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best/funniest fishing saying 2024

fishing user avatarLate Night Bass reply : 

my partner (did not know him) in a tourny one time made a good cast. he looked dead at me and said, " O yeah, that's in his house".  i also saw someone on here earlier refer to sneaking a fish in the back of your boat and suprising you partner, "ninja fishing". i though both of those were pretty funny. what are some good ones you have heard or say?

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

"Here fishy,fishy,fishy."

fishing user avatarBassnbrett101 reply : 

"BOOOYAAAHHHHH!!" everytime i hear that I crack up

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 

me and my buddy were wading for smallmouth and he cast real far and landed on this sandy bank he looks at me and says thats called sneak attack. no sooner he pulls it off the bank about 5ft out connects with a smallmouth.

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

I think it must be when some one walks up too you on the bank and ask a question like "Any luck" and your response is "Nah the tuna are not biting today"

fishing user avatarXcoM274 reply : 

Haha, gotta go with, "Surprise, surprise, surprise." My buddy and I were slaying the pike up on Sage lake last year and the boat next to us is like "what are you using?" Being the nice guys we are we told them. Next thing you know he's got one and he yelled Surprise surprise surprise in the most classic redneck voice possible. We spent the next half hour repeating it back and forth amongst ourselves and laughing to hard to fish. One of those things that gets a chuckle every time it comes up now.

;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 
I think it must be when some one walks up too you on the bank and ask a question like "Any luck" and your response is "Nah the tuna are not biting today"

OR when someone on the bank asks what kind of fish that is and I tell em bluegill.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I don't know how many of y'all remember the Blue Fox commercial about their Foxie Jig, it showed a big bass staring at the jig and the jig saying nah nah nah boo boo your fat & ugly; nah nah nah boo boo you can't catch me!

I still say when fishing is slow  ;)

fishing user avatarhercdoc reply : 

"I'm really good at what I'm doing, but I not good at everything I do" I said as I thew my spinnerbait into the top of the popcorn tree.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

After watchin Bill Dance forever I started saying "slide right up here on my thumb" when we would fish bassmaster rules. (if me and a friend go fishing together from one boat we always compete and use either bassmaster no nets or flw nets) he though that was the funniest! but I think its hilarious when Dance uses dadgummit or dadgum!

fishing user avatargobig reply : 

I was walking along the shore and saw a guy catch a few fish and I asked him what are you using? He said lips and a-hole's I got a friend who's a mortician. ;D

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Years ago, a buddy and I were Fishing Toho in a hurricane, I flipped into a brush pile, got slammed and missed him. No sooner had I got the jig up to the boat and I was lifting the rod to flip back into the brush when the fish jumped at least a foot out of the water and grabbed the jig. Was a decent fish so I tripped the free spool to keep from breaking the rod and I got a  a barn burner backlash. Lost the fish cause he broke the line and my buddy chuckled and said "Wow, that looks like a Don King Hair Doo"  

fishing user avatarJayDub reply : 

"The harder i press, the righter I go." is pretty funny, don't you think Muddy?  ::)

fishing user avatarDamien reply : 

" fishy fishy bite my hook, you be the dinner i'll be the cook."

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

My father-in-law had a sign in his old camp that read

Fisherman: jerk on one end of a line waiting for a jerk on the other  ;)

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 
After watchin Bill Dance forever I started saying "slide right up here on my thumb" when we would fish bassmaster rules. (if me and a friend go fishing together from one boat we always compete and use either bassmaster nets or flw no net) he though that was the funniest! but I think its hilarious when Dance uses dadgummit or dadgum!

B.A.S.S. is no nets FLW is nets.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

I cast a plastic worm into the top of a fallen tree on Taylorsville Lake in Kentucky.  A bass picked it up and I swung on him but didn't get a hook set.  The worm came back all balled up.  

While I was fixing the worm my Dad cast into the spot where I had just missed the fish and said, "Here, I'll hold your spot."

He caught the bass I had just missed.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 
Next thing you know he's got one and he yelled Surprise surprise surprise in the most classic redneck voice possible.

I believe he was quoting that great American, Gomer Pyle:

fishing user avatarTeamBerettaGold reply : 
I was walking along the shore and saw a guy catch a few fish and I asked him what are you using? He said lips and .'s I got a friend who's a mortician. ;D

I cant stop laughing ;D

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 

me and my buddy were skipping docks with black and blue strike king jigs. these jigs are pretty big the 3/8 ounce model so he casts it hard to skip it and it smashes the pontoon,and it makes a loud DING and my friend says thats called the dinner bell. now we always say that if we hit somthing.

fishing user avatarntrojack reply : 

Something the G-Man Swindle said while fishing with Zona on the WGFS in Mexico right after he hooked a fish, and it had something to do with " I can play, all I need is to get chalk on my feet and I can score".

Maybe somebody else remembers the words exactly, but it was the way he said it, and the way it came out. I was dying...  ;D

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

I like this one, I think it is by Red Adair,  "I think that all fishermen are liars, except me and you, and I am beginning to wonder about you!"

