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How do you deal with.... 2024

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 


Man, I forgot how much I hate those little stinkers.  Those things along with the Noseeums are making night fishing almost unbearable down here right now.  The typical spray in a can junk just doesn't cut it.  So what do you do to keep the biting bugs away?

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

I am not much of a night fisherman but when i do go out i always spray myself with deep woods off .I heard those thermacell work pretty well but it has to be calm with hardly any wind .I had an old timer tell me he throws some moth balls in the bottom of his boat for when the biting flies are bad maybe they keep mosquitoes away also.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

ultrathon spray they also make a creme but the spray has more deet. absolutely awesome stuff I found it when I went to the bwcaw 2 years ago, I sprayed it on right out of the truck and after sweating during the portages, paddling across the lake, setting up camp and fishing a few hours it was still working. seems to work for around 6 hours or so.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Sometimes I use Max Deet but most of the time I use cigars.

fishing user avatarbandsr4me20 reply : 

I dont know if it works for mosquitos but it keeps ticks away.  Treat your clothes with permanone and let them dry. 

fishing user avatarnew2BC4bass reply : 
most of the time I use cigars.

Was a favorite method of my Dad.  I've puffed cigars a few times myself to keep them off.  (Never could learn to smoke.)  Don't remember how well it worked.  Too many intervening years.

Glad to see some other recommendations.  Will have to give them a try.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Repel  (100% deet)

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I agree 100% deet is the best also skin so soft works well and smells beter.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

I saw this suggestion in Field & Stream: a fabric softener drier sheet helps repel bugs. I wipe my face, hands and hat visor with one and then fold up the sheet inside my hat. It definitely helps minimize the swarming around my face. I combine this with DEET on my clothing.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

I agree....100% Deet is the only repellent you can use on exposed skin to keep skeeters away. Just be careful using this stuff. Some folks develop skin rashes and it is very poisonous to the eyes.

Spray it around your pants, cuffs and socks to keep ticks at bay too.

fishing user avatarthe lone fisherman reply : 

try the thermal cell u can buy them at ur local fish shop or wallmart my dad uses it all the time it get them far from u with in minutes

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

the only thing i've used that keeps them 100% away is when I'm having a cigarette... other than that, i'm yet to find something that will keep them away.  I'll have to try the 100 deet since people say it works well.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

If your wife has any Skin So Soft lotion laying around, swipe it. Best mosquito repellant made. No lie.

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

i cover up with a hoodie & jeans, does the trick for me for the few hours i'm out.  hate sprays

fishing user avatarcrappiekid24 reply : 
i cover up with a hoodie & jeans, does the trick for me for the few hours i'm out. hate sprays

I agree the best way to keep the mosquitoes at bay is to cover up. I will also put something on that covers the ears to take car of the ear buzzers.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
i cover up with a hoodie & jeans, does the trick for me for the few hours i'm out. hate sprays

That may work up north but down south when its in the mid 80's at night with high humidity, jeans and hoodies are not an option.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
i cover up with a hoodie & jeans, does the trick for me for the few hours i'm out. hate sprays

That may work up north but down south when its in the mid 80's at night with high humidity, jeans and hoodies are not an option.

Aint that the truth.  I'd probably die if I dressed like that in the temps down here.  I'd strip down to my underwear if I knew I wouldn't get destroyed by the bugs.

I've got to try that skin so soft.  I can't stand using the sprays.

fishing user avatartimothy_spain reply : 

lol, well .. this yankee is gonna GA to do some fishing this weekend.  hope the bugs stay off me -- totally agree, definitely am not wearing my jeans and hoodie in GA .. used to live there and it was awful hot & humid in the summer

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

I know that you said for night fishing but, if you can find it, a sun tan lotion or spray with real coconut oil in it keeps them away very well.  When I can locate it, I use it while on my job since I work outdoors.  Panama Jack used to use real oil in theirs a few years ago, not sure if they still do or not.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

buzz off|buzzoff=Insect%20Shield%20Clothing&canned_results_trigger=&category_id=buzzoff

fishing user avatarBassAssasin2 reply : 

thermocell hands down it works wonders. Also pair with a deet formula bug spray ;D tight lines

fishing user avatartbird reply : 

Another vote for Avon Skin so Soft ,Duck hunting guides in the rice paddies of south Texas turned me on to this a few years back.


fishing user avatarBig Fish Rice reply : 

Surprised I haven't seen "shotgun" brought up yet...could be very effective if the Skin-so-soft isn't working!!!

It certainly might be cheaper than buying cigarettes too!


fishing user avatarbdunn333 reply : 

Could hardly beleive it but the "Skin so soft" works for me too!

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

flame thrower ;)

Haha you should try that mosquito shield thing from Off i think that u clip on your pants

fishing user avatarevrgladesbasser reply : 

Man, I forgot how much I hate those little stinkers. Those things along with the Noseeums are making night fishing almost unbearable down here right now. The typical spray in a can junk just doesn't cut it. So what do you do to keep the biting bugs away?

Well it doesn't really keep them away but they won't bother you... in a word... beer. Lots and lots of beer. I've been fishing the glades a long time and have yet to find anything more effective ;)

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Thermacell. I bought one three years ago and I don't hunt or fish without it in my boat. Turn it on and stop worrying. It's awesome.

fishing user avatarNixstyx reply : 

What I use, and I havn't seen it mentioned here yet is: Repel Permanone. The active ingredient is called permethrin. It's actually a semi-long term treatment for clothes. You don't spray it on your skin, you spray the clothes you will be fishing with, and then let them dry. The treatment lasts a couple months and even through a few washes. It really works too!

I've completely stopped using DEET, for several reasons. First, I'm a big believer that it turns off the bite, and I've read several articles that say fish can "smell" even trace amounts. Secondly, DEET degrades plastics and nylon. That means every time you thumb the spool you are degrading your mono line and lowering its breaking strength. I've seen it melt plastic or rubber reel handles, or even melt a hole right through a tackle box or bag if it spills. It's bad enough that Repel has even started marketing a new formula called "Sportsmen Gear Smart" that doesn't contain DEET that says it won't damage fishing line or synthetic clothes (implying that their DEET products will). DEET is nasty stuff, but it certainly does keep the bugs away.


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