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Ever got your lure back that you broke off?? 2024

fishing user avatarjiangtao reply : 

Kind of a spinoff of the "Ever caught a rod" thread. I broke off a shallow diving Shad Rap once on a tree limb about 7' over the water. About 3 weeks later I am fishing the same creek and after catching a 12 lb Striper, I was walking down the bank and there was my Shad Rap!! In fact, I used it today! My father lives on the river and when the water drops in the Winter, he will walk the bank and check every stump/log he can and usually racks up on lures that were broke off.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

i swim for me floating lures. :)

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

Yes I have. I will wade in shallow water to retreive a lure. No deeper then sholder though. I dont feel like swimming under the water. I will continute doing this untill spiked my a catfish or getting a rusty hook in my leg.

fishing user avatarHooked On Bass Fishing reply : 

I have thrown another lure and hooked my lure before. I actually caught a fish doing this once

fishing user avatarKS_Bassin reply : 

I have got snagged on a branch or in the rocks and my lure has floated to the surface. If i'm bank fishing and see the lure i usually end up wading or swimming to it.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I have gotten other peoples lures.  My Dad and I were fishing a patch of weeds with pop-rs last summer, and he snagged his and his line broke.  So I cast to the other side of the weed patch, and pulled it right in, no problem.  Another time, at night my Dad was fishing off to himself, and 10 minutes before we were to leave for the evening, I went over and fished near him for a little.  He had stated that he had lost his favorite pop-r, the same one from the other incident, told me the approximate location, and I went to have a look.  No more than a couple minutes went bye, and I found it within 1 foot of shore.  Dad was happy that night that I got it back yet again.

fishing user avatarNJfishinGuy reply : 

ive never swam for a lure if i can get to it in the boat ill put my top half and hang over the boat to grab it, i did have a huge pickeral take a jitterbug and 10 mins later it floated up

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

i recently had a term. buzzbait and about 10 ft of braid snap off into the pond i fish.  about a week later and im down there fishing and while dragging a jig i keep catching the braid but was not able to get the buzzbait back.  i kept trying but no dice.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I usually hang around an area where I have a good floating lure break off on a bass. They shake them very quickly and will bob up soon. Sometimes I've broken off tree limbs using a lure retriever, finding not only my own lure but others left behind. Whether I've found my own washed up on the shoreline, or someone else's, would be tough to do without marking it in a special way. I have enough found lures in storage to fill a pickup bed, waiting to get a good cleaning and new hardware. One of my ideas has spread around the lake, the way I mark lures, putting a red dot on the belly or a bill for each 5 feet of dive potential, and I find more of those than I've lost. Those found with a name on them get returned if I know the angler. I find names on high dollar lures, Pointers and the like.


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Fishing the river at work back in the spring.  Hang a Rocket Shad in a tree, water was up and I couldn't get to it.  Broke the line and wrote the lure off to the tree gods.

Two weeks later I'm fishing the same stretch.  Standing on a house sized boulder about 10' above the river.  See something along the edge of the boulder, there's my Rocket Shad.  :o

The tree I hung it in was a good 20 yards away.  How it got there I'll never know.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I try my damnest to get back any lure I loose.  I HATE loosing lures.

That said, it happens. Just part of the game.

The funniest things though wasn't with a lure but with a hook.  I was using "tru turn" hooks back in the day, and no else where I fished was using them.   I had a nice bass on one evening but he broke off,

about two days later I hooked and this time landed a nice bass.  Sure enough he had my barely rusted tru turn sticking in his jaw.  I guess that bass was mine no matter what he did.  ;D

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

Last year in a tournament, I broke a fish off using a 6 in lizard..............At the weigh in, another guy in my club caught the fish with the lizard still in his mouth!

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Several years ago, when Skitter-pops first came out, I lost a nice bass to a lousy knot. It was my second cast with the brand new Skitter-pop. Line broke within seconds of the hookset and had the tell-tale curl on the end, letting me know that I had failed to tie a good knot. About 3 hours later I was back in the area, working a deep crank down a point, and caught a nice 3lber with a brand new Skitter-pop in it's jaw. Same color as the one I lost earlier. Was it mine? Who knows, I like to think so.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Been there once.  I hung into a decent fish on a C rig in a submerged treetop and got broke off at the leader.  I immediately picked up a TX rigged needle worm and pitched it in there and caught the fish with the Baby Brush Hog sticking out the other side of his face.  Only time ever for me... but I thought I was Bill Dance for about 30 seconds ;D ;D.

fishing user avatarbasswest1 reply : 

I work in Alaska as a fishing guide and one of the things we do is run charters for deep sea fish like 300ft of water usually (any deeper and the client usually gives up).

