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Your Ideal Hookset For T-Rigs & Jigs 2024

fishing user avatarec1 reply : 

When fishing Jigs and T-Rigs, how are you guys setting the hook?


My ideal situation would be to feel or watch the line jump, give it about a fraction of a second, drop the tip and make a big snap set. Many of my friends claim that I have the most exaggerated hookset, and I don't think I'm the best fisherman out there - so there might just be a better way to do it.


Let's hear how you guys do it.

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

I do sweeping set. I have toned down since I switched to all braid. 

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

Depends on my hook. If its a light wire hook and in running braid, I will give a slow sweep at 3 o'clock. Heavy duty hook, 1-2 o'clock, a little faster sweep. I don't miss to many fish that way.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

It depends on how the fish hits.  If the bite is like a freight train I'll pull straight up, but if the bite is very light I'll sweep it to the side.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

if im fishing timber i reel down and set at about 1 pretty hard to get them over the cover

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 

i use to set the hook just like you... then when i tried the sweeping hookset and it worked very well, i switched. Mainly because I can use the sweep going to 3 or 9 o'clock, depending on where i casted.

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 

Short line out - snap set

Long line out - reel set with a tug right as the tip loads.

It's been working good.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Drop the rod, reel the slack, & set the hook like I'm trying to break something!

How far I drop the rod & how much slack I reel depends on if it's a cast, flip, pitch, or punch.

The hook set is the same, snap the rod up while leaning back with authority!

Aint no whimpy hook sets allowed in my boat ;)

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 8:34 PM, Catt said:

Drop the rod, reel the slack, & set the hook like I'm trying to break something!

How far I drop the rod & how much slack I reel depends on if it's a cast, flip, pitch, or punch.

The hook set is the same, snap the rod up while leaning back with authority!

Aint no whimpy hook sets allowed in my boat ;)



This for me!



fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 


fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 8:34 PM, Catt said:

Drop the rod, reel the slack, & set the hook like I'm trying to break something!

How far I drop the rod & how much slack I reel depends on if it's a cast, flip, pitch, or punch.

The hook set is the same, snap the rod up while leaning back with authority!

Aint no whimpy hook sets allowed in my boat ;)

<< see avatar picture, same rule in my boat! 


I've converted a lot of crankbait/spinnerbait fisherman into jig fanatics in my boat. #1 thing they get out of it is how to set the hook like they got a pair. 

fishing user avatarNaterwedge reply : 

I snap the rod upward, hard enough to cross their eyes ;)

fishing user avatar5dollarsplash reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 8:47 PM, Fish Murderer 71 said:




I love this.  I've been trying to get people in the boat to set the hook harder, see so many fish get away on bad hooksets.  From now on this will be how I explain it to them!

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I just started gaining confidence with a t-rigged worrm its not my favorite. Way to fish I I do some times but that's few times I used it and caught fish by sweeping my hookset... I think I've tried to go straight up whenever I got a hit but now I get them when they bite..

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 8:34 PM, Catt said:

Drop the rod, reel the slack, & set the hook like I'm trying to break something!

How far I drop the rod & how much slack I reel depends on if it's a cast, flip, pitch, or punch.

The hook set is the same, snap the rod up while leaning back with authority!

Aint no whimpy hook sets allowed in my boat ;)


Catt, I like your style.


Of course there is a price to pay for the Primal Hook set and it come where you're setting up on a non-fish induced  "strike".


When the presentation is made in close quarters, one must learn the Strike - Duck & Cover move - purely as a means of self defense from the tungsten weight's approach at the speed of light usually at ones face 


 Additionally, fishing from a canoe (and standing) I had to learn to do that without launching myself over the side, especially on the swing and miss maneuver.





fishing user avatarjeremyryanwebb reply : 

Yea my friends kind of make fun of me and say ive got a "violent" hookset.  But with all jokes aside.....I dont let many fish get away from me ha. Rip Lips!

