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Has anyone read the....... 2024

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

Bass Master January edition? Specifically the artical about Manabu Kurita? For those of you who have, I have some questions about what you belive, and from those of u who have not read it, read it.

Here's my comments and questions:

1) This guy estimates there are bass in Lake Biwa, Japan that may top 30 pounds.

I know this is possible, but 30 pounds! Sounds more like a sales pitch to get their tourisum a boost. Any biologists out there that could estimate an age and legnth of a 30 pounder?

2) Do you agree with the IGFA's more than 2 ounce rule for world records. I do not agree. 22lbs -4 oz. Is less than 22lb -5oz. No matter what way you dice it, there will always be one that weight more.

3) What do you think about him training the fish to relate reving his outboard and slapping the water with his hand, to feeding them live ayu in 1 specific area. IMO spending 10 grand in 1 month to train fish to gorge themselves when they hear a series of the same commotion in the same area at the same time of day, to later fish that spot for maybe another world record (maybe not now but later in the future when they are fatter) is not ingenius, its cheating, in every sense of the word. They only thing it proves is that bass and probable other fish can be trained.

ok, I am done. Thanks in advance for the replies, I can't wait to read them.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 

Not to sound rude to you, but who cares?

Some people make a huge deal out of a world record. And believe me after being a Musky Fisherman for years, and following Musky fishing religiously I know the obsession a world record can cause.

But let me ask you, and anyone else who 'does' care about the world record.

If the only fish you ever caught was a world record would you be OK with that?

I'm going to presume most will say no. Clearly the world record isn't everything.

Maybe my indifference is due to the fact I KNOW the world record largemouth isn't coming from anywhere up here :)

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

I think it is a big deal b/c it gives me and others a goal. I will be lucky to see a 10 pounder in New Jersey, as the state record is 10 lbs 13oz I belive. If the only fish I ever caught was the world record that would not be enough, your right about that, but if it was, I would be looking for the next fish to beat the last weight I caught. Do you have a PB or do you just catch the fish, look at it and say, "maybe 6 pounds but who cares, man I wish I would catch some smaller fish b/c the big ones tear my baits all up."

To conclude: if you have not interest in the post, why respond? Have a great day, good year, and keep you lines tight. Best of luck in your persuit of the big on, or the little one, which ever you prefer.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
I think it is a big deal b/c it gives me and others a goal. I will be lucky to see a 10 pounder in New Jersey, as the state record is 10 lbs 13oz I belive. If the only fish I ever caught was the world record that would not be enough, your right about that, but if it was, I would be looking for the next fish to beat the last weight I caught. Do you have a PB or do you just catch the fish, look at it and say, "maybe 6 pounds but who cares, man I wish I would catch some smaller fish b/c the big ones tear my baits all up."

To conclude: if you have not interest in the post, why respond? Have a great day, good year, and keep you lines tight. Best of luck in your persuit of the big on, or the little one, which ever you prefer.

I probably have a personal best sure. But couldn't tell you exactly what it weighed. The thing is, in my opinion, personal bests are to tell others about.

All the enjoyment is had once your big fish is released. YOU had the experience. Even pictures aren't that important to me. Unless I'm fishing in a special place, or with a special person, then I like a picture to capture the moment.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

I can see it from your point of view, I don't agree with it but it get it. Let me ask you another question. Since the Japanese guy caught his fish on live bait, and George Perry caught his on a lure, do you think there be 2 catagory, 1 for lures and 1 for live? LOL.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

Now see then I would care. As that would be cheating.

I could have had my head in the sand for awhile but I sure never heard of huge bass coming from Japan before. Now all of a sudden there are HUGE ones....

'That' seems odd to me.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
I do not believe this is a natural occurance.

I hear that all the time, and to an extent, I agree., but......then neither are any of the bass caught in CA, or the record rainbow trout, or the record tiger musky, or the record brown trout, or ....on and on and on.

Record Fish always seem to be more about the fish, and that's a shame.  The story should be about the angler.  Its an angler achievement. 

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 
I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

You guys ever watch the godzilla movies?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

And to answer the original post...

