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Funny Fishing Stories 2024

fishing user avatarSeaCrow reply : 

All of us has a funny fishing story to tell, please share yours. Here's  one to get this ball rolling. My grandpa always left his rod and reels in his boat because he'd fish just about every day. My 2 cousins climbed into his boat one day while he was at work. One would cast the line into the yard and the other would free it when it would get hung up in the grass. The youngest was waiting for his brother to free the plug and as soon as he did, he set the hook!!  Caught him in the nose with a treble hook. To make it worse, he reeled him in all the way to the boat. Fighting him as you woulld a bass. This is only funny because it didn't happen to me



fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

this one fish camp....

fishing user avatar5/0 reply : 

I’ve posted several questions about knot tying and the majority of responses stress wetting the knot before cinching it down.

So.....Years ago I was fishing as backseat in a club tourney at Oroville in CA. It was raining so hard that I could barely see the boater in front! He had to break off a snag and asked me to hold the boat while he retired. I turn around and see him putting the knot in his mouth to moisten it and asked him what the *@&! are you doing that for? He almost fell out of the boat laughing!

fishing user avatar5/0 reply : 

Two more.....


We were fishing a night tourney and another boat in the cove we were in was having mechanical problems with the trolling motor. A flashlight goes on silhouetting the boater bent over the motor with the backseat bent over behind him. You hear the boater say, I’ll hold the flashlight and you stick it in. The cove erupted with laughter. There must have been 10 boats in there.


I was once fishing with a guy who was extremely meticulous about his boat. He would always ask if you shoes were clean before you got onboard. Anyway, it was a really hot day and I started to apply sunscreen, he gives me a stern look and tells me not to get any on his carpet. A little while later he wants to put some on and pulls out this huge bloated tube of sunscreen. I turn away to make a cast and hear this loud THHPPPTTT. I turn back and the tube had erupted when he opened it! He and his carpet were covered in goo. Boy, there was some moaning and gnashing of teeth! I had to bite my tongue before I said something that would end up with me in the lake

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

My dad and I were trolling along a bank with a deep dropoff. There was a "wandering stump" in the vicinity. There used to be a lot of those on that lake, just logs that floated off during high water and weren't completely waterlogged yet so one end stuck out. Well, we decide to pull up the trolling motor and take off and my dad guns it and runs right over this stump. The boat bounced hard off to the side and scared the hell out of us both. It was a riveted aluminum model and we have to replace a few rivets.


We were crappie fishing from our pontoon boat once and decided to move to another spot. The boat just didn't want to get up to speed. It didn't have a misfire, just weak. We got to our destination and discovered we'd left two anchors in the water.


My dad and I were out in my fish and ski (yes, I fished almost exclusively with my dad) and when we went to crank...nothing. Not even the click of a weak battery. There was another boat in the cove that offered us a tow and we accepted. I got the boat home and we poured over the manual trying to decide what had happened. We thought the oil injection had failed and there was a relay broken. I missed about 5 months of fishing because I was too cheap to take it to a mechanic. One day my dad calls me up and says...GO LOOK AT THE KILL SWITCH. ???? I was relieved and mortified at the same time. I know the first rule of mechanics is always look for the cheapest fix first. But I still didn't.



fishing user avatarKoz reply : 

I've told this one before, but it's a good one.


My son and I were fishing and not catching anything so he breaks out the iBobber portable sonar, hooks it up to his line and tosses it out there. Within the app if a fish greater than 18" swims by the fish icon is green and if it's smaller than 18" the fish icon is red.


Anyway, he's calling out, "Red. Red. Green. GREEN!" as fish are swimming by the iBobber. I cast out there and I'm not getting any bites at all and he's still calling out fish and getting super excited when a big fish swims by. Still not a bite.


So I ask him to bring me my phone so I can see what he is seeing in the app.


It was on demo mode. SMH

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 8/14/2019 at 11:53 PM, Koz said:

It was on demo mode. SMH

This is a fun trick to play on a non boater - switch the console graph to demo mode. :P

fishing user avatarbillmac reply : 

I took a friend wading in a river once, and I swear he simply cast from one side of the river into the trees on the other side of the river.  He would wade across, get his lure, and do the same thing in the opposite direction.  I had the actual water all to myself.


