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Solunar charts 2024

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 

Who here utilizes solunar charts for fishing and finds them accurate?

I've used them just for fun when hunting but find success or failure had more to do with the weather.

Yesterday and today I noticed that yesterday was listed as average and I had a very good day, 3 bass over 17" in about 45 minutes of quick fishing, today was listed as poor and I caught a single 12" fish in 3 1/2 hours of fishing.  Conditions were about the same.

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 

Not me... ^_^

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

I generally don't plan when I go fishing around them, but I will compare what they say to how I did, and see how they correlate. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

You can search " Solunar", lots of prior discussions on this topic with very little aggrement regarding accuracy.


fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Not me

fishing user avatarScarborough817 reply : 

you will get a ton of different opinions on this one i know tom is a fan

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 

I don't base whether or not to fish, or hunt, based on the charts.  Just looking for people's experiences.

Maybe I'll actually track the correlation this hunting season and next fishing season. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I suggested you look at prior threads on this topic before tossing out or totally disregarding the effects moon phases have on living animals and plants. Fish are animals and subject to changes in their environmemt, both gravity and light directly affect some activities. Bass are predators and exist by hunting and eating other smaller animals. 

It's difficult for the most sceptical person to ignor some animals peak mating activity is during the full moon. At least 1 fish species, grunion, only spawn during the full cycle at high tide. Bass, like every living animal, needs to rest and are inactive during that time period. The debate that lunar and solar periods have no affect on bass behavior is saying the low light and bright light are equal regarding a predators behavior or their prey.


fishing user avatarScott F reply : 
  On 10/14/2017 at 3:30 AM, WRB said:

I suggested you look at prior threads on this topic before tossing out or totally disregarding the effects moon phases have on living animals and plants. Fish are animals and subject to changes in their environmemt, both gravity and light directly affect some activities. Bass are predators and exist by hunting and eating other smaller animals. 

It's difficult for the most sceptical person to ignor some animals peak mating activity is during the full moon. At least 1 fish species, grunion, only spawn during the full cycle at high tide. Bass, like every living animal, needs to rest and are inactive during that time period. The debate that lunar and solar periods have no affect on bass behavior is saying the low light and bright light are equal regarding a predators behavior or their prey.


Please show ANY scientific studies that link moon phases to bass behavior. I have looked and the only studies I found showed no connection. As far as gravity goes, the moons gravitational pull on a bass is so weak that your boat has more gravitational pull on a fish than the moon does. Tides are controlled by the moon because oceans are so large but even the great lakes don't have any tides that even a light wind can't negate. Moonlight can effect feeding patterns where they might feed more at night during bright, moonlit nights, but that also may cause them to feed less during the day when most anglers are fishing.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 10/14/2017 at 7:31 AM, Scott F said:

Please show ANY scientific studies that link moon phases to bass behavior. I have looked and the only studies I found showed no connection. As far as gravity goes, the moons gravitational pull on a bass is so weak that your boat has more gravitational pull on a fish than the moon does. Tides are controlled by the moon because oceans are so large but even the great lakes don't have any tides that even a light wind can't negate. Moonlight can effect feeding patterns where they might feed more at night during bright, moonlit nights, but that also may cause them to feed less during the day when most anglers are fishing.

All I can point to is my personal experiences and catch records that prompted me to create my Cosmic Clock and Bass Calender back in May of 1974. In the early 70's seasonal periods were unknown and revolutionary, only the spawn was recognized. I sent my presentation to Ray Scott in 1974 and wrote back that it's impossible to predict bass behavior. 

Doug Hannon came up with very similar conclusions based on his observations as did the Linders during the same time period. If you are looking for sceintific proof regarding fresh water black bass behavior around moon phases it doesn't exist that I know of.

Mike Lembeck a San Diego fishery biologist performed a monumental 4 year tracking study that was published in 1974 on several San Diego lakes that may help understand bass behavior, however didn't focus on moon phases specifically.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

There have been numerous books, articles, charts, ect. published on this great mystery of bass fishing. A lot of the authors of these publications go through great lengths explaining how difficult it is to determine these times.


One of the oldest publications giving this information is the "Poor Richard's Almanac". 


The moon's phases are divided into four quarters, two of which are your minor times, and two of which are your major times. The major periods are the first quarter new moon and the third quarter full moon.


