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My Fishing Buddy And I Challenge The Pros 2024

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

George is my fishing buddy who, through a too complicated story to tell, doesn't get to fish much. Where I generally fish 60% of the daylight almost 7 days a week, he maybe is allowed an hour 3 days a week (imagine a 56 year old being told what to do). Completely irrelevant except to add a brief background to my topic.

George and I have a list of pro bass anglers that we would love to have fish our lake without boats or floating craft. My best day I caught 9 bass, but my average somewhere around 2-3. My average weigh is 1lb. I've gotten a few 2lbers, 1 3lb, and 1 8lb. But most are 2lb or less.

So our top 3 pick of pro anglers that should fish our lake would be Kevin Van Dam, Jimmy Houston, and Roland Martin. Not that the others aren't just as good, but I thoroughly enjoy watching Kevin and Jimmy and George likes watching Roland. Because they would have to walk the lake rather than boat it, I'll give them 2 days to practice and 1 day from 9am - 5pm for the actual challenge.

While most people would be either trying to get their john hancock or asking them a million questions, George and I will be standing back taking notes on what type of lure they used and what technique they used. Not what brand it is. I've learned that in most cases (there are exception to the rules) one brand's lure will work just as well as another brand's lure (GY Senko and NetBait Salt Lick for example).

I'm no pro by any means, but if I'm fishing 5-7hrs a day and only get 1-3 bass each day, then I need to reevaluate everything. I am just curious as to how much better pros or more experienced anglers would fair. There's only a small handful of people who fish for bass on my lake. George and I fish the most and the others I see once or twice a month. Everyone else fish for bream, crappie, or catfish. So I don't have a real way of solidly gauging my success. Have I hit a major learning rut or is this as good as it gets?

Before anyone says anything, I do realize that there's a very good chance that my feelings or pride would be badly hurt if the pros were to come here. By the same token though, at least I would be able to see how it's done at my lake and have a standard or goal I can strive for.

fishing user avatarBamaBassChaser reply : 

I'm not Kevin, Jimmy or Roland, but I would love to come see what I could catch in three days at your lake :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

They are pros for a reason and that's because they're PROS. You are asking for three three people to fish your lake for one day so you can gauge your success based on their results. You should compete against yourself and see if you can improve on your own totals. If you caught 3 yesterday and only 1 today, then you flat out suck today. But if you caught more than 3 today then your the BOMB!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

The premise is pretty silly, but I'll play along...

Let's start by funding the party. You are going to need a few $100K plus expenses

for each of your pros, guaranteed. At least another $500K in prize money if it's

"Winner Takes All".


The Big Boys are going to fish whatever is the best equipment their sponsors offer,

plus the baits and lures they know. These will most likely be "brand names" verses

your knock-offs and bargin bin junk.

Now the pros don't necessarily target "big fish", but then again your 2-3 pounders

don't really qualify anyhow. I call that size "tournament fish". Still, each of them will

have five keepers in the first hour while you are still looking for a bite. Then they

will start culling what would be your PB, from what I gather from your post.

Your only chance of winning would be in a "Big Fish" format where you might just

"get lucky". Otherwise, your chance of winning is ZERO.

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

I used to have a friend when I was little that had a pool. I did not.

I would invite him to play in the sprinkler on my front lawn.

He came once then started offering to go in his pool instead.

Mission accomplished.

Something about this reminded me of my old tactics haha

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 
  On 6/1/2012 at 8:53 PM, roadwarrior said:

The premise is pretty silly, but I'll play along...

Let's start by funding the party. You are going to need a few $100K plus expenses

for each of your pros, guaranteed. At least another $500K in prize money if it's

"Winner Takes All".


The Big Boys are going to fish whatever is the best equipment their sponsors offer,

plus the baits and lures they know. These will most likely be "brand names" verses

your knock-offs and bargin bin junk.

Now the pros don't necessarily target "big fish", but then again your 2-3 pounders

don't really qualify anyhow. I call that size "tournament fish". Still, each of them will

have five keepers in the first hour while you are still looking for a bite. Then they

will start culling what would be your PB, from what I gather from your post.

Your only chance of winning would be in a "Big Fish" format where you might just

"get lucky". Otherwise, your chance of winning is ZERO.

