes unusual noises, doesn't sync up each time you crank it over to engage, has sporadic drag or has stuff break internally along the way that ONLY BPS will be able to fix.

While I've never fished with a Browning reel, I've handled a few. They were nothing spectacular and weighed way too much for what you were getting despite the fact they were cheaper than a comparable reel, even comparing them to BPS house reels.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

I sort of thought those would be the other two.  I'm sold on Shimano quality, and love the new Quantums too, have yet to see a Daiwa I really like, and think Pflueger ought to be included in "the big 4".   ;D :D

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
Daiwa and quantum are the other two. You can't go wrong with these . They are battle proven and have a proven back ground. Can't say that about Browning but it's your money , spend it anyway you want.


They have a back ground alright.  I wouldn't own one again.  

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
Daiwa and quantum are the other two. You can't go wrong with these . They are battle proven and have a proven back ground. Can't say that about Browning but it's your money , spend it anyway you want.


They have a back ground alright. I wouldn't own one again.

Oh snap !!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

The big three??? Shimano, Daiwa and Quantum.  Hmm seems like you forgot the biggest of the big three Abu Garcia!!!  Abu is definitely a step up from.....

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
The big three??? Shimano, Daiwa and Quantum. Hmm seems like you forgot the biggest of the big three Abu Garcia!!! Abu is definitely a step up from.....

Your right.

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

I gotta say I love my Quantum, and Ive also got a Browning Midas Black Bass.  It was cheap, 99.99 for the combo, its alittle heavy perhaps, but its been a great reel.  I take it and my pt tour out on my float tube and use the browning combo for soft plastics.  its been terrific.  No problems with the quality, esp. at the price I paid.  Just my two cents.

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

What about shakespere, guys!?

Kidding, obviously.

I was at BPS the other day and actually saw this reel. Held it, that was it, so I can't give you any insight execpt that I did think it was pretty heavy and I'm no expert at all.

Bass brat- excellent use of the "oh snap!!" To cart's comment. I lol-ed for a minute.

fishing user avatarGomer Pyle reply : 

Is it for certain that Browning even builds these reels? Just my 2 cents..

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

I would venture to guess that's a NO.  I think they just put their name on a lot of products that other people make.  Doesn't mean they're not good though.

fishing user avatarOIFBasser reply : 

My first experience with BPS was the Bionic reel, which sucked worse than a $5 hooker (not one to know, but I don't think it would be very good.) Then got a Calisto which sucked even worse! then I bought some Revos and was hooked. The new Reovos look too much like Pfleugers, and nothing g to against Pleugers, but if I wanted a Pfleuger I'd buy one. I'm going to buy a new Revo and a President. If they are too much alike, I am going to switch to Curados. IMO the Brownings are the same as BPS, just different colors.

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

if i were you and looking to only spend that much money for a decent reel , i would get a silvermax or promax by ABU GARCIA . or spend a few dollars more and get a REVO S ........  :D

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

To the last poster.......I'm assuming you're talking to me since I started this thread and was asking about a cheap reel (cheap meaning pricewise). If not I'm sorry, but I answered it anyway. ;D :D

Anyway, I'm not really looking to buy one, I just wanted to know about it was all. Seems too much reel for the price it has on it. I'm always on the lookout for what would be a good buy, I'm just that way, can't hardly stand to NOT know about a deal that's going on somewhere, even if I don't need it at all. And also, if it looks like it would be a good product then I keep it in mind next time I see someone asking about anything like this (i.e. "What's a good reel for X amount of money??"). Then I'd be ready with an answer ("Hey, I saw these and they look great, check them out").

Now of course I would never recommend something that I had not tried personally and thought was good. I'd only just mention in passing that they're out there and let that person look at them and decide for themselves whether or not it would be good for them, or any good at all for that matter. As for my role in it, I would only just be passing along information that said product exists so they know it's another option for them and that's all.

And of course I'd love to have first hand experience with them too, at least a close up look, but that won't happen for a while cause of my proximity to a BPS store and current work schedules and all. So that's why I asked about them instead of looking at them myself.

Whew!!! That was a mouthful. Had to get all that out though to make sure there was no misunderstanding about my intentions with this thread and my intentions with any future suggestions/recommendations. ;)

And also, having said all that, taking the reel strictly for what it's described as being and it's price of being very affordable for what all you seem to get at this point..........without seeing it personally I feel safe in saying I believe I'd love to own one (if I actually needed another reel). Even the colors look so good it would be no problem at all matching it to a rod and having the combo look awesome together. Really, reading the description and looking at the photo it looks like it's built solid, aluminum frame, drag star, and spool. 10 bearings, dual braking, externally adjustable, and you could at least mentally compare it to known Browning reels that you've handled in the past for a quick gauge of quality without having to actually see it close up. No one could really say they felt cheap.......only just heavy compared to other reels which seems to be the only "real" negative. Look how many people fell in love with the D series of Curados and Citicas and they were grossly heavy compared to other reels out at the time they were being sold. And as one person mentioned, they see them as being BPS products in different colors basically.......if that's really true then I definitely would have no problem owning one.