I and a group of friends once had a shore dinner which consisted of cooking a shiner over a road flare.


These are more of "can you believe it" rather than funny.


I was wading for smallmouth when a big one broke off my topwater lure.  A few minutes later it broke water and spit out the lure literally a foot from me.  I just reached out and retrieved it.  I think it was a skitterpop.


Once I was wading in a rocky river and had one of those times the freespool didn't engage during a cast, and my mister twister meeney spin broke off and sailed away.  I tied on a new one, cast out, and reeled in my lost lure, hooked through the line eye.

fishing user avatarbillmac reply : 

Once when the fishing was slow, (we were wading) a friend and I put down the rods and just sat down and let the water sweep us down a section of flat rock bottom, like a poor man's water slide. We did this repeatedly.  I didn't find out until I got home that I had completely worn out the seat of my pants.  My parents were not amused.  Another time when wading, this same friend and I came across a semi-sunken old wooden boat, and we played around with it for ages.  When we came home, we were covered in tar.  We basically had to bathe in gasoline to get it off. His parents were not amused.


These aren't fishing stories but:


I used to trap muskrats when I was a teenager.  Anyone who has done so knows that you have to scrape the fat off the hide and dry the fur before you put them on the stretcher.  I got into the habit of snapping the skins like a towel to get the excess water off.   I once did this in a newly sheetrocked room, and left bits of blood and fat all over the walls.  In another instance, in a hurry, I dried off the pelts by throwing them in the dryer.  In both cases, my parents were not amused.

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

The first time I fished out of a canoe, I WAS 10 and with my uncle.

We were in about 10 feet of water and fly fishing.  I was in the bow so I couldn't see him.

15 minutes in, he flipped the canoe!  He planned this earlier in the day and my dad was close by in another boat.

The lessons I learned that day were invaluable and my days in the boy scouts paid off.  I was then able to take the canoe out by myself.

......lessens learned the hard way ????

fishing user avatarSeaCrow reply : 
  On 8/15/2019 at 1:43 AM, NHBull said:

The first time I fished out of a canoe, I WAS 10 and with my uncle.

We were in about 10 feet of water and fly fishing.  I was in the bow so I couldn't see him.

15 minutes in, he flipped the canoe!  He planned this earlier in the day and my dad was close by in another boat.

The lessons I learned that day were invaluable and my days in the boy scouts paid off.  I was then able to take the canoe out by myself.

......lessens learned the hard way ????

Those are the lessons you don't forget 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Catt & Pat are sitting on a little ridge just south of Indian Mounds; full moon is barely on the horizon, slight southerly breeze.


I make a long cast towards deep water and start the count down to the bottom. The Texas rigged worm settles down when there's that classic "Thump", drops the rod, reel the slack, and set the hook.


Nothing gives, then in a microsecond on my knees, rod half under water.


Catt: Yells get the net!

Pat: For what!

Catt: I think he's heading for the Louisiana side

Pat: You gonna land em or what

Catt: Aint you suppose to play em first?


Finally back to my feet, line singing again, drag slipping, rod all bowed up.


Catt: He's headed for Six Mile, if you start the big motor we can head em off.

Pat now standing behind me: Want me to pour some water on your reel?

Catt: No! just get the gun!


Look a swirl just under the surface, a sudden dive for freedom, your mine sucker.


Pat with quick move and it's in the net: Took you long enough.

Catt falls back into the seat drops his rods on the deck: Dude let's see it.


Pat turns on the interior lights: Shoot it's only a stripper!

Catt sits up, lips it and grabs

the tail, gotta be at least 36"

Pat digs around in the console for the scales 16 LB 5 OZ.


Catt: Slipping it back in, that's a hawg right there.

Pat: Don't count it's a stripper!

Catt: Still a hawg

Pat: You're still down 7 to 4, shut up & fish.

fishing user avatarSeaCrow reply : 

Thanks for sharing your stories, keep them coming..

fishing user avatarsdbc reply : 

One morning I was fishing at a reservoir in San Diego.  Middle of the city.  I was at the end of a metal dock and I heard the clank of somebody walking onto it.  I turned around and there's a deer walking onto the dock!  We stare at each other for a minute and it proceeds to jump off into the water and swim across the lake.  I don't remember if I caught any fish that day, but I sure remember the deer.

