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Sales And Deals Forum? 2024

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

Mods, could we have a Sales and Deals forum added? It would spare everyone and their brother asking about sales every single holiday.

fishing user avatarLunker Huntin reply : 

I couldn't agree more, I sadly admit that I sometimes cheat on BR only because another sight has a Hot Deals section where the members post up good finds online and local. I have found many good deals using that sight (which I'm always a fan of) To think we used to make fun of women for going crazy about sales but truth be told guys we are just as bad, nothing will loosen up my wallet faster that a tackle sale

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

I have also thought that this would be a good idea for this website. I know a few other online message boards that have a "deals" section where members can post and talk about online sales that are going on. Most of them use "rules" as well to govern what can and cannot be posted in that sales section. 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Since we're asking, can I have a food forum.......scrapple scrapple scrapple

fishing user avatarPenguino reply : 

I would love to have a deals forum. I think it would be a great idea to help us find the best deals.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 


fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I'd like it.  The Bait Monkey would love it.  I'd hate it.  I'd be so much better off if I bought what I 'need' when I need it and ignore all sales.


I'm no mod and relatively new here, but I'd bet that the mods (and the sponsors) cringe every time a member mentions D**, T*, A******, etc.  They're already getting a lot of free advertising from us....all the while, the good businesses listed on the right side of this page are paying to keep the lights on here. 

If I were a betting man, I'd bet on 'no'.

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

I'd like this idea as well.  That's a forum i'd actually subscribe to full time. 

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 

I respectfully agree.  I'm always afraid to start a new thread with the deal I just got at Academy or Wally World because there are always a bunch.  At the same time, ressurecting old threads is not good etiquette either.  A dedicated forum would be great for those of us who like to see possible deals, as well as those of us who hate seeing the "Hey, look what I just bought at Cabela's" threads all over the rest of the forums.

fishing user avatarStarchalopakis reply : 
  On 5/19/2015 at 4:38 AM, RF813 said:

I'd like this idea as well.  That's a forum i'd actually subscribe to full time. 

I concur.

fishing user avatarDocNsanE reply : 

I'd also like to see a Sales forum, but regardless, I think Choporoz hit the nail on the head. What he said made 100% sense and I would not fault BR for skipping on a deals forum.

fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 
  On 5/19/2015 at 4:11 AM, Choporoz said:

I'd like it. The Bait Monkey would love it. I'd hate it. I'd be so much better off if I bought what I 'need' when I need it and ignore all sales.

I'm no mod and relatively new here, but I'd bet that the mods (and the sponsors) cringe every time a member mentions D**, T*, A******, etc. They're already getting a lot of free advertising from us....all the while, the good businesses listed on the right side of this page are paying to keep the lights on here.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet on 'no'.

I agree

fishing user avatarBrayberry reply : 

I'd love a Deals subforum, but I doubt it'd ever happen

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

We need Sales & Deals.  We've been getting them all along, and the members are the only ones that could make it better. 




Support this site's sponsors.  Many sponsors have been here over the years, and almost of them announce special sales aimed right at us as members.  The more business these sponsors get from us, the more others will decide to join up, and the more benefits you'll gain.


And speaking of deals, are you happy with the price Glenn charges you to access this place?  Just how much do you have to pay to read the extensive libraries (print and video) on this site?  Does the price you pay go up when more and more people decide to sign up and log in?


Once you've thought about those answers, head on over to your favorite "They Don't Charge Shipping" websites and see what they have to offer in the way of articles, videos, or forums. 


There's a real forest here folks, it's not the trees that are blocking your view of it!

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

I wouldn't blame BR for taking a position of "No"pn a deals forum" for the reasons mentioned above. Also, I seriously doubt there are very many of us on here that don't already know every site there is and what's on sale when. I think we all spend plenty of time researching and looking around with the baitmonkey doing the driving...he takes us all plenty of places. While I respect the sponsors and appreciate what they do here, I still see nothing wrong with someone pointing out where they got "item z" for "price x". It wouldn't be realistic for everyone to only support the loyal, however limited sponsors we have.  I have on numerous occasions seen that someone was looking for something and then sent them a PM letting them know " Hey, I saw this over on "insert retailer" and thought I'd let you know.... We can all still shop where we want , remain appreciative and respectful of our sponsors, and still keep our fellow members informed of deals without ruffling fleathers.  People are going where the deals are no matter what. If a sponsor doesn't have a deal as good as "retailer x" then guess where I'm buying my item? Just how business is and my money only goes so far, not sure about yours... If you want to fall on your sword and spend more with a sponsor just because you appreciate what they do for us members then that is your right to do so.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