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 8:47 PM, Fish Murderer 71 said:


i'm ******* dying here hahahahahaa

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I use 2 different hook sets for T-rigs and jigs depending on how close to the boat I am fishing and if the line is vertical or horizontal. By vertical I mean straight down or out to about a 45 degree angle. Horizontal I mean a cast away from the boat more than 30' or 30 degree angle or less.

The vertical hook set is a snap set by dropping the rod tip down a whipping it back into slightly slack line. The snap set will drive the hook through any basses mouth if they are not too far away from you.

The horizontal hook set uses the reel to take up all the slack line, my rod tip is pointed at the jig ( I usually use this hook set with jigs) I crank the reel fast and when I feel some slight resistance then make a hard sweep set. Rarely miss getting a good with the 2 hook sets.

I missed a lot of big bass using the snap set when casting a jig over 30 feet until developing the reel/ sweep set several decades ago and contribute the horizontal hook set for whatever giant bass I've caught casting jigs.

Hook setting has a lot to do with sharp hooks, rod power and line strength.

When using finesse tackle the rod, reel drag and line are selected for lighter wire hooks, it's balanced to put the force needed to drive the hook home. When fishing baitcasting tackle with 4 to 5 power rods, heavier line and hooks, the same hook set force works so I don't change hook setting motion because the tackle is balanced to get a good hook set.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I set the hook fast, pretty much as soon as I feel a bite, and I try to do more of a fast sweep set than a really hard, snap set. 

fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

First 2 hooksets with braid I reeled in the top lip of the fish.  Had to tone down the braid hooksets, but other than that, with floro, Im setting that thing as hard as I possibly can.  Ive jerked 2lb fish out of the water and watched them fly over my head into the water on the other side of the boat with my hook through his eyes!

fishing user avatarec1 reply : 

Wow, all these different hooksets.

Guys that don't snap set, you've got to try it a few times! ;)

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 9:33 PM, mnbassman23 said:

<< see avatar picture, same rule in my boat! 




I powerbomb a hookset too.......but looking at your avatar picture, I see broken rods in your future.

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 12:38 AM, alberto-1 said:

Check this hookset out! This is how hard I want to set the hook! BOOM

If I set the hook that hard in my little boat, the boat moves 3 feet forward lol

fishing user avatarpbizzle reply : 

A hard one.

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 10:53 PM, 5dollarsplash said:

I love this.  I've been trying to get people in the boat to set the hook harder, see so many fish get away on bad hooksets.  From now on this will be how I explain it to them!


I second that, not that I have a boat.


I fish a lot of fallen timber since that is all I have and primarily use the T-rig. I set whichever way I am retrieving. If I am retrieving to the side, I set that way. If my tip is up on the retrieve I set that way. Mostly because of not wanting to get the line or fish caught up coming out of the timber. I learned this by setting the hook in the fish and then into a submerged tree limb at the same time, pinning the fish to the tree with my line and the hook. However, if you let out a couple inches of slack, the fish can get your hook free. I stood there for a minute wondering what to do since I could see the fish and realized the hook was in a tree limb. After a minute of wondering, the fish popped the hook free and I brought him in.


Sorry, that was a bit of a side track. :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

The hook set should be 3 things!

#1: Speed, at the slightest hint of a strike, a bass can spit it faster than you can set it.

#2: Forceful, it should be with more than force to drive the average hook into the roof of the mouth.

#3: Powerful, it should turn the bass's head & get em coming toward you.


fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

My hook set has 4 distinct parts:


When I feel the bite I:

  1. Look at the camera
  2. Reel in the slack line
  3. Set the hook putting my body into a reverse C
  4. Say something like WHOO NELLY

But seriously, I really try to remember to modify my hook set depending on what technique I'm using. The hardest thing about drop shotting for me is to remember to simply lift up the rod (exposed hook). The first couple times I lost fish by yanking the hook out of their mouth. On the other extreme, when frog fishing, I wait longer than I can stand, feel the fish and set the hook with as much force as I can muster. Anything less and the fish is spitting the frog unless they are very aggressive and eating the heck out of that frog.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

i set the hook many different ways, depends on my body positioning, trees, obstacles, etc... fishing from the shore. 


