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Why the moon and fishing go hand n hand???? 2024

fishing user avatarGomer Pyle reply : 

How and/or why is the moon cycle important in indicating successful fishing days? I guess I could of Googled the question, but I'm sure that the experts on this board can give me a lay answer ;)

fishing user avatarShouldBe0utdoors reply : 

If there is a full moon there is more light for the bass to see their prey so they won't have to feed as much during the day, opposite applies to a new moon. I think.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

This is always a great question:

No one should go through life without studying astronomy, it's an astounding science. No one could possibly deny the role of the cosmos in our lives. We engage in slumber once per earth's rotation. Our seasons are based on the earth's revolution and orbital inclination. Females menstruate once every time the moon revolves around the earth, and so on.

I've been an old salt for many years and never left port without knowledge of the tides (low tide, high tide and both slack tides).

Also taken into account was the fact that incoming currents continue long after high tide, and ebbing currents continue after low tide,

something many saltwater anglers aren't even aware of. In addition, there were a couple years during my freshwater fishing when I was reasonably convinced that solar/lunar forces played a role even in non-tidal waters. Unfortunately the wheels came off

and my record-keeping began to unravel (very painful). I ultimately decided that I had originally reached conclusions that I wished to reach

I wanted to believe that I had found an edge. With respect to non-tidal waters, I no longer place much stock in solar/lunar affects.

On the other hand, many highly respected anglers do place emphasis on celestial effects, so I'm fully aware that I might very well be wrong.

I've seen the Knights and Hannon's big fish solunar correlations and remain unimpressed. When you realize that the aggregate optimal period engulfs nearly half of every month, the evidence is not compelling. Add to this the fact that many believe in the solunar tables and schedule their vacations accordingly. This means that there's more fishing pressure during the best periods, which must be factored in to the end-result.

Regardless, I'm wide open and am looking forward to everyone's input. Needless to say I'm not referring to personal opinion,

but to credible scientific explanations as to how solar/lunar influences might affect our angling success in "non-tidal waters".


fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

What's a credible scientific explanation?

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Positional relationships of the moon and sun , and atmospheric pressure all play major roles in tides.

Tidal "surge", which Rolo mentioned also plays a role.  Tidal surge accounts for the enormous tide changes in the Bay of Fundy.  The difference between water levels at low and high tide is nearly fifty feet.

It also accounts for a tide continuing to rise or fall in the upper reaches of rivers while it has begun to fall or rise at the mouth.

In the Westport River, the upper reaches of the river have a half hour "lag" in tides versus the mouth of the river, while their change in positional relationship to the sun and moon is insignificant.

Tides do have an effect upon lobstering, but for different reasons than fin fish.

Fin fish can be limited to deeper waters in a river, bay or estuary when tides are low, and can move onto flats to forage when tides are rising.

While lobsters do not move around as much as fin fish, they are impacted to a greater degree by moving water.  They can be swept along by hard running tides, so the time they can venture forth from their safe burrows is less during times of hard running tides.

My anecdotal experience has been that during moon tides, lobstering declines more in shallow waters where the tide moves faster, than it does in deeper waters.

I suspect that lobsters move into nearby deeper waters during this time, and moved my gear accordingly.  Those who left their gear in the shallower waters experienced greater catch declines than did I.

I would guess that most of us have seen a documetary or two about life on reefs, and how there is much more activity during the slack tides, and also at night for certain species.

It's also interesting that fishing for some species can be better around the slack tides, while fishing for others is better on the changing tides.

We've also seen how land animals feed heavily before and just after storms while they seek refuge during a storm.  The oceans experience slightly less than two "storms" per day.

How much does it apply to fresh water?  That's the 64 dollar question.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

One of the most interesting tidal phenomena is the "tidal bore" in Moncton, Canada.

It is a dramatic illustration of tidal surge. At times, it may be a three foot high wall of water rushing up the river. The tide will still be falling just ahead of the onrushing bore.


fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

Regarding tides, it is pretty clear that the water movement is the cause, and the fish becoming more active is the effect. I have seen this first hand and I am pretty sure we can all agree on that one.