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 

My story happened today.

I was fishing brushpiles on a local lake.

It was a good day until I snagged a sunken christmas tree.

As I was maneuvering the boat to get a different angle to free my bait. The rod slipped out of my hand.

I watched a Dobyns fury 734 with a Tatula SV sink in about 10 foot of water.

I grabbed my portable anchor and threw it in the brushpile. luckily it hooked the christmas tree and I was able to pull it up with my rod still attached.

There were 2 older gentleman catfishing about 50 yards away, while this was all going down. They thought the whole ordeal was pretty entertaining.

 Both of them were shocked I actually got the rod back.

The rod was unharmed.I stripped and cleaned the reel and it is no worse for the wear.


fishing user avatarSeaCrow reply : 
  On 8/15/2019 at 8:49 AM, Russ E said:

My story happened today.

I was fishing brushpiles on a local lake.

It was a good day until I snagged a sunken christmas tree.

As I was maneuvering the boat to get a different angle to free my bait. The rod slipped out of my hand.

I watched a Dobyns fury 734 with a Tatula SV sink in about 10 foot of water.

I grabbed my portable anchor and threw it in the brushpile. luckily it hooked the christmas tree and I was able to pull it up with my rod still attached.

There were 2 older gentleman catfishing about 50 yards away, while this was all going down. They thought the whole ordeal was pretty entertaining.

 Both of them were shocked I actually got the rod back.

The rod was unharmed.I stripped and cleaned the reel and it is no worse for the wear.


You got lucky...glad you recovered your rod&reel..

fishing user avatarDirtyeggroll reply : 

Was on a guide trip in San Diego on Canyon Lake.


The guide was a cool guy and I had told him my primary goal was to catch a big fish.


We had fished all day and the biggest we had caught was just over 3. He kept saying throughout the day that the best chance to catch a big one was to go night fishing. Being such a standup guy, he offered to keep the trip going after a dinner break.


The strategy was to chuck weightless black senkos at the "seawall" of the lake near the docks. Its very dark so its difficult to see where the bait is going. It had been about an hour and we had caught one fish about 2.5 lbs doing this. I make a cast and as I start to drag the senko, I feel a subtle tug back. I set the hook and start feeling the head shakes. BIG STRONG HEADSHAKES. I start getting really excited as I start to fight this behemoth, telling the guide that we did it, saying "this is the one". I'm fighting this thing for a solid 2 minutes slowly making progress, when suddenly then boat bumps into the edge of the dock. It spooked me so I released the tension on my line and the line goes slack. At first I was devastated because I thought the fish had come unhooked. I reel up the slack to find that something is still on the other end. It still feels like it pulls back, but is definitely not swimming... turned out to be a dock cable and my progress was me slowing pulling the boat toward he. The guide and I had a good laugh about it. Never ended up finding one over 4lbs in CA.

fishing user avatarbillmac reply : 

You may have guessed from my stories that most of my youth fishing was wading the rapids.  I was wading the rapids one day with a friend and I caught a 4-5 foot eel in the rapids ( I guess I must have been using live bait).  Between the size of the eel, and the current, I completely stripped out my reel.  Ruined a perfectly good Pocket Fisherman (TM).

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

A few years ago I took an ex girlfriend fishing with me... You know how some women can be... Impatient ????. So we went to a spot I knew had numbers and size... I was tinkering with other lures but wanted to give her something I knew would catch fish with little skill working the bait... I initially thought to hook her up with a weightless senko but her lack of patience proved this was not the way to go. So I tied her up a 1/8oz bitsy bug and a rage chunk. I told her just to cast it out and reel it slowly... Wasn't long she stuck a nice one and ended up being the nicest fish of the day. I took a nice ribbing about how she was the better Fisher that day.