I don't know about that, lets play along further... This is a bank fishing tournament which means they are going to be limited in a way that they are not used to sponsors, gear and everything else isn't going to make as much difference when you have to walk the banks. Being shore bound take a TON out of any professional anglers whole mindset. Locations, electronics, 30 different rods rigged are all out the window. Remember this is a shore bound angler wanting a shore bound tournament. Depending on time of year, and lake physics even the best fisherman might struggle to catch more than a few here and there.

fishing user avatarnewriverfisherman1953 reply : 

Almost sounds like fishing is not fun anymore. I'd sit back and enjoy each and every one I caught, and leave the other three guys to their own deal. They are at (or have been) the top of their game for a reason. Try and outfish your self each day. Keep a record of how many you catch, on what, what time of day, weather conditions, water conditions. If you are fishing as much as you say, you should be able to see a pattern developing.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Haha. The idea or premise is to see how they'd do without boats and, of course, to get a chance to be right there as they are catching them while I take notes. We all have dreams and outside of actually being on the boat with them, I think it's a pretty darn good dream. I'm not sure if I will ever lose the passion for catching bass. Sure I have days when I think about throwing in the towl. Then, like a junkie, I start getting that feeling where I need a fix.

I do keep record of how many I catch each day. I have it written down on the calendar. I don't, however, keep record of what I catch them on. Unless it's on a lure I haven't been having success with. January 10, February 14, March 21, April 44, and May 34. The reason I don't record what I catch them on is because 8 out of 10 times I'm using a trick worm and most of those are the black trick worm.

As I said in my first post, I realize that my feelings would be badly hurt along with my pride. But c'mon guys, you can't tell me that you never wished that your favorite pro was there just to take notes from them. Or to have them trying to talk to you only to be interrupted by a bass every other mid-sentence. Meh, fantasy. That's all it is and it never was meant to be realistic. On the flip side, I refuse to let go of my dream to become a pro in my own right and I will continue to strive for it. <-- Notice the word "strive". I know it won't be easy and it could take me the rest of my life. Until then, I will and always have enjoyed every bass that I catch. Even on days where I pull in zero, I still enjoy those days cause I am outside and I'm alive.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

BamaBassChaser, you're more than welcome here. Ever heard of Rome, Ga. or Armuchee?

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
But c'mon guys, you can't tell me that you never wished that your favorite pro was there just to take notes from

I can honestly answer that and say no........... I would't be dreaming about a 5# fish even if Moses was with me.

If I'm going to dream, which I don't, I'd be dreaming about catching a 150# tarpon on fly rod. A totally mute point as I don't have the talent nor the strength to do it at my age.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
  On 6/1/2012 at 10:52 PM, backpain... said:

I don't know about that, lets play along further... This is a bank fishing tournament which means they are going to be limited in a way that they are not used to sponsors, gear and everything else isn't going to make as much difference when you have to walk the banks. Being shore bound take a TON out of any professional anglers whole mindset. Locations, electronics, 30 different rods rigged are all out the window. Remember this is a shore bound angler wanting a shore bound tournament. Depending on time of year, and lake physics even the best fisherman might struggle to catch more than a few here and there.

IMO, i think your wrong. The pros he selected weren't born with sponsors or a boat tied to their cribs. They started out bank fishjing also. Do you think you would be just as good as them if you had their boat, electronics, gear and sponsors? Probably not.

RW pretty much nailed it on the head with his post. Shore fishing or from a boat, it would be a slaughter.

fishing user avatarBamaBassChaser reply : 
  On 6/2/2012 at 3:18 AM, logan9209 said:

BamaBassChaser, you're more than welcome here. Ever heard of Rome, Ga. or Armuchee?

Thank you kind sir. I have heard of Rome but I've never been there. The only places I've visited in GA are Brunswick and Atlanta.

fishing user avatarAddicted to Smallies reply : 

The lower-rent option would be to try to get on Lunkerville. I LOVE that show, and the bank fishing ones are some of my favorites.

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

You are missing an important part of my point. What I am saying is that the OP might not be doing too badly catching only a few a day depending upon the conditions he is fishing. Who knows if a pro would slay them or not. I know a lot of the lakes I fish you aren't going to catch a whole lot from shore after the weather warms up. There just isn't access to where the fish are. If there are no fish where you are fishing it doesn't matter what you have or how good you are with it.

