After Church today, I was able to hit the lake with my first custom made rod... and what a great day it turned out to be!! I was a little nervous since it was my first build and didn't really have any idea what to expect but the rod performed better than my wildest expectations or hopes. About 30 minutes into the trip, I hooked my second fish 7 Lbs., 7 oz. (see her below) on the new rod... talk about a true feeling of acomplishment. I've caught many bigger bass in my life but none more satisfying than this one.
What would have just been a good fish, became a memory that I will never forget!
Sorry for the photo quality... forgot the camera and had to use the phone.
You know if you would have skipped Church and went fishing you would have broken your new rod and lost that nice fish ;D Sorry, I just felt compelled to preach a little bit Nice rod, nice fish, congratulations!
Now that is a field test...
Great Job!
Now your hooked...........
Tight Lines!
That's a nice bass. Congratulations! There is nothing like catching a nice fish on a rod you built. I got a 30" Muskie on my first rod about 6 years ago. Nothing but fun!
QuoteYou know if you would have skipped Church and went fishing you would have broken your new rod and lost that nice fish ;D Sorry, I just felt compelled to preach a little bitNice rod, nice fish, congratulations!
I had that exact same thought right after I landed it, because we had talked Sat. night about skipping Church and starting early!
Thanks for the sentiments, guys! I am for sure hooked on rodbuilding. I am starting on a casting rod tonight!
Let's see if have this right:
1. You built your own rod from scratch and went fishing with it for the first time and caught a 7 lb 7 oz. bass?
2. So, you catch a big momma and take a picture that captures you, the fish and the new rod?
3. It's the end of January, technically about the middle of winter, and you are fishing in shorts and shades on a beautiful day?
What are you thinking, flechero? You don't need to go to church anymore...You're already in Heaven!
LOL RW. so true.
Awsome fish and i can sense your excitement in your post.
wow that is awsome... I am not liking you very much at this very moment as I sit here thinking I should be outside shoveling my walk... ;D
congrats on your new reel and catching that purdy fish
OK flechero,
Now get you back side up here and build up the last four blanks I have on my wall. Then you and I can go back down to your neck o the woods, and catch some more big un's. Wife saw that fish and is very jealous wants to bend her rod's with a 7+.
Tight Lines!
I don't think I have ever posted in this section of the forum. I don't make any tackle and only visit the site as a moderator. Wow! I guess I've been missing something.
Man, I just love this story!
QuoteLet's see if have this right:3. It's the end of January, technically about the middle of winter, and you are fishing in shorts and shades on a beautiful day?
The funniest part is that I forgot my sunscreen (well, it is January, right?) and got a sunburned! But the temp dropped a good 20 degrees right after the sun went down and I QUICKLY got out the long pants and sweatshirt!! I always wear the shades... I had a scare about 10 years ago and the opthamologist told me NEVER fish w/o them, to easy to damage the eyes on water.
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate the kind words.
ReelMech, You could claim a "slight delay in deliveries due to a parts shortage" and bring your wife down here for a quick fishing trip! ;D Looks like we are going to have another good weather week. (although it has been pretty windy)
Did you notice that that big un didn't notice what color you wrapped that rod? LOL ;D
QuoteReelMech, You could claim a "slight delay in deliveries due to a parts shortage" and bring your wife down here for a quick fishing trip! Looks like we are going to have another good weather week. (although it has been pretty windy)
Somehow I don't think that excuse would work, to many of the local guys down there fishing this time of year, and they would say something if I were seen.
Yeah another nice week (Weather Wise) that you know we are going to pay for sometime before spring hits....LOL
Spring has sprung in Germantown, TN. My daffodils bloomed today!
That's about two or three weeks early. It's suppose to be sixty degrees today and warmer tomorrow.
I need to win the lottery and go fishing instead of wasting all this time at work!
QuoteThat's what the hat and sunglasses are for, it's a disguise, not UV protection! (besides, they are all probably at Fork!)
So that's what those are for......LOL
QuoteFunny you mentioned the wrap color... the gray color looks almost like there is just gaps between the black... it matches a little too well.
Yea but now you know what we mean when we say transparent. The black and red should look something like the older BPS extremes that I just got done replacing guides on (only added a fine red flake to the finish). The blue and a silver would be nice also. I like doing a candy apple with a sliver under wrap (makes the candy apple just pop) and a single silver inlay or trim wrap, it looks sharp.
Like this
Tight Wraps!
Very nice! Mine is different, I know you can see it in your mind.... the almost black, super dark blueish color blank with a black wrap to set up the red for a real eye catching POP!! I'm not a real fan of red but I have to say at the very least, it looks good.
Out of nowhere the musky blanks we ordered came in today... rainshadow blanks... in "olive Green" but they are actually a deeeeeeeeep emerald green and truly striking in good light!! I have no idea what to wrap them with but I glued up some of Andy's exotic burl tonight in burnt w/ natural trims and another in natural w/ burnt trims... they look great, even with epoxy seeping out between the rings!! ;D Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow night... then I get to make lots 'O dust in the garage, shaping big bass catching handles!!!! These are the swimbait/ledgebuster rods I have been waiting to build... our buddy Matt has a few goodies on the way to complete this wonderful combination!
I am almost to the point that working on a rod in the garage is as good as fishing... did I say that out loud??? :-/ OK, maybe not but since we are in a pattern of 25mph winds, the garage is the best place to be right now! At this rate when the winds die down, I'll have a complete rotation from factory to custom rods. ;D And that is a good thing!
