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Almost lost a thumb fishing ... 2024

fishing user avatarbasss reply : 

It felt like it anyway ... so I was getting some weeds off my rapala top water and I'll be damned if I didn't shoot it into my thumb.  It slingshot itself pretty deep.  I had to get the boat back to the ramp, load it on the trailer, and put it back in the garage with the treble hook deep in the thumb.




To get it out, I called a friend over and he used a razor to slice along the hook until he sliced past the barb and we were able to get pull the hook out.  Ouch!  We, of course used generous amounts of alcohol to clean the wound and razor before the surgery.


I now know what a bass feels like!


fishing user avatargeorgeyew reply : 

Ouch, I am glad that you were able to get it out without permanent injuries. I cringed looking at that photo...

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

There's better instructions out there, but this gives you the gist...I can tell you from experience that this works.  Everyone should be acquainted with this procedure....if you fish enough (with barbed hooks), it isn't a question of 'if'

fishing user avatartander reply : 

Glad it turned out ok. I saw on Bassmaster when KVD got a treble in his finger. They popped it out with the braid trick. Everyone should know how to do this but it does take a buddy to help.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

Apply alcohol externally and internally in that situation

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

Lol no where near losing it... My step father cut his finger off through the bone on a wheelchair lift and was able to get it put back on... The world we live in is an awesome place when it comes to modern medicine. 


On the same token , I had a buddy in highschool who crushed two of his fingers with a wood splitter ... He lost both of them just above the middle knuckle. He still fishes. I haven't talked to him in a long time but last I knew he was catching some seriously big musky. 


I've had a hook stuck in me past the barb once... I was pond fishing with a buddy. And it was really windy . Idk how it happened really I was throwing a 3/8oz trap and went to cast and got it caught in my sweatshirt. I asked my buddy to get it out and he couldn't get it. And that's because it my back. We could not get it out. I sat down on a chair and my brother pushed it out (making another hole) clipped the barb and it slid right out. 

fishing user avatarlonnie g reply : 

take a good piece of fishing line wrap around curve of hook couple three times. hold down on eye of hook and give line a quick firm jerk. it  will pop it right back out the way it went in. really doesn't even hurt that bad. I have done it a couple of times. it really does work.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 


fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 4:16 AM, lonnie g said:

take a good piece of fishing line wrap around curve of hook couple three times. hold down on eye of hook and give line a quick firm jerk. it  will pop it right back out the way it went in. really doesn't even hurt that bad. I have done it a couple of times. it really does work.

I've actually done this!  Works amazingly well.  It works even better if someone else does the jerk on the line.

BTW the second method shown above^^^ works as well, but hurts like crazy!

fishing user avatarkcdinkerz reply : 

I did the braided line move on myself took me 3 pulls because I was being a little.... But I did get it out on 3rd pull haha

fishing user avatarlonnie g reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 4:39 AM, kcdinkerz said:

I did the braided line move on myself took me 3 pulls because I was being a little.... But I did get it out on 3rd pull haha

close you eyes and pull like you are setting hook on 10 lb bass.:wacko::blink:

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

I had a treble go thru the back of my hand and underneath the tendon for my ring finger. My brother, who was fishing with me, tried cutting and pulling it out..that thing was stuck. Load the boat, and head to the ER. Apparently a grown man with a heddon torpedo hanging off the back of his hand is not commonplace in the hospital. The doctor that came in said to me, "hold on, theres a contractor working down the hall, I'm going to get a tool from him"..not exactly what i came to the ER for. he came back and said he couldn't find the guy...ended up cutting the skin open and finagling the hook out, he said he got lucky.

fishing user avatarethan-333 reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 5:40 AM, deaknh03 said:

I had a treble go thru the back of my hand and underneath the tendon for my ring finger. My brother, who was fishing with me, tried cutting and pulling it out..that thing was stuck. Load the boat, and head to the ER. Apparently a grown man with a heddon torpedo hanging off the back of his hand is not commonplace in the hospital. The doctor that came in said to me, "hold on, theres a contractor working down the hall, I'm going to get a tool from him"..not exactly what i came to the ER for. he came back and said he couldn't find the guy...ended up cutting the skin open and finagling the hook out, he said he got lucky.

not sure i would be using this ER very much....

fishing user avatarJaderose reply : 

Been there...not fun

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

@deaknh03 he was looking for them lineman's pliers or dikes lol ... Just take a sawzall to it. It's all good. 

