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Stealing your name? 2024

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 


I wanted to share a story that is getting a lot of mention.

Read it below.

JT Bagwell

"When is a professional angler's name not his own property?

This is the strange but true circumstance that Tim Horton is currently experiencing.

The former Bassmaster Angler of the Year is facing possible legal action from Tim Hortons, a chain of 2,800 coffee and donut shops in Canada and the U.S. Attorneys for the corporation are threatening the Bassmaster Elite Series pro with a lawsuit if he uses his name to promote any products.

"They've asked me to quit using my name," Horton said. "When my attorney first contacted me I thought he was playing a joke on me. He wasn't.

"It's up in the air right now. It's almost comical; I can't believe it. They don't want me to sell shirts with my name on them, lures with my name on them, DVD's with my name on them. I told them in 1972 my mother didn't have a clue what Tim Hortons was when she named me."

The conflict emerged last year when Horton registered his name and a number (1) with the U.S. Patent Office for a trademark.

"When they saw I had registered for a trademark they went and looked at everything I had in my name," he said. "They saw lures and DVDs that were for sale, and they started telling me that I couldn't be selling stuff with my name on it.

"I even offered to change it to Timmy Horton, which was the reason I asked BASS officials to refer to me as Timmy last year. But they're still fighting me on it. When I heard from them last year we decided to [register] Timmy Horton. Then about three weeks ago they contacted me again. They claim they have that name registered, too."

Horton pointed out that one of his sponsors, lure-maker PRADCO, has his name on several lures.

It was jokingly suggested that he consider changing his name.

"What about 'The Fisherman Formerly Known as Tim Horton?' " he replied. "

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

Did this all come about because he tried to register it? Perhaps he stirred the hornets nest. I think it is incredible that one can go through something like that.

fishing user avatarHillbilly_Hooker reply : 

I had read this story before and I think it's absolutely absurd to imagine that the Canadian company could prevail and prevent Tim Horton from using his own name to promote himself and his products. I was always of the opinion (informed opinion, I thought) that the U.S. Patent and Trademark office would not allow one to trademark a personal name, such as Bill's Barbershop, Nancy's Bakery, etc. Obviously, my thinking must have been flawed, but I hope Tim Horton wins on this one.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Seems BBB is a little slow.  It was posted here several days ago:

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

This is just downright ridiculous! JMHO

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I can actually see where this is coming from.  A registered trade mark can not be used by another party without permission.  Its his misfortune that his name has already been trademarked.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 
This is just downright ridiculous! JMHO

I agree.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Better register every word in the English language now. You never know when someone might want to sell popsicles with your name attached.

Ridiculous.   ;D

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

You can not Copyright a name. Instead what you do it Trademark it. When filing for a Trademark you have to list the type of business, product, etc that you will be selling. I can almost guarnatee that Tim Horton the coffee company didn't list Crankbaits, Plastic Worms and Jig Fishing DVD's anywhere in their file. As a result, Tim Horton the bass fisherman should be free to conduct business as usual. If I was a shareholder of Wendy's International Inc. I would be sending some very nasty letters to the board for wasting my money on an absolute ridiculous lawsuit.

Tim Horton's is not just a Canadian company. I am not sure of the exact details, but it is at least

partially owned by Wendy's (the fast food chain).

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarCSB reply : 

Wendys acquired the TDL group and then sold its shares to investors in September. If the name is registered as "Tim Horton's", I wonder how the angler Tim Horton can be sued since his name does not show ownership (no apostrophe - S at the end of his name)? Myabe Tim Horton, the guy who founded Tim Horton's, registered his own name?

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

Tim Horton's is a U.S. company about a year ago Wendy's International ipo Tim Hortons as a stand alone company. There head office is in Canada and most of the money is generated in Canada and also is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

The main listing is on the New York Stock Exchange ticker THI.

I talked a couple guys out of investing there life savings in the ipo, the stock ipo at about $28 and in a few hrs. shot to $50-60 and faded to $28 by the end of the trading day. This is normal for a hot ipo the dum money buys then gets scared and sells.

Theres a thread on Big Fat Bass dealing with this and right now most Canadain Anglers are writing and phoning Tim Hortons head office.

This is legal I.D. Thieft and Tim Hortons (coffee/Donut) should not win. But it's the U.S. were the most money wins in a legal fight.


fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

sad................... though if he did go by the fisherman formally known as Tim Horton, it would one up rapper Ike.

fishing user avatarFloridabassking352 reply : 

I think he should just register with his middle name.

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

The reality is that the CEO or the head of invester relation proably does'nt no about Tim Horton (the angler).

If the ceo got POSITIVE feedback on Tim Horton (angler) they might add him to there fishing sponcership program. Currently Bob Izumi is the only one on this deal. A nice boat wrap deal for life and some agreement on verbage could be worked out.