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

cool then , it's good to be informed . i guess when it's a broad kinda question about a company that most people don't buy from , you get alot of suggestions to look elswhere . i myself don't trust alot of what i read in a advertisement from companies like BPS , or for this matter Browning ......

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 
Is it for certain that Browning even builds these reels? Just my 2 cents..  

I was told by a BPS employee, that their reels are made by Pfluger, and Browning.  I dont know if he knew what he was talking about, but thats what he told me.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

I was told by a BPS employee, that their reels are made by Pfluger, and Browning. I dont know if he knew what he was talking about, but thats what he told me.

Up until 2006 or 07 BPS reels were made by other companies,  Now they are made by BPS.  What is troubling about that is no one truly makes their own reels anymore.  They design them sure, but the companies no longer own the factories, pay their own employees, rather they are contracted out.  The days of each reel company employing their own people and making their own stuff is over.  Abu Garcia still has their factory in Sweden,  but most of their stuff is made in Korea now.  Shimano is supposed to have their own factory, don't know Shimano well enough to comment on this.  Regardless small company owned factories have gone the way of the dinosaur, rahter the production of reels goes to a few companies overseas, who make the reels to each parent companies specs.  When you see companies like Pinnacle and Okuma etc touting that they are finally putting their own name on reels and have quit making them for the big guys, all that means is that the factory is putting out their own brand, it will not be as good as what they make for other companies due to proprietary copyrights, patents, etc.  So in short it is the design of the reel, the specifications of the parts, and not who actually assembles them, most brands are assembled in the same place by the same people who put different stickers and coverplates.  Each reel quality is different not because of where it is made, or who made it, but the quality of parts and design of the parent company.

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

Yeah, sounds about par for course the way the economy works these days.  I know a guy who contracts a company in China to make steel tools, blades and hemostats and the like, and it turns out the Chinese company hires a factory in Africa to actully make the stuff.  Its friggin insane.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 
Yeah, sounds about par for course the way the economy works these days. I know a guy who contracts a company in China to make steel tools, blades and hemostats and the like, and it turns out the Chinese company hires a factory in Africa to actully make the stuff. Its friggin insane.

Wow, with so many middle men and yet it's still cheaper to outsource a product overseas for it to be made, how does anyone make any money in the making of it without violating some child labor laws?? ;D  Then again, I guess a few of them have been caught a time or two doing that. :D

fishing user avatarMarauderYak reply : 

Unfortunately it's just not possible to manufacture a competatively priced freshwater reel here in the States.  Ardent wouldn't have been able to start without major subsidies and grants.  It's also extremely difficult for a US based company to own a production facility over seas, so the only other option is to contract a foriegn based factory to build your product.

If the healthcare bill & "energy" bill both pass you'll see a good portion of the remaining US manufacturing come to an end.  And China is actually passing so many new regulations that they are losing factories to other countries now.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 
My first experience with BPS was the Bionic reel, which sucked worse than a $5 hooker (not one to know, but I don't think it would be very good.) Then got a Calisto which sucked even worse! then I bought some Revos and was hooked. The new Reovos look too much like Pfleugers, and nothing g to against Pleugers, but if I wanted a Pfleuger I'd buy one. I'm going to buy a new Revo and a President. If they are too much alike, I am going to switch to Curados. IMO the Brownings are the same as BPS, just different colors.

:-?  The new revos look like revo's with curved handles and drag stars.  

fishing user avatarSharkbite reply : 

I see alot of Browning reels around but never heard anyone talk about them here.  So I figured they weren't all that great.

Has anyone bought and used one?

fishing user avatarSharkbite reply : 
My first experience with BPS was the Bionic reel, which sucked worse than a $5 hooker (not one to know, but I don't think it would be very good.) Then got a Calisto which sucked even worse! then I bought some Revos and was hooked. The new Reovos look too much like Pfleugers, and nothing g to against Pleugers, but if I wanted a Pfleuger I'd buy one. I'm going to buy a new Revo and a President. If they are too much alike, I am going to switch to Curados. IMO the Brownings are the same as BPS, just different colors.

Hey now $5 Hookers are great LOL

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 
I see alot of Browning reels around but never heard anyone talk about them here. So I figured they weren't all that great.

Has anyone bought and used one?

I have an old citori that I got off of a buddy.  It's a pretty good reel, they are quiet bulky and heavy, and a little noisy.  

fishing user avatarJaheff reply : 

After reading this thread, all I can come up with is...

Only buy Pinnacle reels, and support the good ole USA?


fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 
After reading this thread, all I can come up with is...

Only buy Pinnacle reels, and support the good ole USA?


UMMM Pinnacles are made in China, at least the one I have was.


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