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Your Pb Planned That Day? 2024

fishing user avatarSquirmin Wormin reply : 

we or i at least assume the day you caught your pb it was a very memorable time and probably never forget ,but that day when you caught your pb did you think or plan on it happening ? and when you caught your pb was it a planned lure or a random lure you just decided to put on and thought you'd catch fish but not your pb ? i myself didn't have it planned as far as the lure i chose that day to get my pb but it did . some of us when we get to a body of water, we like to take into consideration all factors when it comes to catching fish or that pb we caught, at least i do , and i think some lures work better than other's but not always . so when you gotten your pb did you plan that to happen and that lure,did you plan that as well to get your pb?

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

Every time I go fishing I plan on catching a personal best. I use lures that I have complete confidence in and that have caught big bass.

fishing user avatartbone1993 reply : 

I had a feeling because I was told there were huge face in this small lake. It was rarely fished and only accessed through a locked gate. CAught a 7lber on a crankbait and nearly crapped myself. Good times. 

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Who wakes up and says, "I don't wanna catch a PB today..."?

I'm pretty sure we all plan on catching a PB every trip, and why tie on a lure if you don't think it will catch the fish you are looking for?

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 

Unlike the rest of you guys, I didn't really expect to catch my pb the day I did. I had only been fishing for about 6 months and I was just going to fish for a few hours at a new lake a friend showed me. About a half hour in something thumped my jig and I reeled in a 5lber.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 
  On 9/23/2014 at 2:56 AM, Catch and Grease said:

Who wakes up and says, "I don't wanna catch a PB today..."?

I'm pretty sure we all plan on catching a PB every trip, and why tie on a lure if you don't think it will catch the fish you are looking for?

I'm pretty much the same as you Catch, except for 1 day:


I was field testing a spinnerbait I made with a zonker (rabbit) strip to see how the zonker strip reacted in the water. I had nothing with me, just my rod and phone. It was 7 days after ice out so I wasn't expecting to catch anything. After a couple of casts I started to experiment with different retrieves and can came thru some of last year's weeds and felt a snag. I pump my rod tip light to dislodge the bait threw back in again, Same thing, pump my rod tip slightly but this time the bait wasn't freeing up. I yanked up and the bait wasn't moving, until I felt a vibration. It was a fish swimming away with my bait. I'm like oh boy, this is a nice one! I finally got her to shore and unbuttoned her. I had no scale, but I was able to take measurements: 23 1/4" x 20" girth.


I can honestly say, that was one day I wasn't fishing for anything to bite let alone a PB.

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

I caught mine not to long after really getting into bass fishing about 2 years ago on a lure I never used a white chatterbait with the original trailer. It was a new pond I never been to before and it was back of a shopping center fishjng with my friend from work whom I've never been fishing with before and it was just about dark out and I seen a pile of down trees in the pond casted infront of them and few seconds later felt thump jerked it up let drop another thump then another set the hook and got her in it was 20 inches didn't weigh it it's the bass is In my profile pic.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

planned mine right down to the T man....

decided i wanted to catch it at 8:48AM, had already decided i wanted to catch it on a bass color pop-r.  after a little internal debate and a rather heated argument with my dog, i concluded i would catch it on the 151st cast that morning.  also, last minute decision had me opt for this one particular spot in between two bushes in about 7 feet of water much do the dog's dismay, but the rest is history....

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 

I'll tell you when I catch it. :)

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Both my smb & lmb PB's were "Planned"


But I say that Every Trip . . . . . .





fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

I just go Fish..