Tim Hortons (the coffee/donut) have locations in all border states an as far down as Ohio they need to get the rest of the states hooked on coffee just like the northern states. So theres a fit for the wrap job but corp. need the get the idea that a beautifull wrap boat giving out sample coffee would work down south. Tim Horton (the angler) needs to tye all this with B.A.S.S.

So Tim (the angler)

Remenber me


fishing user avatarHillbilly_Hooker reply : 


You should consider going to Tim Horton's website to see if there is a 'Contact Us' link and forward your idea to him.  Perhaps he and the coffee/donut folks have been in such an adversarial relationship that neither has thought about your idea.


fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Tim Horton sponsored by Tim Horton. Now that would be confusing. I have wondered about this in the past just never really read anything about it. It's kinda scary that you can get in trouble by using your own name to market your own products.

Well, guess I'm gonna go ahead and trademark my name so when I get famous it won't be a problem.  ;D

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

I see Tim Horton (the angler) on the front of a bass boat in skates Toronto maple leafs jersy Tim Horton (the hockey player) played for Toronto with a confused look and a baitcaster and a gaint crankbait. And then cut to coffe and donuts.

Maybe with the real Tim Horton (the hockey Player) explaining how he got into coffe/donuts biz to Tim Horton(the angler).

The only thing Tim Horton the Corp. needs to get is the story the marketing dept. can spin the tail I see 15 -20 comerrsals down south then a bunch spoffing the southern boys.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

That coffee chain has moved into New England with force.  Gues where I won't be buying my coffee anymore.  Absurd!  If anything, they should have tried to pick him up and sponsoir him themselves.  

I'm making it my duty to spread the word Monday to all the UPS drivers.  we are Teamsters and will back somthing like this.  many guys gather at those coffee shops at the end of the day to take their lunch breaks together.  It's a small impact but it's also a few less dollars to fuel those ridiculous lawyers.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 
Maybe with the real Tim Horton (the hockey Player) explaining how he got into coffe/donuts biz to Tim Horton(the angler).

Tim Horton the Hockey player, died a long time ago. I think it was in 1974 (before I was even born). Tim Horton the angler was only 2 years old in 1974.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

Make sure that Tim hortons coffee knows why the UPS guys are boycotting and what they should do.

You are correct Tim Horton has been dead for 30 something years but it's a very interesting story and corporations like interesting storys about them selves.

If everybody on all these forums goes to Tim Hortons and fills out the comment card or writes the ceo this will be stopped.

Remember Positive solutions.


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I'm changing my name to "Girn Blanstaad"

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I think everyone should email Tim Horton's (the coffee people) and let them know

what you think. Here is their email address:

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I'm changing my name to "Girn Blanstaad"

Are you sure you want to spell it exactly the same as the grocery store chain does though?  Might mean trouble.,lol.

fishing user avatarMainly-bass reply : 

I guess what confuses me is how is Tim Horton (the angler) damaging or causing harm to Tim Horton's coffee shops? Are their phone lines getting thousands of calls a day from their customers looking for relief from their angst? :-? I just don't see how Tim the angler is hurting Tim's coffee shop's business because, coincidentally, he has the same name :-/ Further, if it's NOT hurting their business, then what's the point? To me, this is much corporate ado about nothing. They should let the man fish and use his own darned name.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I find these things fascinating.

On the surface, it seems rediculous, but when you think deeper, you can see the problems.

I mean suppose I was married to a girl named Brittney Spears and then sold panties under that name.

Oh wait, bad business plan.  She isn't wearing them these days.  

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

Looks like all hopes of my first born son, Starbuck getin sponsored are over :'(

fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

I wonder if K-Fed used a senko to catch that fish? :-?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I thought I had heard it all.   ;D

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

First off, Welcome to the Forum Mainly-bass.

Second,   seems like Timmy Horton would do more good than bad for the coffee company, maybe thats their angle, bad press is just good press.

I'm not familar with the coffee co.     Are they like a Starbucks or what?

email will be sent.


fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Below is the response I received from Tim Horton's (coffee). I would

assume that it is a generic response that they send to everyone.

JT Bagwell

Dear Jeremiah;

Thank you very much for contacting us with regards to Tim Hortons,

professional Bass fisherman.

Regrettably, the information contained in a recent news article does not

accurately reflect the current facts and Tim Hortons wants to make it clear

that no legal action is pending against Tim Horton and he remains free to

continue to promote and sell lures, DVD's and other products in connection

with his bass fishing business.

I hope that this addresses your concerns.  Please do not hesitate to

contact us should you have any further questions.



Operations Services Representative

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Oh yeah, I did ask for clarification on what the truth really was

(if the article was wrong) and if they were taking any action to

correct the article. The only response I got was a copy of the same

email they sent me the first time.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Pretty lame...

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

I like Tim Horton's doughnuts, but not the way they're trying to sue a man who merely has the same name as their's not right!  :P

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

Everybody I no is getting this form letter. I believe our concerns are not getting to the top.


fishing user avatarHookem reply : 

I pity the kids whose parents named them ESPN.   ;D


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