So pond hopping can be rewarding.... This little gem is only 300 yards away! She went 7# gotta love my face.... ;D
Wow. Resolution #1 for you is checked off. Now I gotta get me one. What did she hit?
Great job! What pound test did you catch it on? I always like to hear about how scared people get when they stick a pig like that on 8 or 10 pound test! ;D
12# flouro and when she rolled I was still nervous!
Nice fish hookingem, WTG!
nice one!!
That's a nice bass, hookingem.
Nice fish, great pic!
;D ;D ;D
Great fish nice way to start the year!
Good work dude! gotta love this time of year in VA!
nice work!! 8-)
dang man, she's healthy. well done dude
Thanks you guys! It was awesome to catch another pig the winter almost drove me insane!
ok we got to hit that pond one day ... congrats man
Quoteok we got to hit that pond one day ... congrats man
Alright man. Let me know if you have an open seat ever I'd love to fill it!
Very nice job!! Any specs on her? Lure......? LOL Very nice catch! And you should be nervous, even after she rolled. Shows tthat you're still all in and its not over 'till the scale swings. Glad to see that. And the look is priceless!
Yeh Buddy!!! That's a good one right there, WTG
Big O
22 1/2 In. I did not get a girth just a weight on 2 seprtate scales.
very nice lunker there. nothing like being able to find a pond loaded with bigguns. hope you get plenty more.
Dang that is a hoss dude. Good job!
Don't know what's bigger that fat sow's belly or your SMILE
nice fish buddy just as a testimony to its not over till there on the scale last Saturday i hooked up on a big female i got it all the way to the boat grabbed it twice first time i couldn't get my hand in its mouth second tome she shook the hook right into my thumb and guess what i happened to be using an eagle claw lazer sharp hook the eyelid had stretched just enough for the line to get wedged in it and it sliced my line in half knot and all still on fish gone about an hour later new spot the fishing gods shined down on me and guess what ???? pulled up a 8 pound 7 ounce lmb with a creature bait and a eagle claw hook clinging to the fish have pictures keep trying to post but need to resize to large to post. Thought i would share great fish !!!!
get them in the boat guysn !!!!!!!!
Go here and make image 75% smaller. That always works for me. Would love to see the pretty lady.
Congrats, thats a good looking fish!
great catch. i coulda used her in my BFL tourny this weekend!