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twh has the new berkley havoc for preorder ? 2024

fishing user avatarberkleyfan81 reply : 

all the new baits look cool here is the updated for everyone . just look under berkley they have all 4 baits . so excited :) :) :):D what suprised me is the baits have no scent ! but the price is $2.99 each

4" lane 's craw fatty ( chigger craw)

4" Skeet pit boss ( sabertail burly bug )

4" ike's devil spear  ( mann's dragin' swim worm)

3" klein's deuce double tail grub ( grub)

preorders date 2/20






fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 



fishing user avatarberkleyfan81 reply : 

thanks airborne - angler  i couldnt get the link up . thank for getting it up

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

What are you going to do now that the excitement is over berkleyfan81? I hear Harvard is looking for English professors.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 
thanks airborne - angler i couldnt get the link up . thank for getting it up

No worries, Glad to Help.

fishing user avatarberkleyfan81 reply : 

ww2farmer srry but everyone would have found out anyways, If they went to twh also they probably will post it right on the homepage so either way people would have found out just showing people on the first updated  that felt like the right thing to do .

fishing user avatarbassking1976 reply : 

well i like what i see   all look like they would do some damge in the right situation   thinkin im gonna pick up the craw and pit boss for sure   and at 2.99 beats the usual big berkley price

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I thought people only got that excited over new rods and reels.

fishing user avatarMNGeorge reply : 

TW must have pulled them because the link no longer works and a search of Berkley produces nothing about the Havoc baits.

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

There isn't a bait in that lineup that is "revolutionary"...kind of disappointing with Berkely seeing how they are one of the industry leaders.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 
TW must have pulled them because the link no longer works and a search of Berkley produces nothing about the Havoc baits.

Looks that way. I got notification on my Facebook page and I have gone back and its gone. I even went to TW's FB page and its been pulled.

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 
TW must have pulled them because the link no longer works and a search of Berkley produces nothing about the Havoc baits.

Looks that way. I got notification on my Facebook page and I have gone back and its gone. I even went to TW's FB page and its been pulled.

they know when spies post links to fishing forums...

fishing user avatarBossHoss reply : 
thanks airborne - angler i couldnt get the link up . thank for getting it up

I say this to my girlfriend daily... she is very handy with computers

fishing user avatarberkleyfan81 reply : 

ya i guess so twh probably release them to early and they were supposed to release them the 17th instead or maybe after the classic and berkley  probably told them to pull them  but who knows , also  my pictures still stayed up  i hope thats ok , i hope i dont get in trouble for this  :-X :-[ i really srry if i did anything wrong .  but i saw it on twh first so idk ??// :'(

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I'm a big berkley fan too...I can see me picking up those baits in the future.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

1. Nothing innovative or new

2. Scent is what makes Berkley stuff

Why the he!! don't these things have scent?

fishing user avatarFlukeman reply : 

Not sure what the excitement is about this pricing. Around here our Powerbait prices are $3.99. For an extra dollar you get scent and a detailed bait. These baits look like remakes of older model baits from other companies.

It looks like they decided to save $2 a pack on the design detail and lack of scent. And then turn around a give us a $1 break on the pricing, nice marketing trick I guess.

Very disappointing  :)

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 

I dont see anything but HYPE here. A twin tail gtub, a craw and another beaver bait. WOOHOO. There is nothing new here. They hype it up and everyone on the forums jumps on board and then.... TW sells out. Typical. If your gonna hype up on baits like this atleast they could come up with something different or a twist on something. Rage tail baits came out and they were a swing on existing baits. They didnnt re-invent the wheel but they made it better. The bait monkey has completely taken me over and I buy way more tackle then I need but I just wont buy something based on Hype.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 
1. Nothing innovative or new

2. Scent is what makes Berkley stuff

Why the he!! don't these things have scent?


Here I was wondering what type of new baits would be out. I am not impressed.

Something to look forward to.

fishing user avatarHamby reply : 

Nothing special and definitely not worth the price. $3 for 5 or so (just speculating) without the powerbait scent? Pfft.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

They're on another site that mentions Big Fish in their name.

fishing user avatarberkleyfan81 reply : 

fishing user avatarmozy reply : 

I can't stand when they try to market products like they do in the video. They are bass fisherman, not MMA fighters. The yelling and staring with crossed arms is ridiculous. They should leave the badassness for sports that warrant that kind of marketing. /rant

fishing user avatarchromedog reply : 

Not impressed really.  Nothing screams buy me.

fishing user avatarSteve_IA reply : 

I think if one of those four win the Classic with "his" bait, shelves will be bare of the bait within hours! 


fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Really a cheesy advertisement. These guys are trying to throw attitude,and its just a Farce. Im not buying into the hype.

Skeet "I designed it" Reese. Good for you,you designed a bait. Put your money where your mouth is and win some tourneys with it and then you can gloat about designing it.

