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when is the last time you used a net? 2024

fishing user avatarjunebugmn reply : 

I can honestly say, I have never used one in all my year's of bass fishing, I believe if you have good line, a good knot, good hook set, and can keep it away from the trolling motor and big motor etc, you don't need one! My buddie's think i'm nut's! Anybody out there do or don't use one? Junebugmn

fishing user avatarFishingBuds reply : 

I used one two weeks ago, when my son dropped his sun glasses in the water

Used it last Saturday retrieving w wacky bait that came off the hook after a hook set.

I used one back in 2007 after landing a #4 small mouth in KY lake

Thats about it :)

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

i've never used a net for bass fishing. 

fishing user avatarSGT Rico reply : 

I never go bass fishing without a net. I rather be safe than sorry.

fishing user avatarbassmajor reply : 

I fish for fun.  And losing a PB at the boat for some reason cuz I didn't grab my net = NOT FUN!   :D

fishing user avatarSmiths.R reply : 

I've never used one.  I do however, see why, and understand why people would.

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

My rule - net 'em all - sort 'em out later. I would never go into a tournament (knowingly) without a net - I have fished from the back of too many boats of really good fishermen and watched the "winning fish" swim away right at the boat because there was no net in the boat.

I guess part of the argument here is that the net somehow hurts the fish - but more than flopping around on the carpet? No way.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

Just wet the net and your hands before the fish enters it and they should be ok.

If I'd fish tourney's I'd be netting everything. I don't net when fishing for fun though, not because I don't want to, I guess it's just 1 more thing I have to carry... I always net my trout when I'm fly fishing though, simply because I have too much line out and usually can't land the fish without scooping it up.

fishing user avatarRed Bear reply : 

i use a net for bigger fish, no need for smaller ones though

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I tournament fish so I have a large one with a ten ft. handle. The quicker they go in it the better. Nothing like putting one in it as soon as he hits the surface. If I could find one with a longer handle I'd have it before dark. Wouldn't bother me to net one thirty feet from the boat.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I always use one when fishing from my boat. I have seen too many fish lost at the boat. It is the most likely spot for one to come unbuttoned even with good line, knot and hook set. :'( I don't fish for money, but a good fish lost at the boat is no fun. I fish with friends who do not carry a net and think it is somehow wrong to use one. This seems silly to me, but to each his own... 8-)

Edit: I always use one on larger fish. Not so much on the little ones. :)

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

Fun fishing not to often unless its a monster.

During a tournament almost every fish goes in a net!!

fishing user avatarbowfish12 reply : 
Fun fishing not to often unless its a monster.

During a tournament almost every fish goes in a net!!

x2  Used it Sunday in a tournament on a 3 lb smallie and 4 lb lm.  Would have used it on the other 3 but they were just keepers and we knew we were not in the money.

Fun fishing, anything that looks over 3 on treble hook baits and anything that looks over 5 on single hook baits.

I never swing anything over 3 in the boat. Either grab the line and pull them in or lip them in the water.

fishing user avatarMuad Dib reply : 

if i was fishing a tournament and was allowed to use a net i def. would

-for fun fishing i def do if im using trebles or if its a good one. knots break, fish come undone, and stuff happens!


fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 

I use a net on big fish, but I don't lift them out of the water. Some guys say netting hurts the fish but I don't agree. After seeing pros bounce fish off everything in the boat, netting is far less stressful. ;D

fishing user avatarjeb2 reply : 

Used my net three times today. I just fish for fun, but anything over the size of a dink I grab the net. Makes no sense to me not to. But to each their own and all.

fishing user avatarR520dvx reply : 

Used one just last Sunday .... ALWAYS in a tournament.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

I use a net. I just think it's safer. I fish alone often (at night also). Fish taken on single hook baits (soft plastics and jigs etc) I'll occasionally thumb. Pike, walleye and anything with a face full of trebles goes in the net. I replaced the original net bag with a rubber one which helps keep any trebles from making a mess of a tangle in the net. Last week my wife and I were on pike every other cast for a while and I got lazy and reached for a freaked out 2 footer and ended up having to yank the rear treble of Rapala out of my thumb.

Good times.



fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Last time using a net: Saturday, May 22, 2010.

Use nets in tournaments.

Otherwise either lift, lip or swing bass into the boat.  :)

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Used one last Sunday...will use one again tomorrow.