Quite a few years back a client that comes back every year lost one of our rods out in the middle of Chatham Straight in Southeast the middle of the ocean.........he set the hook on a halibut and lost his grip.

Anyways.........this year..........guess what.......a different client pulled it up.  OUT OF 300ft of water!!  The braided line was still on it and everything.......though the salt water did a number on it.  

What are the odds?

fishing user avatarbasswest1 reply : 

I bring scuba gear every time i fish with Lucky Crafts...............dont tell me to just let er go.......i spent 17 bucks for that SOB.

I dont care if its Gator infested waters either.

fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 

Many times, with the most amazing such incident occuring circa the Mid-80s.

Gather 'round, boys and girls....

It was a dark and stormy night...Oops!

Ennyweigh, I was bellyboating in a lake I shall call Boerne (ber-knee) City Lake, 'cause that IS the name of the place. It was a dreary, misty, and coolish April day, around 4 PM.

I was tossing a Smithwick WoodChug (no longer made, I believe,) in the "baby" version. Kinda resembled a (also no longer made?) Heddon Baby Chugger, but made of wood. They'd chromed it and added black back, eyes, and a blush of red under the front.

As I was lighting a smoke, a largish bass exploded on the little lure and hauled it off into the depths (mebbe 25 feet, and studded with huge oak and pecan trees.) I set the hook, finally, having extinguished the fire in my moustache and spat out the badly bitten cigarette. I quickly realized, to my dismay, that she had taken several turns around the pylon and wasn't gonna come free.

I pulled hard, the line snapped, and I breathed a prayer that she'd lose the lure, for her sake, and that I had another in my limited kit...I didn't.

As I bobbed about, cursing fate and ten pound Trilene XL, there was a sudden disturbance VERY close to me and my tube. The bass, once the line was snapped, had gathered her wits and streaked for the surface, hoping, no doubt to both shake the lure and taunt me. Kewl, so long as I got my precious WoodChug back. As it turned out, I got more than the lure.

The bass, a chubby 3+, had come soaring out of the water at Mach Two, shaking her lovely head (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!) and brained herself on a limb maybe a foot above the water. At the same time, the rear treble engaged the wood and...Voila!...I paddled a short distance and retrieved both the lure and the bass dangling motionless therefrom.

A little "stroll" in the water, guided by my gentle hand, and she finally blinked  :-?, shook her head and, I  ;)swear, said..."Wha...wha...what happened?"

I explained that she'd had a minor collision, bade her a nice evening and a speedy recovery, then loosed my grasp so she could swim, albeit a bit wobblingly, away.

True story!

Out of Christian kindness, I tossed a Tylenol into the water before I left.

Your kindly Uncle Fly

fishing user avatarfishingJ reply : 

I was fishing a big red devil once and a pike took it and somehow broke my line. A few minutes later I saw it jumping in the water and it just happened to be a shallow spot so I went over and my lure was sitting at the bottom of the river where I could grab it. Pretty lucky actually.

fishing user avatarmferris reply : 

i almost got my lure back....this past weekend a big bass or pike broke my line and swam off with my spinnerbait,about 2 hrs later while fishing the same area i heard a splash pretty close to the boat and as i turned i saw my spinnerbait flying in the air..just missed landing in the boat by a couple feet...

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Last season,second spring tournament......throwing a super fluke,hooked into a nice fish way back between two parallel laydowns.Fish got into the limbs and broke me off.No big deal,just a fluke and a hook.I start to rig up again......I hear this splash just out from the laydowns.That bass jumped,shaking its head and threw the hook and fluke right back up onto the deck of my landed about 6 inches from my foot.

I've had fish come back up and throw baits before that but none had ever actually landed back on my boat.

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 

And I thought I had a good story. ;)

Here it is anyway.

Just yesterday I'm fishing a small creek by my house and I see a fish "flash(?)" on my spinner bait. Feel weight and set the hook. The fish is only about two feet off shore so no problem. Yeah right! The fish starts running and drags my line across a rock.

"Oh no! He's three feet from me, and he is gonna be gone." Well I get him in and I am just about to grab him and the line snaps. The fish knows he is free and swims straight forward into about 3 inches of water and gets stuck between 2 rocks. :o So I reach down and grab my spinner bait and the bass and as I bring my other hand over to lip him, the fish gets mad and thrashes himself off the hook, into the water never to be seen again. I'm not real sure if that qualifies as landing the fish but I was sure glad to have my lure back! ;D

Oh, and this one time at band camp...