1.  He fishes there all the time, he would know.

2.  Couldn't care less.  We know of at least a couple of MODERN day fish that are bigger than Perry's fish.

3.  I've "herded" schools of baitfish with the outboard during a tournament.  Was I "cheating?"  If it isn't against the law, it isn't cheating.  BTW, do you think that feeding stocker rainbows to bass, and fishing a trout swimbait as cheating?

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
I do not believe this is a natural occurance.

I hear that all the time, and to an extent, I agree., but......then neither are any of the bass caught in CA, or the record rainbow trout, or the record tiger musky, or the record brown trout, or ....on and on and on.

Record Fish always seem to be more about the fish, and that's a shame. The story should be about the angler. Its an angler achievement.

Good point...

But, I'm pretty sure the record Tiger Musky 'was' a naturally occurring fish. ;)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

So I take you guys suspicious about genetic experiments are all against the TPWD Share a Lunker program?


Although tiger musky hybrids can occur naturally, the record ice fishing tiger was stocked.

fishing user avatarVABassin'14 reply : 
I can see it from your point of view, I don't agree with it but it get it. Let me ask you another question. Since the Japanese guy caught his fish on live bait, and George Perry caught his on a lure, do you think there be 2 catagory, 1 for lures and 1 for live? LOL.

Sounds fair to me.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
Bass Master January edition? Specifically the artical about Manabu Kurita? For those of you who have, I have some questions about what you belive, and from those of u who have not read it, read it.

Here's my comments and questions:

1) This guy estimates there are bass in Lake Biwa, Japan that may top 30 pounds.

I know this is possible, but 30 pounds! Sounds more like a sales pitch to get their tourisum a boost. Any biologists out there that could estimate an age and legnth of a 30 pounder?

2) Do you agree with the IGFA's more than 2 ounce rule for world records. I do not agree. 22lbs -4 oz. Is less than 22lb -5oz. No matter what way you dice it, there will always be one that weight more.

3) What do you think about him training the fish to relate reving his outboard and slapping the water with his hand, to feeding them live ayu in 1 specific area. IMO spending 10 grand in 1 month to train fish to gorge themselves when they hear a series of the same commotion in the same area at the same time of day, to later fish that spot for maybe another world record (maybe not now but later in the future when they are fatter) is not ingenius, its cheating, in every sense of the word. They only thing it proves is that bass and probable other fish can be trained.

ok, I am done. Thanks in advance for the replies, I can't wait to read them.

1. the 22 lb 5 oz bass is short for it's weight; under 29" long. FLMB can grow to a length of 30"+, if you believe the Perry bass measurements. If lake Biwa has a 30"+ bass, it may well be over 25 lbs, 30 lbs is very questionable.

2. IGFA rule is based on old spring scale technology with 1 ounce graduations that may be only within 2% accuracy.  The IGFA needs to change the rules for today's digital scales.

3. Chumming isn't legal in California, feeding fish is chumming. Florida anglers often chum with live shiners. IGFA doesn't have a specific rule against chumming, however any record must also meet state or another countries regulations, plus the IGFA rules.

FLMB were initially introduced into Japanese lakes about 20 years ago. FLMB life span is about 15 years, so we are seeing at least 2nd generation FLMB in lake Biwa. 17 &n 18 lb FLMB have been showing up in Japan for about 5 years now.

Texas has been genetically engineering bass for several years and anglers don't seem to be too upset.

We should hear any day now if the Kurita bass is the new world record.


fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

Good point about the genitics, however the fish in that lake were imported from Florida many, many years ago by Gary Yamomoto and one of his sponsers at the time. I wonder if they can still have modified the florida strain of bass that they had, enough to make them that large?

Now that I know that Perry caught the world record on a lure, I don't think it is fair that this guy caught his on a live bluegill.

I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
Good point about the genitics, however the fish in that lake were imported from Florida many, many years ago by Gary Yamomoto and one of his sponsers at the time. I wonder if they can still have modified the florida strain of bass that they had, enough to make them that large?

Now that I know that Perry caught the world record on a lure, I don't think it is fair that this guy caught his on a live bluegill.

I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

Remember the largemouth bass isn't the only fish that swims.

What about fish normally fished for, and caught on live bait. Are those records OK?

I'm not giving you a hard time. Just trying to further the discussion.