But I wouldn't mind having a shot at them with their boat, electronics, gear, and sponsors. I mean come one... who wouldn't!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 6/2/2012 at 4:49 AM, backpain... said:

You are missing an important part of my point. What I am saying is that the OP might not be doing too badly catching only a few a day depending upon the conditions he is fishing. Who knows if a pro would slay them or not. I know a lot of the lakes I fish you aren't going to catch a whole lot from shore after the weather warms up. There just isn't access to where the fish are. If there are no fish where you are fishing it doesn't matter what you have or how good you are with it.

But I wouldn't mind having a shot at them with their boat, electronics, gear, and sponsors. I mean come one... who wouldn't!

OK so if you did have a shot, IN THEIR BOAT, and everything that goes with it, who's can would you wanna kick around?

Me, it would have to be, Ike, our personality is too much alike, the fishing would be an added bonus, not to mention the highlight reels would be really fun...come on Ike you know you want it LMAO !!!

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Evidently I am not writing clearly. I wouldn't be fishing against them. I might be crazy but not stupid. Where my feelings would get hurt is when all 3 of them catch their limit in a short time and still would be dragging them in.

Once again, the point is to be right there to learn and not watching a video that's been edited. I seen a clip of Jimmy Houston and Charlie Parks from 1986. The clip was 9 minutes long and Jimmy pulled 5 5# bass and 1 4# bass. Not saying it's not possible, but I am saying that an hour long video doesn't really happen in one hour it happens over many hours or even days.

And like i've said several times it's just something that I thought would be cool if it happened. It would never happen, I know this. Who knows, maybe I should keep a little notebook on me just in case. Just kidding.

I am sorry guys. I thought it would be a fun topic. Some how everything went sideways. Hehe. Oh well.

fishing user avatarMissouribassman95 reply : 

There are days when I wish I was fishing with a pro. Not against them, but they would be there so they could give me tips on where to start, and gve me some tips on what lures to start with.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Missouribassman95, finally someone's getting it. Since, I seem to be the only hardcore bass fisherman on my lake and I only have 6 months experience under my belt, it would be nice to have some body with more exp come and say "This looks good" or "This looks promising" or "This lake sucks". Heck they don't even have to fish it, though it would be nice to watch.

By hardcore I mean I'm out there for hours. I do not have anything against those who only fish for an hour or so on their days off. Also by hardcore I mean crazy. Back in January as soon as the temperature rose to 33 degrees I was out there fishing. I even did it when it was raining at 35 degrees, but I would have to fish for an hour and warm up for an hour and so on.

fishing user avatarHeavyDluxe reply : 

This thread is fascinating to me... If I read it right, a lot of responders missed the OPs point. I don't think this was another "I could school those pros on my pond, or if they had to fish with mere mortal gear, or whatever". I thought he was just saying that it would be cool to watch some seasoned pros (who have skills) hit our own little, humble ponds and see how they do.

I can echo that. We have what I think is a pretty neat little pond in our town, and anytime I spend some time trying I am able to get a bass or two from the bank. No linker pool winners, but good fish in the 2-3lb range. I would love to see what those guys would find and - more importantly - get to learn how they made those choices. As a bank fisher, I'm always a little bummed that most fishing literature nowadays seems to assume the mobility of a boat and the ability to target structure and a specific species.

There's a lot to learn. And getting to spend an afternoon with a top-notch pro just pal'in around on my own pond would seem like a cool way to do it.

fishing user avatarHeavyDluxe reply : 

Oops.. I see that the original poster already clarified that. Sorry for the spam.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

No, HeavyDluxe, I am glad you posted and wish now that I had put it the way you did. Maybe more folks would have understood. I am not one of those who think just because I've caught 123 bass so far this year that I'm at a pro angler's level. Far from it. Which is the point. I am one of those guys who, for whatever reason, once I got my first bass I became hooked too. I can step out my front door and walk maybe 50 feet and there's the lake. I swear sometimes when I'm inside I hear it calling me (metaphorically speaking).

I want to soak up as much information about this sport and do as much as I can with what's available to me. While I still would love to go pro one day, the main thing I want to do is be able to take all that knowledge and skill that I'll develop over time and give it right back to someone who is just as hungry for bass fishing as I am.

