What do you say when you set the hook? I know this question seems a bit odd but I have noticed that almost every fishing show I watch the host has some type of catch phrase or saying that they rattle off every time they hook up.
I usually say "there he is" or "fish". One time I hollered "yahtzee" when I hooked up. That one was good for a few laughs.
When you hook into a real nice Hawg, you gotta scream "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!"
If it's a real good one, I'll ask "How about an assist?" That usually draws a grumble or two. ;D
Hooking a good one during a tournament = NET! NET! NET! (often repeated until fish is in net)
Any other time = FISH ON!
Largemouth on heavy stuff...."Move I'm swinging him"
Smallmouth on finesse stuff...."Grab a snickers, we are not going to be able to do anything for a while."
"Smmmmooooooke On the WATTTTEEERRRR!"
followed by announcing the score to my fishing partner to make sure he remembers... "that's 5-0 I believe" ;D
Umph....there's one. Oh, that's a pig!!
Usually it's "fish on", but when I'm feeling cocky, I'll tell my partner "schools in session".
"Umph" or "look out!" Because when I set the hook it either bruises my ribs or a peanut is flying at or over the boat.
"hell yeah"
But what I say normally after I set the hook is "Crap" because I miss them.
I talk to the fish.
I also say some colorful things.
Can't post them on the forum. ;D
Come on man quit playing around and get the dam net.
I fish alone most of the time.... People already think Im nuts much less having me yelling and carrying on to myself or talking to fish. Usually some kind words are quietly spoken toward the fish after it comes to hand though.
Usually "got 'im", "lookie here" or something salty and unprintable when I miss him.
My reply is "fish on",
My 12yr old boys reply is "check it",
My 7yr olds is"oh man"
My 3yr old daughters is "Daddy,Daddy,Daddy"and it continues until the fish goes back into the water(of course not without a kiss!)
1. Got one
2. Fish on
and after that if I'm whacking my partner (uaually my friend, nephew or neice) I'll ask them if they want to reel the fish in. My friend ;D at me and usually gives me a F.U. after that, but my neice and nephew usually and takes the rod and real.
Get the net
Get the net!
Get the net!!
Never mind get a gun
Usually, "Got one."
Somtimes fishing a moving lure, I'll feel a swipe or a tap, which always makes me say, "C'mon baby, hit it again."
When I feel that it's a nice fish, "That's a good one. Really good one. Get the net ready." Then when she darts down at the boat, "Holy crap! Stay hooked, stay hooked...(until she's in the net or my grip)." I love havin' to say that
i think my top three sayings would be:
1. Oh geez!
2. there he is!
3. gotchya!
but i have thrown in a yahtzee or two lol
Usually, I say "There we go...".
But if it's a big one, I say "There we go..."
I am silent. Unless I miss the bite, then I usually say %@#$!!!!
I went fishing Sunday and realized after I set the hook I often end up yelling "Re-cast" or "Look out" as the treble hooks fly over the boat to the other side. ;D
Normally it's, "I'm on", but if it's a pig I'll say, "Oh Yeah".
I usually say "got one," "fish on," or "OH YEAH."
This doesn't feel anything like the grass I've been catching.
What do I do?
Lately I've been saying "It's about time". Fishing has been too kind to me this year, I'm always behind in a count if on the board at all.
Al Linder has this one in the bag "It's a Horse" Mine is "10-4" or "Smooth"