Saw your post on dot org, did you get the seats threads trimmed OK?
QuoteOut of nowhere the musky blanks we ordered came in today... rainshadow blanks... in "olive Green" but they are actually a deeeeeeeeep emerald green and truly striking in good light!! I have no idea what to wrap them with but I glued up some of Andy's exotic burl tonight in burnt w/ natural trims and another in natural w/ burnt trims... they look great, even with epoxy seeping out between the rings!!
Wow sounds like time to step back and take a deep breath......LOL
Those are a sweet looking blank, I have never had a chance to build on one all my customers like the matte black or charcoal. I would have to think about the wrap colors for that blank. :-?
QuoteOh, I can't wait for tomorrow night... then I get to make lots 'O dust in the garage, shaping big bass catching handles!!!! These are the swimbait/ledgebuster rods I have been waiting to build... our buddy Matt has a few goodies on the way to complete this wonderful combination!
Ohhh goodies (Matt ?) Goodies = christmas every day. ;D
QuoteI am almost to the point that working on a rod in the garage is as good as fishing... did I say that out loud???
Yuppers you said it .......BUT The more you build the more you have to fish them (field test)...LOL
QuoteOK, maybe not but since we are in a pattern of 25mph winds, the garage is the best place to be right now! At this rate when the winds die down, I'll have a complete rotation from factory to custom rods. And that is a good thing!
Yeah this wind, is starting to drive me nuts (might be just a short walk), the bad part is no rain and none in the forecast for us up here.
Breath deep don't rush and tight wraps!
Yes, I got it cut off... I used a hack saw blade and my bare hands to keep the pressure light... cut it to the point that it was like thread fibres holding the reel seat together and then used the nut and a shim to break itself on the cut line. It worked perfectly. Taught me a valuable lesson about rushing things!
I'll be ready for some big time field testing. Yup, Matt's swimbaits are on the way. I had a little extra money last payday and splurged.
hey can I be on your pro staff? hahahahaha very cool.. I wish I had room to do what your doing... beings emerald green is my favorite color and I am in the Army... I would use a khaki (sp?) color wrap or olive drap... would compliment the dark green VERY nice IMO...
Quotehey can I be on your pro staff? hahahahaha very cool.. I wish I had room to do what your doing... beings emerald green is my favorite color and I am in the Army... I would use a khaki (sp?) color wrap or olive drap... would compliment the dark green VERY nice IMO...AL
I actually though of that (camo colors) before the blanks arrived, and thought of doing a camo marble between the split grips... but they are a high gloss finish. I will enlist the help of my wife, she's so much better with colors and also knows what I like!
I will figure out a way topost a pic whenevery I get it finished... maybe next week. ?
just the THOUGHT of that is making me drool... I can't wait to see it... I may seriously think about having you do one up for me if you are up to it... that would be just TOO cool!!!
SFC AL, I am retired Army, 21 years. Camo colors can be done! I recommend using Madeira Poly Neon #40 thread for this. There is just too many colors to choose from. The photo colors are slightly off. Hope this sparks an interest.
Quotejust the THOUGHT of that is making me drool... I can't wait to see it... I may seriously think about having you do one up for me if you are up to it... that would be just TOO cool!!!AL
If you are serious about having a rod built, you should talk to Jim or ReelMech, those guys are GOOD! And if you want a camo grips or camo marbled epoxy, just look at this rod that Jim did...
I am reposting Jim's pic from another thread, I hope you don't mind, Jim, but this is too good not to show SFC_AL.
now THAT thing is totally amazing
so tell me something if y'all don't mind... I am not a rich person... so would a rod like that run me? I probably will have to sell some of my old hotwheels to justify it to the wife actually I have a few of them that I would only have to sell ONE of get enough money...
I can just imagine a 7ft rod in that dark green color heavy action rod... with a DARK cork split handle with camo swirl on the split grip and khaki thread on the spiral swirl mounted guides... I would want SFC Algiere painted on it with SFC rank to the left of my name....
*sigh* yeah THANKS A LOT hahahahhahah now I need to figure out how to make this thing reality
No problem reposting the photo. SFC AL, I'm not rich either, not by a long shot. Here is another photo. This rod cost me somewhere around $100.00 in material. Every guide to include the tip top was marblized in camo. The grips were from Pacific Bay and got them before they were released to the public. Thanks for the kind comments on my rods.
That is Great! Couldn't have said it better myself!QuoteLet's see if have this right:1. You built your own rod from scratch and went fishing with it for the first time and caught a 7 lb 7 oz. bass?
2. So, you catch a big momma and take a picture that captures you, the fish and the new rod?
3. It's the end of January, technically about the middle of winter, and you are fishing in shorts and shades on a beautiful day?
What are you thinking, flechero? You don't need to go to church anymore...You're already in Heaven!
Those rods are lovely.
Flechero,.did I miss somthing? I didn't see any pics of the swimbait rods you built.
Nope, you didn't miss anything. I haven't posted any pics because I don't have a way (that I know how to do) to reduce the file size of my pics so they can be posted here. The one pic of me, rod and fish was emailed to me, already small enough to post here. I'd like to post a pic of the rods... just need to figure out how!
Flechero, PM me. I will host the pictures on my site for a month or so.
QuoteFlechero, PM me. I will host the pictures on my site for a month or so.
Thanks a lot for the offer... but LBH had already offered to resize them for me.