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What Does A "country Mile" Mean To You? 2024

fishing user avatarsouthernfryedyankee reply : 

I see a lot of people saying that they can cast their baitcaster a "country mile" and I am just curious as to what that means to them and what would be a good target distance for casting might be?I believe on average I can cast my baitcaster MAYBE 35-40 yards, sometimes 45-50 with the wind but I am very new to baitcasting, is that a good casting distance? What distance does a proficient bass fisherman strive for? 

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 4:25 AM, southernfryedyankee said:

I see a lot of people saying that they can cast their baitcaster a "country mile" and I am just curious as to what that means to them and what would be a good target distance for casting might be?I believe on average I can cast my baitcaster MAYBE 35-40 yards, sometimes 45-50 with the wind but I am very new to baitcasting, is that a good casting distance? What distance does a proficient bass fisherman strive for? 

Casting distance is actually a fairly easy mathematical equation:  y=fn/2+10

Where Y=number of yards

fn=fisherman's yardage estimate

In all honesty- a lot depends on- weight of lure, aerodynamics of lure, type of line, diameter of line, length of rod, and way way way down the ladder of importance- brand of reel. 

It sounds like you are off to a good start and doing just fine, especially if you say you are newer to BC's.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Accuracy and stealth trumps distance in most situations in my book.  As far as distance goes, i have measured my casts and can get 50 yards pretty easily but rarely do unless i am chucking it hard when throwing cranks or swim baits.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

The longest distance I can cast a particular lure. :smiley:

fishing user avatargr8outdoorz reply : 

To me a country mile = 1 the country  :wink2:

fishing user avatargeeman reply : 

This is what David Fritts says the average reel will cast. Hope this "youtube" post.


fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

What the heck did I just watch??

fishing user avatardoyle8218 reply : 

That is better than fine, that's very good !!!!!

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

 A "country mile" is equivelent to "all the way over thar" or " a fur piece" or " way over yonder"

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Mr. Fritts looks & sounds like his booth at the convention center may have been in close proximity to the Corn Mash Stand.



fishing user avatarmotodmast reply : 

a country mile to me usually means i was d**n proud of that cast haha

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 6:01 AM, motodmast said:

a country mile to me usually means i was d**n proud of that cast haha

 Now that's a d%$#@d good answer.

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 6:03 AM, .ghoti. said:

 Now that's a d%$#@d good answer.



I think it is relative term, not absolute term.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Country Mile for fishing purposes = 140 feet

fishing user avatardaiwaguy reply : 

I usually do not use that terminology I just look at whoever is fishing with me that day and say " So did you just see that"?

fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 6:01 AM, A-Jay said:

Mr. Fritts looks & sounds like his booth at the convention center may have been in close proximity to the Corn Mash Stand.



 "There is no such thing, but your looking at it"


No finer words have been spoken. The fact that comments have been disabled on the video is never a good sign. 

fishing user avatarSurveyor reply : 

Hold this here beer and I will show you.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 4:57 AM, flyfisher said:

Accuracy and stealth trumps distance in most situations in my book.  As far as distance goes, i have measured my casts and can get 50 yards pretty easily but rarely do unless i am chucking it hard when throwing cranks or swim baits.



Yep.  A 10 yard pitch that lands quietly in the 8" gap between a seawall and piling is much more impressive than slinging a 3/4 oz Aruka shad 75 yards.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

a country mile isnt really a set distance. kinda like wayne p said its "way over thar". just means basically a good amount of distance..

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

LOL It means a long ways.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 6:01 AM, motodmast said:

a country mile to me usually means i was d**n proud of that cast hah



This answer just ----> :Rocker:




In Mexico we have an expression that means a lot of things: LA CHINGADA, it also applies to distances, so whe you say : "lo mandé a casa de la chingada" it means it was a very long cast.