Maybe I have a mental problem. I don't know. I do know that in 6 months I can't remember a single night where I didn't catch bass in my sleep (even a peacock bass and we don't even have them here). This is one of those things that a light bulb went off back in December and I knew that this for me. This is what I born to do. This is something that even on my worst days where I consider the possibility of me quitting and I know by the time that thought finishes...I can't quit.

As weird as it sounds: Just as I will always be a father, I will always be a bass fisherman. I'm having a hard time describing this.....It's not just something I do. It's who I am. It's at the core of my being. Don't get me wrong, God comes first, then family, then friends, and then bass fishing.

fishing user avatarvapredhunter reply : 

It really just depends on the pond size, shape, depth, structure, cover, etc. Time of year plays a big part, time of day. You might catch a bunch in the shallow early in the season and none there again until fall. So if you cant reach them from the shore then you and or a pro will just be peeing in the wind. The best time to fish any pond from the bank will be at dawn and then dusk when the fish move shallow cruising the banks.

You should post a goggle map picture so we can see what your dealing with then maybe we could give you some ideas.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Ok, I understand what you were trying to explain in your op now. I misunderstood. My friend and I were just discussing the same thing the other day while waiting to take off for our tourny. I was telling him that the crankbait bite should be good. We were talking about how cool it would be if KVD visited our lake for a cuple days and did nothing but throw cranks. I would love to see how he locates the fish and how to choose the right crank.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

vapredhunter, I thought about doing that. Just not sure how to go about it. I say this because there's a small part of the lake that belongs to someone else and they won't let anyone fish there.

Bassn Blvd, a couple of weeks ago the water was really calm all day long so I figured "Hey, topwater should be good now". I couldn't have been more wrong. I tried several areas and at the usual times of day (sunrise and sunset). Nothing. It was so fustrating. But, they're hitting now and until I can get another baitcasting reel, spooks out of the question. Poppers are doing good though.

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Okay, here it is. But before that, yellow is off limits, green is shallow in middle (3-4 feet deep), blue is the deepest (14-18 feet deep), and red is my trailer :) . The little thumb in the north west corner runs about 6-8 feet deep. Most of it is walkable, but some of it is people's back yards and either they won't let you fish or (north west corner thumb) it's too thick with trees. That thumb, by the way, is the same spot that my buddy George caught the 8# lmb on Christmas Eve and I caught a 8# second week of January (not sure if it is the same one though).


fishing user avatarvapredhunter reply : 
  On 6/2/2012 at 12:14 PM, logan9209 said:

Okay, here it is. But before that, yellow is off limits, green is shallow in middle (3-4 feet deep), blue is the deepest (14-18 feet deep), and red is my trailer :) . The little thumb in the north west corner runs about 6-8 feet deep. Most of it is walkable, but some of it is people's back yards and either they won't let you fish or (north west corner thumb) it's too thick with trees. That thumb, by the way, is the same spot that my buddy George caught the 8# lmb on Christmas Eve and I caught a 8# second week of January (not sure if it is the same one though).

So my take is the white line areas are your shallow water structure close to deep water and if theres any cover its going to hold some fish each day. Thats also where I would spend most of my time in summer and winter after the sun starts getting hot. The red line area is where I would fish most at dusk and dawn. At dawn and dusk I'd parallel cast all of the banks white and red with topwater, shallow running cranks, spinnerbait, buzzbait, as the sun gets up I'd start using a weightless worm still casting parallel but just a little farther out. Then as the sun gets hotter and hotter I'd try some fallen cover close to the deepest water with weighted worm and or fooball jig or casted in to the deepest water you can reach carolina rig as well. In the winter I'd fish the white areas with jerkbaits, Jigs, slow rolled spinnerbait maybe. That little thumb on the northwest is the best looking area on the lake for year round fishing to me.


fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

I love the "thumb" area, and the left "finger" area. But what I really like the most is the southern point because that point (west to east) runs shallow, deep, shallow. It's good almost year round. I caught 5 there but missed 13 times one time. I know, I suck but then I had only been bass fishing for a month if that. Problem is it takes me 45 minutes to get there. I have kidney problems which causes back pain and leg pains. So imagine carrying 2 cases of hard plastic lures and most of my soft plastics, 2 rods, and a chair (cuz once I get there Ima gonna sit for a while).