These guys just cant put the attitude factor over on people,its not their true persona. All fake.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

LOL... "Bigger Body, bigger bass", it was like watching a bad infomercial. Whoever came up with that commercial should be fired.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I 'm not drinking that cool aid.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

If im not mistaken,the Bait Bobby Lane is trying to sell is nothing more than a Chigger Craw after thanksgiving. The claws and the little legs look like they came from the Chigger Craw and the body,well its just been fattened up.

The Twin Tail Grub,Well thats a no brainer. Look how many different companies make this bait,put em all side by side,and by only looking at them I bet you couldnt tell em apart.

I like the sales Pitch Ike gave,not over the top,pretty subtle,not in your face GRRR attitude.Ike seems to explain things very well. Seems like hed be a great teacher.

Skeet Reese. "This is the nuts" What kind of terminology is that? Never heard of it.Some parts of his sales pitch you cant even understand what he says. Or is it just me? Skeet needs to stick to his fishing,and not do commercials,unless he gets a coach on how to enunciate his words better in front of the camera. Heck maybe he got all caught up in the excitement trying to hype the bait up,and stumbled a few words.

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 
If im not mistaken,the Bait Bobby Lane is trying to sell is nothing more than a Chigger Craw after thanksgiving. The claws and the little legs look like they came from the Chigger Craw and the body,well its just been fattened up.

The Twin Tail Grub,Well thats a no brainer. Look how many different companies make this bait,put em all side by side,and by only looking at them I bet you couldnt tell em apart.

I like the sales Pitch Ike gave,not over the top,pretty subtle,not in your face GRRR attitude.Ike seems to explain things very well. Seems like hed be a great teacher.

Skeet Reese."This is the nuts" What kind of terminology is that? Never heard of it.Some parts of his sales pitch you cant even understand what he says. Or is it just me? Skeet needs to stick to his fishing,and not do commercials,unless he gets a coach on how to enunciate his words better in front of the camera. Heck maybe he got all caught up in the excitement trying to hype the bait up,and stumbled a few words.

Just in case this is not a rhetorical question ..."The nuts" is a poker term used when a player has a hand that can't be beat.

As far as the baits..I don't think they'll be reeking "Havoc" anytime soon ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

What 's so special about them ?  :-?

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Well now I know what skeet is talking about. Sorry,im no poker player.

fishing user avatarRiver Rat316 reply : 

I agree Airborne, Ike was the only one I could listen to, I wanted to punt Lane, could care less about another double tail, and Skeete just looked like he needed a hair cut, and I tuned him out after about 5 seconds

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

Nothing new here. All hype. What a waste.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
I can't stand when they try to market products like they do in the video. They are bass fisherman, not MMA fighters. The yelling and staring with crossed arms is ridiculous. They should leave the badness for sports that warrant that kind of marketing. /rant

Totaly agree.......bass fishing has been over run by ****** bags. Nothing more bad than a bunch of white guys fishing with there hats on backwards. Now I gotta go chase some kids off my lawn.

fishing user avatarIncheon Basser reply : 

You all watched the video and if you didn't see what was special about a few of them then don't buy them leaves more bass for me to catch.  ;D

fishing user avatarcentral.PA.bass reply : 

i actually bought 2 packs of these today at dicks.. i got some junebug Ike baits and some lime purple passion skeet baits.  The Ike bait actually looks something like something lake fork would make..

these baits to have that hint of powerbait smell to them so i wouldnt call them completely scentless..  I am excited to use them..  I love the purple in the skeet bait..   I think it has some real potential come march through june here in pennsylvania..

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 


fishing user avatarIntroC reply : 

Like most are saying nothing seems to overly innovative. Not saying I wouldn't buy them if I seen them in the bargian bin.

The only guy in the video that baffles me is Skeet. It seems to me he wants to portray the tough guy of the sport. Its a bad depiction of himself and I don't think its genuine.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I really like Mike Iaconalli's bait....Makes sense because that thing looks very similar to a pattletail he loves fishing so much.

Scent or no scent,I don't care it'll give me an excuse to put JJ's magic on it. :)

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 
I really like Mike Iaconalli's bait....Makes sense because that thing looks very similar to a pattletail he loves fishing so much.

Scent or no scent,I don't care it'll give me an excuse to put JJ's magic on it. :)

Agreed!  Reminds me of an upsized Stingray Grub with a tail that has some thump to it.  Not sure what it will do for green fish, but the smallies should go for it.

fishing user avatarDTack reply : 

This could be a downside to making a decent living fishing nationally and selling products...  When a company tells you to market something and you are under contract with them, there's a good chance that you are going to listen and fall in line to feed your family.  These guys aren't holding a press conference and telling their feelings on this commercial, they are trying to sell a product.  My guess is (even if the commercial sucks) the product will still sell.  After all of the replies, I didn't watch the commercial.  If it deeply concerns you about how the sport is being "portrayed" then send an email to Berkley or PureFishing.  With that said, one of the things that attracted me to fishing is the fact that "most" folks who do it are pretty humble and down right accepting so I'm not just plain disagreeing.