Many times we have ideals in fishing that suite us and that is it. If you are in a state that closes the season during spawning months you know how many "sportsmen" complain up a storm about the closure, without a second thought to the fact that it's a measure to preserve and protect the population.

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 
Good point about the genitics, however the fish in that lake were imported from Florida many, many years ago by Gary Yamomoto and one of his sponsers at the time. I wonder if they can still have modified the florida strain of bass that they had, enough to make them that large?

Now that I know that Perry caught the world record on a lure, I don't think it is fair that this guy caught his on a live bluegill.

I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

A ha!!!!!!

You brought up one of the biggest arguments. Should there be different records for live bait VS. artificial. I say YES!!!!!

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
Good point about the genitics, however the fish in that lake were imported from Florida many, many years ago by Gary Yamomoto and one of his sponsers at the time. I wonder if they can still have modified the florida strain of bass that they had, enough to make them that large?

Now that I know that Perry caught the world record on a lure, I don't think it is fair that this guy caught his on a live bluegill.

I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

A ha!!!!!!

You brought up one of the biggest arguments. Should there be different records for live bait VS. artificial. I say YES!!!!!

What about for Walleye, Crappie, Bluegill, All of the Shark, Marlin, rockbass, etc,etc.

Should those be split between livebait, and artificial?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

You brought up one of the biggest arguments. Should there be different records for live bait VS. artificial. I say YES!!!!!

What would that accomplish?

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 
Good point about the genitics, however the fish in that lake were imported from Florida many, many years ago by Gary Yamomoto and one of his sponsers at the time. I wonder if they can still have modified the florida strain of bass that they had, enough to make them that large?

Now that I know that Perry caught the world record on a lure, I don't think it is fair that this guy caught his on a live bluegill.

I have a problem with the multitude of 30 lbers in this lake. Are they platyng with nature over there?? (genetic experiments etc.) I do not believe this is a natural occurance. If it was, why don't we have that size bass here or elsewhere? No sour grapes. If this is legit, give him the record. He doesn't seem to upset by the tie. He claims he'll break it shortly.

A ha!!!!!!

You brought up one of the biggest arguments. Should there be different records for live bait VS. artificial. I say YES!!!!!

I agree that there should be 2 catogories for bass only. The reason I say bass only is because before 2009, the record from 1932 was never beaten. I am not talkin about fish that were foul hooked or any BS like that. I saying actually legally caught by IGFA rules. What other record fish has had a 77 year reign. Is there one b/c I don't know.

fishing user avatarJepu reply : 

1) I believe that it is very possible that there are bass over 30 lbs in lake Biwa. I hope that this occurence helps to promote bass fishing into more of an international sport. It would be cool if they had a few international tournaments a year.

2) I personally do not agree with the IGFA's 2 ounce rule. Bigger is Bigger. It is not fair to the person (Manabu Kurita) who catches the next world record. In this case, I hope there are 30lb bass in Biwa, and I hope Kurita catches one.

3) As for Kurita reving his engine and chumming the bass, I see nothing wrong with this. Different parts of the world have different customs. Not everyone does everything the same. This is an example of some differences between Jananese Trophy Bass Hunting, and American Trophy Bass Hunting. This should not subtract from the fact that he just landed the biggest bass ever officially recorded on rod and reel.

* Except for Mac Weakly's 25 pound california "Dottie". Which in my very controversial opinion should have been the next world record. The fish was foul hooked but it was also released and all state laws were followed.

fishing user avatarJepu reply : 

I forgot to comment on the live bait. I am an avid artificial lure fisherman but I also have no problems with someone using live bait. Anyone is entitled to use anything for bait that they want(within the boundaries of the law). If your after a trophy, and you think that you may stand a better chance at catching it on live bait then go for it. Tournaments have rules against live bait, general fishing, which trophy hunting falls under doesnt.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

There should be a separate record for Florida strain largemouth bass verses northern strain largemouth bass, two distinct different species of bass. Live bait verses lures, no reason to separate records based on how the fish were caught.


fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 
1) I believe that it is very possible that there are bass over 30 lbs in lake Biwa. I hope that this occurence helps to promote bass fishing into more of an international sport. It would be cool if they had a few international tournaments a year.

