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Made Up Weights 2024

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

There was a post earlier last month about a fish in the "lunker club" of the latest Bassmaster magazine. Long story short, guy posted a pic of his claimed 11.4 pound fish, that looked like a skinny 4#'r. Well, this has been happening on a couple Facebook pages of pros I "like" and also some of the fishing company pages. Jimmy Houston in particular posted 2 pics today of guys with so called monsters in the 6 pound range. One of them is easily no bigger than 2 pounds!!! I'm serious! We have all had our share of fish tales, but I seriously doubt any of us would "go to the press" with them. I know everyone is entitled to post what they want in numbers, but I'm curious if anyone else has seen similar.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

It happens oftenly, the eyeballmeter can be quite inaccurate, BM magazine was notorious for publishing pictures of "subsized" fish, when you haven´t caught or held an X weight fish is hard to know the real dimensions of a fish of that  X size. Several years ago BM published the pic of an elederly gentleman holding a "12" lber.


Man I´ve caught a few 12 lbers ( not to brag about it ) and only in a planet twice the size of Earth with twice the gravitational pull that fish in the pic can weight 12 lbs.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Yep, I hear ya. It's kinda hard I guess to really "validate" the pic when it is received. A picture of the scale would be good, but who knows if the person didn't throw some rocks in the bass' mouth or even rig the scale. Just have to go by best judgement I imagine.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

well my thought is yeah they probably aren't what they say but it was a big fish to them so that is what matters.  Kind of like the what weight would you have a replica/mount made thread earlier.  Some said 6lb and others said double digits.  A fish to brag about is different for everyone and i don't really care if i think a bass is no way larger than 2lb and they say it is 6 because i have seen pics of 6lb fish that were weighed to validate that if i judged by the pic i would say were no more than 2-3lbs tops....

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

I have yet to see a fish 5# or more that looks less than 5#. Just saying.

To me, if you're going to brag on a fish (especially having it published) then be honest about it.

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 12:39 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

There was a post earlier last month about a fish in the "lunker club" of the latest Bassmaster magazine. Long story short, guy posted a pic of his claimed 11.4 pound fish, that looked like a skinny 4#'r. Well, this has been happening on a couple Facebook pages of pros I "like" and also some of the fishing company pages. Jimmy Houston in particular posted 2 pics today of guys with so called monsters in the 6 pound range. One of them is easily no bigger than 2 pounds!!! I'm serious! We have all had our share of fish tales, but I seriously doubt any of us would "go to the press" with them. I know everyone is entitled to post what they want in numbers, but I'm curious if anyone else has seen similar.

Out of quoriosity what does the fish in your avatar weigh?

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 


BPS digital scale. Friend with me used his analog and got 6.7. I went conservative.

March of last year. Private pond. My PB.

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

Yep, that's one off those pics. No Offense but it looks like it could be a 3#.

I've almost given up on judging the size of fish from a pic

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Good for you and your two cents guess. 6.6 though.

fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

roland martin adds 1 to 3 lbs to every fish he catches

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

I don't pay much attention to photos anymore - too hard to tell. Nor do I respond to threads where folks post a photo and say: "how much does my fish weigh - I don't have a scale!".  Well, time for those folks to at least carry a tape measure to get length/girth, or better a scale.


As I said in that other recent capture memories, accurate scales capture the weight...

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

One thing I do if I catch a decent size fish (usually 5#+) I will take a video of the weigh in and pics with the fish on it also. The one in my avatar I didn't do that with. Just was proud to land a PB. Also, people have showed me pics of their "10+" fish and I just nod like "cool". My point of the while thread is if you post a pic with a weight, make it legit. If your scale says 5 pounds for example, put it down as 5 pounds. Or don't guesstimate off the charts like 3 pounds for a dink. Especially pros on Facebook and Bassmaster with such a large publications.

And if people don't believe my avatar, good for them. I was there and two others also for the weigh in. And I'm certainly not posting my 6.6 as a 10 pounder nor a 3 pounder.

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 4:57 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

One thing I do if I catch a decent size fish (usually 5#+) I will take a video of the weigh in and pics with the fish on it also. The one in my avatar I didn't do that with. Just was proud to land a PB. Also, people have showed me pics of their "10+" fish and I just nod like "cool". My point of the while thread is if you post a pic with a weight, make it legit. If your scale says 5 pounds for example, put it down as 5 pounds. Or don't guesstimate off the charts like 3 pounds for a dink. Especially pros on Facebook and Bassmaster with such a large publications.

