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Friend wont touch fish 2024

fishing user avatarScootZilla reply : 

Well the topic says it all.Me and my buddy went fishing a few weeks back he caught a few fish but he wont take them off the hook.He says he gets alittle scared he is 21.So i have to took the hook out of the fish.Was wonderin if there was a way or something to make him take out the hooks in the fish.We are going fishing this weekend and i dont want to take out hooks all weekend.


fishing user avatarRLinNH reply : 

If a man can not take a fish he caught off the hook, then he doesn't need to go fishing. Just my .02 cents...

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

There's a couple way you can handle this...

First, you can bring along a rag and some needle nose pliers so he doesn't have to touch any part of the fish.

Or, you could show him that bass have no real teeth and he'll see that it's no big deal.

Or, you can tell him, "If you can't take your own fish off your hook, then he can't go fishing with you.

And while you're at it, tell him that you know where some little girls are having a tea party he can join.

fishing user avataralhuff reply : 

Zilla, tell him to suck it up and stop crying its only a fish.  ;)

the only people that i'll take a fish off the hook for is my wife, a female that doesn't fish and a child...

if a man goes fishing with me and won't touch a fish he doesn't go fishing with me until he does touch the fish.

wanting to fish and not touch the fish is like wanting to go swimming but not get wet.... makes no sense.

just my 2 cents,


fishing user avatarScootZilla reply : 

Yeah i was thinking the same thing about the tea party.I talked him into going in about an hour to fish in the bond behind work b4 we go in for a few hours he said ok.Iam going to make him take the hook out and if he dont i will put him in the pond to show him fish dont hurt you.I just was like lol how do you fish have all the nice rods&reels like he does and not touch fish lol.And the Rod he has is a G-Loomis iam going to steal it from him if he dotn touch 1.That rod should feel homeless right now with him.


fishing user avataralhuff reply : 

tough love Zilla, tough love..... ;)

Good luck man,


fishing user avatarRLinNH reply : 

Now Now Zilla. I know you were kidding about the whole Stealing the Rod from him. Stealing is just wrong.

             I sure as hell would Take it from him though, right out of his hands and let him know that he can have it back when he starts to wear Men's Underwear and he starts to take his fish off his own hook.  ;)

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : little brother was like this when we were younger.  after so long i started ignoring him when he caught one. at first he would use the pliers and the weight of the fish to release it over the side of the boat.  but when he really got one hooked and had to bring it in the boat, and messed with it for like 2 minutes, i finally yelled at him and told him that i was gonna throw him in the lake if he let that fish die.  that worked.

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

He wouldnt go fishing with me but once.....What kind of people do you hang out with?

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
If a man can not take a fish he caught off the hook, then he doesn't need to go fishing. Just my .02 cents...

Exactly! I show my buddies how to lip a bass and take the hook out but they are on their own after that. I'll jump in if they have problems but they have to touch the fish at some point if they want to fish.

Now if it's a little kid that's a different story but this dude is 21!  

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Was this one covered in the fishing alone thread?

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

Just show him this forum.....maybe he will get the hint on his own.  If not.....send him swimming!!!  I wouldn't let him fish with me until he decides to take the hook out on his own!  The ONLY time I LET someone else touch my fish is if they want a shot at guessing the weight.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I can certainly understand a 21 year old not wanting to touch those icky bass.

He could break a nail  :o and ruin his makeup  :-*

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

I would charge him $5.00 a fish until he figured it out or paid you for your time.  That would probobly do the trick.

fishing user avatarRLinNH reply : 
I can certainly understand a 21 year old not wanting to touch those icky bass.

He could break a nail :o and ruin his makeup :-*

           LMFAO over here in NH Avid!!!

fishing user avatarfishingfrenzy reply : 

Tell him to suck it up and be a man.  My little sister would do the same thing, I got tired after awhile of taking fish off the hook for her.  So I told her that she can't fish until she does it herself... problem solved.

fishing user avatarphisher_d reply : 

Other than just telling him to grow up, you could buy one of these...

They're good for landing bass with a mouthful of trebles too (cranks, topwater, jerkbaits...).  I don't know if you have pike or pickeral in your lakes, but the lip gripper comes in real handy with the little ones of those as well.

Just a thought... :)  

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

doesnt he know that if you dont touch it then it dont count  maybe he likes that sweet smell of skunk ;D

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Did he have to be home early so he wouldn't miss Oprah?

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

;D I think Avid's post says it all! ;D

But seriously, take your friend fishing but first stop by a Teahouse for some warm soothing jasmine tea and then perhaps stop by the salon for a spritzer and some lemon herb sunblock.

No, seriously, I'm sorry, I really am. It's a guy thing I guess. Just take him to the lake and throw his butt in. Then take him fishin' and make him take the fish off the hook. If he don't throw him in again and leave him there for awhile.....

By the way, he's catchin' fish? What bait's he usin'? ;D

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Waht his he sacred of. There not gonig to eat his hand. I stick my hand averge sized pike when i dont have a jaw opener. Tell him about the glove keith warren wares so his hands dont smell like fish. Also tell him that chicks dig scars.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Is your friend "special" ?

