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if you caught the world record bass? 2024

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

if you caught the world record bass would you be able to release it?  i dont fish any waters that could hold the next world record but i have thought about it a fair amount.  a state record i would definitely release.  i release all of my bass withnever a second thought (except for a few small ones when im camping in waters that are overpopulated).

people have estimated that the world record would be worth over a million dollars in endorsements.  i would hate to risk that sort of windfall.  i know that the bass can be certified and released but i also know that the chance of it actually being certified are much higher if you have the fish.  at that point as long as it is legally hooked it would be pretty hard to dispute.  i actually dont fish big bass waters and dont really have any interest in catching records but i do wonder about it just in a theoretical kind of way.

i honestly dont know what i would do, what do you guys think,



if you use a scale that turns out to not be accurate although it is consistent is the catch outlawed for record purposes?  i mean if you have a picture of the bass and the scale turns out that it measures two ounces heavy every single time.  will they delete the two ounces or say that the scale is inaccurate and disqualify the catch?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I fish for the World Record Smallmouth September through March, seriously. Dale Hollow Lake in North Central Tennessee (and Kentucky) is the home of the two biggest smallmouth ever caught. So, around here state records and World Records are one in the same.

Technically a new record must weigh two ounces more than the previous record to be recognized by the IFGA. The current record is 11 lbs 15 oz. So, theoretically a fellow could set a state record (12 lbs) that would not qualify as a new World Record (12 lb 1oz). I think anyone catching that bass will argue the point.

As far as keeping it goes, absolutely! Nothin' to talk about.

As a sidenote: It is highly unlikely that this record will ever be broken. The second largest smallmouth is a pound lighter and behind that there have only been a handful of bass ever caught that were 10 lbs or more. The Saturday before Thanksgiving, 2004 my fishing partner caught a 10 lb smallmouth which I netted and weighed. Now that was pretty cool! And yep, we released that monster.

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 

I have never kept a bass but... :-?

If I caught a record, state or world, that bass may never see the water again. :-?

Lake record would go back unless it was the state or world record.

State record would be kind of hard. It's only the state record but still, it's the state record.

State is a 50/50 for me. I'm not real sure what I would do.

World record fish? It's coming home with me. Sorry. It's only one, on it's last fin, old, might have 6 months to live, WORLD RECORD BASS! That bass would go directly to the closest tackle shop, post office, meat market, grocery store and anywhere else I could think of that might possibly have a certified scale. ;D

I'm from Ohio. If I can catch a 23 pound bass that can be certified and beat Perry's record (Yeah, I know ::)), that fish is coming home with me.

fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 

Interesting question. One that arises in many fishermens' dreams, I'll venture to say.

I LIKE to think I'd turn to my partner and coolly inquire if the camera is at the ready, pose for the pic, then ease the fish back in the water. I LIKE to think I'd walk her about a bit, murmuring soothing words of encouragement, then let her slip back into her world. I LIKE to think she'd drift off a foot or so, turn and somehow convey her admiration for my fishing prowess and compassion, then glide majestically into the depths.

I LIKE to think that, each time I fished that area in the years to come, she'd surface, swim alongside for a moment by way of greeting, then mosey off. Heck, maybe she'll bring all zillion kids along, post-spawn, so they can receive my benediction.

"Wake up!...FlyRod...wake up!"...."Hmph...grunt...huh? Wot?...Oh! I was just resting  my eyes."

I KNOW I'd make every effort to keep the beast alive so that she may spend the rest of her days in pampered regal splendor in some lush aquarium. I could visit regularly, bringing little treats...slow minnows, arthritic crawdads, and, for Thanksgiving, a really plump lizard. This way, I'd earn recognition as "The Man Who Caught The Record" and the additional kudos as a man of compassion.

I'd definitely cash in on the benefits, however. I'd expect a lifetime supply of tackle (and a tad of endorsement $$$) from those who manufactured the toys with which I caught my Big Beautiful Bass. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that some generous speaking fees might come my way. I'd probably drive myself nuts poring over the color selector in order to finalize my selection of a freeby deluxe bassboat.

There's the media frenzy to cope with. Hmmmm...Leno, Letterman, Oprah, Ellen The Degenerate, O'Reilly, Barbara Walters, Nancy Grace...NANCY GRACE???.

Then there's the babe magnet factor of being "The Man Who Caught The Record". Hmmmm... so many lovely ladies, so little time.

Did I mention the weekend at the White House and the week at GW's ranch?

Yeah, I'd keep the critter, but only with much effort being bent to keep 'er alive.