2) I personally do not agree with the IGFA's 2 ounce rule. Bigger is Bigger. It is not fair to the person (Manabu Kurita) who catches the next world record. In this case, I hope there are 30lb bass in Biwa, and I hope Kurita catches one.

3) As for Kurita reving his engine and chumming the bass, I see nothing wrong with this. Different parts of the world have different customs. Not everyone does everything the same. This is an example of some differences between Jananese Trophy Bass Hunting, and American Trophy Bass Hunting. This should not subtract from the fact that he just landed the biggest bass ever officially recorded on rod and reel.

* Except for Mac Weakly's 25 pound california "Dottie". Which in my very controversial opinion should have been the next world record. The fish was foul hooked but it was also released and all state laws were followed.

Well I can agree with some of your post but different customs. Kurita has been in the US before and I highly doubt that chumming is a tradition, and is not legal in any tournament, that's why livewells are checked prior to the days launch. I don't think he should not have the world record bass, he should have it in its own catogory being "live bait".

As for the guy who foul hooked dottie, I tip my hat to the man, he has much class not to lie and say he caught her. That is a true sportsman.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

I don't want to hijack but it is MUCH harder to catch any fish on artifical lures than live bait...NO DOUBT!!!!

There should be two catergories:

Live bait

Artificial lures

I only fish for bass, so if other breed fisherman want to chime in, go right ahead.

Alan (bassnajr0

fishing user avatarjamarkwe reply : 

live bait or artificial bait... It does not matter IMO...  :)

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
I don't want to hijack but it is MUCH harder to catch any fish on artifical lures than live bait...NO DOUBT!!!!

There should be two catergories:

Live bait

Artificial lures

I only fish for bass, so if other breed fisherman want to chime in, go right ahead.

Alan (bassnajr0

I really don't buy that. Not for bass. I think that you might have a better chance of scoring a huge fish.

Fishing artificial is just too efficient. I'd bet my boat a solid year of fishing artificial produces more bass by at least 25% than fishing live bait.

fishing user avatarJepu reply : 

I love all the different points of view!

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 
There should be a separate record for Florida strain largemouth bass verses northern strain largemouth bass, two distinct different species of bass. Live bait verses lures, no reason to separate records based on how the fish were caught.


Now THAT I'll buy into 100%!

And not because I have a chance for the record or for any other self serving reason.

It just simply makes sense.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

As long as it was legaly caught there should be no issue. That being said I don't agree with "training" and chumming because that changes the odds. In Illinois it's illegal to bait deer for the same reason. The guy who foul hooked "dottie" was a sportsman. IMO Kurita is just a guy looking for his 15 min of fame.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Live VS. Fake records...I am gonna do a poll on this. I'd be interested in what others think.

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

I thought the article was awesome! I gained quite a bit of insight about Japanese bass fishing because of his record catch.

I think it should be the world record even if it is by 1 oz. A bass loses weight due to stress after it is caught. The only way that you can get an accurate weight on a bass would be to weigh it when you catch it. George Perry's bass was dead (if memory serves me correctly) when it was weighed in. How much weight did it lose? Good question, but that can not figure into the equation. Otherwise there is doubt and second guessing. Also, I can not remember which one of the SoCal trio boys (Winn, Weakley or Dickerson) said that they caught a bass that weighed over the current record right when it was caught. By the time the officials got around to weighing the fish, it had lost a lot of its weight. Therefore, the only way to establish order is to let the official weight be conclusive. And if it is by one ounce, so be it. Therefore I do not agree with the reasoning of "two ounces". There are already too many variables that effect the weight. Let it be what it is.

It's a world record in my mind!

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 

What stuck out the most to me was 2 truly magnificent fish died because of him - the world record and the DD one that took the bait and the rod overboard because he wasn't paying attention.  That was depressing.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
There should be a separate record for Florida strain largemouth bass verses northern strain largemouth bass, two distinct different species of bass. Live bait verses lures, no reason to separate records based on how the fish were caught.


I know I would put a world record on ice, should I catch it (VERY doubtful), but is there a reliable set of keys to identify each species, and ensure live release?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
What stuck out the most to me was 2 truly magnificent fish died because of him - the world record and the DD one that took the bait and the rod overboard because he wasn't paying attention. That was depressing.

They're a renewable resource.


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