It's the only acceptable answer I could come up with.

fishing user avatarernel reply : 

My 8 year old daughter takes her on fish off the hook. Not to mention the fact that she even baits her own hooks when she is fishing with crawlers or shiners.

Does his thong show when he bends over to pick up his Loomis Rod?

fishing user avatarVyron reply : 
My 8 year old daughter takes her on fish off the hook. Not to mention the fact that she even baits her own hooks when she is fishing with crawlers or shiners.

Does his thong show when he bends over to pick up his Loomis Rod?


That's funny

fishing user avatarLunkers0 reply : 

1. Ask him if his husband fishes too.  

2. Tell him you get to punch him in the arm for every fish you take off.

3. Ask his mom to take the fish off for him.

fishing user avatarSL33P reply : 

Man my little sister takes her own fish off and shes only 12. I cant believe this guy, this has to be the most hilarious thing i have heard to date. Well good luck with the whole thing

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

I just heard an add that JC Penny's has skirts on sale.  Maybe you can stop there before you go out fishing.  Tell him he has to wear the skirt until he's "man" enough to take the hooks out.   ;D  Boy I'm gald I don't fish your buddy.  He'd be swimming, not fishing if he went with me!!!  HAHAHA

fishing user avatarBassJunkie reply : 

Maybe if you let him read all of these replies assaulting his manhood he would start dealing with his own fish.   ;D

fishing user avatarj-bass reply : 

There's always a few like that, the bassist in our band, CB, is about 6'4" and weighs about 300+ and is scared of even a 1 lb bass.  Another friend of mine, Eric, is afraid to get his hands dirty, when we go saltwater, he always takes a pair od scissors.  The dude cracks me up, you look over, and he's very carefully removing a mullet from a plastic bag (being overly cautious not to touch the bag) with the tip of the scissors, cuts the bait with them, and uses them to put the bait on the hook.  These guys should be housewives not fishermen. (well nevermiong, they would make some pretty butt-ugly housewives  ;D).

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

Tell your friend to pull up his skirt and grow a set.

You're not even fishing if you aren't taking them off the hook.

Sounds like a sissy that wants to impress all his friends with cool "gear".

You could post a sign at the front of your boat before you leave that says "men only" and tell him he can't get on..or if he comes near you while bank fishing..tell him that he's gotten too close, you don't allow fairies within 10 feet.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Does he squat over the side of the boat when he has to go??? ;D

fishing user avatarRLinNH reply : 


fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Well iam not trying to stand up for this guy. But maybe hes one the is afraid of germs. Theres people like that. And if thats the case bring some soap for him.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I don't think someone thats afraid of germs is going to go fishing at all.  I mean..what would a germaphobe do if moss got on the lure?  Or what about all that spray that comes off the line as you cast? Heck, its probably safer to touch the fish than it is some of the water they live in, lol.  

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

As long as you keep doing it for him, he'll be just fine.   He catches, you release, makes for good team work.....LOL

fishing user avatarJerkbate reply : 

How did he train you to take his fish off? Please let me know, I've got a couple of buddies I'd like to train. ;)

But seriously, my 6 year old niece will touch her fish. I remove the hook, but she will hold them by the lip.

He may need to cry to Dr. Phil. It sound like he's got some type of love/hate thing going on. :'(

fishing user avatarScootZilla reply : 

Well when we went fishing the other day he took 1 off the hook.Well it took him a very long time to do it like 20 mins lol.But he did it.


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Ask him if he would like to be held under the water for 20 minutes.   I'm sure that bass needed a drink sooner.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Buy the poor guy out. Offer $20 for his "$30" Loomis, offer a refund on his fishing license, and plug in a warning about those hand eating bass. He doesn't belong in a fishing boat. 6-12 year old kids in our fishing derbies usually insist on taking their own fish off hooks at risk of getting a hook injury, and we let them do it with plenty of bandaids in the shirt pocket. This is really a gag topic, right?  :-/  We're talking a guy old enough to be put in the US Army.


fishing user avatarfishinyank reply : 

Buy one of those pink Barbie Zebcos with the plastic fish attached to the line. When he wants to fish with you tell him he cant use the Loomis because thats what the big boys use to catch big boy fish and that u got the perfect rod for a sweet little girl like him.

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

nut up son! i was like that the first time i went fishing with my dad, he showed me exactly what to do, ONCE.  on small fish when i was 8 i would just grab the hook with my pliers and let em go(sunfish) but if i caught a bass, it looked so cool, to have you hand in the muth, then you had some nice stink on your hands and could prove you caught a fish!  when i lived in osaka, i tooka girl from work fishing, it was her first time, she really didnt know anything, but after she hooked into that first fish she was quick to grab it after a quick explanation!  thats what im talking about.

you know the are fishing games for people who dont actually like to go outside, much less catch a real fish. other than that i dont really have anything nice to say about people who fish and will not take care of thier own fish, knots and backlashes. unless youre a hot chic and have never gone before, regarding my previous experience!


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