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

My buddy and I were fishing one day and I kept casting into the tree, I mean all DAY I was  snagging in trees, and on one cast it looped around a branch and then water, (He says to me are you going for the vertical approch).

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

Years ago my brother and I were fishing with an elderly gentleman who was an expert caster.  Bob and I were both having a bad day casting and were constantly getting hung up in the willow bushes overhanging Kentucky Lake.  

Kent, obviously perturbed at having to pull the boat in and disentangle one more errant cast, asked, "You boys got any other hobbies?"

fishing user avatarDamien reply : 
" fishy fishy bite my hook, you be the dinner i'll be the cook."

sorry i forgot the storie me and my little cousin who was 3 at the time were at our local lake bobber fishing for what ever and nothing was biteing at all. just out of the blue he started sing this little chant right after he was done his bobber sunk, it was pretty funny.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 
After watchin Bill Dance forever I started saying "slide right up here on my thumb" when we would fish bassmaster rules. (if me and a friend go fishing together from one boat we always compete and use either bassmaster nets or flw no net) he though that was the funniest! but I think its hilarious when Dance uses dadgummit or dadgum!

B.A.S.S. is no nets FLW is nets.

my mistake. I didn't reread before posting. You know what I meant though..

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 

when we lived in alaska me my brother and my dad were standing there fishing for kings on a river there cant remember if it was willow creek or kenai river anyway, this guy was launching his boat and he was having all sorts of problems couldnt back it,wife was giving him bad directions and were watching this all play out. so finally he gets the boat in the water, but forgot to unhook the hook in the front of the boat that holds it to the trailer it was just loose. so the boat floats off with wife and kids in the boat. he goes to pull the trailer out and drags the boat up on the ramp and into the rocks lol wife and kids yelling. we were laughing so hard my brother yells over there " what you fishing for rock bass" we were laughing so hard, and he didnt think it was to funny.

fishing user avatarBass n Bows reply : 

I love it when Bill Dance catches one and says,"Hey there's a fat one, just like me."  

Ol' Roland Martin gets fired up about every fish he catches,"Oh son!  I got a big one, I got a giant on, son!" Then he gets the fish to the boat and its a dink.  That cracks me up every time.  

Whenever I'm fishing with a buddy I get cocky and say, "I can feel a fish fart on my hook!" ::)

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

Ol' Roland Martin gets fired up about every fish he catches,"Oh son! I got a big one, I got a giant on, son!" Then he gets the fish to the boat and its a dink. That cracks me up every time.

;DNo it's,"That's a 4,5,6,7,8 pound bass rite there!"

fishing user avatarLate Night Bass reply : 

you may have needed to be present for this one to be funny, but...

i was fishing a tourny in jan. and it about 33 at blast off. the fishing was slow and it was about to rain. not to mention the 20-25 mph winds. i came up to a no wake zone under a bridge and there is a man sitting in pontoon by himself with his head buried in his jacket trying to stay warm. he looks as we come through so i give him the, " ya havin any luck". he gives me a look that i will never forget and says "BAD"!!! and buries his head back in his jacket.

i think most of know all too well where that man was comming from, lol.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

Years ago, when graphite rods were new to the market, Bill Dance was fishing a Texas-rigged worm on his show.

"There he is!" Bill said and took up the slack in his line.

"No.  It's not a bass; it's a can...  a beer can...  Budweiser.  Man these graphite rods are sensitive!"

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

At least a couple times each outing my brother will make a hard cast and the bait will stop mid-air about 20-30 feet out and fall to the water because his bail closed. Every time I remind him in a matter-of-fact voice, "You have to open the bail to cast."

A couple times I told a serious story, "You know, I've been reading a lot about bass fishing lately, and all the pros agree about a very important, yet little-known secret in bass fishing. Right before you cast with a spinning setup, you need to open the bail."  ;)

fishing user avatarAKFerzy7 reply : 

everytime i try to set the hook on something thats not a fish i tell my partner "i'm just sighting it in"

fishing user avatarBirdNestBen reply : 

this German Lady who used to own a tackle shop sure could sell lures... one day I asked if the crappie were biting this lure she was selling... she said o boy they bitin em hook line and de seeenker...

fishing user avatarventureboat reply : 

Backlash = Professional Overrun :)

fishing user avatarHawghead reply : 

I used to fish with my dad all the time growing up, and he didn't have power trim so I would have to raise and lower the motor by hand, there was a latch i would move to keep the motor tilted up, or release when i would lower it when we need to move to a new spot.

One day he turns and says "Put the motor down"... while looking at the motor I replied "YOUR MOTHER WAS AN EGGBEATER"....

and turn and look at him for approval, he justed stared and the floor of the boat and shook his head.

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

My latest fishing partner had some sage advice the other day.I was whining about the fish I just missed and how it was probably a giant and all.He replied. "A hit is history and a miss a mystery now  quit bitchin' and fish."


fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 
Years ago my brother and I were fishing with an elderly gentleman who was an expert caster.  Bob and I were both having a bad day casting and were constantly getting hung up in the willow bushes overhanging Kentucky Lake.  

