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Aerial drone overhead while fishing? 2024

fishing user avatardragulagto reply : 

So a couple weeks ago, went fishing with a friend. As we were idling back to the ramp we heard something overhead only to look up and see a small drone directly over us. Only about 30' above us and it was obviously focusing on us as it followed us for a short time. 

I actually found the guy that was operating it on the local Facebook forum. He does a lot of aerial drone pics and videos of the lake and he admitted he was the one following us although he said he wasn't recording at that particular time. 


It didn't really bother us at the time but I'm not real sure that I like the idea of one of those "stalking" me. Lol

I'm curious if others have had that happen or how do you feel about it? 

I mean I know they are out there during tournaments especially televised or pro tourneys.




fishing user avatarWildbillb reply : 

I'd try and catch it, but that's just me.

fishing user avatarBrew City Bass reply : 

A guy in a house on one of the lakes always has his drone out hovering close to fishermen. I casted at it if he came within a few yards, but I saw a guy take it out with a cast before. Right into the water haha.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I don't like 'em.  Not just on the lake, but anywhere, really.  We've got a couple in the neighborhood where I live and if it was a little more rural, I'd be standing by with a 12 gauge.  

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I hate the drone movement.

Can understand photographers and
videographers using them....

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 5/31/2016 at 9:22 PM, Choporoz said:

I don't like 'em.  Not just on the lake, but anywhere, really.  We've got a couple in the neighborhood where I live and if it was a little more rural, I'd be standing by with a 12 gauge.  

there's one in my neighborhood i've seen twice now....  sounds like a bee buzzing around.  i too would opt for the anti-aircraft weaponry if i were more rural!

fishing user avatarScarborough817 reply : 

if it's a friend that is using it for footage then i understand but someone just watching over you probably recording looking at the spots you're fishing i hate that idea

fishing user avatarBareHook reply : 

Only a matter of time before some type of legal ramifications end up in court regarding drone usage. Is it legal to spy on someone fishing in a possible secret spot? Is it legal to take one out with a cast or shot? Its a hobby/toy that has grown beyond its original bounds into a wide array of possible legal trouble including FAA.

fishing user avatarFishnFritz reply : 

I had one follow me around this weekend at smith mountain lake. I don't like them unless it's being run for a tournament to get aireal photos. But I was fishing shoals in the middle of nowhere and I was the only one at that spot.  I flipped him off. Felt like a big invasion of privacy to me. If I knew I could of casted and took it out I would have... Would of loved to see the guy try and retrieve it from 80ft of water.... 

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

As long as it doesn't hit anyone else, me, the people I'm with, or damage anyone's property or boat I'm okay with it. If it's high above my head I could care less. Do they annoy me ? Yes, but I'd trade all of the Wake board boats, jet boats, cigar boats, runabouts, seadoo's , jet ski's , etc for drones any day!! Privacy? Who cares...record me, take my picture...what are they going to do with it?  Relax peeps.

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 

they wouldn't last long in Alabama, that's just goo target practice, especially after most of the folks have had a few beers

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Shoot down that sob drone.

fishing user avatarMikeJames reply : 

They don't bother me. In fact, I would like to have one but I wouldn't be flying over other peoples boats/homes ect simply because I know some people get annoyed with them. More out of respect then privacy. Privacy laws are already in place in most states. They differ by state. Some states you must have at least one persons permission to record, others see it as if you are in public you have no right to privacy.

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

Public lakes are just that, public, there is no expectation of privacy. Seen several around the local lake, ignored them and kept fishing. No different then people out with regular cameras taking pictures.

fishing user avatarBareHook reply : 
  On 6/1/2016 at 2:47 AM, BrianinMD said:

Public lakes are just that, public, there is no expectation of privacy. Seen several around the local lake, ignored them and kept fishing. No different then people out with regular cameras taking pictures.

Agree unless someone were to come close in another boat and start filming you without permission? Where do you draw the line?

Generally if someone points a camera at me, I'm going to approach and see what's up, but typically won't mind. I think the part that gets on everybody's  nerves is the anonymity of the operator.

fishing user avatarSHIMANOFAN reply : 

If I'm on the lake who cares not me. If someone is bored enough to be filming me fishing I kinda pity them cause I'm the most boring person in the world according to my 12 yr old. On the other hand if it's flying over my house (I live out in the sticks btw) it's going to suffer impact damage.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

A misplaced cast with a 1/2oz jig and braid would take care of it 

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 
  On 6/1/2016 at 8:28 AM, slonezp said:

A misplaced cast with a 1/2oz jig and braid would take care of it 

Is that what "fly" fishing is all about?

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 
  On 6/1/2016 at 8:51 AM, Scott F said:

Is that what "fly" fishing is all about?

Good one!

fishing user avatardragulagto reply : 
  On 6/1/2016 at 1:45 AM, riverbasser said:

they wouldn't last long in Alabama, that's just goo target practice, especially after most of the folks have had a few beers

This one was in Alabama. Logan Martin lake. 

fishing user avatarLanier Sealy reply : 

Had one following me on my private pond, 12 gauge with size 6 birdshot took care of it. Owner found out real quick I don't like people snooping around me on my own property. 