Well maybe it was just a regular old campground but I was fishing with a crank bait and had a snag. Broke it off and choked it up as another lure lost to the snag god.

Next morning I'm getting a fire ready for breakfast and some hot coffee. The wife decides to take the kids for a morning walk around the pond and sure enough when she gets back "Hey, babe. Look what I found on the other side of the lake. Bet you don't have one like this." ::) Um, well, no I don't but I had one just like it yesterday! ;D

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

These are all really cool stories, this was a great thread.

Ah yes, this isnt the big one that got away or anything but I was fishing a lake in ohio called mosquito lake.  I was using a crawler harness for walleye and I had a kink in my line and probally broke off 50 feet of line, about an hour later I snagged the line, and there was a fish on the end of it.  To bad it was perch.  But still cool.  8-)

fishing user avatarwheezo reply : 

How about a rod that got away??

My friends and I had a few rods lined up fishing for catfish.  2 of them were short, 3-4 feet poles.  This was 2 years ago around August.  It was getting dark, and we decided to reel the lines up only to be missing one of the short poles.  We looked around and didn't see it.  We figured that we caught one and it took the pole with him. We came back about a month later to fish and we hooked into what we thought were weeds but it was the short pole and brought it back.  No fish at the other end though.

Edit- Found that other post about finding rods.  But this was our rod that we got back. =P

fishing user avatarmistahubbs reply : 

Ill never forget when I was much younger I hooked a big bass at my parents pond on a crankbait, and couldnt get it unhooked.  It was deep down in its throat.  So I tried to run around and get some help and was worried that the fish was gonna die so I put it back in the water (still hooked) so it could breathe for a while and it took off and snapped the line.  

About a week later I saw my crankbait floating on the surface so I fished it in and two of the hooks on the treble were snapped off and rusted.  One of the best fishing memories I have from my childhood.

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

i had a funny thing happen when i was fishing off the dock at my moms lake house at smith mountain 5bass's post reminded me of.  i was fishing a spot remover with a finesse worm and got into a pretty nice fish.  im using a spinning outfit and had a brain freeze and try to swing the bass out of the water (really dont know what i was thinking).  It breaks off and i do the gerald swindle dive (anyone who saw that bassmasters episode will know what im talking about) but naturally come up empty..well almost empty, the bass was shaking his head like crazy as i was swinging him out of the water and as i hit the deck on my belly i see the lure fly into the air as the fish is hitting the water.  my hands are already in the water and when i instinctively grab i come up with the tail of the finesse worm and my jighead (which was good because i was running low and dont know anywhere up there to get more).

so i not only managed to break the fish off but also to allow him to throw the hook.  rarely do i get to lose a fish in two different ways on one cast.  at least i got my jighead back but i think that may have been the way the fish chose to laugh in my face :)

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I hooked what I considered a big bass a few years back.I was using a Rogue floater and the bass just flat out broke my line.I continued fishing in the same general area when I heard and saw a big fish coming off the water surface trying to throw what looked to be my lure.I kept looking for this,and wasn't disappointed.The bass must have tried 5-6 times,breaking the surface and shaking that big,ole head.I felt pretty sorry for the fish,thinking it might carry the lure in its lip for life.Finally,she did manage to throw the lure.The bait was floating ,so I turned my TM on high and went to investigate.Sure enough ,it was my floating Rogue.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

I got a lure back that was bit off by a toothy critter and I've gotten other peoples lures as well. ;D

fishing user avatarHandy reply : 

Just yesterday I got my Rapala jointed X rap and 12 inch titanium leader back! I was fishing for northern in one of the pits I fish allot and lost my X rap and leader. That was more than 2 months ago. So I go fishin at my favorite spot at this pit and I see somthing floating in the water about 2 feet out and it kinda looked like a mangled big frog. Well as I keep fishing I keep looking at this floating thing when it just doesn't look like a frog anymore so I take my pole and bring it in. Boy was I surprised when it turned out to be my x rap and leader. I didn't get any fish yesterday but I didn't go away empty handed. I had snagged in about 6-7 feet of water and the next day after it snagged I went back with a magnet on a stick and a rake and wadded out to see if I could dislodge it but after and hour and a half no luck. I really thought it was gone. This is a first for me. But I would assume it doesn't happen often(LOL).



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