Coming to a speaking engagement near you! 8-)

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

i agree flyrod.  i def would try to keep her alive.  i do think i would keep her as well.  ill have to deal with this when a 23 pound bass hits my senko in the golf course pond i regularly fish  :)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
As a sidenote: It is highly unlikely that this record will ever be broken. The second largest smallmouth is a pound lighter and behind that there have only been a handful of bass ever caught that were 10 lbs or more

If you're going to call yourself a record chaser than you have to quit being such a pessimist!! Just a few months ago an "impossible" weight LM was landed... almost 3 pounds bigger than the record!! It can happen.

fishing user avatarWildbillb reply : 

I have never even thought about it.  Maybe it is because I like in Michigan and I have never broken the 6 pound mark for largemouth or smallmouth.  

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I fish waters that have cerified scales on the lakes, the SAL truck is never more than a couple hours away in East Tx.      Theres enough marinas with bait vats to hold her safely until the TP&W show up.

That state record or World Record would be on display at some BASS Pro Shop in the future.     Some one would be interested in leasing or buying the fish.

That fish is or would be close to the end of its life if data is correct on longivity of a LMB in southern impoundments.      



fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I don't ever keep any bass I catch, but this would have to be the exception.  I am not rich by any means,  so my future bass will help me to be able to financially support my family better.  The endorsments would be nice, and even more money in my pocket.  It is my dream, and would help me to live out the rest of my dreams, such as buying a bass boat, and going south to fish some lakes so big that you can't walk around them in a day.  Not to mention all the anglers who would be inviting me to fish with them.  I would prefer to release the bass, but due to the imense riches, I couldn't.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I am in the same boat as jomatty. I agree with every word that FlyRod posted. I like to remain blissfully ignorant (or optimistic) that some of these larger reserviors in MO could hold a MONSTER bass that no one has ever seen before. I know it is highly unlikely, but hey...a guy can dream can't he. I probably wouldn't keep a state record. I would keep it long enough to at least get it photographed, weighed, measured, and properly documented by the proper authorities, trying to keep the fish alive all the while. Then when the whole ordeal was done...back in the water with her. I could handle a good replica of that bass on my wall instead of the actual bass.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

No chance of ever catching a world record LM here in Va.

That being said, I'd do my best to keep the fish alive but would not release it. If she's going to be worth a 1,000,000 in endorsements then I'm guessing that some collector would pay even more for a live specimen. I'd like to think I'm not all about money but if I had a chance to improve my quality of life by selling the world be it.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

If you caught a certifiable state record, it is not very likely that the bass will make it back to the water. Unless you beat the record by a large margin it is very likely that your state Fish and Game will want to autopsy the bass prior to certifying its weight.

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Well for a state record up here in wi you have to keep it. The wi dnr wants you to put the fish on ice so they can id it. You also have to have three people witness the weight of the fish. So if i ever caught a state record I think I would just throw it back. But for a world record I would keep it.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Release it?  NO WAY!!  

I'd sign it and deposit it in the bank.

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

me and LBH are in the same boat. Even a state record, i would rush it to bj's (our local and biggest tackle shop with a certified scale) and weigh that hog. I know everybody wants to release a state record, and im sure some of you actually would. But if you were like me, you would look at a 12 lb. fish and just shudder at the thought of actually putting it back. Its old, about to die, and ESPECIALLY if its released, everybody in the county would be on your lake. If you caught a record and tried to get it certified after being released, it probably wont happen. I want a record with my name on it.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

When I catch thWR this spring I will keep it. Honestly I wont feel good about keeping it but I wouldnt want to deal with all the doubters. realeasing big fish is soooo ingrained in our heads out here it will just feel wrong to keep it. I know some of the big names have talked to the fish and game about getting a permit in advance for transporting such a fish but they have not been able to get one.

If I do catch it I will try and keep it alive but it may not be possible.

Just so you guys know there are 3 lakes out here with confirmed live fish in it over 21 lbs. I currently know of 5 fish that should be over 22.4 this spring. I would also guess that there are at least 5 more that I dont know about. The record will fall in the next two years.

fishing user avatarBassinfreak2 reply : 

Hey I have a family to feed. I could not simply toss a million bucks back into the water. I would definatly do everything in my power to keep it alive but once its in my boat its going back to the ramp with me. State record is not a big deal. A few pics, measurements, witnesses, etc and back in she goes.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Do you California Hawg Hunters catch any monsters at any other time of year?

