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Fishing By The Lunar Calender 2024

fishing user avatarAlex Cirabisi reply : 

does anyone here go by the lunar calender for fishing?blink.gif

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

No, I fish whenever I can get out.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Absolutey NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarAlex Cirabisi reply : 

when ever i got out fishing i tend to time it to the lunar times but when its nice and sunny out i got out all day.

fishing user avatar"Lunker Hunter" reply : 

I've got to say that I look at those astro tables in Bassmasters magazine and try and fish the best days of the month. Not sure if it is really a better time to fish or not but it does give me an excuse not to paint the house...

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

I fish whenever I can but I do pay attention to where the moon is.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

The terms "lunacy" and "lunatic" allude to unstable mental conditions steeped in lunar underpinnings (reminiscent of Dracula) :rolleyes:

I personally don't subscribe to lunar influence, but it may be a big mistake to dismiss it entirely. .

Although I've never been able to hang my hat on the 'Solunar Tables', lunar influence is well-documented

in tidal waters and menstrual cycles. It might be presumptuous to think that the show stops there,

nonetheless the moon's direct effect on fishing has yet to be defined


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Other than oxygen there is no single environmental factor that controls wildlife ;)

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

If I were to pick I'd fish the new moon as opposed to the full, but in reality I find it hasn't made a whole of difference. I fish everyday regardless of any lunar influence, tidal ( in or out) influence is a a different ballgame.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Nope! I don't pay attention to them for freshwater fishing. I going fishing regardless. Rainy days, I love 'em. I seem to do better, the keyword being "seem". And if I do, it may have more to do with the fact that there are fewer people, particularly non-fishing boaters on the water. Same thing with early morning and late afternoon/evening.

On my honey hole, rain or shine, time of day don't seem to matter. On a "busy" day, I may see another boat or two on the pond, and they are paddle/row/trolling motor propulsion. Most days, all day is quiet time.

It can never be a good fishing day if you're not on the water.

Salt water with its changing currents and water levels, the moon phase is a factor, because of its impact on tidal fluctuations.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

I just try to get out fishing as much as possible.

fishing user avatarNosoup4u reply : 
  On 5/19/2011 at 9:53 AM, Catt said:

Other than oxygen there is no single environmental factor that controls wildlife ;)

Tell that to anyone who works in a big city emergency room.

fishing user avatarin the pads reply : 

I tend to pay attention to the lunar calenders when fishing at night. I'll try for a full moon when at all possible, but when it comes to lunar calenders that give a productivity scale for the day I don't agree. I have looked at a couple different calenders for the same day and all three will disagree with one another. I will definately not discredit the importance of lunar activity, but until someone finds a way to interpret them better I don't put any stock in them. Just fish whenever and wherever you can...

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

As a NIGHT fisherman I can tell you that I almost always do better during a NEW MOON, although its easier to fish during a full one.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Solar and Lunar positions affect water and the creatures living in and around it. Lunar gravitation affects can be predicted in advance, lumination, sun or moon light, is variable due to the weather.

Bass being sight feeders tend to be active when their prey is active.

Be aware of the environment around you and lunar affects are one of the factors to consider. The most important factor is; go fishing, it's very difficult to catch fish if you are not.

There isn't any scientific proof that bass are any more or less active during any moon phase; bass can't read or write.


fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

Y'All just keep fishing and hunting anytime. I will use the correct tables and catch more fish and kill more deer in less time. I have been useing them for over 50 years and they work for me.


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 5/21/2011 at 4:42 AM, Triton21 said:

Y'All just keep fishing and hunting anytime. I will use the correct tables and catch more fish and kill more deer in less time. I have been useing them for over 50 years and they work for me.


If I understand you correctly, you limit your hunting and fishing time to favorable solunar periods.

I understand that, but what do you compare your results to?

Differently put, if instead you limited your hunting and fishing time to the worst solunar periods,

how do you know that your results would not be the same (or even better)?


fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 
  On 5/21/2011 at 10:18 AM, RoLo said:

If I understand you correctly, you limit your hunting and fishing time to favorable solunar periods.

I understand that, but what do you compare your results to?

Differently put, if instead you limited your hunting and fishing time to the worst solunar periods,

how do you know that your results would not be the same (or even better)?


I fish and hunt whenever I have the chance and do not limit my time to the tables. I have found over the last 50 years I have used the tables I catch more and bigger fish and see more deer during the times stated. If any of you are hunters I am sure you have been in the woods when it is as quite as a tomb, suddenly the woods come alive, ie birds singing, squirrels barking, and seeing more wildlife. These signs coordinate with the times given by the tables.


