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Bassmaster classic problems 2025

fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

Man did you see the weather these guys are fishing in, BRRRR! now I have fished in cold weather before but I draw a line at a below freezing high, and to make matters worse their not catching any fish, they are talking about 35-40 lbs winning the tourney........WOW!!! I say bring the classic to Florida for once where it is at least above freezing.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

High temperatures are expected to be

in the mid 50s during the tournament.

The weather should not be a significant



fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I love it. This will be the one tournament where they will not be fishing a lake during it's prime time. This will separate the best from the rest. We will actually be able to see if these guys really..... and I mean really know how to find fish and catch them any time and anywhere.

fishing user avatarPond fisher reply : 

Boyd Duckett reportedly caught a 10-3 on Saturday.


fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 
I love it. This will be the one tournament where they will not be fishing a lake during it's prime time. This will separate the best from the rest. We will actually be able to see if these guys really..... and I mean really know how to find fish and catch them any time and anywhere.

I agree but it is still the classic and I wanna see some big bags but I'm with you on seeing how these guys react to bad prefishing and worse conditions

fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

I want to see these guys have to work to catch fish like the rest of us.  I don't want to see weights like in Pittsburg but in the same sense I am getting tired of 100lb weights.  Show me someone who has to struggle to catch 12-14lbs a day like every "other" lake in America.  Thats what I want to see

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 

I lowe it !!!

That's the way to "separate the grain from the straw"

It's easy to bring in big limits when the bass are in "suicidal" mood. ;)

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Agreed, This will be an interesting event.

As for a realistic test of the fishing ability of each angler, well maybe. But how many of us actually would select those weather conditions to head out in ?

I know I'd wait for another day. So for those who actually catch, I'd say well done and congrats.

This might be a good way to prepare for this years event ~




fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

They will definitely have to work hard fot this one. But isn't that the way it should be fo rthe biggest tournament of the year. I want the best crowned at the end of the year.

Also yea if most of us had a choice we wouldn't fish in those conditions but while the pros were on Lay, 140+ of us college anglers were on Guntersville fishing in the blizzard. If we can find and catch fish in that mess then they should be able to handle it too.


fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 
Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

I was going to say the same thing!!!!

fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

Idk, I can see your point but as well I still wish they would hold the classic in Florida where the big dogs are living lol

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

I thought you posted a pick of KVD joking that he can catch bass in any conditions! Scary resemblence

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

+1 on doing the double take of the KVD imposter.   The real test is could you fool Zona?   

   Same thing was said last year with small bags expected  at Shreeveport due to cold temps, dirty water, and Skeet and Ike stepped up their games along with others to make that a very good classic.

    I was surprised last year, so I'll wait and see. 

Also, some tournaments went on in Texas even after we had record amounts of snow, guess what, Lake Tyler was producing 29 lb bags, top four bags totaled 103 lbs, so fish were biting in this brutal cold spell  we had in NE Texas.

Time is near, we'll see.


fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

I sat and stared at the pic to.  Was gonna say the same thing until I read everyone elses post.  I'm thinkin' it is him.  he is from Michigan, right?

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I'm looking forward to the Classic.  Questionable weather will make it even better, IMO. 

fishing user avatarIwillChooseFreeWill reply : 

I suspect the 2.5lb 16" I caught last weekend will be close to the "lunker" we will see from this single classic...

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 
Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

I was going to say the same thing!!!!

That's because it's a picture of KVD.

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 
I thought you posted a pick of KVD joking that he can catch bass in any conditions! Scary resemblence

He did post a pic joking that

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

I knew it all along.

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 
I love it. This will be the one tournament where they will not be fishing a lake during it's prime time. This will separate the best from the rest. We will actually be able to see if these guys really..... and I mean really know how to find fish and catch them any time and anywhere.

Alton Jones at Hartwell

Reese on the red

Both of those events were under pretty tough conditions. Those boys had to dig deep to pull out winning bags of fish.  I don't think this dance will be any more/less difficult than some of the rest.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
Man did you see the weather these guys are fishing in, BRRRR! now I have fished in cold weather before but I draw a line at a below freezing high, and to make matters worse their not catching any fish, they are talking about 35-40 lbs winning the tourney........WOW!!! I say bring the classic to Florida for once where it is at least above freezing.