And if people don't believe my avatar, good for them. I was there and two others also for the weigh in. And I'm certainly not posting my 6.6 as a 10 pounder nor a 3 pounder.

I don't think he was saying he did not believe you, but pictures really are not worth much anymore.  Your picture really does not look 6.6 however I have no doubt it was 6.6

It is all about who takes better pictures these days, up close, from an upward angle, I bet we would guess your fish better than  6.6

'Big O' catches monsters, but he also takes the right pictures to get the point across imo. 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 4:31 AM, Hi Salenity said:

Yep, that's one off those pics. No Offense but it looks like it could be a 3#.

I've almost given up on judging the size of fish from a pic

I would have pegged it 5+ because of the size of the mouth in relation to his hand.

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

I honestly wasent trying to say it was a small fish or that I don't believe it's as big as you say it is but I'm agreeing with you that it's hard to judge a pic... I saw your fish looks like you could fit your fist in your fishes mouth but it looks like it's all head. <<< LOL

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

I have pics of 4 pounders that look like 8's and pictures of 6's that look like 4's.  I caught a 28" bass that only weighed 8 lbs  and a 24" bass that weighed more in tournaments.  Unless you have a scale you can never tell.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

She was a little piggy. :-)

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 6:14 AM, Hi Salenity said:

I honestly wasent trying to say it was a small fish or that I don't believe it's as big as you say it is but I'm agreeing with you that it's hard to judge a pic... I saw your fish looks like you could fit your fist in your fishes mouth but it looks like it's all head. <<< LOL


I hear ya! It can be tough to judge. I deal with this issue at times probably more than most being that I'm 6'6" Fish that look big with others don't look as big when I hold them. Sometimes angles can play a part of it too. A great example is this picture


The smallmouth in that pic was just under 4 lbs and it looks tiny. I know it weighed that much because I caught it in a tourney and It was big smallmouth that day.I actually took home a check because of it. 

fishing user avatarcrankcaster100 reply : 

Why do people have to lie?

fishing user avatarjoeyfishes reply : 

I caught a 10.2 beast the other day with two witnesses, AND the fish was weighed on a BOGA. Still had a person on my bass club call BS on it. Some people just need to stop being jealous. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Unless its a tournament or a contest, I would not waste too much time worrying about it. I don't like to sweat the little things. I do believe we should be as honest as possible, but its hard to control the actions of others. So don't worry about what you can't control. That's my personal opinion, and view on life, its just too short!

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Pictures can be incredibly deceiving.  Like Hi Selinity said, the fish in your avatar looks to be about 4lbs to me but I have no doubt that you are telling the truth and that she weighed in at 6.6lbs.  Camera angle, the way you are holding the fish, lighting, the background, how big of a person you are, etc. all come into play in screwing up pictures of fish.  I've had 3lbers that look MASSIVE and my personal best was 14.7lbs and even though it looks huge, It doesn't look like some of the other 14lbers caught by other anglers.  I wish I knew now what I know about taking pictures of fish when I caught that beast.  The picture I have of a 10.4 caught 3 years later when I was a much better "fish photographer" honestly looks as big if not bigger than the pic of my 14.  Oh well.  


For any of you reading this thread, go to google and search for Fish Chris's tutorials on taking photos of fish.  It helped SO MUCH in how I set up my shots and will make it so you get the best possible polaroids of your fish of a lifetime.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

The secret is to hold the fish really close to the camera that way they look bigger :wink2:



fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

So, Can we assume breast enhancements good, fish enhancements bad?

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Yep, good angles can make a fish look heavier, poor angles can make them look a lot smaller. A good buddy of mine taught me how to hold a fish properly so they don't look smaller than they are, and often will look bigger than they really are. A couple examples;

This fish was caught on a jig at Table Rock, the weight...


3 1/4 pounds. Just seeing the picture made me think I should weigh it again because it looks so much bigger.

Or this big ol' buckethead,


I think I could say it was 7 or 8 pounds and most wouldn't bat an eye at it, she weighed 5lbs 6ozs. 


I see those pictures that I think, no way that weighs what they're saying it does, but I've seen some fish that weighed more than they looked and a lot less than they looked. So now if I don't believe them I just give them the "Nice fish!" and leave it at that. Even if it didn't weigh what they said, they're obviously proud of it and I'm not going to try to steal their thunder. 