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
  On 5/18/2011 at 9:06 PM, Alex Cirabisi said:

does anyone here go by the lunar calender for fishing?blink.gif

I don´t.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I try to be on the water the 5 days during the full moon cycle; 2 before and 2 after, during the month before spawning starts. The reason is simple; caught over 90% of my giant bass during those days and seasonal period. My biggest bass where caught on raining and low light days.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Many people concentrate on the full moon but the truth is the new moon is 3 times more influential ;)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

There have been numerous books, articles, charts, ect. published on this great mystery of bass fishing. A lot of the authors of these publications go through great lengths explaining how difficult it is to determine these times. It is really quiet simple to determine these times for your self with a little inside information. River and salt water publications go through great lengths explaining how difficult it is to determine tidal movements. The reality is that these best times and tidal movements are related to the moon's phases.

People in animal husbandry, farming, hunting, and fishing has used the moons phases for centuries. One of the oldest publications giving this information is the "Poor Richard's Almanac". The moon's phases are divided into four quarters, two of which are your minor times, and two of which are your major times.

The times for the major periods are as follows

An hour and a half prior the moon reaching its apex

An hour and a half prior to the moon reaching its perigee

The major periods are the first quarter new moon and the third quarter full moon.

The gravitational pull of the sun and moon is three times greater on the new moon than the full moon. At the time of the new moon the earth has the moon and the sun in a straight line pulling together. This first quarter, dark night phase differs from the third quarter full moon phase when the earth moves between the moon and the sun. The new moon dark night is only difficult on the angler because you must rely on your sense of feel when working your bait. If you want to really learn how to fish baits that require a lot of feel like worm or jigs try new moon nights.

The times for the minor periods of these moon phases are as follows

An hour and a half prior to the raising of the moon on the horizon.

An hour and a half prior to the setting of the moon.

Now take into consideration the above listed times you end up with 3 hrs. of major time periods and 3 hrs. of minor times periods. This does not take into account weather, seasons, or your ability to locate fish!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 5/21/2011 at 8:01 PM, Triton21 said:

If any of you are hunters I am sure you have been in the woods when it is as quite as a tomb, suddenly the woods come alive, ie birds singing, squirrels barking, and seeing more wildlife. These signs coordinate with the times given by the tables.


I've done a great deal of deer hunting in Jersey with shotgun and bow-&-arrow.

I must say, your above statememt (in blue) definitely strikes a nerve.

Without a doubt, there are powerful recurring periods of natural activity, but in my case

I've never found a reliable way to predict those periods before they unfold in real-time.

There is one moon-related event though, that unquestionably affects my deer hunting,

and I'll bet you've experienced the same. Deer are far more active on night's with bright moonlight..

During the full & gibbous phases, deer are usually bedded down for the day, "before" I get on my dawn stand.

When I take my dusk stand during that same day, the deer aren't moving on trail until "after" shooting light,

when I'm on my way home :angry:


fishing user avatarOutdoorsBen reply : 

I don't fish ONLY during lunar phases but I'm d**n sure i'm in the water or in the woods at least a day before, on, and after a new or full moon. FROM MY EXPERIENCES the results are better in that time frame. I'm 100% a believer.

fishing user avatarjohnD. reply : 

I have a handheld garmin 60csx , it seems to be spot on with the hunting (especially early bow season before the game gets pressured hard) and spot on with fishing..But I never limit my hunting and fishing to just those times.I go when I feel like going.

fishing user avataromthezone reply : 

It's an interesting tool, but I don't let it decide when I toss a line. Work and life seem to be the tightest constraints on my fishing.

fishing user avatarTomNH reply : 

I won't refuse to go fishing if it's not a full moon, but I will try to get out when the moon is full. I normally have better luck during the full moon, but still catch them all other times of the moon phase.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Yes i was going by the mauri charts all the time while trophy hunting for a record breaking bass. My 10lber was caught while the charts said good fishing early am. Field & stream did list these charts to go by. I finally figured out fishing by the moon phases helps too. They guys at infisherman explained this when looking for record breaking fish to fish thru the full moon phases.

I also think we have big bass in all our waters across the country. I've caught a 10lber in CT and i have seen bigger bass swim by me at the shore. The regular tornie guys are fishing the 9am to 5pm don't see these bigger bass like i do at the early am's. They are there and there very spooky and elusive. You need to be stealthy quiet. Make no noise at all. Bill


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