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Location, Location, Location 2024

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 


Why not put your location in your signature lines? Avid made a comment in another post about this and I agree with him. One wouldn't really have to narrow it down to a city or lake but just knowing the area that you are in would help in regards to what lures are working, water temperatures, weather, etc....

Heck, even putting your state or region in your signature line would be a plus.

I used to have my location just below my Avatar but still got PMs asking where I was located. If everyone had something in their signature about where they are or where they fish it would help tremendously in regards to the knowledge of the location that one is fishing.

Just my 2 cents...


fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

Thats a very good idea atleast i feel tom bass, ill do that when i can, 1 down tons to go  :)

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

I changed my signature line to reflect that I am N. Georgia.  

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Thanks Gents  :)

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Good call....

fishing user avatarHookem reply : 

Fixed!  :D

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 
Why not put your location in your signature lines?

I asked that a couple of times quite some time ago, but didn't get any results. You must know how to ask.  ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Sounds like a plan to me  8-)

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Thanks guys.

Anyone else?

fishing user avatarPainter Dude reply : 

I like this Idea! :)

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

Great thinking ;)

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I understand we are a group that is spread out across the country.      The way we give out details on here would make it easy for some one to know for instance, that alot of you guys will be away from home late march 07, and gone to Fork.

You wouldn't think that is very much info, but consider this, we have guys telling us about when they might start a new job, and that gives thieves a chance to pick you out of lets say, your starting a new job at BPS, and he could follow you home one night and know where you live.

Too many people are targets on the internet.  There are other forums, that are local were its easier to pick up info on certain people who are to open with info.

Becareful,   for instance, I know LBH lives in RI, works for UPS, and knew he did a CAST for Kids, how hard would it have been to put the pieces of the puzzle together.    To locate the event, and follow him home.

I like to know what lakes my buddies are on also, just be careful of what you give out.


fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Becareful,   for instance, I know LBH lives in RI, works for UPS, and knew he did a CAST for Kids, how hard would it have been to put the pieces of the puzzle together.    To locate the event, and follow him home.

Until he starts fishing with baitcast gear and loses the "Low Budget" reputation, I think he's pretty safe!   ;D  

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Why not put your location in your signature lines?

I asked that a couple of times quite some time ago, but didn't get any results. You must know how to ask.  ;D

Marty, I think when you brought this up, that was the thread that motivated me to place my location in my signature line, so you weren't a complete failure. ;)  

Matt Fly makes some good points.  I withhold specific information about my personal life when I post.  You'll see my location and occasionally, I'll post my actual first name.  That's about it on here.  

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

I see your point Matt Fly but you do have your location listed in your profile. It's just much simpler to put it in your signature...or not. Having to go into Profiles is an extra unnecessary step.

If someone's tracking me I hope that they are female, brunette, 5' 6", wealthy, any where from 25 - 35, have a boat, a good sense of humor and they like really beat up and bruised 45 year olds with a divorce lawsuit in the works from a firey 46 year old blonde, 5' 2" Lady that is as sweet as the day is long (when she isn't P.O.d and jealous).....On second thought, the fantasy just fizzled. I will stick with the stalker I have. She's been around for over 26 years. I don't think I want to train another one. ;D ;)


fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

What? No more takers on the Location issue?

C'mon guys. You don't have to give personal info or even a town that you live in.

I hate it when I see a post that says "They're hitting on watermelon lizards...I caught an 8 pounder..." And Then you look into where the guy or girl is fishing or their location and you get nothing. Sooooo you go to Bass Pro, Dicks Wally World, where ever,... and you buy the watermelon lizards and try 'em out...Nothin', Nada, Nil, Zilch..... You make a post and "watermelon lizard guy" finally looks at his post two weeks later and says "Oh, I was in So and So Lake in So and So State and that's what they were hitting on then.....

This ain't a stalking thing...It's a fishing thing! :)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Tom Bass is right.  We make this forum more useful to our fellow fishermen and women by posting locations of where we are fishing, and where we live, if only a general region.  Common sense will tell you what personal information to withhold, and this may be different for each of us.  