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Roadwarrior , yes and no. We catch big fish through out the year but not as big. Prespawn is usauly when it starts. Monsters are caught in the high teens but the majority of the giants are caught while spawning. I am talking about fish over 18lbs. Teens are regularly caught casting swimbaits durring the pre spawn through out post spawn but after that it gets reel tough. Your best bet becomes night time. most of the fish over 18lbs are caught on beds, not all of them but most. They are simply too smart to be caught any other time. not to mention that a regular 20lber when full of eggs will be over 23lbs. So most giants will be carrying a few extra pounds. Also just because the fish are caught durring spring doesnt mean they were caught while spawning, many are caught before or after they actualy are on or near a bed. They just so happen to be heavier this time of year. BUT... in general most of the big fish are caught durring the spring. Now 8-10lbers are caught through out the year. but still it gets tough after post spawn. the problem is our lakes are soo deep it becomes dificult to not only find them but to efectivly fish for them. Most of our lakes are over 100ft deep. and the fish tend to go deep durring the summer and fall, especialy the big ones. Night time they sometimes become vonerable again.

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

It depends the surcumstances if i was on a boat with a live well id be taking it to the nearest store then returning it after weighed if i was bank fishing i would probably call DNR and tie the fish with braid or somethin through the gill and to a tree and wait for DNR and a scale (sound cruel but it better than killing it)

My berkely digital wouldnt be considered a cerified scale would it?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I would keep it ,stuff it, mount it and tell the whole world  ;)

fishing user avatarthe ohh face reply : 

world or state record?   hell im stuffin my first 1 over ten lbs

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

If you catch a fish that you think is a state or the OH Ma' Gawd world record, then releasing it would be the dummest thing you could do.   One thing all the controversy about the Wheatly bass proves is that you better have the fish and as many witnesses as possible.  Even then there will be a ton of nay sayers who will swear that you had it beamed down from an alien big bass farm.

Then of course there are probably a few....very few guys who just don't care about the record.  they would have the satisfaction of knowing they caught one wholacious bass and that would be enough.  Not many guys like that, but I've met a few over the years.  There usually older reclusive type guys who just want to hunt, fish, trap, and be left alone.  

If you fish certain lakes regularly you can spot em.  They fish alone, at off hours, usually in places where not many other people fish, generally use live bait, and will stay in the same place for hours.  They are generally not very friendly.

If you should be fortunate enough to run into one of these guys, approach very slowly, very quietly and very politely.  don't ask any questions but rather make a little small talk about it being hot or cold, or something and then offer him a drink, or some food.   If you can get a guy like this to talk to you, you will have the key to lakes secrets, and a memories that will last a lifetime.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I think I would probably keep a state record or the world record.  As Matt Fly mentioned earlier, this would probably be a bass that is near the end of its life anyway, plus you have confirmation of your record.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I would keep even a lake record bass, alive as long as possible, until the state boys were satisfied and recommending release, then release if able to swim off. That wouldn't be likely. A state record bass would be kept and eventually mounted. These days too many things can go wrong trying to certify it, especially for a world record. It wouldn't likely live to finish the certification process, even put in a minnow vat at a marina. I'd keep it on ice upon death to satisfy any second guessers, then freeze it until there were no chances of revocation of certification, then have it mounted.


fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

Let me all tell you a little story.  I have a cousin who has lived his entire life on the Southern Oregon Coast.  One elk season about 25 yrs. ago.  He killed a monster bull elk.  He cut the horns off, and hung them over a ceiling joice in his basement.  That is where they stayed for almost 20 yrs.  Finally after a few years of getting bugged to have them measured, he went to a Boone & Crockett Measurer.  You can now find his name in the Boone and Crockett Record Book, in the top 20 of the World.

Keep a state or world record???  IN A NEW YORK MINUTE!!!!!!!!   Especially since I have yet to catch one in the double digits.  I may have to sit in my boat for an hour to calm the shakes down enough to get that baby to the scales, but I would.  :D

fishing user avatarZ71 reply : 

World record, state record? Hmmm, let me think about that for .0001 seconds. I believe I'd keep her!

fishing user avatarGAMEOVER reply : 

The Michigan smallmouth record will be hard to beat probably as theres only 3 main smallie bodys of water that hold the nice sized ones and one of the three hold lunkers so the smallie record is possible but I know one of these years our Largemouth record will be shatterd. I have seen some monster Largemouth coming out of here. I dedicate a good two hours to finding this one before I go off to smallie land. Id get a replica or mold if at all possible then release it if not I think this is the one time I would keep a Bass.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Release it? NO WAY!!

I'd sign it and deposit it in the bank.

LOL!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Me too.

fishing user avatarShakes reply : 

I'd mount it. Then I'd apply for sponsorship with all the good companies. I'd quit my job, b/c hell, I'm sponsored now. I think I'll just get paid to fish all day. :)


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