Your daily times

The times for the major periods are as follows

An hour and a half prior the moon reaching its apex

An hour and a half prior to the moon reaching its perigee


The times for the minor periods of these moon phases are as follows

An hour and a half prior to the raising of the moon on the horizon.

An hour and a half prior to the setting of the moon.


Now take into consideration the above listed times you end up with 3 hrs. of major time periods and 3 hrs. of minor times periods. 

fishing user avatarBigAngus752 reply : 

I try to do much more reading than typing.  I'm here to learn.  But I feel compelled to put my humble two cents in on this one.  I've spent a large part of my life outdoors.  I've spent my entire life believing that I, (and you, and bass, and the moon, and the weather) were all created by God.  I've seen some things and I know without any doubt that everything in nature has an effect on other natural things.  I've been a police officer for 26 years and I can absolutely guarantee you that a full moon has an effect on living beings, including people.  Does that mean that the moon will decide when we catch fish?  I don't know.  But I know that nature also counterbalances itself.  If you have the perfect solunar date/time for catching fish but the Lord decided that at that same moment you are going to have a bright, sunny day with water temps in the 90's then perhaps the moon doesn't matter so much.  Why does it have to be so complicated?  So we can have forums and internet videos and books and really experienced people like @Catt and @WRB and @scaleface @Team9nine @A-Jay @J Francho @deep that can help us sort it out.  If it was easy it wouldn't be any fun.  

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

One fact is for certain, you need to be on the water fishing to catch bass. If you can't plan the time or your days or nights when to fish, fish whenever you get the opertunity.

I try to take advantage of my experiences whenever possible instead of just going fishing, it's the way I am wired and we are all different in that regard. It's information that you can take or leave, it doesn't make any difference to me one way or the other.


fishing user avatarwdp reply : 
  On 10/14/2017 at 10:19 PM, BigAngus752 said:

I try to do much more reading than typing.  I'm here to learn.  But I feel compelled to put my humble two cents in on this one.  I've spent a large part of my life outdoors.  I've spent my entire life believing that I, (and you, and bass, and the moon, and the weather) were all created by God.  I've seen some things and I know without any doubt that everything in nature has an effect on other natural things.  I've been a police officer for 26 years and I can absolutely guarantee you that a full moon has an effect on living beings, including people.  Does that mean that the moon will decide when we catch fish?  I don't know.  But I know that nature also counterbalances itself.  If you have the perfect solunar date/time for catching fish but the Lord decided that at that same moment you are going to have a bright, sunny day with water temps in the 90's then perhaps the moon doesn't matter so much.  Why does it have to be so complicated?  So we can have forums and internet videos and books and really experienced people like @Catt and @WRB and @scaleface @Team9nine @A-Jay @J Francho @deep that can help us sort it out.  If it was easy it wouldn't be any fun.  

Very well said & I agree whole heartedly.


In my experience (40+ yrs of bass fishing), some days the moon phases seem to have more influence than others. I've always found weather conditions & wind, time of year (season) seem to be more influential on the bite. But, if it all aligns with being overcast, prefrontal conditions with some nice wind/breezes AND the solunar tables predict good fishing, it can be lights out. Especially in spring, summer or fall. Or even early winter if it's been warm. 


I've also had some terrible days when the tables predicted the best day for that entire month. Guess what? Post frontal, blue bird skies with slick calm water. ?


It's all good. Bottom line, if you can go fishing, then go fish. It's still fun & a lotta times you still learn something. ?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

45+ yrs & thousands hours of night fishing from April through October during every possible moon phase I've logged no distinct advantage of one phase over an other.


While I absolutely believe that the moon affects all life on earth and it is what causes tidal movement in all bodies of water regardless of how small.


Moon phase is but one part of the total picture you still have to take into account bait fish activity, weather, seasons, water conditions & your ability to locate fish!


Each trip out I strive to control the things I have power over; boat control, lure selections, techniques, locations and so forth.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

The main reason I don't use them is I have found that local factors such as weather & water conditions are much more of a predictor than the tables.  It is like when you choose to use the restroom; your body does signal when it wants you to relieve itself, but if you are on a crowded bus, you wait until a later time to actually do it.  Local factors trump celestial events.


