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Spinnerbait 2024

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

What spinnerbait do you use and what are some of the things you do to tweak it a little?

fishing user avatarJohn Cullum reply : 

I have been using Nichols and Glamour Shad. I use the Hank Parker Classic on river systems and cut the arm down and add smaller blades. The diameter of the wire on the Hank Parker is very small and 12 inch fish on the river seem to like it better exscpecially smallies. Other than an adding a pork chunk, twister atil and trailor hook I fish the other two "out of the box". You can always up or down size blades but I've had my best luck leaving themn how they are. I use 1/4-3/8 on both models.

I very my retrieve more than I modify my bait. Out of all the "fast" baits you can fish it seems that the spinnerbait bite matters more on your retrieve.  If you match your blades to the hatch and your colors right you still might not be getting bit. But add a "kill" or a speed up slow down to your retrieve and all of the sudden your getting fish.

fishing user avatarnjvbass reply : 

 I've been throwing a 1/2 oz white /chartruese terminator with a Manns 4 1/2 size willow leaf.

I usually cut the skirt down add a zoom split trailer and spray yum craw on it to give it that  red tint.

I usually burn it or slow roll it on banks where the water tends to be deeper.

fishing user avatarbquittem reply : 

i like fishings heavy spinnerbaits like maybe 3/8 to 3/4 once around docks. i flip them under and on the fall i pick up reaction strikes, this works very well when ur on a stretch of deeper docks or when u know u will be on some good fish. once it hits bottem i just slowly crank leting the blades barely rotate.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I use several different kinds and styles of spinnerbaits for different times of the year or water clearities. I am always tinkering with things either changing blade sizes or cutting down the arm of the bait or bending it or adding weight. If i am burnning it i use a double willow leaf spinnerbait and i take a rubber core lead weight and take out the core and pinch it on the shank of the hook. This also works if you want a smaller profile bait to fish deep. I like to use a short arm spinnerbait with a single colo blade for slow rolling. Hank Parker's classic spinnerbait is a great river bait i also use it when i need to slow it down a little.

fishing user avatarAUTgrPilot reply : 

I use Terminators so the titanium is hard to do anything with.  However, I always trim the skirts down to the back of the hook.  In open water I'll add an upside down trailer hook (the hooks point in opposite directions).  I'm usually fishing deeper water, so I drop the blade size by .5 or 1 so it runs a little deeper.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Do you use trailers (never, occasionally, always)? Pork or plastic?  Short, medium or long?

fishing user avatarreellittlephish reply : 

You guys keep the comments coming!  I am proud owner of (I think) 6 spinnerbaits and wouldn't be able to name the brand..Obviously I need help.

fishing user avatarkajun reply : 

Most of the time I use the cheap Wal-Mart spinnerbaits.  I've used the name brand spinnerbaits like Terminator and others but I just don't think that it matters.   I've fished them both on the same day before and one brand has never proved itself to be suppieor to the other and the cheap Wal-Mart ones(the ones that don't even come in a package) only cost me a dollar.  The only thing I usually do is sharpen the hooks.

fishing user avatarkajun reply : 

And as far as trailers go I use them 90% of the time because most of the waters I fish are muddy with very low visability so I try to attract all the attention I can.  I usually use pork or rattlesnake twin tails.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

Trailers i use mainly in stained to muddy i use pork and plastic mainly to make the bait look bigger, to put more action in the bait, it displaces more water, and elongates the bait. I use Uncle  Josh pork #11 I also like the cyberflex spinnerbait trailers. I use the plastic more in clear water.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I would say the four spinnerbaits i use the most is Strikeking Flip and Spin, Zorro white single gold colo blade, minno spin i made myself, and Hank Parker Classic Spinnerbait,

fishing user avatarthewayweball02 reply : 

The spinnerbaits I fish fluently are Revenge and Terminator. I fish the same brand if I'm using a buzzbait as well. I ALWAYS add a trailer hook, if you have'nt tied it you should give it a try it really helps.

fishing user avatarWill reply : 