The key puzzle I have to solve about the thumb is that there's alot of cover not shown in pic. Cover that also becomes an obstruction. Those bass hardly leave the area. I know this because most that I've pulled from there tend to have quite a bit of black. Also note that most of the lakes bottom (that I can reach or see) holds some type of grass or weed that grows up to 4-5 ft tall. Right now, due to lack of rain, some of that are actually an inch or two above surface.

The lack of lily pads kinda sucks if you want to use top water frogs. It'll be all open water. There are a few trees/bushes in the thumb area and next to my house that I can skip the frog under though. Heck, I've skipped lizards, worms, and the smallest brush hog Zoom makes under those.

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 

I know this isn't really on topic per se; but there's two things that pop out at me from what I've read. 1 - you said you don't track what your using because you catch most off a black trick worm. If you want to improve your fishing, leave the worm at home at least every other day. Right now it is your confidence bait, and that is a HUGE advantage when you have strong confidence in a bait. However, if you are not even fishing enough others to track what you are catching fish on, I will guarantee you are giving up on fish that can be caught by using different tactics. I know bank fishing is certainly different than from a boat and it does limit you; but don't compound things by limiting yourself. I am willing to wager that if you leave the worms home every other day for the next two weeks, you begin to learn a new pattern and find new ways to catch those fish.

2 - I can't help but to think you should save up for a used row boat. You are so close to the water you could literally drag it in from your front yard, lol. I would do everything I could to find a cheap floater of some type to get out on the water with. Kayak, john boat, big block of Styrofoam, homemade personal pontoon (I actually made one myself once -- and it was "redneck" but I digress) - something, lol. Again, I know this has nothing to do with your OP, which I agree would be a great way to learn, and would LOVE that opportunity myself.

Oh, something to think about, depending on the depth and substrate, can you wade out a bit and fish back or at least parallel to cover? Sometimes seeing things from a different perspective may give you a different idea of what to use. Anywho -- good luck! And you never know ... maybe one of the up and coming pros out of GA happens to be a member here... and decides a good way to help gain sponsorship (which we all know is the name of the game when fishing for cash) is to do a nice PR move and comes out to visit. You never know...

I remember when I was younger I was fishing a local creek and some guy came down the bank and just watched me for a bit. Finally he asked what I was using, so I told him, and he commented that it was a good choice. I was kind of like, duh... I'm catching fish on it... but I didn't say anything. A few mins later we were chatting about fishing and he spilled the beans that he had just a few weeks earlier been on the water with ESPN recording a spot for some show. He was a fishing guide, apparently one of the best in the region I later found out, and had been given a chance to highlight our local river on ESPN. They slated 3 days of fishing time (if I remember correctly) for the 30 minute show. He put them on enough fish in the first few hours of the first day they didn't even need the extra footage. So you never know who may just "stop by"...

Good luck and Tight Lines!


fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Bassrun, I assure you that I have tried countless time to come up with a devious plan to get some type of floatation device on the water. This lake has a no boat restriction (see OP) and they won't even allow you to step into the water. If I did so I would risk getting kicked out. :(

The last couple of months I have been trying other lures and I run into problems when I do. 1) Lame I know, but if I don't even get a strike I start getting "ADD". I will change to a different one after 5 minutes. 2) Submerged foliage is a major hinderance, however a lot of replies on here have given me new hope and ideas. 3) until I get another baitcasting reel I am limited to a 5'6" ML Spinning gear that doesn't like anything over 1/4 oz.

While plastic worms are my go to baits, I am learning to fish them in different ways. Shaky head, C-rig, wacky rig, dropshot, and weightless. I've also been working with top water quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. During spawning season lizards were my number one lure. There's nothing like watching a bass trying to figure out whether he should kill the lizard or just move it.

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

Kind of off topic, but Denny Brauer used to do a show called Bass Class. He would go head to head against a non-pro. He would watch and break down the spots they (the non-pro) would pick and fish then say what he it should hold fish, or he's too deep for this time of year etc.

Then Denny would go fish. After he was done fishing his spots, he would go and actually fish the non-pro's spot. At the end they would see who caught the most and biggest fish and Denny would go into more detail on why he thought his or his opponents pattern was better.

Sometimes...the non-pro would beat him!!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
  On 6/2/2012 at 3:18 AM, logan9209 said:

BamaBassChaser, you're more than welcome here. Ever heard of Rome, Ga. or Armuchee?