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

The answer is NO. I was at Loxahatchee Preserve, West Palm Beach. We went out expecting a good day. It was February and there is some bedding during this month, in South Florida. We fished all morning and with bright sunny skies, it was tough. It was noon, so to catch a few fish before leaving I put a weightless Zoom Fluke on my spinning rod with 10 pound test mono, my lightest rig. I saw some movement next to the bank and cast the Fluke into the mix. She took the bait in two feet of water, and the fight was on. I had to get her head up before she buried herself in the weeds. I knew right away it was a monster. She ran all over the place but I was able to get her to deeper water. She weighted 11.4 lbs, on my scale. I couldn't talk, or fish, for about 15 minutes. It was a special moment, I will never forget. Although I have caught a number of 8 and 9 pound fish, this one was special. I released her as soon as I could, and she was in perfect health, and swam away strong. That was 25 years ago, and it still feels like yesterday!

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

I have been lucky enough to catch my PB 3 times since she lives right down the street. First time was planned, it was about 2 years ago and I hadn't started bass fishing yet, but that fish had always tried to eat my crappies and bluegill when I reeled them in, so I put a 5/0 circle through the nose of an 8" largemouth (I wouldn't do that now that I have started bass fishing), I got to watch the giant hunt it down and kill it about 2 feet from where I was standing, which was really cool. Second time was in the early spring, the pond has a flat that is about 2-3' deep with a silty/dead weed bottom, so I have to fish really shallow cranks to catch fish when they hold on it in the spring after warm spells, I even plant brush piles so I have something to deflect off of. Since 90% of the fish are 12" and smaller, I was throwing a rebel floater 2.5" minnow style crank, I have tried tons of other brands with similar baits, but something about that cadence triggers bites in cold water (I have caught them on it when the pond was half frozen in december). Anyways, I was fishing it on an ultralight with 6lb test, had a normal strike, swung and started reeling, then the fish turned around and peeled a ton of drag. She jumped 3 times but I got her in, I definitely didn't think that fish would hit a teeny tiny lure. 3rd time was when I had just started fishing swimbaits, I was just playing with my bait (6" BBZ floater) seeing what it could do, water was pretty muddy anyways and I didn't think I would get any bites. Then she slammed it and the battle was on (I have been hooked on swimbaits ever since). I could catch her when she is on a bed but my little brothers and I consider her off limits during the spawn so she can pass on the good genes. Needless to say I am very attached to that fish, if someone killed her I probably wouldn't speak to them for quite some time!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Planned, yes to a certain point, I made the plan of going to San Lorenzo to catch biguns, on that particular time of the year, late February because for that zone it's the pre-spawn, also, the lake is half full, in many aspects, yes, it comes as no surprise I caught my PB during those planned circumstances. As for the lure that caught it, you can say that is had more to do with several factors, not surprisingly, I'm a crankbaiter, from all the crankbaits my absolute personal favorite is Rapala's Shad Rap, I catch a lot of fish with it so it was the bait that caught my PB. So, planned and unplanned, I had no absolute certainty yet it happened, sadly it was the fight I enjoyed the least.

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

Wasn't expecting my PB.  Wasn't really expecting any fish at all.  It was really early in the spring and I had a spinnerbait tied on cuz that's all I caught them on in early spring the year before.  We had fished for like 4 hours without so much as even seeing a ripple on the water.  Just as I was getting ready to call it a day I thought I got snagged on the rock ledge about 5 feet from shore.  Then the snag started to move and I knew I was into one heck of a fish.  Ended up weighing 5 lbs. even.  The reservoir that I caught that one in is known for it's big largemouth and I may have caught bigger since then but I consider that my PB cuz I actually got a weight on it.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
  On 9/23/2014 at 2:37 AM, Squirmin Wormin said:

we or i at least assume the day you caught your pb it was a very memorable time and probably never forget ,but that day when you caught your pb did you think or plan on it happening ? and when you caught your pb was it a planned lure or a random lure you just decided to put on and thought you'd catch fish but not your pb ? i myself didn't have it planned as far as the lure i chose that day to get my pb but it did . some of us when we get to a body of water, we like to take into consideration all factors when it comes to catching fish or that pb we caught, at least i do , and i think some lures work better than other's but not always . so when you gotten your pb did you plan that to happen and that lure,did you plan that as well to get your pb?