I let her have the win ????. Even tho it chapped me a little. Knowing I put her on the fish, supplied the rod, line, lure and told her what to do with it . I had to bite my tongue pretty hard because she truly believed she outfished me . And I guess she did ????

fishing user avatarTroy85 reply : 
  On 8/15/2019 at 10:46 PM, Yeajray231 said:

A few years ago I took an ex girlfriend fishing with me... You know how some women can be... Impatient ????. So we went to a spot I knew had numbers and size... I was tinkering with other lures but wanted to give her something I knew would catch fish with little skill working the bait... I initially thought to hook her up with a weightless senko but her lack of patience proved this was not the way to go. So I tied her up a 1/8oz bitsy bug and a rage chunk. I told her just to cast it out and reel it slowly... Wasn't long she stuck a nice one and ended up being the nicest fish of the day. I took a nice ribbing about how she was the better Fisher that day.



I let her have the win ????. Even tho it chapped me a little. Knowing I put her on the fish, supplied the rod, line, lure and told her what to do with it . I had to bite my tongue pretty hard because she truly believed she outfished me . And I guess she did ????

I'm sorry honey, its not you, its me...I just can't be with someone who believes they out fished me. ;) 

fishing user avatarRip_lipz reply : 
  On 8/14/2019 at 2:03 AM, 5/0 said:

Two more.....


We were fishing a night tourney and another boat in the cove we were in was having mechanical problems with the trolling motor. A flashlight goes on silhouetting the boater bent over the motor with the backseat bent over behind him. You hear the boater say, I’ll hold the flashlight and you stick it in. The cove erupted with laughter. There must have been 10 boats in there.


I was once fishing with a guy who was extremely meticulous about his boat. He would always ask if you shoes were clean before you got onboard. Anyway, it was a really hot day and I started to apply sunscreen, he gives me a stern look and tells me not to get any on his carpet. A little while later he wants to put some on and pulls out this huge bloated tube of sunscreen. I turn away to make a cast and hear this loud THHPPPTTT. I turn back and the tube had erupted when he opened it! He and his carpet were covered in goo. Boy, there was some moaning and gnashing of teeth! I had to bite my tongue before I said something that would end up with me in the lake

Little off topic but the same thing happened to me this weekend. My father in law just bought brand new corn hole boards. He had just painted them and put decals on, he had to find the perfect dry spot with no dirt to put them. He bent down to readjust the board and his entire red solo cup full of beer went all over them. I nearly had a heart attack laughing!

fishing user avatarSeaCrow reply : 

Good stories...keepem coming..

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

I was fishing a local club tourney with my son-in-law. i had a limit, but I knew it wouldn't be enough to win the pot, With about 20min. left to fish I pulled up to a spot less than 100yrds from the weigh-in and caught a nice 18in. bass. As I culled it, he says he needs to hit the little boy's room and can't wait. I run him to shore and back out to that same spot, only to catch another 18in. and a 21in. before heading in to weigh.  I ended up winning by a big margin, but I was last to weigh just as he got back from his emergency. When he saw me pull that 5+lb. out of the live well, he swore up and down at himself for not staying and fishing the spot.  I would have won the bet I had with him for big fish with any one of the fish I culled, but that big girl really made the win sweet.  That was nine years ago and when I bring it up to him, he starts his rant all over again. 

fishing user avatarriverat reply : 

This happened way back in the early 70's. My tournament partner and I were scouting for a tournament on Lake St. John near Ferriday, LA. We had each brought our own boat so that we could cover more water during the practice period.


Lake St. John is completely surrounded by cypress trees and naturally you would sometimes come across a snake in the limbs over the water. Now my friend was deathly afraid of snakes and would do anything to get away from them.


Anyhow, I decide to go check in with him to see how he's doing and I come across his boat drifting quite a ways out from the tree line and he's no where to be found. Of course, I'm thinking the worst and begin to try and find him hoping he was okay. 


I finally come across him and he is standing barefoot on one leg on top of a cypress knee and holding on to a tree limb for balance. When I asked him what happened he said that he had hung his bait on a limb in the tree and when he couldn't quite reach it he stepped onto the cypress knee with the other foot still in the boat. Just as he is trying to get the lure free a snake slithered out of the tree and fell in the water which caused him to lift his foot out of the boat and of course it drifted away. According to him he had been in that position for over 30 minutes.