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Will do

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

I think the issue is very pertinent to some of our younger members, but if you all have seen my photo, I don't think I have much to worry about.  In my younger days, I would have welcomed a comely young female basser stalker, but now I'm just too tired.  An exciting adventure like that would just take time away from fishing.  :)

fishing user avatarLaggyman reply : 

Done. But I bet most of the members here are close to half the globe away  ;D

Special thanks to the internet :D

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 


I admire your tenacity for driving 1.2 hours to fish for bass. When I lived in California it seemed like everywhere I wanted to go to do the things that I like to do took at least that long to get there. :)

I'm glad your here with us, even though you're half a world away.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Becareful,   for instance, I know LBH lives in RI, works for UPS, and knew he did a CAST for Kids, how hard would it have been to put the pieces of the puzzle together.    To locate the event, and follow him home.

alot harder than going to the mall, picking out an easy mark and following them home. (for whatever reason one would choose to do that)  

Secondly,  why on earth would anyone WANT to follow LBH home?

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Bump  ;)

A lot of folks have put their locations in their Signatures and I, for one,  appreciate that. It is very cool to know where someone is writing from. It shows that the site is definitely worldwide and it also lets people in the same locale know what is going on in their area in regards to how the fish are biting...or it gives those of us outside someone's area some ideas as to what to try out. ;)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Done, and if you can get to my place from those directions, you must be a Zen master

fishing user avatarflukenLizard reply : 

i put my location on but i dont see why for seein as how the closest lake to me is alan henry but i still havnt got a clue how to catch fish on that D@$% lake  :'( :'( 8-) :P  :-[ but i can see ur point if any one needs help with alan henry i can talk to some of my friends that fish it alot.


fishing user avatarTom Bass reply :  :)
fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Man. I really wish more people would put their location in their "signature line" or under their avatars. It truly would make figuring out what's working where a whole lot easier.

Is this suggestion so weird to people? Are so many afraid of being stalked?

No one needs to be specific. Just a locale. Or a lake or body of water.

Internet BS aside, what's the problem with a locale?

A "purple worm" might work in Kansas but a guy in Minnesota might not need that info. Instead he might find that a Mepps #2 in white and silver is the ticket....It's a locale thing guys! It's also a money thing. A guy in Georgia won't catch a darn thing on a Mepps but if he doesn't know the locale for the hot baits he can't judge the HOT baits being used with clarity.

Think about it.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

He really does have a good point. It is a point that has been brought up here a couple times. Once by Marty and another time by avid. The idea here is that when we know where you are from we can get a better handle on what type of fishing conditions that you are fishing. It could be something as vague as "Northern Florida" or "Western Texas" and so on and so forth.

Help us, help you!  :)

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Thanks Valascus.  8-)

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

I will add the state, but would prefer not to say the city.  ;)

fishing user avatarnoxpertjim reply : 

Good topic of discussion.  Everyone has valid points - there is no wrong answer.  Young troutfisher should be commended on his choice.  One only has to flip on the news to understand.  Some of us, like cephkiller and myself, don't feel very threatened by the prospect of being hunted down and made to fish.

I've updated my signature with a location as requested.  Here's to more help given and more help received.

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

I got mine in my name does that count ;D

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Just naming the state works....even if it's in your name  :)

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I initially started to post a message about how idiotic protecting your precise location and real name on this site is.  Then, it suddenly dawned on me that many posters are pre-teens and teens.  Although I think it highly unlikely, it is conceivable that some filthy, scum sucking puke would try to entrap a kid by trying to become his fishing buddy.  It would obviously start with PMs.

If you younger guys start receiving PMs from someone wanting to take you fishing or teach you how to fish, tell your parents immediately!  This person may want to hurt you!

As for me, My name is Mike.  I'm sixty. I live in Tulsa, OK.  I will be at Lake Fork the week of March 18th.  My wife, thirty year-old daughter and big, ugly dog will be at home alone.  The dog doesn't know how to shoot a .357, the others do.

fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

Long Mike some of that was quite informative and the rest was extremely funny, i love the humor the boys that use this site have, you almost killed me mike  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarVABasser reply : 

Just saw this thread and think its a good idea.  I'm in  :)


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