No. But my PB small-stream brown trout was an interesting event that had a premonition-like quality to it.


I was fishing a lot at the time, and really tuned into that particular stream. I was onto those fish: where they were, when they were there, and what they were feeding on. I was at a pool I knew well and running a big hellgrammite pattern into the basin and I had an… “anticipatory premonition” -imagining a submarine-sized weight loading my rod and moving away. I’d taken some big browns in the reach over the last week and so it wasn’t a stretch to imagine a weight I couldn’t move. And then it happened: my line tensed I set and a submarine-sized weight I couldn’t budge moved away up the pool. It took a while to bring to the fish to net, all 23” of it. It all felt so seamless. but, it as as much imagination -a day dream- in a situation I knew pretty well. Some luck there too, but much less so than if I'd lucked into such a fish on the first visit to that water.


  On 9/23/2014 at 2:56 AM, Catch and Grease said:

Who wakes up and says, "I don't wanna catch a PB today..."?

I'm pretty sure we all plan on catching a PB every trip, and why tie on a lure if you don't think it will catch the fish you are looking for?

I don't. I'm not a big fish guy. More interested in how things work -how conditions and circumstances affect bass and other critters too. I target mature bass, make observations and look for patterns. Some day I may go back to big fish chasing -have done it in the past.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 
  On 9/23/2014 at 4:51 PM, Paul Roberts said:

No. But my PB small-stream brown trout was an interesting event that had a premonition-like quality to it.


I was fishing a lot at the time, and really tuned into that particular stream. I was onto those fish: where they were, when they were there, and what they were feeding on. I was at a pool I knew well and running a big hellgrammite pattern into the basin and I had an… “anticipatory premonition” -imagining a submarine-sized weight loading my rod and moving away. I’d taken some big browns in the reach over the last week and so it wasn’t a stretch to imagine a weight I couldn’t move. And then it happened: my line tensed I set and a submarine-sized weight I couldn’t budge moved away up the pool. It took a while to bring to the fish to net, all 23” of it. It all felt so seamless. but, it as as much imagination -a day dream- in a situation I knew pretty well. Some luck there too, but much less so than if I'd lucked into such a fish on the first visit to that water.


I don't. I'm not a big fish guy. More interested in how things work -how conditions and circumstances affect bass and other critters too. I target mature bass, make observations and look for patterns. Some day I may go back to big fish chasing -have done it in the past.


Okay maybe we don't all plan on catching a PB, but wouldn't you be okay with catching one any day of the year? haha

fishing user avatarPersicoTrotaVA reply : 

No I didn't plan on it.  I knew they were up shallow and spawning and some were already done but I didn't think the females were cruising.  I figured they were already down in deeper water.  They were cruising that day and my PB was caught about 10 casts into the trip.  My brother then caught one almost as big and later that day caught one to match my PB and caught his PB.  Lets just say it wasn't just a memorable moment, it was a memorable day.

fishing user avatarSquirmin Wormin reply : 

I was curious about if the day you did catch your pb, if you had that mind set, or determination to get that pb, by whatever you chose and decided to use as far as gear /tackle goes. Simply saying (I'm gonna go out today and catch that pb)and did just that ! 

Or was it on a normal day fishing not expecting it and caught it then? I believe if you have that mind set that your gonna get a pb, you can do just that ! not always ,but sometimes or pretty close . I also think after fishing for awhile your chances improve more so as far as the techniques,patterns,gear,and tackle we've learned and chose to get that pb on that day we caught it, My pb wasn't expected the day i did catch it, and I did have a notion i was gonna catch a bass of decent size ,but not like that ! it was totally unexpected. so anyways did you plan the day you went out fishing for a pb and accomplished just that, or not expecting a pb but caught it? your op!

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply :

Look familiar?

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

CRS ~ Strikes again.





fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 10/14/2014 at 10:07 PM, Catch and Grease said:

Look familiar?