I mainly use Terminator spinnerbaits. I caught so many fish with one of them that the spinnerbait broke. I also have some Strike King, Hank Parker, as well as other spinnerbaits in case I need to bend the arm for a different action. I almost always use a trailer hook, the only way I won't is if I am fishing really heavy cover. In the open water I will sometimes use a treble hook as the trailer. I will also trim the skirt, place a second skirt under the first, and add a rattle. Is their a difference between the open and closed eye spinnerbaits? The terminators seem to be open eyed, while the Hank Parker "The Classic" spinnerbait have a closed eye?

fishing user avatarStickling reply : 

I use terminator spinnerbaits. I think they look the best. i cant stand strike king skirts. Im kind of new to spinnerbaits, i havent cought anything of of them yet. Hopefully i will soon.

fishing user avatarBig_Bass_Rich reply : 

I used to use only Terminator spinnerbaits for the most part but now I've expanded to try different ones. I use a whole variety of brands and Terminators are still my overall favourite but I also like Strike King Redeye spinnerbaits for certain applications, and I just got the Evilution V4 from B&D Custom Lures in the mail a few days ago and it looks like an awesome bait. It has a twin wire and 4 blades which makes it perfect for reeling in slowly over weedbeds, logs etc.

As for tweaking sometimes I will drill holes in the blades, paint them, add reflective tape or glow in the dark tape, add trailers/trailer hooks, trim skirts or change skirts, add spinnerbait rattles and even bend the wire or blades to get a different effect.

fishing user avatarreellittlephish reply : 

Closed eye spinnerbaits; Accuracy and splash control seems fine. I  always get the line wrapped around that closed eye.  Using 8 lb line.  Is line the problem?

Always fishing a trailer.  Chartreuse in the Colorado River in Spring - Kalins 3 inch grub.  White spinerbait - clear salt and pepper or white grub trailer - for early season stripers when the shad just start surfacing around May. Sometimes catch a bass under the feeding stripers.

Anyone using a tube on a spinnerbait?  First tried removing skirt and adding tube - that failed to work acceptably.  Then I tried one 3  1/2 inch tube behind skirt and it overpowered the bait.  Haven't got around to tring smaller tube.

all this talk of spinnerbaits - maybe I should go buy some?   ;)

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I think on all closed eye spinnerbaits you have the same problem of the line twisting around the eye. Its just something you will have to deal with its not the line really its the design of the bait. I have some closed eye spinnerbaits that i love and catch a ton of fish with. I have the same problem no matter what pound test i use. When i use a tube trailer its one the spinnerbaits that have an umbrella skirt like a terminator skirt. i just push the head of the tube over the base of the skirt. I think either rattle back or lunker lures has a spinnerbait that is made to be used with just a tube without a skirt. It had a weird blade on it and it caught fish.

fishing user avatarjetmech reply : 

Terminators, strike king, stanleys. All have some mods.

fishing user avatarIneedAnewScreenName-3276 reply : 

I hope it's ok for me to chime in on this subject?

There are so many combination of a spinner for varible use's and how each angler modify's them it will make your head spin.

I've heard alot a great mods and brand selections here.

Some mod's include shortening the arm for more vibration,bend open the hook when a trailer hook can't be used,Bend the arm back and open ,add a small blade off the hook for added flash,changing blade combo's and style (Willow,Magnum Willow,Colorado,deep Cup Colorado etc)

Also Blade colors are factors in diff. water color .

Gold,Silver,Copper and Black Nickel to name a few.

The Black Nickel is overlooked as just a night time blade but when used in clear water it provides a color reflection that is no comparison to the above mentioned.

The only way to find what works for you is to try several styles and combo's and keep several of those diff.styles in your box at all times  just as in other lures.

fishing user avatarWaterWalker reply : 

I love slow-rolling spinnerbaits in deep water (10-15 feet).  I can't find compact spinnerbaits in the 3/4 to 1 oz variety that I prefer for ledge busting.  Anyone know of any brands that make a compact 1 oz. spinnerbait that won't cost me more than $5?

Also, I've had great luck with those $1 Wal-Mart specials.  I especially love it when I can find a couple with the Oklahoma Blades.

