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Very Interesting Saying 2024

fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 

Last night, i was talking to a fishing guide at the sportsman show, here in fisherville va, and he fishes for striper! He gave me is little brochure type thing, and i was reading it and came across this very true thing. It said "If you are to busy to fish, you are to busy! 

Btw I didn't buy fishing thing while i was there, even though i could have:)

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

By the way, a stripper is a woman who takes off her clothes for money. A Striper is a fish.

fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 
  On 2/21/2015 at 9:14 PM, Scott F said:

Bye the way, a stripper is a woman who takes off her clothes for money. A Striper is a fish.

I changed it now!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 2/21/2015 at 9:10 PM, Kevin Beachy said:

Last night, i was talking to a fishing guide at the sportsman show, here in fisherville va, and he fishes for striper! He gave me is little brochure type thing, and i was reading it and came across this very true thing. It said "If you are to busy to fish, you are to busy! 

Btw I didn't buy fishing thing while i was there, even though i could have:)


Your avatar is very interesting. You and your cat?



fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 
  On 2/21/2015 at 9:45 PM, *Hootie said:

Your avatar is very interesting. You and your cat?



that is not my cat, and it is photo edited! Here is another picture that i did! 2h6hd0l.jpg

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 2/21/2015 at 9:51 PM, Kevin Beachy said:

that is not my cat, and it is photo edited! Here is another picture that i did! 2h6hd0l.jpg

Great job!


fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 

it is just this simple, use this program!

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

If that is the way the quote was spelled, he should get his money back for the brochures.

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

If he indeed spelled it correctly (stripper) I would like to hire the guide for fishing  :grin:

fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 

two times is too many to misspell too...




fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

C'mon old guys, this young man is 14 years old. Let's cut him a break on his spelling.

Two, too, to.

Do, due, dew.

Arnold Horshack,.. ooo, ooo, ooo!


fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Homonyms are one of the most difficult things for students to i just finished lesson plan for them today that will be taught on Monday lol

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

No, lets not cut him any slack on spelling & grammar.   Son - spell better.   Know your homonyms, and other aspects of grammar.  You're 14 years old, according to your posted info, so you ought to know better.  I'm fairly certain this stuff was covered in 4th, 5th and 6th grade grammar.   As you get older and communicate more electronically, poor spelling and grammar leave an impression that isn't easily corrected.   This being said, I am aware that typing mistakes happen.


Now that I'm finished being snarky,  I wonder who that fishing guide cribbed that old saying from.

In the spring of 1980, at one of the old Bass Fishing Institute seminars, I heard Billy Murray bust out with that saying and that wasn't the first time I'd heard it.   I'm thinking the first time I heard it was an old Gadabout Gaddis show and he obviously heard it from someone else.


Also, be mindful of the flip side of that saying, i.e. "If you have so much time that you can fish all you want and then some, you are either retired or unemployed."    Speaking from experience, I've had extended periods of unemployment and fishing wasn't any fun then.  One, I felt guilty spending what limited fiscal resources I had on fishing.   Two, there wasn't any sense of "playing hooky",  getting away from work,

which I think many of us would agree is an important aspect of fishing.


And that concludes this rant.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Lol he misspelled one word and its on a internet forum, it happens.

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 
  On 2/21/2015 at 9:10 PM, Kevin Beachy said:

.... It said "If you are too busy to fish, you are too busy!........


It could also be said, If you are too busy to fish....You probably have a job and a family!

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

Ah, fishing for strippers.  That was like 20 years ago, the last time I did that.

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 


fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 
  On 2/22/2015 at 5:05 AM, Fishes in trees said:

No, lets not cut him any slack on spelling & grammar.   Son - spell better.   Know your homonyms, and other aspects of grammar.  You're 14 years old, according to your posted info, so you ought to know better.  I'm fairly certain this stuff was covered in 4th, 5th and 6th grade grammar.   As you get older and communicate more electronically, poor spelling and grammar leave an impression that isn't easily corrected.   This being said, I am aware that typing mistakes happen.


Now that I'm finished being snarky,  I wonder who that fishing guide cribbed that old saying from.

In the spring of 1980, at one of the old Bass Fishing Institute seminars, I heard Billy Murray bust out with that saying and that wasn't the first time I'd heard it.   I'm thinking the first time I heard it was an old Gadabout Gaddis show and he obviously heard it from someone else.


Also, be mindful of the flip side of that saying, i.e. "If you have so much time that you can fish all you want and then some, you are either retired or unemployed."    Speaking from experience, I've had extended periods of unemployment and fishing wasn't any fun then.  One, I felt guilty spending what limited fiscal resources I had on fishing.   Two, there wasn't any sense of "playing hooky",  getting away from work,

which I think many of us would agree is an important aspect of fishing.


And that concludes this rant.


Very well said, sir.

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 
  On 2/21/2015 at 9:51 PM, Kevin Beachy said:

that is not my cat...


A man is walking down the street and comes across a young boy walking a dog.  The man asks "Does your dog bite?", to which the boy answers "No, he is very friendly".  So the man reaches down to pet the dog, who promptly growls and bites down on the man's hand.  The man stumbles back, hand bleeding and in astonishment says to the boy "I thought you said your dog doesn't bite?".  The boy replies "This isn't my dog".

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 
  On 2/22/2015 at 5:05 AM, Fishes in trees said:

No, lets not cut him any slack on spelling & grammar...



I have always felt a responsibility when writing to do the very best to properly communicate the thoughts or ideas I was trying to get across.  I believe not only is proper spelling & grammar important in achieving this, but also brevity & humor.  If a reader is going to commit their time reading what I write, I want to make sure they feel they got their monies worth when they are finished.