Of course I asked him why didn't he swim out to get his boat. His response was "are you crazy! There was a snake in the water and I didn't know where it was!"


The funniest part was that he had a bruise the size of a sliver dollar on the bottom of his foot and could hardly walk for a few days. I still remind him of this every time I get the chance.

fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 

Every Labor Day weekend my stepdad and 3-5 other father son duos would head to the UP for golf and walleye fishing on Big Bay de noc. One year we were out trolling and one of the other boats with us had a seagull flying erratically around them. They were scrambling around in the boat, so I radioed over to them and turns out they caught the seagull! Funniest thing we’ve ever seen, not so much for them. Thankfully they released the gull so it could grow and other anglers could have the privilege of catching it. ????

fishing user avatarRip_lipz reply : 

Last April I went out to a local lake to get the boat started for the first time. New England springs can be really cold, this day was about 40 degrees out. As I launched the boat the wind started to pick up. I floated about 400 yards from the launch casting at a drop off. My fingers started to freeze so I decided to wrap it up and motor back in. I cranked the motor a couple of times but I could not get it to start. I got on the trolling motor and managed to make it back to the launch, the wind was so bad that the boat kept spinning out of control. With out the big motor I could not get the boat on to the trailer. Every time I got the boat far enough out to pull it onto the trailer I started spinning in circles. I made the decision to get into the water and center it. After about 10 minutes of fighting the boat in freezing cold water, I final got in on. I couldn't feel my legs or hands, I towed the boat home frustrated and cold. The next day I hooked up the hose and tried diagnosing the issue. Guess what? The fuel selector valve was turned to off. Lets just say it took a couple of days for me to laugh about the situation!

fishing user avatarBadContrakt reply : 

Got a few just from this year... Nothing amazing or jaw dropping but some good ones that made us collectively laugh and some good highlights of the day


My buddy has been sitting in the captain's chair on his phone (probably on social media) for the last 15 minutes while I've been on the bow punching pads in the hot summer sun for that whole time. I hadn't caught a thing. He lazily grabs his frog stick and throws out his frog (while still sitting in the captains chair with one hand still on his phone) into the most juicy little pocket 10 foot from the shore. Big blow up ensues! I duck for the hook set (in case a frog came flying toward the boat) and I look back and there he is, reamed into the fish with rod bent fully over.... While still sitting down.... He horsed it through the pads and all the way to the side of the boat and leans over and lips it. Boy was I laughing. He throws it back and then picks his phone back up and casually says "nice fish" I DIED on the deck of the boat laughing.


Literally 15 minutes later our boys in their boat come around the corner. I motor us out of the pads and we meet out in open water. Have some bottled water... Tied the boats together. Discussing plans for the day. Then, my same friend who just caught the frog fish, says "Oh guys (talking to the guys in the other boat that we were tied to) check the action out on this whopper plopper (he just bought a new one that morning on the way to the lake and the smaller sized one had a much better action than my larger one). He gets up, tosses it out in the middle of nowhere and we're all staring at it and watching the "action" of the plopper and WHAM he gets absolutely slammed by a Smallmouth in a predominantly Largemouth lake. We were all, first and foremost, laughing hysterically because of what just happened, but also taken aback at the fact that he just hooked a Smallmouth on accident while showing off his new bait... Gosh what a good season it's been for us. Lots of memories made in 2019 and we're not even done fishing yet.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

We were fishing Sante Fe lake one time and I had to pee. So my friends let me out on a cypress tree so I could get a good angle. So they took off and drove around for awhile laughing before finally picking me back up.


We fished a night tournament in the same lake. An ALL night tournament. You know it’s bad when it’s 230 in the morning and you find yourself trolling a crankbait. So I hook something big -My partner who had been asleep -finally woke up after I yelled enough. If you’ve ever fished much at night , you know how it is- normal things become distorted, it’s hard to tell what’s really happening, at least until you find the light. So I would reel, gain line, and it would pull all of it back out, all this time the boat is moving around with the wave action etc. AFter much effort, I finally get it up to where I could see it. I just knew I had won the tournament and it was a .... trot line. A dad-gum trot line. It didn’t even have a catfish on it. I did not win the tournament.


