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Lone wolf 2024

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

Are you from a fishing family (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.) or are you the lone wolf when it comes to fishing ?

Myself, I'm the only one. I remember going out with my dad at a very early age for flounder in Ocean City, NJ.  He passed away when I was 12, since then I'm the only one that fishes. My older brother has no interest at all in it. If it wasn't for my wife's cousin, I'd fish alone all of the time. It's few and far between when I meet serious freshwater fishermen, other than the ones I run into at the different lakes.

fishing user avatarFFF-150 reply : 

Although my Brother and Dad do fish occassionally, I'm the only one that is crazy about the sport. I live and breathe it.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Lone wolf.

My mom says i take after my grandfather.He died at a very early age.He was a fisherman for Sturgeons in the Great Lakes.I think i would have gotten along real well with my grandfather.

It's always interested me when my mom told me stories of those 6 foot monsters he was catching.

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 

Some off and on bank fishing within my family, but no serious bassers and the like.  My 68 year old neighbor got me "hooked" just 1.5 years ago at age 25.  I have my first child on the way and hope that  he/she will enjoy time on the water with me as you did with your father!!  Where in NJ did you fish - I have inlaws that fish the delaware bay often up there.

On this same note, it is hard to find friends to fish with that are really serous about fishing my age....sometimes it is a bit of a downer - but lukily my neighbor is quite reliable.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Most of my family on my dads side has fished or fishes, although they are mostly trout fishermen. I feel like I am the lone serious bass fishermen, good that I have friends to fish with.  :)

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

lone wolf.

fishing user avatarRandySBreth reply : 

Genetically programed to fish. Everyone in my family is angler - except my Dad. Kind of odd.

My older brothers aren't as fanatic as me, but all are more serious than the average fisherman. My son caught his first fish a year ago at age 2, so he's on his way, too. Which is nice. 8-)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Lone Wolf

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

When it comes to saltwater fishing, it's a family thing. My great, great grandfather used to fish redfish down here. It's gone through my fathers side down to my daughters now. I learned everything I know about fishing from my mother, father, and uncles. Slowly passing that on to my kids.

Freshwater is another story. I'm the only one that is truly crazy about catching largemouths and peacocks. My kids love it more and more each trip now. They're finally learning how to fish a soft plastic. My dad understands what to do if I relate it to a saltwater technique that he's done. He's not excessively enthusiastic about it, but he's starting to come around.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Lone Wolf.

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

i have a single mom and i mainly fish by myself except in summer when im with my dad

fishing user avatarRebel Angler reply : 

My grandpa an I were the real fisherman in the family, but sadly he passed away about a month ago. So I guess you could say I'm a lone wolf now =/

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Lone Wolf.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Lone Wolf!  Until last year, now my brother has the bait monkey ridin him bigger than Dallas!


fishing user avatarRadical Conservative reply : 

I can also feel for your situation, somewhat. I grew up in an absolute obsessive bow huntin' family. Don't know how I picked up tournament fishin'.

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

Im a lone wolf when it comes to Bass fishing, but my little brother is CRAZY about shark fishing.

fishing user avatarrowyourboat reply : 

my old man and i go together and i cherish every trip

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

I don't know where I caught the fishing bug.  My dad's idea of a vacation or average weekend relaxing was the same - Indoors with air conditioning and scotch.

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 

I'm a loner , too. Nobody in my family fishes. I got the bug from our neighbor, when I was 5, and got "infected" bad.  :DI tryed giving the bug to my wife and son , but they are immune to it...

fishing user avatarstratos 375 reply : 

even though I've been genetically programmed to fish, and everyone in my family fishes, I'm still a loner. I wouldn't want  any of my family members even near my boat, much less in it. I fish alone 99.9% of the time, I prefer it that way.

Partners and guests have a habit of running their mouths.