I remember this vid Capt Shane posted, fish were going airborne from hooksets, so much violence

fishing user avatarJD96 reply : 

My hooks are sharp, firm wrist flick to 2 o clock.

fishing user avatarjessejames556 reply : 

I see/feel the tap, bring in the slack and put my whole body into arching backward and pulling the rod up on top of me. My friends give me crap but eh, who cares

fishing user avatarLil'Gunner reply : 

No need for all that rod-whipping. I reel down until I actually feel the weight of the fish, and then I just "oomph" upward like I'm picking up a bucket of paint. If I feel the weight and I'm sporting a Gamakatsu hook, and I never, ever miss. Seems the only time I miss is on those big sweeping sets... too much slack, and usually means that I'm rushing.

fishing user avatarBassAssassin726 reply : 

I fished jigs a ton this year since It was my technique I chose to improve. Having a great year with them and they have become a real confidence bait. In the beginning I lost a lot of fish though. I've realized, at least for me with jigs no matter how much line I got out I reel up the slack and rip the rod to my right like there's no tomorrow. My buddy laughs every time but its been working great for me. With a Texas rig I snap the rod straight up as hard as I can. For some reason the sweep set doesn't work too good for me with a Texas rig

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

Interesting thread...I honestly thought more of you do sweeping hook set.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

The two are different IME.


Bass will often hold plastics, esp the soft (boiled) ones I often use -long enough that I've gone barbless for much of my T-rigged plastics. Enough with the esophagus or deep tongue hooked fish already. I feel the take, reel down to the edge of taut, and sock 'em. Sometimes I don't feel the take an just see line twitch, or skate. Set and they are there. Not so with jigs.


Jigs are different. Bass rarely hold onto them. This means better detection (rod angle and attention), a crisp strong rod tip (no wimpy tip rods), and an instantaneous reaction.


I also have done a lot of light tackle jigging, and this also requires detection and instantaneous reaction. I used to fish for crappies a lot and found the whole body hook-set was just too slow. I found just wrist movement (instantly standing the rod up) was MUCH faster and doubled or more my hookup rate. Now these were tiny light hooks (which also work for bass), not the big irons found on "bass jigs", so power isn't needed.


I also did a lot of steam smallie fishing, again with light jigs, and found wrist setting better there too. Takes were often more difficult to detect in moving water and at times, when I was really grooved in, I would set when I expected a fish, not felt one. Similarly, in nymphing with fly tackle, or UL spinning, by the time you've seen the flash, it's over.


In bass fishing, braid has changed things quite a bit from mono, which I don't use anymore -except for CB's. If I'm on top of the take I can often wrist set with braid, more of a sharp pop! than a full body swing. On long casts though, deep fish, or many jig strikes I'm not exactly on top of, I swing long to move precious line. The risk with largemouths is that some are big, and you can hit bone. Wimpy sets can cost you those fish. J Franco has a cool photo of just such a fish he was lucky to get in the boat -hook point stuck in the maxillary of a 6lber.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 9:43 AM, Lil said:

No need for all that rod-whipping. I reel down until I actually feel the weight of the fish, and then I just "oomph" upward like I'm picking up a bucket of paint. If I feel the weight and I'm sporting a Gamakatsu hook, and I never, ever miss. Seems the only time I miss is on those big sweeping sets... too much slack, and usually means that I'm rushing.




This is how I do it.

fishing user avatarrangerboy reply : 

if im fishing a heavy jig. when you set the hook right your goods should hurt.. lol. no room for wimpy hook sets pulling hawgs out of heavy cover in the ca delta. to each their own


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