I am pretty sure that the moon (and sun) create some gravitational effects on the inland water, but not the noticeable amount we see at the sea shore. But like RoLo stated, I do not put much stock in the day to day sun/moon 'tables'. We consider ourselves at the top of the food chain yet I am unaware of ANY influences the sun or moon have on my eating or activity behavior. As a species we are smart enough to have a remote control four wheeler on Mars... some guy in a control room is probably popping wheelies with it right now. Yet we notice no changes to our behavior during "moon underfoot" or "sun underfoot". We are allegedly smart... fish are not.

I do not put a lot of stock in information such as solar/lunar tables. I think we make too much out of the life of a fish. They simply survive. Eat, create new fish and survive. Not unlike us, really... except for that remote controlled four wheeler on Mars (and internet porn). ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Regarding tides, it is pretty clear that the water movement is the cause, and the fish becoming more active is the effect. I have seen this first hand and I am pretty sure we can all agree on that one.

I am pretty sure that the moon (and sun) create some gravitational effects on the inland water, but not the noticeable amount we see at the sea shore. But like RoLo stated, I do not put much stock in the day to day sun/moon 'tables'. We consider ourselves at the top of the food chain yet I am unaware of ANY influences the sun or moon have on my eating or activity behavior. As a species we are smart enough to have a remote control four wheeler on Mars... some guy in a control room is probably popping wheelies with it right now. Yet we notice no changes to our behavior during "moon underfoot" or "sun underfoot". We are allegedly smart... fish are not.

I do not put a lot of stock in information such as solar/lunar tables. I think we make too much out of the life of a fish. They simply survive. Eat, create new fish and survive. Not unlike us, really... except for that remote controlled four wheeler on Mars (and internet porn). ;)

It's all interesting to take into consideration, but I suspect I'm like most on here.

Given an opportunity to go fishing, I'm not going to turn it down because it's the wrong phase of the moon, or Saturn is not aligned with Neptune.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Bass are controlled by certain environmental factors with moon phase being just one of many; the mistake is made when we try to single out a particular one. It's a combination of all factors with one or two overriding others during a single day.

I going fishing when ever the opportunity arises and I deal with the prevailing conditions at that time ;)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

What's a credible scientific explanation?

You'll know immediately, after you've heard the first one.

It's easy to appreciate the importance of water current. And in tidal waters it's easy to appreciate the advantage of a centripetal bulge formed by the moon. Major tidal events (higher water bulge) occur when the moon and sun are both in alignment relative to earth.

Many hold that freshwater lakes are also subject to mini-tides, but that doesn't stand to reason.

            On a lake of average area, high tide might be 3/8" above normal pool, which pales by comparison even to wind seiches which occur more frequently. A steady wind can deflect the lake's metalimnion (thermocline) to a greater extent than a major solunar period.

More importantly, the Solunar tables do not mirror the Tidal tables.


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I don 't plan my trips according to the moon cycle, I go fishing whenever I can and don 't care what the moon phase will be. So far I 've found no relation in the number of fish I catch wether if according to the lunar cycle the day is "good" or "bad".

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
What's a credible scientific explanation?

How about evolution?   ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 



fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

If those were Jenna Jamieson 's I agree, but those put it politely, nah, I don 't think so !  :-?

fishing user avatarGomer Pyle reply : 
I don 't plan my trips according to the moon cycle, I go fishing whenever I can and don 't care what the moon phase will be. So far I 've found no relation in the number of fish I catch wether if according to the lunar cycle the day is "good" or "bad".

I'm with you there man. I love to fish period! :) I don't pay much attention to the moon or alignment of planets, now weather conditions may be a different story. My work as a registered nurse is very stressful, fishing becomes my "quiet" place. So, if I catch a fish or two..that's great...and if not...that's good too. ;) Great answers gentlemen...


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
I don 't plan my trips according to the moon cycle, I go fishing whenever I can and don 't care what the moon phase will be. So far I 've found no relation in the number of fish I catch wether if according to the lunar cycle the day is "good" or "bad".

