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How is your season this year going? 2024

fishing user avatarflorida strain reply : 

My season started slow but is now picking up. Numbers aren't to bad but my largest fish so far is just a 3 lber. Caught it by a laydown in about 4 ft, stained water, on a Zoom junebug lizard.

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

im having a ok year my best day so far has been 20 fish in the boat with 2 of them 6 + fish  every trip  except 2 i have atleast gotten a limit and no skunks yet so yea not bad

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

Mine is going great so far.  I can already tell you that I am more consistent already this year than I was all of last year, which was my biggest goal.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

I just started seeing the Bass this week,caught 2 small ones and wouldnt ya know it,the vehicle I use to haul my boat to the lake with took a crap,and cant be repaired,so im putting together a backup vehicle as we speak.Im hoping to be able to get back to the lake really soon so I can get back to catchin them bucketmouths

fishing user avatarpitchNbass reply : 

This year has been pretty good for me. I've managed six bass over 7lbs, biggest 7.8lbs. Caught about 30-40 over 5lbs. Total probably around 800-1000 bass. Maybe more.

fishing user avatarbasspro215 reply : 
This year has been pretty good for me. I've managed six bass over 7lbs, biggest 7.8lbs. Caught about 30-40 over 5lbs. Total probably around 800-1000 bass. Maybe more.

mine is going good,but i have to say somebody is full of it

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

My season started a couple weeks ago and so far so good. the bite seems a little slow but the size are of a little higher quality. Things should pick up big time in the next 2-3 weeks.

fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 

Mine starts next weekend. 

fishing user avatarpitchNbass reply : 
This year has been pretty good for me. I've managed six bass over 7lbs, biggest 7.8lbs. Caught about 30-40 over 5lbs. Total probably around 800-1000 bass. Maybe more.

mine is going good,but i have to say somebody is full of it

Before you open your trap, maybe you should ask me how I've caught over a thousand fish. Wouldn't that be a nicer way of going about it?

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
This year has been pretty good for me. I've managed six bass over 7lbs, biggest 7.8lbs. Caught about 30-40 over 5lbs. Total probably around 800-1000 bass. Maybe more.

mine is going good,but i have to say somebody is full of it

Before you open your trap, maybe you should ask me how I've caught over a thousand fish. Wouldn't that be a nicer way of going about it?


fishing user avatargrimboy reply : 

Mine has been slow so far.Fishing a jig primarily just to get used to fishing it, missed many a fish,but im starting to get used to detecting the bites from the grass.Biggest fish so for on the jig 4 1/2.

fishing user avatarflorida strain reply : 
This year has been pretty good for me. I've managed six bass over 7lbs, biggest 7.8lbs. Caught about 30-40 over 5lbs. Total probably around 800-1000 bass. Maybe more.

Man thats pretty good, how did you get so many fish and those big-uns?

fishing user avatarpitchNbass reply : 

I have a 175 acre lake here in Florida and it's overpopulated with bass. I've been rehabbing an injury here in FL and I get a lot of afternoons on my boat to fish. I only fish this water so it gets zero pressure. From sunrise to sunset, you can catch 100 bass. When I mentioned numbers I went on the low end . I've been on the water probably 50-60 times. Slow days are 15-20 bass that being cold fronts in Feb. Lately it's been 30-40 fish in an afternoon with off days landing closer to 100. Been in FL since Feb 1st for spring training and it's boring here other than fishing when I'm done at the field. When I say pretty good, it's because my largest fish is 7.8 and I wish I've could beat my last years PB 9.1, but the numbers put a hamper on the quality. Hope this is making sense now... I guess someone saying I'm full of it makes me a lucky man.

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 

man my year started off good and now it's going bad.  I've been skunked the last 2 trips including today.  Aw man my biggest was a 4lber.  Man this is very disappointing

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

This thread title brought to you by Master Yoda.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
Mine starts next weekend.

Hang on, we only have to wait six more days!