Yep.  Topics merged.

fishing user avatarslimshad reply : 

Every spring I go down to Guntersville and I "plan" on catching my PB every year.  Two years ago a friend caught a 12lber and I was amazed at that fish.  I will be planning on it again in Feb.  Planning on a DD in 2015.

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 

I generally try to fish the moon in May looking for a big hawg...but inevitably come up short each year.  My PB's always seem to come in the heat of the day, mid summer.  So definately unplanned.  I would have bested myself a few years ago with the biggest bass I've ever seen in the water.  I was playing around with a tiny grub catching some gills off this tree when this behemoth just appears from nowhere and opens up to inhale the little grub.


I experienced a case of premature hookset.  I don't think she had even closed her mouth before I tried to set the hook... I guess its better sometimes NOT to see whats going on, lol.


** Info on moon phase fishing in VA

Some reseach I did a few years ago found that of the 28 state records, 14 were caught within 3 days of a new of full moon in May (or April 30th, and June 1st for two records so technically 12). 


Specifically in May (including April 30 and June 1):

New Moon Record Fish:  5
Full Moon Record Fish:  1

Fish caught within the +/- 3 days of full / new moon:  14

Days (1,2,3,-1,-2,-3) of new moon:  4

Days (1,2,3,-1,-2,-3) of full moon:  4


So I always try for a long day on the water during that new moon of May :D

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 


I generally try to fish the moon in May looking for a big hawg...


Try the Earth in May. :P

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 

HA!  That's why I don't have a state record! lol

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I was not planning to catch a new PB that day.  I just put on a bait that had worked in that body of water before, and I was hoping not to get skunked.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Planned yes. 2 days before the full moon, prey spawn, with rain forecasted so I took the day off work.

Having a good knowledge of the lake I knew where to start, what depth to expect the bass to be at and what to use and how to present the jig.

I expected to catch a few giant bass on that day and did, because I was on the water and not at work.


fishing user avatarHeron reply : 

My PB?  No.  But it was, my first fish.  And this catch was about as planned as one could get - for a new guy.   Let me tell you the story of how this all went down. 



I began fishing last August, and I would walk to the water with one goal in mind - I want to catch a fish, of "respectable size."   Now of course, that certainly lends itself to a little ambiguity, because, it really isnt in regards to any specific size in particular.   I just did not want to catch a small fish.  I wanted one, of respectable size.  


Well, as the weeks started to pass, I had scouted out 6 or 7 great spots to fish from, all of which were chosen because they contained features that the fish are typically attracted to. I was also absorbing an excessive amount of fishing information at the time, as if I was cramming for some sort of exam.  But, to no avail, I was not catching anything.  Not to be discouraged though, this was expected. 


Then, I came across a fishing report from some guy who fished the same lake in the evening and did well.  At the same time learned more about the "dog days of summer."  Well, when I put these two informational tidbits together, it made more sense, why I wasnt catching anything.  I concluded from that, that perhaps evening fishing would be a better choice.   


On the day of the evening trip, I arrived at the lake when the sun was only about 2-3 fingers above the tree line.


 But where to go?   I selected the spot that was on the shore of a deep 40ft channel, and next to me, to my left, was a shallow pocket.  It seemed ideal for its deep water access, availability of shallow forage, fallen log for cover, and plenty of ambush staging.  It seemed to me, at the time, that perhaps the fish would hold deep during the day, then come into this shallow pocket in the evening, or stage just outside of it.   Hmmm, ideal indeed. 


But what to throw?   I didnt have much of a selection at the time, only 5 different baits total, to be honest.   But, I figured, the sun is low, the water is stained, with visibility of maybe about 2-3ft. --- So with that, I grab my White/Gold spinner bait. 


But where to throw it?  Well I figured, parallel to shore, sweeping across the front of that pocket.  And on about the 5th cast - Bam!  I got something.   The fish that was hooked, had some fight to it that I had not encountered before.  It also had a heaviness that I was not familiar with.  When I bring the fish on shore, I am stoked to see that, yes indeed, THIS fish was definitely larger than anything I had caught in the past. 