I'm with you there man. I love to fish period! :) I don't pay much attention to the moon or alignment of planets, now weather conditions may be a different story. My work as a registered nurse is very stressful, fishing becomes my "quiet" place. So, if I catch a fish or two..that's great...and if not...that's good too. ;) Great answers gentlemen...


Do you have another pen? ;D

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

Just a heads up... the 22nd day of this month has an Astro Table rating of 98, out of 100. Not sure if one will even need a hook on this day. Take notice... call in sick... do whatever you need to to get out on the water on this day. Records will surely fall. The previous Sunday ain't looking too bad either... a rating of 93. Good luck.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

My Dad always wanted the dark of the moon on his big Cat trips. According to his success rate, the big dog walks in the dark of the moon and I can't argue with success.

Dad thought that bright nights helped rough fish knock baits off the line before the big girls had a chance to eat.

As for tides, how do they tie into lakes and resorvoirs with no major tributaries tied in? No rise or fall of tides.

What about cloud covered days when the moon can't make an appearance.

Lunar charts are written years in advance and don't take into account for weather.

     I fish when I can.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

There is proof the moon being full means more crime wether its cause the night isnt pure darkness orcuase ppl come out more who knows but if it effects us do be more agrresive and brave why not animals???? we are still animals regardless

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

While I agree with Catts logic, you can't catch them unless you are on the water and the fish are affected by a combination of factors, the moon phase plays a role.

We know for a scientific fact that the full moon phase affects the spawning cycle for example. The earth is 2/3rd water and the moon affects water, what affect can it have on a small body of water?

Go to any large aquarium and ask the folks if the moon phase has any affect on the fish activity. The Monterey aquarium in California is a world famous. I was curious about how both tidal/moon phase and barometric pressure changes affected the fish in the large tanks. The main tank is open at the top, over 40'deep. The tank gets it's water directly from the ocean and circulates the water back into the ocean. I asked how the calico bass acted, thinking they would be similar to fresh water bass and the answer was they react exactly the same as the wild calico bass out in the Monterey bay.

When a storm front approaches the become very active and as it pass and the cold front comes through the go into the kelp forest and rest in the stems, go to the bottom to feed. The calico's also become very active 3 days of the full moon phase at night and new moon phase during the day when the moon is in the over head moon location.

The information confirmed my beliefs based on personal experience, so I admit the bias.

I try to be at my best location when the full or new moon is in the over head position and take that into consideration along with all the other factors that I believe affect the basses activity levels.


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
We know for a scientific fact that the full moon phase affects the spawning cycle for example.

Tom, can you offer a citation? I'm genuinely interested.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Will try to locate a paper on bass for you. There is data on fish other than fresh water bass; California Grunion for example.


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Thanks Tom.

There are papers that show lunar influence on spawning for many fish species -all saltwater as far as I've seen. Most are tides related -grunion for instance. There are others that appear not to be tide related -rabbitfish for one. But these relate to the full moon only, which has me wondering if this is simply light related. With freshwater bass, neither tide nor moonlight are a factor in spawning.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


There are papers that show lunar influence on spawning for many fish species -all saltwater as far as I've seen. Most are tides related -grunion for instance. There are others that appear not to be tide related -rabbitfish for one. But these relate to the full moon only, which has me wondering if this is simply light related. With freshwater bass, neither tide nor moonlight are a factor in spawning.

I'm on the same page Paul.

This entertains the possibility that any solar/lunar affect may be indirect or due to secondary events.

For instance, there are many who firmly believe that crayfish hatch three days before and three days after

the new moon and full moon. I've yet to see it made clear, whether the day of the new moon and full moon are inclusive.

If not, then we're talking about a duration of 14 days or roughly half the month.

That's not exactly threading the eye of the needle.


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Statistically it just doesn't hold up -at least for angler catch data. Haven't seen much else.

Dig up the thread on the Texas Share Lunker program started by Catt a while back if you want to see how statistics can tease out the value of a data set. It'll at least give you pause before jumping on a band wagon.

I was once a lunar believer because of things I saw on the water during moons. But then I started paying attention to the times when the moon wasn't involved, and I started to question things.