One of the forums I'm on has separate forums for counties, then one for anything outside of Florida.  There are forums for, shorefishermen, private boaters and head boats, another for kayakers, one specifically for sharks, and one for food preparation, freshwater fishing too, but nothing for sales.  Are all of them needed, don't really know but each gets activity.


A redistricting of the geographic area might not be a bad idea, Indiana in the northeast seems out of place.  Perhaps a midwest forum, taking a few states from the NE and Central.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 5/20/2015 at 1:48 AM, SirSnookalot said:

One of the forums I'm on has separate forums for counties, then one for anything outside of Florida. There are forums for, shorefishermen, private boaters and head boats, another for kayakers, one specifically for sharks, and one for food preparation, freshwater fishing too, but nothing for sales. Are all of them needed, don't really know but each gets activity.

A redistricting of the geographic area might not be a bad idea, Indiana in the northeast seems out of place. Perhaps a midwest forum, taking a few states from the NE and Central.

I also like the idea of a Midwest forum. Good idea!
fishing user avatarButchVA reply : 

this would be cool!

fishing user avatarButchVA reply : 

Also, if a sponsor had something on sale I would not object to them having a pined thread or anything like that.  I actually think it would be a good idea and could help the sponsors sell some more stuff.

fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 

I seriously considered investing in a Pinnacle baitcaster that was being touted here. Went to BPS and Cabela's and Pinnacle was not well represented. Little things do matter. 


Old school basser...

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 5/21/2015 at 8:06 AM, ButchVA said:

Also, if a sponsor had something on sale I would not object to them having a pined thread or anything like that.  I actually think it would be a good idea and could help the sponsors sell some more stuff.

Our sponsors and the moderators will almost always make a post when a sponsor is having a sale.


I think one of the major problems with the "Sales and deals" idea is the potential for spam. We work very hard behind the scenes to keep this place spam free, both fishing and non-fishing related items. Having a forum like that would most likely invite more of it as well as guys on companies prostaff or just sales reps for companies to try to post their sale info up. While I appreciate someone tipping me off to a good sale as much as the next guy, I don't want to have a bunch of spammers blowing this place up either. 

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 5/21/2015 at 2:51 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

Our sponsors and the moderators will almost always make a post when a sponsor is having a sale.

I think one of the major problems with the "Sales and deals" idea is the potential for spam. We work very hard behind the scenes to keep this place spam free, both fishing and non-fishing related items. Having a forum like that would most likely invite more of it as well as guys on companies prostaff or just sales reps for companies to try to post their sale info up. While I appreciate someone tipping me off to a good sale as much as the next guy, I don't want to have a bunch of spammers blowing this place up either.

Definitely a valid point you make.
fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
  On 5/21/2015 at 7:52 AM, Brnnoser6983 said:

We pay $0 because of the sponsors and the help of Glen. With places like Rage Tail, Z Man, LTB, MTB .. .. .. .. The list goes on and lowers the operating cost of the website. Could Glenn pass along the cost to the members, sure but what site does that for a forum?


People aren’t asking to jump ship. Just an area to post sales, maybe even buy these sponsors listed. Maybe you could login to see Bizz Baits now has a X% off sale. Or get a great lead on a local box store selling lures for X% off.


It’s something if not to test out. And testing out what the people want evolves the site into at times something better.


If you read my original post again, the entire thing, you might understand what I was trying to say.  Then again, maybe not.  I never implied that members were going to jump ship.  What I was trying to say was that every member here gets access to one of the best bass fishing websites around for FREE! 


It doesn't cost you a dime to come here.  Care to venture a guess as to what it costs to keep this website up and running?  While you're scratching your head over that one, where do you think the money comes to pay for those costs? 


Next, if you can get this far, please explain why it makes any sense at all to open a section where non-sponsors are given prime time advertising.  Explain why any company would spend good money to sponsor this site when all it would take would be to become a member for free, and then spout off their sales, for free! 