The other reason is I don't want negative thoughts affecting my decisions while out on the water.  If you read that it is going to be a poor day and you go the first hour without a bite, it would become easy to give up mentally.  However, without that preconceived notion, an hour without a bite just tells you what isn't currently working for that day.



fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I look after a particularly good or bad day, but I never came up with conclusive results.  Moon may play a part, but I think it's a small part of a much larger equation.  I fish when I can, not when some chart tells me to.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 

As I only bass fish on organised trips I tend to look at the moon phase. The weather is going to have a far greater influence than the moon, but if I had a choice I would prefer to fish over a new moon than a full one. Not for any proven reason, just because it seems logical that the fish may have fed more at night under a full moon, so would be less inclined to feed in the daylight, which is when I want to fish. My trips are usually decided on when it fits in with everyone's calendar, so though I might prefer a new moon, I happily go whenever it can be arranged!

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

It's coincidental that every night bass tournament is always schedules around the full moon period in SoCal. Every tournament in 2018 during the spawn is scheduled during the full moon period. 2018 Bassmaster schedule is either Full moon or new moon, I realize the odds favor this in 2018 because full moon period are around the 1st week of each month and new moon mid month. 1/2 the lunar cycle is either full or new so your odds are good to one or the other.

Tuna and Marlin tournaments never or rarely schedule during full moon cycles because anglers believe the fish feed at night during full moons making day time fishing very difficult.

Part of fishing is mental, if you believe it's a good day or a bad day it could end up that way.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Once you throw out the word spawn you've changed the entire discussion!


It is more difficult to fish a new moon because it is harder to keep my boat off of stumps which are quite numerous. The darkness makes it harder for the bass & angler to connect. If I fish a new moon I will usually fish open water and avoid shoreline areas. The light from the full moon illuminates the bait against the surface for more contrast. 

fishing user avatarBrackishBassin reply : 

In my relatively limited experience (have only been chasing bass for about a year or so), the solunar tables have been less of a predictor than my own personal comfort. For whatever strange reason, the more uncomfortable I am while I’m fishing, the better I do. My PB was caught in the middle of the day, in July. It was hotter than Hades, and I had questioned my sanity multiple times during that trip. Who fishes during heat advisories? One of the best numbers days I’ve ever had was in March. Barely 45 degrees and with 35 mph wind gusts. I couldn’t get my line on the water fast enough. Sounds weird, but it seems to be the ticket for my location. If I don’t want to be outside, the bass are munching. 

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 
  On 10/17/2017 at 5:57 PM, BrackishBassin said:

In my relatively limited experience (have only been chasing bass for about a year or so), the solunar tables have been less of a predictor than my own personal comfort. For whatever strange reason, the more uncomfortable I am while I’m fishing, the better I do. My PB was caught in the middle of the day, in July. It was hotter than Hades, and I had questioned my sanity multiple times during that trip. Who fishes during heat advisories? One of the best numbers days I’ve ever had was in March. Barely 45 degrees and with 35 mph wind gusts. I couldn’t get my line on the water fast enough. Sounds weird, but it seems to be the ticket for my location. If I don’t want to be outside, the bass are munching. 

I'm with you on that.  My biggest bass was when it was wet and cold.  Then, one day in August, mid 90's, water levels were very low, high sun, no wind, water was like glass.   I stopped counting bass catches around 25.  The smallest was about 15" with a 21", 19", 18", 19" on four consecutive casts.  I bet every bass in this pond was right where I was fishing. 

fishing user avatardeep reply : 

I don't follow solunar charts as such, but I do believe moon phase influences *adult* fish location and activity. By *moon phase* I mean a 3-7 day period, and obviously no fish is active all 24 hours. I feel just being on the water during certain moon phases offers me a better chance (chance, not guarantee) of catching big fish - fishing for big bass is about putting the odds in your favor. However, local weather still plays at least as important a part though.


Now how do you find which moon phase is good for you? Look at Murphy's Hannon's or Tom's charts and they are all different lol. My *guess* is because they like(d) to fish differently? depth/ speed.


The only practical way to find out what works well *for you* is to fish a few different reservoirs as often and as hard as you can for a few years without any assumptions, plot the 4#+ fish catches on different charts (one for each reservoir), and see if your catches are correlated with the phase of the moon in any way.


