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Found the best fishing partner ever!!!!! 2025

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Haven't been around much the last to weeks, and thought I would let you guys into as why.

William Rutherford McGee

8lbs 8 1/2 oz's

20 1/4 inches


fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 

Congratulations. ;) Im sure he will be a life long fishing partner. Does he have the mickey mouse rod yet?? ;D

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Congrats on the new addition. He'll keep you and your wife jumpin.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Congrats! Start teaching him how to fish as soon he walks! ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

AWWWWWWWWW.....totally cute.

Love the look mommies face.  Glowing.

Your going to plenty busy for the next 20 years or so, but don't forget to pause and smell the roses.

These are the best years of your life.  

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

Congrats Matt.  That is a really special time and away from the forums you should be, these moments are spent with ones we hold close.  But we are glad that you thought to include us all during this time of joy.  May your family live happily and most importantly have plenty of family fun fishing outings as often as possible!!!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


Congrats to your whole (expanding) family!!

Well done Mom!!

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

Congrats on the new addition.

fishing user avatarFishin-Psyantist reply : 

Well at least now we know what you been doing {besides fishing}. ;D


fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Congratulations bud.  What a blessing!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

;D ;D ;D  WOO-HOO!  ;D ;D ;D



fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

WOW!  That's a BIGGUN!!!  WTG Mom and Dad!


fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

Thats awesome, congrats!!

fishing user avatarhunterandfisher reply : 


fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Congratulations!! There is nothing more fun (sometimes frustrating) than teaching your kids to fish. You'll always have a fishing partner now................enjoy.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Congrats man

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Congrats! My guy just turned 14 months. It's a full time job chasing him around the house!  :o ;D

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Congatulations to you sir!!  Now the real fun starts!!   ;D

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

Congrats and enjoy!

Have fun with your new fishing buddy

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

So I guess we should all expect some killer deals on some used fishing equipment.  ;)

All my best to you and yours that one is definitely a keeper.

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

Congrats! He's beautiful!

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Thanks everyone.  I think westpalm is next.  Good luck man.  Will can't wait to come to Florida and fish with your little guy.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 


fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Congratts Mattm!!!  

fishing user avatarF15HGuy reply : 

Has he got a B.A.S.S. membership yet? Congrats man!!!

fishing user avatarjb_adams reply : 
Has he got a B.A.S.S. membership yet? Congrats man!!!

Hahahahaha.....I was thinking the same thing!  They have a Bassmasters Youth program you know.  They get books in the mail every month and they can earn credits every month so they can learn "walk the dog", jig fishing, etc.  It's pretty cool.  My partner's son is signed up for it.



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