Anybody use braid for their spinnerbaiting?  I would love the increase in sensitivity, but I worry about being able to work braid around wood cover.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Strike King, Terminator, a hand full of Stanley, Picasso and Exciter. Out of those, I think the Exciter are the best for the money! Just my input.


fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

terminator spinnerbaits are all i throw.  y wouldnt you want to have these.  for 4 bucks you can get the t-2 and its indestructible.  on my last 2 trips to my favoriter reservoir, i have caught 4 over 7lbs. and 3 over 5lbs.  there so good and are a little less thatn booyah, which bend with your fingers.  its common sense

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I use Mini Me spinnerbaits by S.O.B lures. They are compact but still heavy. The majority of their weight is hidden under the skirt. They are durable and come in some great colors. You can design a custom one online for no additional cost.

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

My favorites are terminaters but i also like booyah and stanley alot

levarage are pretty cool but for $7 im buying im buying a terminater not a leverage

I also always use trailor hooks and would highly recomend them

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

the only spinnerbaits i use are ones that i make myself. i buy pre painted lead head frames, and then i buy blades and skirts and swivels and beads and clevises and spilt rings and everything i need, so i guess you can say that i tinker with the whole thing. i like doing this because i can get exactly what i want from a spinnerbait and i figured it up it costs me about 50 cents to make 1.

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

before moving to japan, i really liked terminators.  in japan, fish dont see these much, so ive had some luck with them. but now that i have evergreen, jackall, O.S.P. and Deps, i cant wait to get back to the states and try these bad boys out!  it just really sucks that most lures here are over the $10 mark (for one)  even strike king, and some other off brands that are imported are sold b/t 8 and 13 bucks a pop.  i think the very first lure i owned was a all white single colo blade i got from some small tackle shop, it caught a lot of fish for me before i lost it.  so i always make room for spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarNick reply : 

I'm amazed that no one has mentioned War Eagle. Lots of Pro's throw them for a very good reason.  $ earned!

fishing user avatarSuthernProg reply : 

I've had my eye on the War Eagles for a while. But, mainly I'm using Hawg Callers, Terminators, and those little Wal-mart spinnerbaits. To me, their almost like mini-Terminators. Oh, I also use Horizon Ghost Minnows with Okie blades. Usually I use the tail end of a Mann's Jelly worm as a trailer if I need one.

fishing user avatarJ-Heywood reply : 

i throw a spinnerbait pretty regularly but have never serioulsy used a trailer hook. when you use a plastic trailer do you put it on the trailer hook or on the spinnerbait hook. and is there a greater catch percentage when using a trailer hook. thx for the input

fishing user avatarillini reply : 

I use terminaters war eagles and strike king. I like the Ti strike king the best there hard to find but well worth it. War Eagles are becoming my second got to SB. I like terminaters there decent and well made but there skirts tend to peel apart.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Mann's Hank Parker's "The Classic" 3/4 ounce white and chartruse spinner bait is my favorite.

You need to add the trailer that comes with it.

It seems to do well with a trailer hook, too.

fishing user avatarokieinoz reply : 

As far as inline spinners.....Mepps Aguila #3....the best...... ;D

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

  I have had some good succes with spinnerbaits in my short (1yr) fishing time. It took me a while to be a believer but when I tried it whoa it worked sweet. I have used mainly what I can afford. I've used mostly less costly ones but also some that I got from a few fishing shows. I do like the closed eyed ones as I think they are easier to tie. As with all baits their are times when they work better than other baits. I have not studied them enough to figure out which types work best IE willow, vs colorado vs ok etc. That is going to take a while to get a handle on.

fishing user avatarbasswest1 reply : 

Spinnerbaits are relatively easy to use but to be a really effective angler you need to learn to use them in all conditions.  Here are a couple quick tips.

Blades-  Willow- Willow leaf blades have little drag so they can fish faster.  They go through vegitaion better and they have more flash.  They create little vibration.  They are good for clear to stained active bass fishing.  

Colorado-These are the exact opposite.  They are great in muddy water or cold conditions.  you can slow roll these alot on slow days.

Tandem-  This is where a small (#3-3.5) colorado is before a Willow leaf (4.5-6).  This is my favorite combonation for most situations.  You can fish it very fast and keep it high in the water column or you can slow it down alot.  

Weight:  Use the right weight for the conditions.  Use lighter weights when you want to fish slower  but still maintain a high position in the water column.  Use a heavy weight when you want to fish fast or slow roll deep.

Best fishes

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

T terminators are the best spinnerbaits.  ;D


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