Disclaimers: On at least one of the lakes I fish, my moon phase theory does not hold good. I have caught adult fish there pretty much every day of the 28 day period. Also, I feel if you can find small/ juvenile bass, you can usually catch them- at least where I'm at- and therefore the moon phase isn't too important in that case. Weather still plays a factor.

fishing user avatarj bab reply : 

@Scott F I'm no scientist, but I analyzed 220 double digit largemouth that were caught out of Toledo Bend in the last few years to see if there was a moon phase connection. Here are my findings:



Here are my findings when you exclude those that were caught the month of March (prime spawn season + exponentially more fishermen on the water here):



Here are my findings based on March ONLY (2016 & 2017):



Things that stand out to me:


The new moon is no good

The few days before the full moon in March is on fire

These findings correlate with Bill Murphy's findings in California:


He believed that the 3/4 moon phases (Waxing Gibbous and Waning Gibbous) were the best for big fish activity.

Another thing worth noting is that 67% of days where 3 or more DDs were reported were during the 3/4 moon phases.


@Catt you might find this interesting. I wonder how this compares to your personal findings.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Agrees with my Cosmic Clock and Bass Behavior chart.


fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 
  On 10/17/2017 at 11:52 PM, j bab said:

@Scott F I'm no scientist, but I analyzed 220 double digit largemouth that were caught out of Toledo Bend in the last few years to see if there was a moon phase connection. Here are my findings:



Here are my findings when you exclude those that were caught the month of March (prime spawn season + exponentially more fishermen on the water here):



Here are my findings based on March ONLY (2016 & 2017):



Things that stand out to me:


The new moon is no good

The few days before the full moon in March is on fire

These findings correlate with Bill Murphy's findings in California:


He believed that the 3/4 moon phases (Waxing Gibbous and Waning Gibbous) were the best for big fish activity.

Another thing worth noting is that 67% of days where 3 or more DDs were reported were during the 3/4 moon phases.


@Catt you might find this interesting. I wonder how this compares to your personal findings.


Sorry, but you lost me when you stated that, "The new moon is no good," and that your results correlated with Murphy's, but then the first line in Murphy's chart says the new moon IS good, as is the waxing crescent, which wasn't good in your data analysis. It all comes down to how you parse the data. I've run the same analysis on the larger (400+ bass) ShareLunker data, and parts of it match what you found, parts of it match what Murphy found, and other parts don't agree with either. Then there's the scientific data (studies) that don't match up with widely held angler belief and/or observation in regards to full moon influence on spawning.


In the end, I think the best you can hope for is hints of possibly supportive data that happen to coincide with favorable local weather patterns and your ability to go fishing on those days as a best case scenario.



fishing user avatarj bab reply : 
  On 10/18/2017 at 3:13 AM, Team9nine said:

In the end, I think the best you can hope for is hints of possibly supportive data that happen to coincide with favorable local weather patterns and your ability to go fishing on those days as a best case scenario.

Yep. All this talking is just to try to understand the fish better. Like fishballer06 said, I don't plan when I go around what some data says, I just go as much as I can.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

@j bab to exclude March has done nothing, you would have to exclude late January through April which is pre-spawn & spawn in Texas waters.


Once we throw out the word "spawn" we've changed the entire discussion!


Are the bass located where they are & is their activitie level because of the moon phase or because of the urge to reproduce?


Not to pick on WRB but he admittedly caught most if not all his Double Digit bass during pre-spawn/spawn.


Pre-spawn bass have no choice but to feed up prior to spawning!


What about the other 8 months of the year?

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Let's see what Hank says...



fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Sounds to me like Hank can't make his mind up either!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 10/18/2017 at 10:33 PM, Catt said:

Sounds to me like Hank can't make his mind up either!

I disagree.  I took what he said to mean he absolutely believes in them, but did NOT look at them when he was fishing tournaments because it was not in his control.  He didn't want them to interfere with his mental game.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 10/18/2017 at 10:41 PM, Glenn said:

I disagree.  I took what he said to mean he absolutely believes in them, but did NOT look at them when he was fishing tournaments because it was not in his control.  He didn't want them to interfere with his mental game.

He believes in them but doesn't want negative thoughts in his mind!


Never once said he personally use them but wants us to use them 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

There is a difference between Knights Solunar charts with specific times for activity verses being aware of moon phases. I rarely look at solunar time charts and always aware of the moon phase and what I believe affects activity.  I rely on my sonar unit and visual clues to determine daily activity time periods that tend to change quickly. No question that weather impacts daily bass activity, it definately affects me.

Being retired I can pick the days to fish and choose to be on the water, what I believe to be peak activity periods, weather permitting, especially during pre spawn. When I was working planned a week off to fish the peak period during pre spawn, it was that important to me.


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 10/18/2017 at 11:41 PM, Catt said:

Never once said he personally use them

Off camera he did.


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