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Is fishing harmful? 2024

fishing user avatarfrostbyte reply : 

I think its known on these forums that fishing is the most dangerous sport. What are some of the harmful side of fishing other than drowning.

Would the sun bake my skin (premature cancer)?

I've also stumbled upon some animal activist videos and it makes me wonder am I harming or "torturing" these guys every time I set the hook?

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

Almost anything inherently "dangerous" in fishing is preventable. If the sun is out, wear sun block and appropriate clothing. If you're worried about falling over the boat and drowning, wear a PFD. If you're out in weather that you shouldn't be in, get the heck off the lake. Unfortunately accidents happen, and common sense isn't common. There have already been multiple stories this year about people running into other boats and killing several other boaters. Who can say who's fault it is. Alcohol, lack of proper lighting, etc etc all play a part.  Just take the time to prepare yourself accordingly.  Check your equipment, go out and have fun.  Just make sure you stay aware and pay attention while you're doing it.

As far as what those morons at places like PETA have to say, forget them. I'd like to harm or torture some of those goobers from time to time.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Would the sun bake my skin (premature cancer)?

Yes, if you don't wear a good sunscreen your skin will bake. 

I've also stumbled upon some animal activist videos and it makes me wonder am I harming or "torturing" these guys every time I set the hook? 

The answer depends on your source of information.  Fish feel pain but their brains process the stimuli differently from us.  Some say they feel little pain.  Some say the mouth of the bass feels little to no pain.  Worst case scenario is the bass feel pain.  Best case is they don't feel pain, but they get the bejeebies scared out of them because something has hooked their mouth and is pulling them through the water. 

If you are going to fish or hunt you must resign yourself to the fact that you may cause pain or kill an animal.  Wildlife derive benefits from fishing and hunting as well.  Most of the money for conservation efforts and management of species is produced by license fees. 

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

If you're concerned injuring bass, use barbless hooks. You'll do far less damage to their mouth.

fishing user avatarfrostbyte reply : 

Am I correct with the assumption that if you can catch the same fish the same day the fish aren't harmed very much.  On my other thread someone said they caught the same fish within 15 mins three times.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Am I correct with the assumption that if you can catch the same fish the same day the fish aren't harmed very much. On my other thread someone said they caught the same fish within 15 mins three times.

Generally speaking if you caught a fish multiple times in one day it was probably a younger, aggressive fish and as long as it wasn't gullet-hooked the fish will be fine.  If you caught a huge fish multiple times and had to play the fish for a long period the additional stress to the fish could be detrimental.  However, in my experience, there are very few big fish that would bite multiple times in one day or they wouldn't have lived long enough to be huge.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Premature cancer, LOL.  When is it the right time for cancer?

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 
Premature cancer, LOL. When is it the right time for cancer?


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Fishing THE MOST dangerous sport ?

More dangerous than rock climbing ? more dangerous than Luge ? more dangerous than snow skiing ?

Nah, I don 't think it 's THE MOST dangerous sport, it depends a lot on how you practice it, a foot patrol in my neck of the woods can be dangerous depending upon where you go because we got all kind of poisonous critters down here like rattle snakes, africanized bees & scorpions, plus other nasty critters than can give you a hard time like fire ants, wasps and bumblebees, plus really thorny vegetation, however when you have grown in such a place you are used and know how to deal with those hazards.

You and your lack of skill, knowledge, precautionary measures and a good dose of stupidity are what makes a sport dangerous.

If it comes to danger, heck, you can drown while drinking water from a glass.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

If you're concerned about causing pain to a fish, find another hobby.

fishing user avatarRed Bear reply : 
If you're concerned about causing pain to a fish, find another hobby.

i agree 100%

fishing user avatarIncheon Basser reply : 
I think its known on these forums that fishing is the most dangerous sport. What are some of the harmful side of fishing other than drowning.

Would the sun bake my skin (premature cancer)?

I've also stumbled upon some animal activist videos and it makes me wonder am I harming or "torturing" these guys every time I set the hook?

I'd like to take some of those activists fishing and see if that drowning thing works or not......I kid I kid

(no really i'm serious :D)

fishing user avatarMissouribassman95 reply : 
If you're concerned about causing pain to a fish, find another hobby.