When I do break down and take my wife fishing, I never show her my best spots for fear that one day she'll get tired of my crap & leave me. It'd be just my luck that she would hook up with someone that had a boat.

fishing user avatarJohnnyBigger reply : 

Lone wolf...kinda, My dad like to fish but never goes, he took 3 or 4 times growing up, My unkle is an ex professional snook fisherman and bass fisherman but I have only gone with him a couple of times, His health has always kept him from going when I got old enough to go. Other than that I like going by myself sometimes because I can concentrate on what im doing but it would have been nice to be taken out alot more as a kid

fishing user avatarINbassMAN reply : 

I come from a family full of outdoorsman. I started hunting at an early age and didn't do much fishing. During my teen and twenties it was all hunting for me. My grandpa was a big fisherman, mainly catfish. I loved going out on the boat with him. I have a great-Uncle who was a pro bass fisherman, but i never had the opportunity to fish with him. Another uncle is the one who really got me started on bass fishing and a friend from work has now got me hook. Now, this is all I think about. In fact, I have pretty much quit all my other hobbies so I can do more fishing. I didnt even go hunting last year. :)

fishing user reply : 

I had the occasional trip with my uncle when I was little, but I would consider myself a lone wolf.

fishing user avatarVABassin'14 reply : 
Although my Brother and Dad do fish occassionally, I'm the only one that is crazy about the sport. I live and breathe it.

That sums up my situation also. Although, I do have a few friends that are into it almost as much as myself.

fishing user avatarLoneWolf reply : 

you can tell by my Sig. :D

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

I am a lone wolfe also, but I am trying to change that. My grandfather introduced me to fishing when I was about 4 years old. My father could care less about fishing. Now I have 2 daughters.  The youngest one (10 years old) loves to fish so I am teaching her all I can about it and taking her as often as I can. She has actually outfished me the last couple of times we went out together. I am proud of her. :)

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

My family/kin folks was a fishing pack.   

    Unfortunately, my parents, all grand parents, 12 uncles and others have passed.

   I have 2 brothers that would not leave a river system to touch a lake, much less go bassin.    

   Its felt like a lone wolf for years.

fishing user avatarzero limit reply : 

I got two brothers that love fishing, but one is in the seattle area the other lives a few blocks away and we get togather for Lake Michigan perch, trout and salmon.

Bass fishing i guess i am a lone wolf but my 12 yr. old daughter has been comming along alot last fall for crappie and bass fishing

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 


trying to get my fiance interested but its not going too well ;D.

some times i would like someone to be fishing with me , but most of the time i enjoy the alone time.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

I've inherited my fishing passion from my grandparents.  I hear my grandma actually taught my grandpa how to fish!  And my grandpa was and all around avid outdoorsman.  I definitely consider myself a lone wolf for the most part.  Can't wait for that first trip out alone once I get out of this middle eastern desert.  Outside of seeing my wife and boys again it's what I dream of most!

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

In my family it skipped a generation my grandpa fishes and helped start my interest , but none of my cousins took much interest. I did get both my brother's involved though!

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Hmm, let's does a wolf sound? Arrooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

I have an identical twin brother and while he will occassionally fish with me, he is nowhere as crazy as I am about the sport. I brought him out to a lake on an evening where the the bass were hitting buzzbaits and he was more worried about the bugs biting!  There's no accounting for some people!

fishing user avatardemonjd22 reply : 

I got started by seeing a neon green spinning combo with neon green line at Jamesway (now I know I'm old) and got it from Santa when I was young. Dad would take me occasionly but never fished  but I became hooked.  Still got that original reel which I plan on passing onto my future children (before I give em a Daiwa Steez so they appreciate it lol), but am currently trying to get my lil brother addicted.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

Fishing family for me.  I however take it far more seriously then anyone else in my family. 

fishing user avatarAZfishrman01 reply : 

It's kind of sad to say, but I am the only one. Both my mother and father, detest the idea that I fish. They say it is a waste of a student's time. I strongly disagree. This is something I love. Anyone else have parents like mine?

fishing user avataroteymc reply : 

I had people around me that liked to fish when I was younger, and we went some - but not a lot. I had plenty of chances growing up, but I was into other things.

I remember going to help my Grampa bale hay, he would let me go fishing at his catfish pond early in the morning while he was getting the equipment ready(I was probably 10-12). My Dad took us fishing occasionally, I think just because he thought that's what good dads do - he didn't even fish most times. I really appreciate that now, because he would have probably rather been doing anything other than that. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't like we were begging to go in the first place, if we would have really wanted to, he would have taken us everyday.

I have a brother who is 8 yrs younger, and he really likes to fish and is a good crappie and bass fisherman - but he lives 6 hours away.

I only started fishing again about a year ago. I fish alone most of the time. I think that is why I enjoy reading on this site so much. I think my sons are going to like it, and my 4 yr old goes some with me, that is fun.

This is an interesting thread.


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