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

BareHook, its on public areas they are not doing anything wrong. I am not going to let someone doing a different hobby than mine ruin my day. Only exception is if they start to interfere with me doing my hobby. I have even turned around one time to find a photographer had setup a tripod and was taking pics of me fishing. Caught a nice one, turned and smiled while I held it up. They stayed for a few minutes and left without saying anything. No idea what they were taking pics for, don't care.

Now, on private land like Lanier brought up its a whole different ballgame.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Only time they bother me is when they are catching more fish than me!!!:D

fishing user avatarBuckeye Ron reply : 

I would like to have a drone just to take some of the beautiful pictures I've seen others do. No way would I infringe on others privacy by following or buzzing someone,but I think they are pretty cool if used respectfully.

That being said, if one of those makes more than one pass over or around my place I will assume someone has their nose in my business,in which case the drone isn't likely to return to its owner in useable condition. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

An awfully expensive toy to be harassing fisherman with!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Maybe those using drones are trying to find out new fishing spots by observing fishermen. Too bad for them that having a good spot does not guarantee them the same success as the fisherman they are observing with the drone.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

just found the solution to the drone problem.... well actually 2 different solutions, one just as cool as the other!


fishing user avatarLoochy88 reply : 

I know a few guys who fly drones and even have one myself.  I don't follow anyone around with mine, and most guys I know don't either.  Most hobbyists are mainly out exploring and enjoying their hobby.  A boat with a fisherman is probably nothing more than an interesting point to focus on momentarily.  If they're respecting your space, I don't see the big deal.  Id say if they're not crowding you to the point of being a danger, no real need to try to cast it out of the sky.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I disagree. 

Lose the noise, and the surveillance capability and maybe we'll be a little closer to agreement.  You don't have to be physical danger to my person to be invasive, not to mention rude and offensive.

fishing user avatarLoochy88 reply : 

I'm sure someone finds your shotgun loud and offensive too.  Not me - I love to shoot... but I'm just saying.   I guess my point is that if someone's bothering you with noise or crowding your space, there's a better way to deal than slinging your jig at it or blasting it with you shotgun.  Can't we all just get along?

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 6/1/2016 at 8:28 AM, slonezp said:

A misplaced cast with a 1/2oz jig and braid would take care of it 


fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

If it comes closer to me than 25 feet and stays for the length of time it takes to annoy me (more than a minute), I will catch that thing and sell it on ebay.

fishing user avatarNeil McCauley reply : 



I don't think it's really a "privacy" issue, more about the limits of property and ownership of airspace. Not sure your drone has any more right to the space it occupies than does the rock I throw at it.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 5/31/2016 at 9:22 PM, Choporoz said:

I don't like 'em.  Not just on the lake, but anywhere, really.  We've got a couple in the neighborhood where I live and if it was a little more rural, I'd be standing by with a 12 gauge.  

Yep..this very scenario happened in Louisville a couple years ago. Man who owned his home and yard blew a drone out of his back yard. Apparently, the drone was watching his wife and grandchildren sunbathing. It went to court.

Homeowner/12 gauge shotgunner was acquitted of damages..Homeowner 1 Drone 0

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 
  On 6/2/2016 at 4:59 AM, Choporoz said:

I disagree. 

Lose the noise, and the surveillance capability and maybe we'll be a little closer to agreement.  You don't have to be physical danger to my person to be invasive, not to mention rude and offensive.

I agree there is the entire lake to find, "an interesting point to focus on momentarily" besides bringing a buzzing video camera into a space anonymously without asking that a person if they minded the intrusion. 

  On 6/2/2016 at 5:05 AM, Loochy88 said:

I'm sure someone finds your shotgun loud and offensive too.  Not me - I love to shoot... but I'm just saying.   I guess my point is that if someone's bothering you with noise or crowding your space, there's a better way to deal than slinging your jig at it or blasting it with you shotgun.  Can't we all just get along?

No one brought a shotgun to where the drone was. Remember the drone made the first move. Intruding with no care for how the person on the receiving end felt and the drone did it anonymously. So how was it that the intruder should be contacted and asked to leave them alone? :checkitout: If you want respect first show some by A. either asking in person politely if its a problem BEFORE intruding on someones nature time or B. Don't go there, go find your own place to fly where others are not. 

  On 6/2/2016 at 10:04 AM, Avalonjohn44 said:

If it comes closer to me than 25 feet and stays for the length of time it takes to annoy me (more than a minute), 

Exactly if its passing through and keeps moving and doesn't return fine. But to stop while someone is trying to fish and enjoy the peace and quiet or what ever it is that they are doing....  The owner should have thought about asking in person if I mind maybe a different outcome. Just remember I didn't intrude on you drone guy, you came to intruded on me.  :gunfight9:

There is a whole freaking lake to find a "interesting point to focus on momentarily".

fishing user avatarLoochy88 reply : 

FWIW, here are the FAAs guidelines in general drone operations.

Obviously further regulation will apply over private property, park land, etc...  

Note that regulation states that the operator should maintain visual contact with the drone, so you should be able to track down the individual buzzing your airspace.  If you can't well then that's rule one that they're breaking.

 Also, they should not be flying "near" anyone.  Open to interpretation what near means, but when I fly I basically head in the opposite direction of anyone I see out and about.  I tend to fly most often on private property anyhow so it's not usually an issue I run into.

I think it all comes down to mutual respect more than anything else.  I still think most drone operators tend to follow the rules and give others their space...  but like all hobbies we have our bad apples.  


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