I really, really hope this doesn't make anyone mad, just trying to give a different point of view in the fact that sometimes when something becomes our job we are borderline forced by contract to do or say things that don't 100 percent represent our personal feelings. 

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

I really like the look of Ike's bait. Grease that with some Megastrike and it will make a nice flipping bait for cattails.

This doubletail grub looks like an excellent spinnerbait trailer at 10/$3. Without the salt, it won't rust my spinnerbaits if I don't remove them after a day of fishing.


fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

"The Nuts" is not specificaly a poker term. Its a general gambling term. It means you are supossed to win the bet. I used to play pool and most of the gambling is in the handicapping. The beter player gives the weaker player "weight" or a hanicap. If he gives too much weight and cant win the lesser player has "the nuts" or if he gave just enough weight so the weaker player feels he has a chance but the stronger player still wins, then the stronger player has "the nuts." Basicaly it means the outcome has been determined before the game has even started. Many pool players also play poker and visa versa. These type of people are addicted to the "action" so the terms cross over. I never liked to gamble so I dont play much anymore. I kinda like the term "the nuts" though.

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 
"The Nuts" is not specificaly a poker term. Its a general gambling term. It means you are supossed to win the bet. I used to play pool and most of the gambling is in the handicapping. The beter player gives the weaker player "weight" or a hanicap. If he gives too much weight and cant win the lesser player has "the nuts" or if he gave just enough weight so the weaker player feels he has a chance but the stronger player still wins, then the stronger player has "the nuts." Basicaly it means the outcome has been determined before the game has even started. Many pool players also play poker and visa versa. These type of people are addicted to the "action" so the terms cross over. I never liked to gamble so I dont play much anymore. I kinda like the term "the nuts" though.

The nuts is a hand in poker when you know you can't (not supposed to) be beat.And I've played pool for a long time, golf to , both giving and receiving handicaps and never have has anyone ever referred to giving to much handicap as "the nuts".

See #1...http://www.*/define.php?term=+the+nuts

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

The nuts is not too much handicap. The nuts is what the player has when they are supossed to win easily. Soo If I under estimate a weaker player and give them too much weight to where I cant win the game, He has "the nuts" if the game is competetive then nobody has the nuts. I have been playing pool for about 30 years and the term "the nuts" was being used before I was playing. It may very well have originated in poker, I dont know for sure. But I do know it means when somebody has the odds in so much favor that they should win easily. If you go a pool forrum you will see the nuts is a common term and has been for a very long time.

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 
The nuts is not too much handicap. The nuts is what the player has when they are supossed to win easily. Soo If I under estimate a weaker player and give them too much weight to where I cant win the game, He has "the nuts" if the game is competetive then nobody has the nuts. I have been playing pool for about 30 years and the term "the nuts" was being used before I was playing. It may very well have originated in poker, I dont know for sure. But I do know it means when somebody has the odds in so much favor that they should win easily. If you go a pool forrum you will see the nuts is a common term and has been for a very long time.

WoW you must be really old!!

HaHA  J/K  ;D

I don't know where it originated either but  i think the OP understands the meaning behind "the nuts" now :)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Yeah ha ha after we hijacked the thread, sorry  :-[

I do plan on trying Ikes little grub thing. I never knew they swam like that so now I want to try them. Other then that The other designs did not get me super excited. The biggest reason I ever fish Bearkley is the sweet stink they have. I think it would be a mistake to not use it.

Oh and I am not that old, I am only 38  ;D

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

KVD SLAMMED Berkley at the press conference after the Classic. "anglers designing there's a novel idea!"

fishing user avatarSausageFingers23 reply : 
KVD SLAMMED Berkley at the press conference after the Classic. "anglers designing there's a novel idea!"

I caught that as well, thought it was pretty funny.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

I picked up a pack of the craws while I was at Cabela's today. They are not special by any means. They are not scented and are a little harder than other Berkley baits, detail is about the same as others. I don't know what Berkley is thinking with this line, maybe an economy line of soft plastics. Maybe they will be something in the water, but otherwise just pretty average looking.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I'll be ordering some of Ike's baits. I saw them in the pool at Nashville.

Out of the water they look like a cross between a Stingray grub and a beaver.

In the water, they are something special.

That commercial, on the other hand, well and truly belongs in the "what the heck were you smoking" category.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

.ghoti just looking at that bait it would have been the last one I would buy. Based on your opinion I will try a pack, might be a big surprise. They are sure cheap enough.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

^the Ike bait is the only one that interests me at all.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 
^the Ike bait is the only one that interests me at all.

I wonder if we would cut the flat tail off that bait if it would look like that funny looking Japanese grub that Raul likes so well ?

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

After watching that commercial it is apparent to me that KVD not only out classes these guys as an angler but as a person too. Skeet Reese is almost incoherent and he looks like he needs a bath. ESPN wanted to make heros out of guys like this.

  This whole thing might be an all time low for Berkley.


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