Logan, You live in Armuchee. I'm up there a few times a year visiting my in-laws. I also have a sister who lives in Rome. I love it up there.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
  On 6/1/2012 at 8:53 PM, roadwarrior said:

The premise is pretty silly, but I'll play along...

Let's start by funding the party. You are going to need a few $100K plus expenses

for each of your pros, guaranteed. At least another $500K in prize money if it's

"Winner Takes All".


The Big Boys are going to fish whatever is the best equipment their sponsors offer,

plus the baits and lures they know. These will most likely be "brand names" verses

your knock-offs and bargin bin junk.

Now the pros don't necessarily target "big fish", but then again your 2-3 pounders

don't really qualify anyhow. I call that size "tournament fish". Still, each of them will

have five keepers in the first hour while you are still looking for a bite. Then they

will start culling what would be your PB, from what I gather from your post.

Your only chance of winning would be in a "Big Fish" format where you might just

"get lucky". Otherwise, your chance of winning is ZERO.

All that because you said that a GY Senko is the same as another stick bait. One of the fastest ways to get under RW's skin.....:)

fishing user avatarGotfishyfingers? reply : 

I'm not sure if anyone suggested it yet but you should register as a marshal/observer in a elite event or something similar. That way you get to see with your own eyes how the pros fish. It's a great experience and you will learn a ton of stuff!

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Gene, that's pretty cool. Look me up sometime when you're here. Or find me on the banks. I am almost always out. LOL! I didn't realize that I had said the alternative stick baits were on par with GY Senkos. I have never fished with them because they're a little beyond my budget. My wife cringes if I get a $5 crank. Still, the NetBait Salt Licks do produce when other worms or soft plastics don't. It's $3.56 for 15 locally.

Gotfishyfingers?, I didn't know about that. I assumed that you had to be a member of a fishing club to get near those. I do want to get in with a club eventually. But I need some other things to fall into place before that happens.

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 
  On 6/2/2012 at 10:02 PM, logan9209 said:

Bassrun, I assure you that I have tried countless time to come up with a devious plan to get some type of floatation device on the water. This lake has a no boat restriction (see OP) and they won't even allow you to step into the water. If I did so I would risk getting kicked out. :(

The last couple of months I have been trying other lures and I run into problems when I do. 1) Lame I know, but if I don't even get a strike I start getting "ADD". I will change to a different one after 5 minutes. 2) Submerged foliage is a major hinderance, however a lot of replies on here have given me new hope and ideas. 3) until I get another baitcasting reel I am limited to a 5'6" ML Spinning gear that doesn't like anything over 1/4 oz.

While plastic worms are my go to baits, I am learning to fish them in different ways. Shaky head, C-rig, wacky rig, dropshot, and weightless. I've also been working with top water quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. During spawning season lizards were my number one lure. There's nothing like watching a bass trying to figure out whether he should kill the lizard or just move it.

Oh dude, I apologize for missing that, lol. Yeah that does make it extra difficult. I totally get the "ADD" feeling, lol. A good tip given me years ago was if you wanted to learn to fish a spinnerbait, for example, don't take anything else with you. Then even if you want to change, you can't so you have to really think about how you can find fish, and present the bait in different ways to succeed. It isn't always the most "fun" fishing like that; but I will admit it works...

Either way, good luck!!!!

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Bassun, I agree, but here's the interesting part. There have been many days where all I had was a black trick worm. I fished that thing for hours or changed to another one when the first one became too damaged to use again. But hand me a spinnerbait, or some other lure, and tell me that's all I can use...........I have been doing that somewhat the last few days though. It's been rainy the last 3 mornings. I would take one spinnerbait and try that for a bit. Then I would change to a different color in the same model or I would change to a different brand and try that one.

Or today, for instance, I used 3 cranks (0-3ft, 4-6ft, and 6-8ft) using the zone system mentioned in another post. Still no hits. I've seen KVD and Dave Mercer crankin in the rain. The only thing I've gotten out of the last few days is that I have got a lot to learn because I haven't been doing near as good as I thought I was. I mean, I knew I wasn't at tournament level yet, but dang.


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When You Have An Awesome Fishing Trip With Many Bass Caught Do You?
Best Bass magazine??
JJ's Featured on!
Bass Pro Shops VS Cabelas
Oh boy, here we go .... again !
How is your season this year going?
First time fishing story.

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Anyone have any pet bass? -- General Bass Fishing Forum