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 6:26 AM, Yeajray231 said:

@deaknh03 he was looking for them lineman's pliers or dikes lol ... Just take a sawzall to it. It's all good. 

if i remember correctly it was linesman's pliers. or bolt cutters...

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 6:27 AM, deaknh03 said:

if i remember correctly it was linesman's pliers. or bolt cutters...

That'd do the trick real easy. I've cut toilet bolts with them before. It wasn't easy tho. Fishing hook would be no problem. Bolt cutters are over kill lol . Thats not right tho dude. 

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 6:30 AM, Yeajray231 said:

That'd do the trick real easy. I've cut toilet bolts with them before. It wasn't easy tho. Fishing hook would be no problem. Bolt cutters are over kill lol . Thats not right tho dude. 

Dude I was cleaning one of my drywall mudding trowels in a customers sink last week..I ran my finger across the edge to wipe the mud off. Not smart, to the bone, grabbed it quickly so blood wouldn't get all over his counter, as he was in the next room. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Over the years I have buried treble hooks at least 5 times.  Two in the finger which my friend pushed all the way through and we cut off the barb.  Two in the belly that were buried deep and would not come out.  Two emergency room trips.  People were laughing when I walked in with a Bill Dance deep diver hanging from my belly.  I have a bad habit of muscling them out when stuck in weeds.  They shoot back like bullets.  Finally a repala stickbait in my back from my cousins son.  Went home had a few drinks and my cousin had to cut it out.  Emergency room got too expensive.

fishing user avatargeorgeyew reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 8:48 AM, geo g said:

Over the years I have buried treble hooks at least 5 times.  Two in the finger which my friend pushed all the way through and we cut off the barb.  Two in the belly that were buried deep and would not come out.  Two emergency room trips.  People were laughing when I walked in with a Bill Dance deep diver hanging from my belly.  I have a bad habit of muscling them out when stuck in weeds.  They shoot back like bullets.  Finally a repala stickbait in my back from my cousins son.  Went home had a few drinks and my cousin had to cut it out.  Emergency room got too expensive.


After 5 times, I hope that you realized by now that you need fishing insurance. 

fishing user avatarAC870 reply : 

Did a drop of pee come out?

Coulda happened when it went in or when your buddy went to work with the razor. 

fishing user avatarCelebbasser reply : 

Recommend tetanus shot if not had one in last 10 years.

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

That's a bad one.  I took one in the side of the head last summer.  The lidocaine injection to numb up the side of my head actually hurt more than when the hook struck me.  For this reason, I don't allow anyone to cast in close proximity on the front deck with me anymore.

fishing user avatarBASS302 reply : 

Hope your thumb's ok.

I got one stuck underneath my right index fingernail when unhooking a fish.  Fortunately the fish flopped around and the hole in my finger got big enough to pull the hook out.  People probably thought the blood all over my shirt was from the fish!

That's the reason I smash down the barbs on the treble hooks on my lures now.

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

I hate treble hook, period????

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Cut it out?? I think I'd have just opted for some pliers and a hard jerk over cutting it out, especially in the middle of your thumb. 


Line method, push it through and cut it, or ER are the only options I consider. 

fishing user avatarbasss reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 2:21 AM, tander said:

Glad it turned out ok. I saw on Bassmaster when KVD got a treble in his finger. They popped it out with the braid trick. Everyone should know how to do this but it does take a buddy to help.


Someone else sent me that link, looks like it isn't kevin's first time getting a hook janked out.

  On 1/24/2017 at 10:01 AM, AC870 said:

Did a drop of pee come out?

Coulda happened when it went in or when your buddy went to work with the razor. 


No sir, dry as a bone.  Unfortunatley, I've been in several motorcycle wrecks that has cost me more skin that I can remember so all in all; it hurt but not pee on myself hurt.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 9:15 AM, georgeyew said:


After 5 times, I hope that you realized by now that you need fishing insurance. 



Stopped using baits with treble hooks.  Now fish almost all plastics.

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 4:39 AM, kcdinkerz said:

took me 3 pulls

That made me cringe!

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 
  On 1/24/2017 at 5:19 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

push it through and cut it

I saw Scott Martin using this method on a kid in one of his videos.  Looked like the kid was going to pass out!


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