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

This year so far, has been great. I have a lot more confidence this year on how to get them, and it's working. Not only that, but I have helped a buddy who doesn't really know what he's doing, to land some sweet smallies, and his PB largemouth. So far, my biggest is just over 5lbs (LM), but I'm just getting warmed up (literally).

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

My season?  Not good at all. 

Started out great in early March.  Went to GA the last week of March and caught very few.  One lunker made it a worthwhile trip.

Haven't done any serious fishing since.  Wife had surgery, so I've had to stay close to home.  Did get the new boat wet last week and started the break in process for the engine. 

A buddy went with me, and we did make a few casts, just to try out the trolling motor and get used to the boat, but not a bump.  I don't count that as serious fishing.  It was just a break in the boring break in process.

Will finish breaking in the motor this week, and finally get a chance to do some serious fishing, maybe.

Wife is doing well, and able to function without a lot of help, so I may be able to get out a few times before I head to Pickwick for the road trip.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Going well. The wife gave me free rein to fish as much as I wanted. Have won a few tournaments and finished up it the top five in another. No really large fish yet, but managing to put some good stringers together.

That being said I really sucked this weekend at the Big Bass splash on Rayburn. Only had one good money fish on and it came up and showed it's self to me right before it spit the bit. Had another that I felt good about but never got a look at it. Wraped me up around something and sawed it's self off.

that's fishing though.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
Mine starts next weekend.

Hang on, we only have to wait six more days!

I'm trying my best - but it's no walk in the park.

The snow the past two nights has been a little disheartening.



fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

Well my first fish of the year was my biggest so far. It was about 6.5# I got it on a pearl fluke. It was still on my rod from last year and the ice just melted so I made a couple cast just for the heck of it not really expecting much. The weather here cant make up its mind. On Thursday it was sunny and 80 then Friday it drops to 50  :'( now its almost freezing at around 40 ohh and yesterday it was so cold the rain was freezing and coming down as hail.

fishing user avatarbasspro215 reply : 
This year has been pretty good for me. I've managed six bass over 7lbs, biggest 7.8lbs. Caught about 30-40 over 5lbs. Total probably around 800-1000 bass. Maybe more.

mine is going good,but i have to say somebody is full of it

Before you open your trap, maybe you should ask me how I've caught over a thousand fish. Wouldn't that be a nicer way of going about it?

SORRY them numbers are astonishing and a little unbelievable to me,i assumed you were fishing public water but i guess i can believe it on a private lake that no one else can fish,witch i also don't find right cause if its over populated with fish you should open it up for parents to bring their kids to teach them how to fish and practice catch and release

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
Mine starts next weekend.

Hang on, we only have to wait six more days!

I'm trying my best - but it's no walk in the park.

The snow the past two nights has been a little disheartening.



Sorry, that was my prediction for a little "after tax season" weather coming true.  It was a little rough sitting at my desk 7 days a week while it was in the 70's - 80's.  Yesterday's weather made it really easy to stay inside.  But I think it is safe to say we won't need to ice shanties for a few months.  ;D

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well I guess both decent, and yet lousy too.

What I mean by this, is that for as few times as I've been able to get out, I've caught 1 DD Northern strain, and 4 Smallies over 5 lbs. So, that part is all good.

On the other hand, never in my whole life, have I been shot down due to poor, Winter like weather, between mid March, and mid April, as I have been this year ! :( I finally gave up on taking Thurs and Fri. off, figuring that if it ever turns warm / clear, and stay that way, I can still fish Mon - Weds every week, anyway.....

But not this week :( Once again, it's been beautiful, but its supposed to start changing Mon night, and Tues + Weds, I'll be shot down again :(

Un-freaking-believable :(

Guess I'll have to squeeze 3 days of fun into 1 day, tomorrow.



fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 
Mine starts next weekend.

Hang on, we only have to wait six more days!

I'm trying my best - but it's no walk in the park.

The snow the past two nights has been a little disheartening.