Lake Toho rings a bell around 4 years ago if I'm right the classic was in Florida the first classic in feb. I say bring on the tough conditions let's see who shines on this one. 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

THAT IS KVD - ! His wife Sherry posted this picture the other day while he was ice fishing with Zona here in Michigan.



fishing user avatarjerkw8nonajerk01 reply : 


Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

THAT IS KVD - ! His wife Sherry posted this picture the other day while he was ice fishing with Zona here in Michigan.



fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

HAHAHA got me. I knew there was a striking a resebelance

fishing user avatarlittle_stephen reply : 

id rather be able to learn something from them fishing rough conditions than see them hauling in massive limits with easy techniques.      I think its more interesting if they really have to fight for it. It seperates the Top from the Best........ not really the Best from the rest, thats why theyre pro!

But regaurdless, someones gunna haul a monster out. thats just how these things go.

To me it doesnt matter, as long as i can take the time to learn something from how they tackle a rough situation!

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 

Naaaahhhhhh, he's not KVD...It's KVD's cousin ..

fishing user avatarrookie reply : 

I agree with most posts, I want to see a classic where they have to "fish" not just "catch". I liked the Pittsburg Classic, I think that tested the anglers skills.

fishing user avatarMovarus reply : 

I'm definitely looking forward to it with all these tougher conditions.

I'm with little_stephen, I'd like to see how they do it and pick up a few pointers.   ;D

fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

I like to see them struggle but i have always like big bags on the classic. I did like the tourney last season where KVD was fishing all new water because the bite shut down and he came back to I think win, im not sure which one it was but I did enjoy watching them have to think

fishing user avatarbasstracker721 reply : 
Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

I did a double take! I thought it was KVD. LOLLOL!!! ;D

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 

I live in Birmingham, AL and have just been bass fishing for the past 1-2 years.  This winter has been remarkable with record cold and consistently cold temperatures.  Last weekend was even more remarkable due to the weather fronts that dumped some snow and made fishing that much more tough as I understand.  It is gonna be still cold most of this week, but as I understand it clear weather and sunny and may warm up for the tournament itself....this weekend may be much different than last weekend, but then again, it may not, water temps at large could still be in the mid 40's, and Alabama bass at this time of year usually see mid 50's....I had read on ESPN that last weekend was tough for pros with few bites but there was a few out there that got bites and hauled in a few good bass....surely this weekend will be more productive (relatively anyway) will be interesting for sure!!

fishing user avatarBank Beater reply : 

You never know how this will work out.  If it warms up at all those bass could really turn on.  Remember that water temp is not the only predictor of the bass life cycle.  It also has to do with the angle of the sun and what bass in that region get used to.  If they are used to bieng prespawn at this time of year it won't take much of a warmup to get those bass moving. 8-)

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
Dude you kinda look like KVD in that pick lol

I did a double take! I thought it was KVD. LOLLOL!!! ;D

I keep Telling ya ~ THAT IS KVD - ! His wife Sherry posted this picture the other day while he was ice fishing with Zona here in Michigan.


fishing user avatarBigdawg48 reply : 
I love it. This will be the one tournament where they will not be fishing a lake during it's prime time. This will separate the best from the rest. We will actually be able to see if these guys really..... and I mean really know how to find fish and catch them any time and anywhere.

I agree Fluke!  I want to see them spread those wings!

fishing user avatarTommyBass reply : 

I agree that it will help to test their skills some and may better reflect actual talent (of course we can't base everyones talent on one event - people still have bad days).

When the bite is on on a lake its really a toss up. People bring in big bags across the board and many of times the better anglers don't actually win. With fields as large as they are today, you get the lucky ones who just happen to catch a giant... or the ones who win by a few ounces because their fish swallowed a crawdad 10 minutes earlier. Actually, on my tournament days, I HOPE for bad fishing conditions. I feel it gives people who know more about what they are doing an edge and it weeds out the lucky bank beaters.

The good thing is though, sometimes its you that gets lucky :)

Really, consistency is what matters most, not individual tourneys.

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

the picture a-jay posted is kvd or maybe it is a-jay took the pic


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