Finally, why haven't you started your own website using this business plan?

fishing user avatarBrnnoser6983 reply : 
  On 5/21/2015 at 3:34 PM, Lund Explorer said:

Finally, why haven't you started your own website using this business plan?

There are hundreds of site such as these called coupon sites and they make money by moving people to another site to purchase. They in turn get money for a referral. Same concept as immortalized material on YouTube. But I guess I could jump on that band wagon.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
  On 5/21/2015 at 9:24 PM, Brnnoser6983 said:

Minimal $30 a month to get a template forum that is non customizable. Hundreds for customizable. Yes I do know and yes I have ran a website. That isn't to take into consideration the server he could be using (I assume Glenn is paying out for backup of the site and doesn't have a server in a closet) and depending on the raid array could cost thousands (going towards a raid 5). So yes I do understand I think a little more than you think Im not just a Fisher but a tech head.

I didn't say it should be done in the fashion I think you are talking about, but it is already being done. I have come on here more than once to see a member post a sale a DSG or Gander. I know I personally have posted sales like that. And does TW get a cut?I mean the latest tackle thread is a shrine to TW sales and purchases.

I didn't claim to have answers just chimed in like the others. I just happen to single out one of your comments that's all.

Simple thoughts to fix the spam is locked threads that mods post to only. Say Bizz has a sale. They email sale to mod, and mod post on sticky. It could be a billboard for who is already here. In your face to hundreds of active members. Again just thoughts. It is change moves that moves things. Innovation and not being stagnant.

If there were to be a sticky regulated by the moderators only, would that not be free advertising?   How would sponsors feel about it?

fishing user avatarBrnnoser6983 reply : 

Post sales deals last x - x.than it is taken down. If they email a mod to post it they control it going up. That and it would always be the top post.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I cannot, for the life of me, think of what is wrong with the current system of 'limited tolerance' of posting of deals by non-sponsors.  What is so very difficult to understand about the repeated justifications provided for NOT having a separate forum for non-sponsors????  Sorry...but huh????

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 5/21/2015 at 9:30 PM, Brnnoser6983 said:

There are hundreds of site such as these called coupon sites and they make money by moving people to another site to purchase. They in turn get money for a referral. Same concept as immortalized material on YouTube. But I guess I could jump on that band wagon.

Somebody else already does. Its called TT. It also has a kayak bassing section but obviously not enough interest for a whole sub forum for that her. I'll just continue to use TT just for those two sub forums... As its the sole purpose I go there.
fishing user avatarBrnnoser6983 reply : 

My OP says and is examples of a current sponsor. The other was just throwing it or there. No more than anyone else before me did.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

There was a paying advertiser to this site who bailed with a strongly worded message about how much shopping traffic he felt he was losing by all the talk of deals and suggestions to shop elsewhere.  He deleted it within minutes of posting, which is almost unfortunate.  It was an emotional rant, but I get it.  Even the current tolerant system is a bit of an affront to those paid advertisers who are helping to keep the lights on here. 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

My own personal opinion is that inclusion - paying or otherwise - generates traffic. Traffic = revenue to sponsors. Sponsors = BassReource staying on the air.

Got a product you love? Tell us about it!

That said, when a business or individual takes advantage of this open forum format, and posts excessively, or uses some form of subterfuge to make it seem as though it's a person just posting his/her likes, then I draw the line. And by "line" I mean complete blockage from ever being mentioned. There's enough dishonesty in fishing without perpetuating it for profit.

I think that a forum for "sales and good deals" would eventually degrade to that state.

Fortunately, we have a GREAT list of sponsors here, that not only keep us on the air, they offer products I would like to use, or already use.

Want a deal? Ask one of our sponsors. Many of them offer special deals to members. It's just one of the many benefits.

fishing user avatarCgrinder reply : 

My only grump involves being censored when talking about purchasing rods or reels and we don't have a sponsoring dealer who carries rods and reels anymore, save for Mike @ DVT who builds.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

You aren't being censored, unless the name is one that the company asked us to remove from the forums, or was a habitual spammer.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

So,does this mean I still don't get my food forum?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Of course.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 5/19/2015 at 1:54 AM, slonezp said:

Since we're asking, can I have a food forum.......crapple crapple crapple


fixed it.


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