I have thrown baits from the shore on a friend's private lake. I have about 10 fish for the year. If I hadn't been able to do that, I am sure I'd be in a bad way by now.

fishing user avatarthe lone fisherman reply : 

mines started off bad the past 3 times i went only catch bream but yesterday i got a 7lb with a jig and fluke  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
This thread title brought to you by Master Yoda.

LOL, Thing I though of first, also.

Mine is 

Broken six pounds twice and have five over five. Just not many in that 2-5 pound range. Probably have 160-170 in the under keeper to under  the two pound range (yes, I'm actually keeping a relative count this year). I just want to break 200 by the end of the month. It will put me on track for over 1000 for the year. But last year my average fish was around two pounds but caught around 800.

Either way I'm bored with small fish and going back pitching, the jig, and swimbait. This lipless crap is getting boring. But the jerkbait bite should be turning on.

fishing user avatarYNCBASSMAN reply : 

every time i get a chance to get out and make a few casts, whether i catch something or not, makes it a good season for me!!  i'll be heading back to submarine duty in october and i'm trying to fish as much as possible right now.  just being able to go and experience nature and all that goes with it is enough for me, all the bass i catch are just the feather in the cap!!  my largest bass so far, since january, has been a little over 4lbs.   :)

fishing user avatarRed reply : 
This thread title brought to you by Master Yoda.

Man your killin me!!  Between this comment and the one in the "New arrival" thread I am rollin!  ;D

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

My personal outings and tournament outing are totally different. I do way better during tournaments then I have when fun fishing.

Fun Bass: 0

Tournament Bass: 12

What sucks even more, I have only fished 3 tournaments, and I try to go out fun fishing at least 2-3 times a week.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

How is your season this year going?

Kade Matthew my second oldest son renewed his interest in bass fishing now that his sons are 9 & 3; asked me to teach him the fine art of reading structure.

4 out of 5 grandchildren are fishing & the 5 th is only 1 1/2 months old

My 9 year old grandson can flip-n-pitch a bait caster better than Paw Paw

Started a fishing clinic through my local church; have a dozen members already

Oh yea catching a few bass here & there is lagniappe ;)

fishing user avatarjettech reply : 

my season is non existent right now. Got a new HB 798cSI. It didn't work correctly. took it back got a new one.

The day I took the second unit out for a test fish, i took out my 15 year old TM on a stump. That was two and a half weeks ago. BPS still hasn't got my new one in yet.

Last week I went to move the boat and found OIL all over my transom saver. Now the boat is in the shop for at least another week, probably going to have the whole lower end resealed.

Season? What season!? >:(

Thank god for my uncles 5 acre lake in Dyersburg. Ive got 6 lbs of crappie filets in the freezer and going back again Friday. the bass there act like they've never seen a Senko before. They are tearing them up. but I want my boat back.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

Outside of the stupid weather this spring I couldn't ask for a better start this year.  I've only gotten a few chances to go fishing so far, but they have all been fantastic.  In the 5 days I've been fishing this spring I've boated 7 fish over 5lbs.  Biggest so far went for 7lbs 10oz.  Great start to the year for me. 

fishing user avatarBig Bass Chaser reply : 

Having a good, not great year.  Caught 4 largemouth over 4 lbs (largest going 4.7), caught 3 smallmouth over 3 lbs (largest going 5.5).  Have caught serious numbers of 1-2lb fish thanks to a bud letting me fish private water once.  I missed my chance at the DDs on beds locally, but there is always next year or night fishing.  I have a feeling I'm going to get a DD fish this year though, or at very least beat my PB of 7.5.

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

The boat is cleaned, polished, waxed, and sealed, and..... waiting patiently.

5 more weeks to go 'til opener. :'(

fishing user avatarNILBasser reply : 

Havin a good start here so far. We just got started seriously about a week and a half ago and had our first tournament of the season this past Sunday. I got lucky and actually won one, FINALLY. The fish definitly seem better than last season so far, can only look forward for a little warmer weather.


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