Another time my dad and me were fishing on a pier and right as he cast out a seagull flew by and He hooked it. But he didn’t realize it at first. He said something like “ What in the world “ The seagull was flying away and my dad had to reel it in. That thing was NOT happy!


fishing user avatarJleebesaw reply : 

A friend and I were fishing along a thick weed line. He gets a big bite. As hes fighting it, I can tell it's big but hadn't seen it. It surfaced once and I didnt see it. I told him I didnt think it was a bass, it seemed too big. It surfaces again, i still dont see it, but he starts screaming. "Its a bass, it's a bass, its huge!"  So now I'm watching. It comes close to the surface again and i get a glimpse of it. I could have sworn it was a bass. So now we are both screaming and getting crazy. I get the net and it turns out to be a catfish about 2 and a half feet long. We laugh a bit and he holds it up for a pic. Holds it by its mouth like a bass. The closest boat to us was about 100 yards away. Close enough to hear us screaming about a bass and see him holding a big fish. We move to a spot around the corner, and when we come back by theres 3 boats on that weed line. We still laugh about that every time we go to that lake.

fishing user avatar5/0 reply : 
  On 8/20/2019 at 3:56 AM, BadContrakt said:

Got a few just from this year... Nothing amazing or jaw dropping but some good ones that made us collectively laugh and some good highlights of the day


My buddy has been sitting in the captain's chair on his phone (probably on social media) for the last 15 minutes while I've been on the bow punching pads in the hot summer sun for that whole time. I hadn't caught a thing. He lazily grabs his frog stick and throws out his frog (while still sitting in the captains chair with one hand still on his phone) into the most juicy little pocket 10 foot from the shore. Big blow up ensues! I duck for the hook set (in case a frog came flying toward the boat) and I look back and there he is, reamed into the fish with rod bent fully over.... While still sitting down.... He horsed it through the pads and all the way to the side of the boat and leans over and lips it. Boy was I laughing. He throws it back and then picks his phone back up and casually says "nice fish" I DIED on the deck of the boat laughing.


Literally 15 minutes later our boys in their boat come around the corner. I motor us out of the pads and we meet out in open water. Have some bottled water... Tied the boats together. Discussing plans for the day. Then, my same friend who just caught the frog fish, says "Oh guys (talking to the guys in the other boat that we were tied to) check the action out on this whopper plopper (he just bought a new one that morning on the way to the lake and the smaller sized one had a much better action than my larger one). He gets up, tosses it out in the middle of nowhere and we're all staring at it and watching the "action" of the plopper and WHAM he gets absolutely slammed by a Smallmouth in a predominantly Largemouth lake. We were all, first and foremost, laughing hysterically because of what just happened, but also taken aback at the fact that he just hooked a Smallmouth on accident while showing off his new bait... Gosh what a good season it's been for us. Lots of memories made in 2019 and we're not even done fishing yet.

You should put him on your hook, he flat out catches fish!

  On 8/21/2019 at 8:39 AM, Jleebesaw said:

A friend and I were fishing along a thick weed line. He gets a big bite. As hes fighting it, I can tell it's big but hadn't seen it. It surfaced once and I didnt see it. I told him I didnt think it was a bass, it seemed too big. It surfaces again, i still dont see it, but he starts screaming. "Its a bass, it's a bass, its huge!"  So now I'm watching. It comes close to the surface again and i get a glimpse of it. I could have sworn it was a bass. So now we are both screaming and getting crazy. I get the net and it turns out to be a catfish about 2 and a half feet long. We laugh a bit and he holds it up for a pic. Holds it by its mouth like a bass. The closest boat to us was about 100 yards away. Close enough to hear us screaming about a bass and see him holding a big fish. We move to a spot around the corner, and when we come back by theres 3 boats on that weed line. We still laugh about that every time we go to that lake.

Same thing happened to me at a night tourney, I hooked into it and my rod doubles over. I thought I had my first double digit bass. The boater was just as excited as I was and gets the net. I get it to the boat, but can’t see it. He says, it’s got whiskers and then says, get the hook out in the water, I don’t want that slimy thing in my boat.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

Knock, knock...