I agree!

fishing user avatarHook Set reply : 

I've never had a fish complain to me, so, I'm gonna have to say it doesn't hurt em.

fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 

Not just sports, but anything you do can be dangerous if you don't take necessary precaution or use common sense.

You can get to much sun at a barbecue.

When activists run out of things to be against, they will turn against each other. ;D

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

I breathe while I fish. I'm sure there's some some danger in that.

I'm sure the sea kittens will recover from their sore mouths as well, and the ones that don't will get eaten, which is something thats been practiced since the dawn of time.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
I breathe while I fish. I'm sure there's some some danger in that.

I was born and lived in Mexico City until I was 16, and ...... I don 't trust air I can 't see.  ;D

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Good conservation practices along with common sense goes a long way toward answering your questions.

Fish are food and a renewable resource, bass are not in any danger of becoming extinct.

Sun protection is needed when in direct sun light for extended time periods; a combination of sun screen and clothing to prevent over exposure. Some exposure is needed for vitamin D. I suffer from skin cancer because of my own ignorance during my first 50 years of outdoor activity.

In my opinion catch and release has gone to extremes and selective harvest is a better choice.


fishing user avatargobig reply : 

There is a better chance of dying on the way to the lake... or from heart disease... or a stroke. The list goes on.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

Fishing is EXTREMELY dangerous. Few understand and there has been far too little research done on it's additive hold on the naive and innocent. " My name is jugnfule and I fish".

fishing user avatarBeastie Bass reply : 

It could be harmful to someone, IF I DONT GET TO FISH! Gee, I hope I did'nt hurt that fishes feelings by presenting him with a fake meal and then snatching him from the water by his jaw for 30 seconds.  At least I put em back. Ethics talk on a fishing forum! SHEEEEEESH


fishing user avatarunageo09 reply : 

You have to be watchful for lighting this time of year with those pop up afternoon storms. General rule of thumb is if you can hear the thunder you can be hit by lightning. However, there are some cases when lightning shoots a great distance out of the anvil of the storm some 20-30 miles away. You already have a couple strikes against you being in water and the tallest object in a open area.

fishing user avatarstealthcaster reply : 
If you're concerned injuring bass, use barbless hooks. You'll do far less damage to their mouth.

Premature cancer, LOL.  When is it the right time for cancer?

If you're concerned about causing pain to a fish, find another hobby.

I agree wholeheartedly with all of these.

fishing user avatartoolpush reply : 

Is fishing dangerous, yes, to your marraige/relationships, job, and a few other areas of your personal life. ;D

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Is fishing Harmful? Not if you don't let it become harmful.

That's my opinion. Use common sense when you fish.This includes everything in life.A piece of advice that will keep you alive longer.LOL

Fishing relaxes me and keeps me stress free....I find that very awarding to my heath.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

I haven never, ever, heard fishing described as a "dangerous sport" and anyone that calls it such has zero credibility lol

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Gotta be a Sierra Club member or Peta.

fishing user avatarfrostbyte reply : 
Gotta be a Sierra Club member or Peta.

Is Sierra Club bad. From their site they don't seem as bad as Peta. It looks like their conserving the environment so the future generations can enjoy it too. In other words more fishing and hunting for everyone. Not a Sierra Club member, but nothing wrong with a balancing the environment and people.

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

If you're concerned about causing pain to a fish, find another hobby.  I agree as well

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 
Gotta be a Sierra Club member or Peta.

Is Sierra Club bad. From their site they don't seem as bad as Peta. It looks like their conserving the environment so the future generations can enjoy it too. In other words more fishing and hunting for everyone. Not a Sierra Club member, but nothing wrong with a balancing the environment and people.

Sierra Club BALANCED?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D No!
fishing user avatarNixstyx reply : 

The only time fishing is really dangerous is when you hook your buddy on the wind up and then drive the hook into his leg on the cast... sorry man.

I've thought about whether I was hurting the fish, then I tell myself, "this big bad bass was trying to kill my poor innocent, defenseless bait!" Seems fair to me.

fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 

Makes me want to HUG a fish!

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

It's harmful to my wallet

fishing user avatarColtDewd reply : 

True story, partner caught a fish on a senko, fish broke line, I cast out there not more than a minute later, caught the same fish with my partners bait hanging from his mouth, hook 'n I personally do not think that cartilage transmits pain.... :)


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