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

IMHO, life is too short to worry about what someone else wants to tell me what their fish weighs, how many fish they catch on their favorite bait, or how fast they can drive their boat through whatever size waves they say they were in.  My guess is that a little over half of these things are coming from people who honestly believe what they are telling you, another group which also represents a little over half are stretching the truth.  The rest fall into the old saying that "Not all fishermen are liars, but all liars fish".


The only time to worry about such things is if you're in a tournament where the other guy's mother is weighing all the fish in using nothing but her thumb!


By the way, did I tell you about the 20lb smallie I once caught?  After running 70 mph through 20 foot waves, After catch several hundred 10lb dinks, I got to my magic spot and tossed out my (sorry can't mention the name of the bait it on this site) next to a stump in six inches of water and latched onto the behemoth.  He would have weighed more, but by the time I got to the scales, he had puked up a 15lb crappie in the livewell.  I don't have the picture anymore, but I did submit it to another publication I'm not allowed to mention on here.  Trust me, have I ever lied to you?  :Idontknow:

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

Just for the fun of it, I took a 1/2 pound bluegill and hung it from a tree limb with very light line.  I had my wife stand behind the fish with a rope in her hands.  Got it all lined up and snapped the picture.  That fish looked like it had to weigh at least 100 pounds.  Some uneducated people actually believed that picture.  I lost that picture in a 'puter crash.  I'm going to do that again and save the picture.  

Sometimes the picture is not "quite right".  I've seen pictures where the shadows didn't even go the same direction.

I watched a fishing show where the pro caught a fish of about 1 1/2 pounds.  Everytime he referred to that fish it got bigger.  By the time the show was over that was a quality fish of about 5 or 6 pounds.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

Darn magazines and advertisements. The only truth out there is on the covers of those tabloids at the check out stands. I like the baby with the crocodile head. I can see it now....312 pound  largemouth eats bass pro Timmy Horton. See photos inside. This gig gets way too serious. Slonezp and I are meeting for breakfast at Silver Mallard Bar to compare scars.  Anyone want to come along ?

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 9:01 AM, crankcaster100 said:

Why do people have to lie?

Because that's part of


fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 4:39 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

Good for you and your two cents guess. 6.6 though.


Hi Salenity is making the very valid point..... his .02cents is worth just as much as your OP.


you weighted your fish and that is all that matters, it dont look 6.6 but a scale dont lie, TWO scales in your case.


As per your tone, you didnt like someone questioning the question is why are you questioning national publications, pros facebook page, ect ect. they might have weighted them too ....


not trying to start anything with you, just pointing out it can go both ways.

fishing user avatarmichang5 reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 9:29 AM, joeyfishes said:

I caught a 10.2 beast the other day with two witnesses, AND the fish was weighed on a BOGA. Still had a person on my bass club call BS on it. Some people just need to stop being jealous. 


The photo I took of you with your DD and my Boga should be in a textbook on how to take a fish weight picture! If your club mate is calling BS, then he/she is a moron.



fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

A good way to tell is to look at the head of the bass compared to the persons hand. The bass in my avatar is 20"+ and 5lbs+ and you can tell it's not small by looking at the size of its head.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

The picture in my avatar is a bass that I never weighed but I was making a point to my kid that if you hold your arm straight out then it looks bigger. I'd guess it was 2 pounds or so. No idea.


I'll tell you what, I made the biggest mistake of my fishing life by purchasing a digital scale. Every since I bought that darn scale, I haven't caught one bass over 5 pounds. i used to catch a bunch over 5.......

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

Almost impossible in my opinion to judge weight by pictures, i have seen bass that look less than 7 weigh close to 10 and bass that weigh in the 9lb class look like they weigh 6, but when its big EVERYONE says WOW!  Just look at Big O's pics, all WOWS!

fishing user avatarbig poppa reply : 
  On 3/18/2014 at 4:24 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:


BPS digital scale. Friend with me used his analog and got 6.7. I went conservative.

March of last year. Private pond. My PB.

Congratulations on your personal best. Its a beautiful fish.

Lets get fishing back to a positive thing. It doesn't matter if a fish is 1 pound or 10 pounds we should all just appreciate the fact that we were able to go and do what we love. 

I'm tired of all this #FishBeef.


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