BTW, this concept was instilled in me by an excellent 9th grade English teacher at a parochial High School.  Thank you very much Mr. Eccleston.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 2/22/2015 at 4:28 AM, *Hootie said:

C'mon old guys, this young man is 14 years old. Let's cut him a break on his spelling.

Two, too, to.

Do, due, dew.

Arnold Horshack,.. ooo, ooo, ooo!



So how ya bin doin Mista Cottah?

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Sorry kid, no break today. Looks like we gotta hang ya'. Get the rope


fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 2/22/2015 at 3:48 PM, *Hootie said:

Sorry kid, no break today. Looks like we gotta hang ya'. Get the rope boys.



Rather than hang the kid, a good lesson might be for all of us to mail him a "sponsorship" check.  Misspell his name, invert the dollar amount, and mail it to the wrong address.

fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

Jeez... The kid just had an interesting post and it turned into a grammar lesson. One of the best fishermen I know doesn't have a 6 th grade education. Doesn't stop him from fishing and catching tons of fish

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 

Does that fisherman you know regularly try to communicate his fishing skills & experiences to others in writing?  If he does & has chosen not to learn how to do so effectively, he is going to struggle (BTW, a formal education is not a prerequisite for good writing skills). 


If you are a lousy fisherman, should you just accept that fact & not try to get better?  Just keep throwing that 1 oz buzz bait on a Zebco 33 filled with 4 lb monofilament in the middle of January when the water is 37 degrees?  Most people would suggest that learning and applying what you learned is the better road to take compared to the blissful ignorance of incompetence.


No, we shouldn't bust this kids chops about his grammar & writing skills, but if he is going to try to communicate to others, HE should have the interest in learning how to do it well.  What better time to do that than when you are a teen, as opposed to later as an adult when you would have to unlearn a bunch of bad habits.

fishing user avatarDrKnew reply : 

Sheeeeeese! ,  what a grouch!...... :Idontknow:

fishing user avataryugrac reply : 

My god have none of you ever hit a button by mistake when posting something and not caught it until you pressed post? On a post about fishing maps a guy called wayne T who I assume is a teacher from his post, misspelled "device" [spelling it devise] no one jumped all over him.  At least the kid is interested in fishing instead of bath salts and glue.

fishing user avataryugrac reply : 

Sorry, Wayne P.    See how easy it is!

fishing user avatardave reply : 

Years ago (I was the 105 member at the end of 2005) a year before Long Mike took the mantel,  this used to come up a lot.  Lot's of grammar and spelling stuff and lots of guys defending the poor grammar and spelling.  One in particular was TIN. (long gone from BR)  Then one day,  after a semester in college,  he came on and apologized.  He said that when he got to college,  he absolutely sucked at writing and his grades were suffering because of it.  He said that everyone here that had busted his balls about it was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.  It DOES matter out in the world.  Get it right now and make it a habit to ALWAYS want to speak and write correctly.

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

Follow procedures!  You went rouge and now look at us - having it out in the comments section!

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

I am a long, long way from high school (50 years) however, I had a 9th. grade English teacher that forced  me to spell, and punctuate  properly. I have edited 3 books for a very close friend and when they went to press, none of my editing was questioned. I read 50-100 books a year and am really unimpressed with the quality of editing today. There is no  reason for a 4th.- 5th.- 6th.  grade student to not be able to spell at their grade level unless the teaching is not up to where it should  be or "common core" has taken over.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 2/23/2015 at 9:51 AM, yugrac said:

Sorry, Wayne P.    See how easy it is!


There ya go. It happens to all of us. I just hope nobody notices "myne".

There, put that in your hat and smoke There may be underlying

reasons for poor spelling. Anybody ever hear of "dyslexia"? Nah...

more fun to accuse, condemn, and criticize.


Hey yugrac, that car guy spelled backwards?


Bad spellers of the world,...."UNTIE"!



fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 2/23/2015 at 1:24 PM, plumworm said:

I am a long, long way from high school (50 years) however, I had a 9th. grade English teacher that forced  me to spell, and punctuate  properly. I have edited 3 books for a very close friend and when they went to press, none of my editing was questioned. I read 50-100 books a year and am really unimpressed with the quality of editing today. There is no  reason for a 4th.- 5th.- 6th.  grade student to not be able to spell at their grade level unless the teaching is not up to where it should  be or "common core" has taken over.


Many years ago I was asked by the "sports writer" of our local small town fish wrapper (AKA Newspaper) to send in a weekly fishing report.  I agreed to do so, but didn't realize at the time that this report would go under his byline and that I wouldn't receive any credit for it. 


The reports always included tournament results from our local bass club, reports from the local bait shops, and other interesting news regarding the current state of fishing in our local area.  Once a month, I would also write an additional report highlighting the accomplishments of a local fisherman.  In short, I always endeavored to make sure that these reports helped draw attention to the anglers and businesses that supported them, and to give them the credit they deserved.


For a while, it kind of bothered me that my efforts were being credited to another person.  That was right up to the day that I happened to run into the wife of one of the men I had written a profile on at the start of my so-called anonymous career.  "That was a great report you wrote for this week's edition." she told me.  When I asked her how she knew that I was the author, her answer floored me.  "Everyone I know can tell when you've written the fishing report" was her reply, "All the words are spelled correctly!"

fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 

Okay, all i did was happened to hit a wrong key

-btw, i notice lots of misspelled words all over the place on the forum, so, if i see one, shall i make 3 pages out of it just telling the person how to act?

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I think we're done here.




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