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Braid W/o Leader. Am I The Only One... 2025

fishing user avataraeb603 reply : 

Am I the only one who never uses a leader when fishing with braid? never really saw the need and as far as I can tell it doesn't affect the number or size of fish I catch in really clear water

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

no, you aren't the only one

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Yes you are!  :eyebrows:




Me, give me a leader with braid and I'm

ready to fish!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

"Braid W/o Leader"


Hmmm I don't know...sounds a bit treacherous to me   :scared:

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

I fish it with and without a leader, mostly without.

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

I've lost enough lures with braid to know I need a leader.. plus gives me confidence the fish at least aint seeing the first yard or so of line comin from the lure

fishing user avataraeb603 reply : 
  On 4/29/2015 at 10:34 AM, RoLo said:

"Braid W/o Leader"


Hmmm I don't know...sounds a bit treacherous to me   :scared:

hahaha why so? I know everyone has different reasons for using a leader but what specifically are yours?

fishing user avataraeb603 reply : 
  On 4/29/2015 at 10:44 AM, einscodek said:

I've lost enough lures with braid to know I need a leader.. plus gives me confidence the fish at least aint seeing the first yard or so of line comin from the lure

never really had a problem with them seeing my line. Actually caught my pb sight fishing in 6+ feet of water on a weightless senko with braid straight to the hook, but too each his own i suppose

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Do not know how to tie two lines together & have no need to learn,

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Nor do I, but I'm glad you guys like braid + leaders, I think..

fishing user avatarCRANKENSTIEN reply : 

I go without. Leader sometimes if fishing fast or dirtier water. I've seen nice fish brought in wout a leader

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

Sometimes I fish without a leader, sometimes I use one. It All depends on the fishing situation. 

fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

Straight braid for punching and frogging. Mono for everything else

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 4/29/2015 at 10:49 AM, Spinnerbaiter3 said:

hahaha why so? I know everyone has different reasons for using a leader but what specifically are yours?


I was only speaking in jest, and normally fish straight braid without a leader.

I just noticed that you're a new member; welcome to the BR forum  :smiley:



fishing user avatarwytstang reply : 

I have yet to use a leader when fishing with braid, don't feel the need to and the fish don't seem to mind either.

fishing user avatarBW208 reply : 

I fish straight braid on one rod and straight flouro on the other two.  I catch just as many on straight braid as the others and I fish in very clear water most of the time.  I don't understand the need for a leader honestly unless the fish is line shy. 

fishing user avatarkawiguy08 reply : 

That's all I use on my baitcaster. o leader for me and I have neve had a problem.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

I'm a line watcher so I usually fish jigs and finesse baits on hi-vis yellow braid, so I do use a leader (usually fluoro.) On my frogging and punching setups I run straight green braid with no leader.

fishing user avataraeb603 reply : 
  On 4/29/2015 at 11:49 AM, RoLo said:

I was only speaking in jest, and normally fish straight braid without a leader.

I just noticed that you're a new member; welcome to the BR forum  :smiley:



your sarcasm is hard to pick up over the interweb hahaha but thanks for the welcoming roger

fishing user avatarWeld's Largemouth reply : 

I lose the feel that I am used to and need so much if I tie any kind of leader on, so I just tie direct always.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

I just started using Fireline on spinning this spring and I already love it. I've gotten plenty of bites with no leader. I've caught a nice one over 5 lbs. I don't like feeling a knot go through the rod guides when I reel up and cast. If you tie a good Palomar knot, you won't lose lures.


If fish will strike a Bama rig with 5 wires going different directions, they don't care about a single visible thread.

fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 

I fish both with and without a leader....depends on technique/conditions.



  On 4/29/2015 at 10:55 AM, Catt said:

Do not know how to tie two lines together & have no need to learn,


I had a great teacher that taught me how to tie two lines together a few years ago........  .Ghoti !

Thanks Gary.

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

I have only have 2 baitcasters total spooled with braid.

1 doubles as my frogging/soft swim baits setup and the other is my punching/heavy cover combo. No way would I use a leader on either.

The rest are either spooled with floro or yo-zuri.

Now my spinning rod has 20# braid that is my shaky, wacky etc setup that sometimes I'll tie a leader too. But only for very clear water with no vegetation. Doesn't happen much down here but when I find a shell bed, or a rocky flat then I'll tie one on.

Don't see the need anywhere else.


fishing user avatardead end canal reply : 
  On 4/29/2015 at 7:20 PM, the reel ess said:
If fish will strike a Bama rig with 5 wires going different directions, they don't care about a single visible thread.



Kinda puts things in perspective, don't it?

fishing user avatarIndyGlockMan reply : 

Waters around me are usually stained/murky for the most part so I go w/o a leader.

fishing user avatarSurfcaster reply : 

I read an article about braid and leaders and I think it was Dion Hibdon who said he did not use a leader until his son said he should use a leader with braid and talked him into it.  Now he always has a leader on braid but he did not think it made a difference in catching fish, it was more of a mental thing.  Another top level pro, maybe Dean Rojas, said he uses a leader, but if he breaks the leader off the braid he does not bother tying on a new leader he ties the lure straight to the braid. 

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

All braid, all the time, never used a leader. I fish a lot of clear, rocky rivers. I've never had any issues with abrasion. Just never had a time when I said "I should have used a leader".


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