Kent, obviously perturbed at having to pull the boat in and disentangle one more errant cast, asked, "You boys got any other hobbies?"

I love dry humor.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

will you please get your %$#$@ bait out of the tree. Squirrels ain't in season

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

One of my fishing buddies was having a heck of a day,, about every 5th cast, he was getting caught in the brush along the shore.  After one specially horrendous cast and he wrapped around a limb about 10 ft. in the air, I turned and said,  "You know that those rare and endangered tree bass are not legal to catch".  He about fell out of the boat he was laughing so hard. ::)

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Years ago, during a guide trip, one of my clients and I were just getting into the boat and he held up a little plastic black bird that had some treble hooks hand tied to it's neck and tail with mono and asked  seriously, "Are you a good enough guide to find me some bass to catch on my bait", I smiled and replied, "Not sure I can do that but I bet I'm a good enough guide to find some baits that you can catch some bass on".  

One of my favorite Bud's is not the best fisherman around and nor is he very handy with a baitcasting reel and when he gets one of those serious backlashes, he yells "Beer Break".

Big O

fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 
I used to fish with my dad all the time growing up, and he didn't have power trim so I would have to raise and lower the motor by hand, there was a latch i would move to keep the motor tilted up, or release when i would lower it when we need to move to a new spot.

One day he turns and says "Put the motor down"... while looking at the motor I replied "YOUR MOTHER WAS AN EGGBEATER"....

and turn and look at him for approval, he justed stared and the floor of the boat and shook his head.

too funny

fishing user avatarBass Tard reply : 

Using a Scum Frog on a small pond one day and a large bass hit it as soon as it hit the water. The explosion of the bass hitting the bait made me jump and I pulled my rod back to set the hook. My buddy yells "incoming!" as the Scum Frog whistled right between us. Everytime I use a Scum Frog, he always says "need to put on my flack jacket now." LMAO

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

Next stop.......Lake Crisco! Thats one of my favorite lines when crappie fishing.

fishing user avatar"Lunker Hunter" reply : 

As a kid we vacationed in Mich.  I was fishing with the kid in the next cabin all week.  We would go to town and buy worms each night for the following days fishing.  One day not sure which one we were having a tough time catching any fish.  The kid I was with picked up the container of worms and then told me why we were not catching any fish.  He replied that yesterday we were using large curd and today we have small curd...  The worms were in cottage cheese containers.  I will never forget it.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Last year, my grandson and I were fishing on a hot sultry day and there was absolutely no wind. We were in 25 ft of water jigging a timber ledge and the boat eased up on a submerged stump. Suddenly thousands of tiny bubbles surfaced and my grandson Michael said, "Hey PaPa look, the bass are fartin"  

Big O

fishing user avatarQuinn reply : 

I was fishing this winter on the small lake here in Marshall, MO, the weather was cold spitting occasional rain and sleet thus justifying the question.  The geese keep the water thawed and everything around was frozen solid.

I was walking to the bank from my Van with 2 poles in hand rigged up as a mini-van drove by and the adults asked me "You goin' fishin'?" Then the kid in the back said "Are you gona try to catch a fish?"

I couldn't resist:  I said "Nope, I'm going to try to rope a goose...........


Bill Engval (sp?) would have been proud. ;D

fishing user avatargeorgiabassfisherman reply : 

The Bill Dance blooper when he had a few rods in the back of his truck and says,"Heres a tip for ya" then he shuts the tailgate on all of the rods and picks up the tips and says,"Nope here is a handfull of tips for ya."

fishing user avatarBassinAssassin171 reply : 

One time when I was bed fishing with my buddy and we were trying to cast as close to the beds as possible.  Whenever he made a good cast he exclaimed, "GIVE ME AN AWARD!!!!"

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

heres one I made up myself:

April Showers Bring Bass Spawners

that was three years ago and so far its been proven true for me  :)lol

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

" I'm Ol' Gregg "

(if you have not seen it, go to youtube and look it up)


fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

I call this one baileys, I call this one baileys, guess what I call this one?

       (goes with last one, seriosly watch ol gregg)


fishing user avatarCastamasta reply : 

knot slips.......WHAT THE HEEEEEEK!

fishing user avatarAKFerzy7 reply : 

"wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?"

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Don't know how funny it is but on a tough day I always say there's gotta be one dumb bass in this lake,and I'm gonna catch him.

fishing user avatarNick B reply : 

During times when we werent getting bites while fishing my dad would say "Guess youre not holding your mouth right"

fishing user avatarwilsonm1 reply : 

bill dance cracks me up.   ya, i do think it is pretty funny when he says dadgummit.  if u really want to see something funny.  type "bill Dance Bloopers" on youtube and  you can watch him hook his nose, his foot, fall in the water and snakes falling on his head. ;D  

fishing user avatarMike 12345 reply : 

Years ago, a close friend's grandfather had a bumper sticker that said "It's not how deep you fish- It's how you wiggle your worm"

That has stuck with me for years  ;D


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