But how big was it?  I scramble to pull out my tape measure, and camera.  The fish measured 17 inches. Im stoked.  THIS fish most definitely qualifies, as being of "respectable size."   THIS fish, is exactly the fish I was looking for.  It was exactly the fish, that I was trying for...that I was hoping for.  I take a quick photo, and pick the fish up and hold it for one last look.  Feeling highly accomplished, I wanted to hold the fish up over my head and hollar out as loud as I could like one of them sand-people from Star Wars.  But, just then, a voice in the back of my head says to me, "ok put it back."   


When I released the fish back into the water, and watched it swim off, I had a strange spurt of emotion overcome me, and raised up my hands victoriously to the sky (I was alone, of course).  


My personal best, before this fish, was a 12" LM that I caught in 1986.  And since this fish, I have had bigger.


Everything just came together that evening.  So, even though this fish is not my biggest, and certainly not my PB...It is, and always shall be - My proudest fish. 

fishing user avatarHeron reply : 

Whoa, that was really long.  Sorry guys. 

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 

No, it wasn't planned nor anticipated.


I had just purchased a new boat and was taking it out on its maiden voyage.  The first 30 minutes or so of fishing resulted in 7 bass, including 5 in 6 casts to a specific target.  I am totally juiced, enjoying the fishing and getting a feel for the boat.  I make a cast to a dock about 25 ft. away from the aforementioned honey hole target, bounce the Roboworm a few times & feel a tap.  As I set the hook, my first thought is " number 8 in my new boat".  Moments later as she peels off line, my thought changes to "Okay, not number 8, but my first catfish in my new boat".  About 20 seconds later this huge green head begins thrashing on the surface & my thoughts change to words, specifically "Holy @#*", at a very high decibel level for that early in the morning.  She weighed 8 lbs. even and is my avatar photo.

fishing user avatarRhino68W reply : 

I didn't plan on catching mine, especially 2 PBs within 5 minutes of each other on the same bait! It was raining all morning, and I was stuck wandering around this certain pond. Just as I was getting ready to leave I decided to hit up the easiest accessible bank with a spinnerbait. Then fate stepped in...

fishing user avatarRhino68W reply : 

I didn't plan on catching mine, especially 2 PBs within 5 minutes of each other on the same bait! It was raining all morning, and I was stuck wandering around this certain pond. Just as I was getting ready to leave I decided to hit up the easiest accessible bank with a spinnerbait. Then fate stepped in...

fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 

PB for me was caught on a Rapala X-rap in December.  I never fished an X-rap before so I took it down to my local honey hole to try it out and check out its action.  I remember it was right before dark and I hadn't caught anything yet.  I remember looking at a visible piece of cover (a small tree I personally had thrown into the water in hopes of catching a fish off of).  I remember casting that jerkbait a little too boldly into the cover and pulling back quickly when it hit the water in hopes of pulling it through the cover safely.  A big female grabbed a hold of it as I pulled away from the tree and the fight was on.  She came in pretty easy because of the cold weather, but it was still a hell of a fight.  

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 
  On 10/16/2014 at 7:09 AM, Heron said:

Whoa, that was really long.  Sorry guys. 


Meh good stories take a few lines!  :D

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

My PB story is pretty unusual. I was fishing with a friend on a (blush) paddleboat on a private lake. We were using corn and worms to catch sunnies for a fry (Something I rarely do). I had a rod with a spinnerbait in the boat as well. I saw a giant splash about 20 feet away, handed my rod with a small bass I was fighting to my friend, and fired my spinnerbait into the wake of the splash. After a couple cranks of the reel handle, my rod bowed over and I landed my pb. It was around 4 pounds; I didn't have a scale with me. No it isn't very big, but I've tied it since and I've only been seriously fishing for a year.


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