So...I started observing and documenting the spawn. I just finished my third season. I hope to have something to say after I crunch through things. Another year and my wife might leave me LOL.

Roger's comment addresses the opportunity for spawning behavior to fall during a "moon phase". He's pointing out that it's 50:50 right there.

So far I can tell you that I have seen all ranges of spawning behavior inside and outside the full and new periods. But even this doesn't preclude influence. I've got more crunching to do. Nature just isn't simple, as Catt brings up.

How important is the moon? I intend to find out as best I can.

fishing user avatarGomer Pyle reply : 

Seems to me there may be insufficient data to support either argument? :-/

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Statistically it just doesn't hold up -at least for angler catch data. Haven't seen much else.

Dig up the thread on the Texas Share Lunker program started by Catt a while back if you want to see how statistics can tease out the value of a data set. It'll at least give you pause before jumping on a band wagon.

I was once a lunar believer because of things I saw on the water during moons. But then I started paying attention to the times when the moon wasn't involved, and I started to question things.

So...I started observing and documenting the spawn. I just finished my third season. I hope to have something to say after I crunch through things. Another year and my wife might leave me LOL.

Roger's comment addresses the opportunity for spawning behavior to fall during a "moon phase". He's pointing out that it's 50:50 right there.

So far I can tell you that I have seen all ranges of spawning behavior inside and outside the full and new periods. But even this doesn't preclude influence. I've got more crunching to do. Nature just isn't simple, as Catt brings up.

How important is the moon? I intend to find out as best I can.

In my case, I averted divorce by getting my wife involved in project "Lunacy" ;D

Just like you, it was the double-blind approach that caused me grief.

Too many of our best days were outside major and minor solunar periods, and vice versa.

Of course, I'd like to believe that I can improve my fishing with something as simple as monitoring the moon phases.

At first it looked good, but my enthusiasm ran ahead of the curve. Then it got worse and worse,

to the point where even a massaged dataset couldn't save it.

In the final analysis, we're part of an eclectic cosmos steeped in inconceivable interrelationships,

though I failed to disclose any connection, I'd be a fool to rule it out.


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

As it stands now, I've honed major influences (as far as fishing results) down to frontal systems and predator prey interactions. Focus there and you'll have the major influences covered. If you get a moon too, great -maybe.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I have hit the ocean nearly everyday between 3am -5am over the last 5 years. I had thought the full moon meant something but on only 1 or 2 full moon outings was the bite hot, for me this myth is busted.

The full moon does affect the strength and the amount of water coming in for high tide, I have noticed as much as about 30' difference in high tides.

The tide is a different story altogether, there is no question about it, the bite is significantly better last hour of the incoming tide (brings bait in which brings game fish). Outgoing tide and west wind there is only a slim chance of having a good outing.

Some fish actually plan the tide almost to the minute, case in point barracuda, which I fish for most days, come as the tide is going slack form in to out. You may not see them for hours, then they come around like a wolfpack, this happens constantly.

Freshwater.......I pay attention to nothing, I just go and enjoy myself, catching fish is a mere byproduct of the experience.

fishing user avatarjr1945 reply : 

i go regardless of the luner phases. nice just to get away from all the stress from dealing with the public all day.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

As I've often stated we are trying to single out a particular part of an entire equation and that just can't be done. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department biologist Clarence Bowling would be excellent research to read, as for Crawfish read the following

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Thanks Tom. I bookmarked that one.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
As I've often stated we are trying to single out a particular part of an entire equation and that just can't be done.


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
As I've often stated we are trying to single out a particular part of an entire equation and that just can't be done.


We're all still waiting for someone to post that equation.

But in the mean time, it makes a great scapegoat


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

But in the mean time, it makes a great scapegoat


Excellent patsy for bad days.  ;)

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
We know for a scientific fact that the full moon phase affects the spawning cycle for example.

Tom, can you offer a citation? I'm genuinely interested.



PS; confirms the solunar tables have little or no value and lunar effects are more consistent during spring and summer, with a predictable pattern of depth, no apparent  difference fall and winter. Spawn affect wasn't mentioned directly other than the bass are more active during the full phase due to the increased light affect on bait fish. Interesting study.


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