Is everyone else having problems getting to the site? I have some money to spend and can't get on. ;D right in.
No problem here either, just placed an order with them on Friday and it was shipped the same day.
Have had a problem for a couple days now.
I don't know what is going on. I have cleared all of my cookies, deleted browser history etc. but nothing helps. My buddy was having similiar issues last week, but he can get on now. Weird to say the least.
Nope, haven't had a problem yet.
I am trying to make an order as well. It's a bit slow and doesn't load as fast. Try refreshing it and be patient.
2.5 days and I still can't get on.
No problems for me. Unfortunately... :-[
Quote[is everyone else having problems getting to the site? I have some money to spend and can't get on. /quote]Maybe wife/ girlfriend blocked the site ?
Yup, issues..draining the bank accounts.... d**n ______ jigs....
Quote2.5 days and I still can't get on.
Some other guys I know have the same problem.
I couldn't get on Xmas, was able to on friday, but so far today and all of yesterday I have not been able too. Has to be an issue on there end. I can get on EVERY where else. I got $$ burning a hole in my pocket too, so if hey don't get it fixed by monday I am going to go to SFT who also has free shipping.
I have not been able to get on since X-Mas as well. I have tried my desktop and laptop, IE7 and Mozilla, nothing works. I also took my laptop to work and can't get on there. Interestingly though, if I log on to my neighbors wirelss internet I can get on with no problems. So, I disconnected my router and hooked my laptop directly to my modem and it works fine. I have a Linksys router and so does my work. My neighbor has a NetGear router and it works fine on it and my buddy has a D-Link router, which it also works fine on. So, you guys that are having problems getting on TW, do you have Linksys routers or are your PC's hooked directly to your modem?
Also, I can ping and get a reply from the site, which would mean it should be working fine. Also, I tried resetting my router and that didn't fix it either.
QuoteI have not been able to get on since X-Mas as well. I have tried my desktop and laptop, IE7 and Mozilla, nothing works. I also took my laptop to work and can't get on there. Interestingly though, if I log on to my neighbors wirelss internet I can get on with no problems. So, I disconnected my router and hooked my laptop directly to my modem and it works fine. I have a Linksys router and so does my work. My neighbor has a NetGear router and it works fine on it and my buddy has a D-Link router, which it also works fine on. So, you guys that are having problems getting on TW, do you have Linksys routers or are your PC's hooked directly to your modem?Also, I can ping and get a reply from the site, which would mean it should be working fine. Also, I tried resetting my router and that didn't fix it either.
I have tried the exact same things. I can ping the site as well. I also have a linksys router. I guess I will try it at my work tomorrow.
Site seems fine for me
I found the fix!!! Ok, if you have a Linksys router this will work, other routers will be diffrent, but so far I've only seen this problem on Linksys routers. Anyways here it is:
1. Type this into your seatch bar:
2. Enter your Username / Password (default is admin for both)
3. On the Setup page you need to change MTU from Auto to Manual.
4. Also, change the size to 1400.
5. Click Save Settings.
6. Go to and spend a bunch of XMas money, hahaha!!
Let me know if you guys have any questions and if this works for you or not. I work at a cable company as a service tech so I knew I could figure it out eventually. Anyways, let me know how this works for you guys.
i have a linksys and have no problems
Might be specifc models / firmware versions / router to modem connections , anything really. All I know is ever since I changed the MTU I can connect with no problems. If I change the MTU back to what it was then I can't connect.
Reply from TW:
A few internet providers are not able to access our website sight for an unknown reason, they are trying to work on it as fast as they can.
Hopefully they can get it working in the next couple of days. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or concerns please e-mail or call 1-800-300-4916 and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you. Thank you for choosing Tackle Warehouse.
Tackle Warehouse
Thanks for the heads up
Well, I click on my favorites link to TW and voilà, the gates of tackle heaven open for me immediately.
QuoteWell, I click on my favorites link to TW and voilà, the gates of tackle heaven open for me immediately.![]()
They built a special gate for you and retain a personal concierge
for your convience.
QuoteQuoteWell, I click on my favorites link to TW and voilà, the gates of tackle heaven open for me immediately.![]()
They built a special gate for you and retain a personal concierge
for your convience.
No s*t ?
Man, I knew there was something fishy about me being able to log in anytime and speedy fast :-?, now I know why !
Problem seems to be solved.
No problem with their site but i can't check out @ BPS online. Can navigate fine but as soon as i hit checkout i get an error message. :'(
I just talked to my buddy at TW. He said they had a digital hub issue and it has been resolved. They were aware but it took three days to fix the problem. He apologized and wanted to let you all know that they are back online with no problems.
Have a Happy New Year!
QuoteNo problem with their site but i can't check out @ BPS online. Can navigate fine but as soon as i hit checkout i get an error message. :'(
Well good for you then,not being able to check out.That way you can save 13.00 on shipping that will take up to 10 days.Fricken corporate rip-off.One of the many reasons I hate bass pro but was forced to shop with my 100.00 in gift certificates this Christmas.
(sorry,off topic but needed to rant >)
Yeah have had a similar problem with BPS in the past. Haven't order anything on there anymore after new BPS was built in NC, not far from me.
TW site has now been working for me for a few days again.
nope works just great and tracked my order 8-)
Quotenope works just great and tracked my order 8-)
Amazing, and only a month after the topic originated.
I feel pretty sorry for doing it, but that mad me laugh out loud.
The only problem I had was I ended up $150.00 lighter.