Who's there?

LMB guys fishing with fluoro...

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

One time fishing with a friend in my boat, I made a extra long cast into 12 feet of water and almost immediately hooked a monster.  I set the hook hard, and felt a little movement.  I was using heavy braid line so felt comfortable I could bring in whatever had my bait.  The rod bent and again I felt movement and it started to glide to the side.  I told my partner I had a monster and she was running.  Even though the drag was tight it was taking some line.  The boat was also being pulled during the fight.  You would think I had a big gator on the line.  With 30 yards of line out it was quite a battle.  I could feel it gliding right and then left, and then up, and then with my thumb off the spool down again.  It just never stopped moving.  Bye now I was convinced this was a big gator since I've caught several of them before.  But unlike the others, this guy wanted to stay deep.  After about a 5 minute fight, I pulled up a basketball sized rock of limestone, an epic battle that I won pulling it right off the bottom, with heavy line, strong hook, rod and reel.  The hook was embedded into the rock crannies.  It had to weight 20 pounds minimum, and for about 3 minutes I was sure a new state record catch.  It was always on the move, and constantly hitting other bottom derby.  It put up a hell of a fight!

Oh well that's fishing for you!

fishing user avatarWizzlebiz reply : 

Today I had a squirrel steal my earbud headphones. I dropped them and didnt realize it until I saw him taking off with a shinny thing and my earbud bouncing behind him. I yelled, people pointed and laughed. It was a good time had by all. 

fishing user avatarDanielG reply : 

I was fishing in the rear of the boat and my friend was fishing in the front. He hooked what must have been a big one and it bolted under the front of the boat. He was working it as he didn't want to break the line or bend the hooks. At that second I also hooked a fish. We both had 50 lb braided line and I was reeling as hard as I could . We realized we both had a monster as the more we reeled the harder it was. I thought the fish was in the weeds so having a glass rod and good line I gave a monumental yank on the pole. At that point my friend (on the boat bow) dove headfirst into the water.

Now, when I yanked and the fish let go of the weeds, my engine which had been on idle, opened wide as I fell backwards on the throttle pushing it completely forward. I was on my back with my shoulders on the wheel and my legs up over the seat back. I was stuck. Good thing we were in a wide and open portion of the lake as we were going about 40 mph in a few seconds. After the boat began to plane I saw that my buddy was gone. I panicked. I began scanning the surface looking for him. As my gaze approached the boat aft I saw that he was walking on water. Or rather sliding along fast on his feet. He was holding onto his Shimano pole with one hand with the other hand flailing around in a large ark as he tried to hold his balance. He was foot skiing. I was amazed! I reached for the throttle but decided to see how long he could maintain his balance. I mean, you don't get to instantly learn to foot ski every day.

He saw that I wasn't slowing down so he took his flailing hand and began to reel himself in. He had to take a second to tighten the drag but after a fashion he was near the transom. I reached out with my long handled net, lobbed it over his head, and  pulled him in.

He was so angry. He'd lost the fish and blamed it on me. Today he's a feature attraction in Florida. He skis on his feet after hooking a boat with a cast from his pole as it speeds by. He's making the big bucks but I'm happy to still be here fishing.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' with it.

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 
  On 8/23/2019 at 9:36 PM, BassWhole! said:

Knock, knock...

Who's there?

LMB guys fishing with fluoro...

Lol what's funny about this ? Because fluoro has more advantages than just line visibility .

fishing user avatarThe Baron reply : 

Way back when I was about 16-17 I was on a canoe trip on a local river with my Dad, catching smallmouth.  I was up early and out slaying them with a floating Rapala Rattlin’ Fat Rap, but had caught too many fish without checking my knot or re-tying (this was back in the Stren 8# mono for everything days).  I had just hooked in to another good fish when it almost immediately broke me off.  I was pretty disappointed because that was the only one of those lures I had with me.  But, about 1 second after breaking off that fish jumped.  I heard the lure rattle and saw a little plop in the water about 5 yards from where the fish had jumped.  I paddled over and retrieved my lure, retied and went right back to fishing. ????????????


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