I never use a net when fishing from the bank, but I nearly always use a net when fishing from the canoe - especially when treble hooks are involved. Like others have mentioned, I might swing a dink into the boat but fish from about a pound on up will usually come into the boat in the net. I do have a rubber net - much better than the old-style net material.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

I've never used a net before this season. My thought has always been, like others have said here, that I fish for fun and it really doesn't matter if one gets away or not. And I'm concerned with the fishes' well being; netting not being the fish-friendliest method to deal with them.

However, this season I'm taking a net with me. I fish out of a deep-V hulled boat. And being 65, bending over those high gunnels is not an easy task anymore. Went out fishing yesterday though and, through habit I guess, I found myself reaching over and lipping bass instead of using the net. Guess it's hard to teach an ole' dog new tricks! ;D

fishing user avatarLeever reply : 

I never use a net for bass.  When I hook something larger like a carp or catfish I'm always looking for the net I did not bring.  The day I lose a trophy bass is the day I will carry a net.

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

if your so worried about it hurting the fish get one with rubber mesh   BAM problem solved

fishing user avatarCRFisher reply : 

Never have  - I fish from shore.  Would probably only go that route if I had a boat that made reaching over to lip fish a stretch.

fishing user avatarbadog reply : 

Last time I used a net was catching stripers in the Delta off my kayak.


fishing user avatarMatt B reply : 

Been using a net the last couple weekends as I've been smallmouth fishing with my ultralight setup. 3-5 pound smallies don't really lift right into the boat with a 7' spaghetti noodle, particularly with 4# test. I'd rather get them landed and released quickly than fumble around trying to grab them without something breaking on me.

Plus it's a measure net, so I can just note the numbers as they lay in the net to see how big they are. No need to reach for a tape measure.

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

I never use nets for bass, but I would if I fished tourneys.

Landing a bass by hand is fun to me, and part of the challenge. I've only been hooked once while landing a fish, and that was years ago.  It was my fault for not paying attention while lipping a small bass at night with trebles in it's mouth.

fishing user avatarscbassin reply : 

I use one if the fish is to heavy to lift with the rod I am using at the time. :)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

If you're really worried about hurting the fish,...........don't fish.

I don't use a net from the canoe, but I did get a big rubber net for my bass boat.  Most of the time, I'll get off the deck into the cockpit and reach over the side.

Crestliner, I understand where you're coming from.  I ain't gonna do all those lie on my back on the deck of a bass boat things attempting to lip a fish.

But for really good fish, I'll use the net.

The last time I used it was on the Road Trip at Pickwick.  Several times.

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

Never used a net.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 
I never use nets for bass, but I would if I fished tourneys.

me too

fishing user avatarKAcoach reply : 

I don't ever use a net.  If they are too big to swing into the boat, then I bend down and lip them.

fishing user avatarthe beast reply : 

Crank baits and trebles...rubber net.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Last time I used one was In early April on my PB 9lber.  I usually don't bring it with me, I always just forget to.  Remembered that day.  Leaning over in my buster boat isn't an easy task, especially now since I added a seat riser..  I usually just swing everything in if I think my rod can handle it.  I swung a 4lber no problem last weekend.  I will say I haven't forgotten the net once since I caught my PB, I wasn't swingin that baby in!

fishing user avatarSGT Rico reply : 

So I am guessing that if someone uses a net during "fun fishing" is not macho or tuff enough? Some of these internet cowboys just make me laugh, so you are a better angler then supposed one that uses a net? If I am not mistaken, fishing is about catching fish, not always will we catch them, but deep down inside we anglers want to catch fish and have a good time doing it. If a net helps us achieve that then whats the problem, not sportsmen like? unethical? I can care less if you use one or not, but some of these posts sound like its a fenoly to use a net. I personally use a net for safety after an incident I had that required ER attention. And for you that are going to say that it was my fault for getting hooked, all I have to say is I am sorry for not predicting a hooked bass movements. :D Bottom line, I can care less if you use one or not, if you don't, more power to you, if you do, the same.

Tight lines

SGT Rico

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 

Been long enough ago that I can't exactly remember when the last time actually was. That said, I do keep a nice rubber net in the garage for if I ever do get a round to having to use one. That was what I used to fish some local jackpot tourneys with because my partner liked to always have one, but that was 6-7 years ago. I never used 'em in tourneys myself. Got some interesting reactions over the years from draw partners over the issue. I've always considered them a 'crutch' but have no problem with guys choosing to either use or not use them.



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