If Star Wars were filmed in Mexico the opening would have said:


"En una galaxia en casa de la chingada ...... "


Instead of saying


"In a galaxy far, far away"


Actually "a la chingada o en la chingada" means it´s gazillion miles away, yeah, THAT FAR. :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarbgoodn reply : 

This is my understanding of it. “Over yander” = still within eyesight. Example: See my hat right "over yander". 5 “over yanders” = a stones throw. Example: It's only "a stones throw away". 3 “stones throws” = a piece. Example: “He lives just up the road “a piece”. 4 “a piece’s” = “A country mile”.

Don’t expect me to explain how far a hop, skip and a jump are.


While on the discussion of distance. After moving to the middle of nowhere several years ago. I was going to help a guy I had met with some equipment he needed repaired. When I asked for directions he told me to stop at the gas station on the edge of town and get a six pack. Then head south out of town, right after you toss the third beer can out the window turn left. You'll know it when you see the pile of cans on the corner, he said.

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

They way a country mile was described to me was the distance between roads when you get out in the farm lands or country. it was said that the plots of land were originally devided into square miles give or take... when it comes to fishing I think anything over about 50 yds would be a very long cast and or a "country mile" that being said casting a weightless senko 25 yards is heck of a cast unless a strong tail wind. especially with casting equipment. 



fishing user avatarsouthernfryedyankee reply : 

Thanks for all the info, I hop I can get proficient at casting longer distances along with stealthy. This cold weather has to quit.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

A country mile is exactly 5281 feet.

fishing user avatarFabricator reply : 
  On 1/31/2014 at 5:45 AM, Wayne P. said:

A "country mile" is equivelent to "all the way over thar" or " a fur piece" or " way over yonder"

We all know "yonder" is what direction the head nods.

A country mile if driving in North Carolina is exactly 1.56792 and 1/10th of a mile

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

The answer to how far is a country mile is much like the amount of time your wife means when she says she will be ready in a minute. There are too many variables to hazard a guess. Southernfried just focus on casting accurately and consistently. As you get comfortable with a baitcaster in your hand distance will take care of itself. Being able to put your bait into spots others can't will catch you a lot of fish. Good luck.


FWIW some of my most epic backlashes have come when I really muscled up to get a few extra yards...

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 
  On 2/2/2014 at 10:21 AM, K_Mac said:

The answer to how far is a country mile is much like the amount of time your wife means when she says she will be ready in a minute. There are too many variables to hazard a guess. 

TRUTH.  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarStlbob reply : 

 Hhhm i heard when i was growing up on the would yawn and lean back and say 'id stretch a country mile,but its to far to walk back' we are from Arkansas sooooo.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Watch this right here, im gonna take this 4 ounce "sinker" and see what it can do. Look at that, I burned up the stock bearings in this here space reel. It can only do what I said it will do, nothing else out there can do this with a 6 ounce sinker let alone a 4!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Our mind resembles the sectors of a computer drive and the pixels in a camera sensor.

Cities are complex checkerboards where a lot of processing is going on.

Four city blocks that appear about a mile-long, may only be half that distance.

In contrast, a mile-long open pasture in the country may only look about 1/2 mile wide.  


This phenomenon is even more obvious in the ocean. When I was heavy into saltwater fishing,

the distance to the Ambrose Lightship fooled me every time. When it felt like we were about a mile away,

it was still 1.5 to 2.5 miles away. In any event, an "Ocean mile" is considerably longer than a "Country mile" :smiley:



fishing user avatarDr. Watson reply : 

A "country mile" is found to be greater than or equal to the ego of the fisherman casting said "country mile"

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

A long, long way.

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

In the theory of geometric progression, hypothesized by Malthus, having to do with the angle of the dangle of rod to lure, thus creating the question : just how far is a country mile?. Because the theory has never been proven, there is in reality, no way to prove that it is a known distance. So, by default, it's what ever you want it to be.

fishing user avatarsouthernfryedyankee reply : 

Thank you for all the replies, 45 yds is good.

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

I would have to say that a country mile would be..... for me a cast that comes in at about 55 yards


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